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Jessie: Owl Be Seeing You

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Since she doesn't have a thread yet I figured I'd go ahead and start one before the episode threads get over-run with Jessie & The Kiss stuff, LOL.  (I'll start by saying  that I think it's notable that that kiss, a simple cheek buss planted on a woman by a man, has garnered more reaction than the passionate lip-lock between two men.)


My take on Jessie is that she is Beth 2.0 minus the ponytail. If you read back through the threads, pretty much every adjective & comment used to describe Jessie fit Beth, too.  Sheltered. Bland. Innocent. Naive. Soft. Kind. Useless. A Pollyana.  Someone doing a good job of putting on a happy face and trying to stay positive. There's Beth trying to pull Daryl out of his funk, here's Jessie trying to pull Rick out of his. ... Jessie thinks she's tough ("I can take care of myself") even though as far as we know yet she hasn't been through much hardship. Beth thought she was tough too, and look where that got her. 

There was much dis-interest in Beth, a lot of people just couldn't muster up any reason to care about her. And then too of course there were all the people who were interested enough to hate her. And now here's bland, blonde, Jessie, bringing out all the same reactions in people, for all the same reasons (minus the love/lust interest for Rick angle of course).  


Right now, I am in the category of "just can't muster up any interest".  My curiosity was piqued more by Olivia? the inventory clerk "bring me back a boar's leg" girl. If Jessie is going to be a cast member for any length of time, I hope TPTB can bring her up a notch on the interest scale otherwise I am just going to resent the screen time she it taking from others I'd prefer to see like Gabriel and Eugene who have ben almost non-existent lately. 

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I'm going to give her time to blossom.  She's been on screen 5 times, so far, in two epsiodes.  Screen time for each appearance probably averaging about 2 minutes (1 just a quick 'hand wave' walk-by).


There has to be more to her than what we've been shown to this point.  No way they throw out a PLI for the main character and only intend for her to be nothing more than an occasional ornamental scene dressing.



[And I proposed Jessie: Cuts Hair and 12 Other Things for a thread title before.  Just an idea for possibilities]

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I'm going to give her time to blossom.  She's been on screen 5 times, so far, in two epsiodes.  Screen time for each appearance probably averaging about 2 minutes (1 just a quick 'hand wave' walk-by).


There has to be more to her than what we've been shown to this point.  No way they throw out a PLI for the main character and only intend for her to be nothing more than an occasional ornamental scene dressing.


 I completely agree, iRarelyWatchTV36. My complaint is that I would have preferred that they handled her introduction with a little more finesse. It all was so heavy handed to me, and it played a part in my dislike of the character in the short time she's been on. As a character she hasn't  done anything offensive, but the interactions they chose to show her having were off putting, just because they were all with Rick. If she had given Glenn or Carl a haircut, too, and talked with Michonne or even Deanna at the party; maybe she could have been in the pantry when Carol went to get baking supplies. If they'd shown her acknowledge anyone else from CDB in either of these two episodes it might have taken the edge off.


I wish she had been introduced like Aaron was. Not really "for" anyone in particular but just as a new person that could be a friend and possibly future member of our group. As of now, in my eyes, she is "for" Rick and that makes her boring already. But like you said, though, these other interactions have to be coming soon, I just wish they had started with those and worked up to the ones with Rick. Honestly, I hate that I don't like her right off the bat. I want to like her like since I feel pretty certain she's here to stay for a while, and because she's "for" Rick. And I really like Rick.


Including everyone starting from season one, I haven't really disliked anyone who we were supposed to see as a 'good guy'. Maybe I found them useless or frustratingly stupid at times, but no real dislike even when they acted like asses. I hated a lot of how Lori and Andrea acted, for example, but I did like the characters. I was so sad and pissed when Andrea ran for an entire episode and finally made it to the prison only to have it snatched away in the last minute. And Lori is the character I wonder the most about how she would fit into the story if she were still around. I'm looking forward to Jessie mingling with some of our other folks to get a better feel of who she is apart from Rick. If she is meant to be someone important to Rick, as I believe she is, I hope we don't get robbed of a meaningful "love affair", for the lack of better words. I'm mushy that way. It would be interesting to see two people gradually fall in love amid all of the horror of the world. But, really, I still don't think Rick is ready for that kind of relationship now anyway.


