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The fact that Kourtney, who I once thought had all the brains in the family, has tolerated the wild and drunken behavior of Scott all these years and yet continued to make babies with him shows me that she just wasn't as smart as I thought she was. She was having 'Scott-issues' before she had Penelope (who is just a little doll btw) and then she got pregnant the second and THIRD time... After her 3rd time pregnant with Scott's baby is when I knew that there's something messed up in her head too, not only Scott's.


I feel bad for her, too, until I remember she had a third kid (which Scott wasn't happy about). The relationship already had issues for years. She didn't need to bring another child in to the mess. She selfishly did what she wanted to do and now she is going to have to raise them as a single mom. 

Hell, she was having problems with Scott before she even had Mason...he was basically a hookup, right? I think that after Mason, she just wanted to only have one baby daddy, so she used him as a sperm donor, knowing she would never marry him. Now she wants to play devastated spouse? No ma'am. You knew 100% what he was and you were no naive little girl. She's been a single mother all this time anyway. She said it herself, she could never depend on him. I don't think anyone should hurt, but come on, let's be real.


I've always liked Khloe because she was funny and was laid back. These last few episodes she's just awful. I thought she's been a bitch to Caitlyn and the constant pursing of her lips and messing with her hair...she's as bad as Kim anymore.

What sister doesn't hug and be supportive of her while she deals with a huge and heartbreaking change in her life....apparently, Kim.


Also even though I rag on Kim she did the right thing in the scene where she distracted Mason from Kourtney crying. That is what real sisters do for each other. So good job Kim.

I was kind of puzzled by the lack of any sort of comforting by Kim, not even a knee squeeze or to grab a tissue or anything. I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, but damn, girl. It was nice to see her grab Mason though. Kind of redeemed her a bit in that moment.


I thought Khloe was the most honest anyone has been about Caitlyn when she was talking to Kim about her.   I appreciated that she was honest about her issues and I thought her comment about how she knew Bruce, but didn't know Caitlyn and wasn't sure she liked Caitlyn was right on the mark.  Truthfully I'm not that crazy about Cait either, with her Versace this and that, and her comment that Khloe doesn't know what she's talking about:  Khloe lived with her for almost her whole life, she is aware of things and most definitely entitled to her opinions without being shut down like that.   Once again, Cait comes across as defensive and, well, not a pleasant person.

Caitlyn is kind of a bitch, imo. I've seen nothing that makes me see her as caring, pleasant, or unselfish. But then I remember that this is the same person who left behind two sets of kids, then basically moved out and left the youngest two behind as well after spending a few years at the golf course and playing rc helicopters. I am glad that there isn't just a 'speak no ill of Caitlyn' farce, when she clearly isn't perfect. Don't talk about their mama! 

 she's eating sprinkles with a bit of frozen yogurt to hold them on a spoon.

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One reason none of them will ever hook up with a real man. Control. Kims first husband? What grown man marries a teenager and agrees to keep it a secret from her parents? Even if Kim didn't want them to know, a mature man would have insisted. Kris H got led down the path to slaughter. Lamar was a mess, Kanye is a loose cannon, he'll be out of the picture soon enough. Caitlyn? Well, enough said there. Corey? He's riding the pimp train to payoff-ville. And Scott, a spoiled only child with insecurity issues. But enough decent qualities to make someone think he has potential to be a good mate. Sadly the good life and easy money has stymied his growth. He seemed very happy in Montana. A total change of lifestyle would do wonders, I think Kourtney would like a different lifestyle also. But her weird attachment to her family and their convoluted work dynamics and obligations keep her in LA.

They've locked themselves into dating/hooking up with men who don't seem to have a strong self identity and allow themselves to get dragged into the web, but still kept at arms length.

Even with all the tears and speculation, I still have doubts that the whole storyline is being told. The pictures that I saw were relatively innocuous. And these girls are awfully quiet. They aren't making the rounds and making sure to be seen, unlike Ben Aflecks nanny. Somethings not adding up.

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I didn't get that impression when Kourtney got pregnant with Reign, it seemed like a decision she made all by herself & just let him know when she was pregnant. He seemed more pissed than happy to me.

She did. If I'm not mistaken, she lied about being on the Pill. Scott is no saint, but IMO, that's a pretty shitty thing to do to someone who's made it clear they don't want any more kids.

  • Love 3

She did. If I'm not mistaken, she lied about being on the Pill. Scott is no saint, but IMO, that's a pretty shitty thing to do to someone who's made it clear they don't want any more kids.

It takes two people to make a baby. Scott is just as responsible for Reign's existence as Kourtney is. If Kourtney lied, that's awful, but women aren't the only one's responsible for birth control. If Scott didn't want anymore kids, he should have worn a condom.

  • Love 9

MissE you took the words out of my mouth.  I simply HATE when women are blamed for the making of a child.  Dick + vagina = possibility of pregnancy.  If you for sure don't want a kid, then cover it, snip it, or don't have sex at all.  Otherwise, you are every bit as culpable.  The only time someone is "tricked" into parenthood is when the pregnancy is the result of rape.