Also, I don't ship Rick with Michonne, I'm not against it if it happens, but I haven't really thought about it at all. I love their relationship the way it is because they're so unlikely a pair, but they just 'get' each other. They are both very complex people, so they fit as a pair, even a non-romantic one. In this regard, Jessie and Rick are very unbalanced, so it's hard to see him liking/interested in her when we know SO much about him and nothing about her. It doesn't feel right. So I hope Jessie can become complex and interesting, too. 


I don't think she and Rick are compatible as they are right now, but maybe after they've been through some things together they will be. I just don't want the show to move too fast or skip over too much. I take solace in the fact that Jessie doesn't know about Rick taking a bite out of Joe, or hacking up Gareth, or any of the other horrible things he's had to do, or any of the others in CDB have had to. It would be odd if she wanted to fall into bed with him upon learning of those things, so I'm hoping they sort through those barriers before things get serious. 


On a shallow note, I abhor the tattoos, especially the one on her shoulder. Not the fact that the character has them, I love tattoos, but it's the execution. They look like someone drew them on with a King Size Sharpie. Maybe it's the designs, but the dense heavy black line looks horrible against her fair skin and are really distracting. 

Edited by gutbuster
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See, I don't see her as bland, and I feel that people are projecting a blank canvas onto a character they wouldn't have hated or seen as bland except for the fact that all her interactions have been with Rick and people don't want to like her.  We actually know quite a bit about her, down to the fact that she likes owls.  Do we know something on that level about Tara?  Or Eugene? Or Gabriel?   We know she used to cut hair.  We know she has kids, that she likes babies.  We know she may not be 100% happy in her marriage (pulling away from Pete, him barking that he'd get the drinks).  We know that she's kind and welcoming, and that she's sheltered and naïve. 


Even for those that aren't angry because Michonne supposedly had some claim on Rick, I think there's still this feeling that only the most awesomest character ever deserves to be with Rick because he sets female fan's hearts aflutter and he's the male lead.  I personally think, after so many of the shitty things that Rick has done, that he's not especially deserving of a lot and that even Jessie is too nice for him, and that Michonne could do and definitely deserves way better.  But either way I'm ok letting the story go where the writers want, because nothing that's happened so far is abhorrent to me.  No matter the intent, or the look on anyone's face, I can't read a kiss on the cheek as any more forward than touching someone's hand.  If it could happen in front of the Queen of England and nobody would be shocked, then I don't think it's anything to condemn anyone over.


I also think, as has been debated in the Women on TWD thread, that the media has run with comic book spoilers that everyone in the world can't help but seeing (even if they only see the "New Mrs. Rick Grimes!" headlines), and it's upset a lot of people.  I haven't seen anything to say that's coming from the show runners, so again, I can't get all worked  up over it.  It's just pop media trying to get more clicks.

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I would re-name this thread - Jessie: Haircuts Were Never Going Anywhere


I also think, as has been debated in the Women on TWD thread, that the media has run with comic book spoilers that everyone in the world can't help but seeing (even if they only see the "New Mrs. Rick Grimes!" headlines), and it's upset a lot of people.  I haven't seen anything to say that's coming from the show runners, so again, I can't get all worked  up over it.  It's just pop media trying to get more clicks.


Agreed. I mean, I do feel there is a mutual attraction there, but does that necessarily have to mean anything will come of it? Up to and including her being the NEW Mrs. Grimes? Nah. As I said in the Women thread, so many things could happen. Maybe the camp will get overrun and she will die. Maybe Pete will get all paranoid that she's falling for Rick and fatally push her down the stairs. Maybe Rick and co. will finally push one too many boundaries in ASZ and be kicked out (okay, I have to laugh at that one, because....how???). Or maybe the status quo will just continue with the underlying tensions. Who knows? But I just cannot comment on the state of a relationship that doesn't exist. 

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I don't feel like I really know enough about her to have much of an opinion yet.  Yes, on first glance she does seem like she may be a little bland but she's only two episodes in and they're obviously going somewhere with her character so I'm taking a wait and see.


I am a little concerned about Rick's behavior toward her though, but that's on him.