That said, I don't hate Scott.  He is, and has been for a very long time, a problem person.  Kourtney, like her sister Khloe, is an enabler.  For as much as people rag on Kim, I like Kim's ability to get out of relationships that aren't working for her.  In the long run it is the best decision.  Kris Humphries got a bad rap but at least he didn't spend his life with a woman who ultimately didn't love him.  He got paid and moved on.  It has been clear from the beginning that Kourtney fell head over heels in love with Scott and forgave him time and time again because she couldn't imagine life without him.  I think she got pregnant repeatedly because I think she felt that Scott would "grow up" and see what a beautiful family they built together and fall in line.  It may have happened too (Scott, when present and sober IS a loving, fun father), but nobody could have foreseen that he would lose BOTH of his parents at pretty close to the same time.  As an only child who has lost one parent and the other parent is ailing, I don't have the words to describe how devastating this is.  Kourtney, ill equipped to deal with an impetuous young man with substance abuse problems, is doubly ill-equipped to deal with that same person who is grieving the complete annihilation of his family.  She couldn't help him and it seems to me that his "friends" simply feed his demons.  I was shocked at how she handled him in the Hamptons.  There was a scene in a car and he looked like he was about to dissolve in tears and she basically told him to suck it up.  This from the woman who still hates her mother for how she treated her dead father.  If it were me and my man was hurting like that, there would be no cameras present for such an event.  He wouldn't have to suck up his grief for the cameras.


Scott is in professional grade trouble and the fact that he has "fame" and so much money just makes it a longer fall to rock bottom.  The preview with him crying (and Scott is not a crier so it really affected me to see him doing so), he mentions having nobody.  He has his kids yes, but understand that psychologically right now, Scott is a little boy lost - his parents gone and never coming back.  He's not a man.  The fact that Kourtney took care of ALL the parental responsibilities or threw money at them means that Scott may very well feel that his kids really don't need him.  Without their need tugging at him, he has nothing to cling to.  I know a lot of people question whether or not this is real, but I have no doubt that it is.  Fake this to what end?  Money? Fame? Ratings?  They have all of those things.  Why would he abandon and humiliate his children for a ratings grab?  This right here is the spawn of the evil that is reality television.  They are too intertwined, people watch other's lives for entertainment and then believe that because it is entertainment, what they see isn't real.  Scott should have been permanently pulled from this show right after the Miami incident.  I don't care for Rob but I respect his getting off the air to convalesce in privacy.  Kylie should have been pulled.  Lamar should have never been on it.  Reality television is the worst possible place for actual reality.  Anything that is wrong will only be made worse.

  • Love 7

I don't disagree, but when you've been with someone for a decade, you generally believe your partner when she says she's on birth control. Scott is young to have a vasectomy and most couples together that long don't use condoms. I still think Kourt went about things in a very shady way. She wanted another baby, he said no, so she pulled an "oops" and couldn't understand why he was pissed.

  • Love 6

I don't disagree, but when you've been with someone for a decade, you generally believe your partner when she says she's on birth control. Scott is young to have a vasectomy and most couples together that long don't use condoms. I still think Kourt went about things in a very shady way. She wanted another baby, he said no, so she pulled an "oops" and couldn't understand why he was pissed.


Which episode said that she lied to him about being on the pill so she could trap him?  I must have missed that.  Whether it is true or not, I don't care.   Sexually active adults are responsible FOR THEIR OWN CHOICES in terms of baby making.  If you don't want a baby, don't make one.  But to punk out and blame the female because you "thought" she was on the pill doesn't fly.  That sounds like some high school bullshit.  It is not one partner's sole responsibility in a long term sexual relationship to ensure that no accidental pregnancies occur.  Both were fucking, both are to blame.  He does not get a pass from me to walk away from all three of his children because he doesn't know where his sperm goes. 

Edited by Timetoread
  • Love 4

Which episode said that she lied to him about being on the pill so she could trap him?  I must have missed that.  Whether it is true or not, I don't care.   Sexually active adults are responsible FOR THEIR OWN CHOICES in terms of baby making.  If you don't want a baby, don't make one.  But to punk out and blame the female because you "thought" she was on the pill doesn't fly.  That sounds like some high school bullshit.  It is not one partner's sole responsibility in a long term sexual relationship to ensure that no accidental pregnancies occur.  Both were fucking, both are to blame.  He does not get a pass from me to walk away from all three of his children because he doesn't know where his sperm goes. 

I couldn't have said it better myself. Scott has every right to not wear a condom, but by choosing not to, he knew that sex could result in pregnancy. 


Also, How do we know that Kourtney lied to him about being on birth control?

  • Love 1

It takes two people to make a baby. Scott is just as responsible for Reign's existence as Kourtney is. If Kourtney lied, that's awful, but women aren't the only one's responsible for birth control. If Scott didn't want anymore kids, he should have worn a condom.


I once had a boss, a married man, with 2 kids. Probably about 8 and 10, a boy and a girl. All of a sudden his wife got pregnant and he kept saying she "tricked" him. Um? Yeah, sucks if she stopped taking the pill or had an IUD removed or something, but YOU obviously didn't take any precautions either. You thought you were done, didn't want more, you should have had a vasectomy. He was 36ish, my ex brother in law was younger than that when he had his.


I do wonder if what's going on with Lamar will serve as a GIANT wakeup call to Scott and Rob. I've read Scott went back to rehab to other day, but I'm not putting a whole lot of stock in that rumor quite yet. Scott knows he already all but lost his family and Rob's been spinning for a good year now. It's not too late for Scott to get his life together. I don't think he was nearly as far into drugs as Lamar was and alcohol seems to be his drug of choice. He has 3 little reason to clean up his act and  unfortunately, a very real and first hand look at what can happen. 

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54 minutes ago, carolinagirl81 said:

E! Is running a marathon of season 10 and i am watching this episode now and there's a scene when Kris his mad at Kim because Kim flaked out on Kris and Kris was all like i thought this would be a bonding experience for us. And I am like y'all need to bond more?

If she hasn't yet  bonded enough with her 30 something daughter, even after spending all this time up her ass, there's a problem.

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