I don't feel like I really know enough about her to have much of an opinion yet.  Yes, on first glance she does seem like she may be a little bland but she's only two episodes in and they're obviously going somewhere with her character so I'm taking a wait and see.


See, I don't see her as bland, and I feel that people are projecting a blank canvas onto a character they wouldn't have hated or seen as bland except for the fact that all her interactions have been with Rick and people don't want to like her. 


I call her bland ["lacking strong features or characteristics and therefore uninteresting"] because until the Show gives us more of her, that fits her to a T. Thus the thread title. I don't mean it as an insult, just as a description. It is my hope that if she is going to be around for a while, if she's going to be integral to the storyline, that the writers do something with that blank canvas to make it interesting. For a long while I was totally dis-interested in Beth and Sasha and Noah, they were just "eh" for me, I didn't care one way of the other about them. But slowly they won my interest over time; I'm hoping the same will hold true for Jessie.

Some characters get such a great entrance (Gabriel &  Aaron for example) that they pull me in from the start; others just get stuck with a more hum-drum intro and thus don't make much of an impression at first. 


Even for those that aren't angry because Michonne supposedly had some claim on Rick, I think there's still this feeling that only the most awesomest character ever deserves to be with Rick because he sets female fan's hearts aflutter and he's the male lead.


I agree but putting my own personal two-cents in (as a hetero female), he doesn't do anything for me. Sure, he is good looking, but he isn't "hot" as he holds no sex-appeal for me. I don't "ship" anyone on the show, I don't care who, if anyone, Rick gets romantically/sexually involved with, but it will bother me if they have him getting involved on that level with a married woman. I don't want him going the route of Walter White, from hero to anti-hero to straight-up bad guy. I want Rick to be the one who knocks, but with scruples. I'm OK with him biting someone's throat out and violently slaughtering the SOBs at the church, but messing with a married woman, I just can't. I know, makes no sense, but there it is. 



Maybe they don't have an affair. Maybe ASZ is as boring as it looks, and Jessie and Aaron have a side bet on who can bag a newcomer first. I don't care what Pete thinks of that; if he wants to keep his wife satisfied stop drinking so much and maybe he could get it up.

If Aaron gets Daryl it would be interesting as hell but I would feel sorry for Clay Aiken. I mean Eric.

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I didn't take bland as an insult. I just think that they have already defined her some, and that she is not fully lacking in strong features or characteristics nor is she uninteresting. Do we know everything about her? No. Do we know some things about her, such that she might be interesting? To me we do.

It's not that I don't know the definition of bland. It's that I think that her being bland is a matter of opinion rather than an obvious universal truth.

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I didn't take bland as an insult. I just think that they have already defined her some, and that she is not fully lacking in strong features or characteristics nor is she uninteresting. Do we know everything about her? No. Do we know some things about her, such that she might be interesting? To me we do.

It's not that I don't know the definition of bland. It's that I think that her being bland is a matter of opinion rather than an obvious universal truth.

I think we already know more about her than other characters on the show.  I mean we still don't know what Sasha did (unless you watch TTD) before and we just kno that she had a brother, fell for Bob, and was bossy at the prison.  That's it.  With Jessie we know that she was a hair dresser and 12 other things, which I took to mean she had to do lots of different jobs early in her life.  She has two kids and creates art.  She took the time to be friendly and compassionate to the new comers and not judge.


Maybe it's the blonde and artist thing.  People think it's stupid in the ZA (re: see Beth Greene) but as an artist myself I think that art is probably more important during the ZA then before. Art encourages us, it gets us to explore things we wouldn't have explored before, it lets our deepest selves be free and shows us the wonders of life when they might not be apparent.  

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I think that art is probably more important during the ZA then before. Art encourages us, it gets us to explore things we wouldn't have explored before, it lets our deepest selves be free and shows us the wonders of life when they might not be apparent.

I think that art projects and book clubs in the ZA mark the vast majority of Alexandrians as redshirts. Art is an important part of life—but not now. These people have their priorities so messed up.

Jessie is teaching Sam to make an owl sculpture when she should be teaching him self-defense.

I think that art projects and book clubs in the ZA mark the vast majority of Alexandrians as redshirts. Art is an important part of life—but not now. These people have their priorities so messed up.

Jessie is teaching Sam to make an owl sculpture when she should be teaching him self-defense.

Maybe she is teaching him that too and we just don't know it yet :)

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See, I don't see her as bland, and I feel that people are projecting a blank canvas onto a character they wouldn't have hated or seen as bland except for the fact that all her interactions have been with Rick and people don't want to like her.  We actually know quite a bit about her, down to the fact that she likes owls.  Do we know something on that level about Tara?  Or Eugene? Or Gabriel?   We know she used to cut hair.  We know she has kids, that she likes babies.  We know she may not be 100% happy in her marriage (pulling away from Pete, him barking that he'd get the drinks).  We know that she's kind and welcoming, and that she's sheltered and naïve. 


I feel like we actually know a fair amount about Tara (due in part to her being one of the few characters in some of the Governor episodes) - we met her niece, father and sister, we saw her get a girlfriend, we learned that she was a cop (or wanted to be a cop, or whatever), that she had been in love with her straight best friend, who'd given her mixed signals before going back to men.


This is because we got to see her having relationships with various different characters. 


If we got that with Jessie, I would care more. 

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I think we already know more about her than other characters on the show.  I mean we still don't know what Sasha did (unless you watch TTD) before and we just kno that she had a brother, fell for Bob, and was bossy at the prison.  That's it.  With Jessie we know that she was a hair dresser and 12 other things, which I took to mean she had to do lots of different jobs early in her life.


We don't even know Sasha's last name.


It's possible that Jessie had to do lots of different jobs early in her life. Or when she would have to have been supporting Pete while he was in med school.

Or it's possible, as I have seen with abused women, that every time she had a job she wanted or liked or talked about that Pete made her quit. Or he caused so much trouble that she got fired.

Double all this shit if the guy is also an alcoholic.


Just like children from abuse at home keep going from school to school and being "absent" with extreme frequency, abused women keep switching jobs and calling in sick with a cold again (broken arm, black eye type of cold).


The writer's may have written it that way deliberately, the way her clothing was chosen. Not to be "cheap and unstylish" (in the ZA? Do you get choices for fashion) but to convey someone with problems related to dirty secrets on the homefront.



I feel like we actually know a fair amount about Tara (due in part to her being one of the few characters in some of the Governor episodes) - we met her niece, father and sister, we saw her get a girlfriend, we learned that she was a cop (or wanted to be a cop, or whatever), that she had been in love with her straight best friend, who'd given her mixed signals before going back to men.


This is because we got to see her having relationships with various different characters. 


If we got that with Jessie, I would care more. 

Tara has had more than 10 minutes on screen.


So if we got more about Rick's new "crush", if we knew her better, and she was dressed better, and had a more dramatic, interesting personality... people would be okay with it. It wouldn't be people not liking her just because Rick likes her?


So everything would be cool if Rick got the hots for, say Deanna?

Intelligent, has the only upgraded wardrobe in ASZ, is tough, has a great sense of humor. Worthy---and we know lots more about Deanna!

We met her family, husband and 2 sons. we learned that she was a poker player, she wanted to be a professional poker player. Deanna has relationships with lots of other characters.

Poor Chevy Chase! She's hot for Rick's body too, and when she made him one offer he didn't refuse----what could be next? I hear wedding bells!!!

Edited by kikismom
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Tara has had more than 10 minutes on screen.


So if we got more about Rick's new "crush", if we knew her better, and she was dressed better, and had a more dramatic, interesting personality... people would be okay with it. It wouldn't be people not liking her just because Rick likes her?


The post I replied to said we know more about Jessie than we know about Tara. That's why I mentioned what we know about Tara. With that said, we knew far more about Tara in 2 episodes than we do about Jessie.


I do think more people would like her, yes. I think the assumption that viewers are desperate to hate her because of her relationship with Rick is assuming the worst of all viewers. Yes, some viewers are annoyed about the relationship, but in many cases, I'd guess that's due to the way it's been portrayed onscreen and the bizarre coronation given to the actress and character in the media, not just a hostility toward Rick getting a girlfriend. As it is, there's a lot to be annoyed by, if people want to be annoyed, and in comparison, very little to hold onto in terms of caring about her. The most I've seen people say is that she likes owls. That's more of a Tootsie Roll ad than a characterization.

We don't even know Sasha's last name.


We never knew Andrea's last name either (not on the show), and she was the co-leading lady for 3 seasons. Michonne also doesn't have a last name. For whatever reason this show chooses to only give us last names of certain characters.

Edited by Pete Martell
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I do think more people would like her, yes. I think the assumption that viewers are desperate to hate her because of her relationship with Rick is assuming the worst of all viewers. Yes, some viewers are annoyed about the relationship, but in many cases, I'd guess that's due to the way it's been portrayed onscreen and the bizarre coronation given to the actress and character in the media, not just a hostility toward Rick getting a girlfriend. As it is, there's a lot to be annoyed by, if people want to be annoyed, and in comparison, very little to hold onto in terms of caring about her. The most I've seen people say is that she likes owls. That's more of a Tootsie Roll ad than a characterization.

I am a viewer who doesn't hate Jessie, nor her possible relationship with Rick, just because she's having a possible relationship with Rick.  I don't even hate her at this point.  But, meh.  Partly that's because she, like all the Alexandrians, have been so sheltered during the apocalypse it's kind of infuriating.  None of these people deserve to suffer of course, but I feel like Sasha did at that cocktail party watching these inept fools fuss over the most frivolous, trivial things while our gang has been reduced to eating feral dogs by the side of the road, after being menaced by said dogs, and bracing themselves against the rickety door of a barn that smells like horseshit to keep a herd of Walkers at bay, after which they relaxed by sleeping in the mud and eating acorns.  So, I don't begrudge a person an affection for owls, but when these guys are spending time making owl sculptures instead of enhancing their security, farming, shoring up their walls, or something to better ensure their survival, they just rub me the wrong way. All of them, including Jessie.  Especially when she says "we've all lost something" -- woman, you have no idea!  I get that since she doesn't know what's out there, she can't imagine what they've gone through.  But I think if I were in her place, I would perceive that something(s) pretty dramatic happened to these people, more than anything that happened to me, given how shell shocked the whole group seems to be, and how bedraggled and frightening they looked when they arrived. Also, they do not seem to include intact families, while she and most of the Alexandrians seem to have theirs.  In that case, I would not be equating my losses with theirs.


But it's early, I will take her character a step at a time.  Weirdly, I like Olivia more, because at least she occupies herself with practical tasks and seems to have some survival skills, like the ability to cure meat and pickle vegetables, and inventory supplies.  It's something, at least.  Also, I do like Aaron and Eric, so there's that. 

Edited by lawless
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Could we please at least wait until after her third episode? Aaron's already way more than "Carrier of pictures." Think of the current title as a placeholder.

when i put the Aaron thread up I had called it Aaron: He's In The Zone.

Which unfortunately set off the whole "but can we say Zone if no one on the show said it? filibuster,  so I apologise.

Where's the Mod when you need them?  Obviously more people think Jessie deserves a blurb.  Change the title!


Quick kikismom you seem to be able to bring them out fast!  *ducks*

Jessie: Owl Be Seeing You

Edited by kikismom
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Could we please at least wait until after her third episode? Aaron's already way more than "Carrier of pictures." Think of the current title as a placeholder.


A placeholder. Exactly. I'll go with whatever the majority wants but would like to wait until these last two episodes are over and we have more about her to derive witty blurbs from. 

 "Owl be seeing you" made me chuckle though. Could really run with the I'll/Owl play on words. Which reminds me, I thought "I Noah guy" was brilliant. But now it should be "I used to Noah Guy". :(

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We've had a title that wasn't a placeholder for other characters after one episode. Heck, Aiden has a title and he was introduced and died within three episodes.

If we pick a title and people find another one more apropos down the line it can be changed again, right? It doesn't make sense that this one character gets a "placeholder" when that's not what has happened with any other character threads.

My vote is for "Haircuts are never going out of style".

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We've had a title that wasn't a placeholder for other characters after one episode. Heck, Aiden has a title and he was introduced and died within three episodes.

If we pick a title and people find another one more apropos down the line it can be changed again, right? It doesn't make sense that this one character gets a "placeholder" when that's not what has happened with any other character threads.

My vote is for "Haircuts are never going out of style".

That's my favorite too!

Jessie seems kinda the bland blonde on the surface. I'm hoping there's more to her than meets the eye.


Anyone remember that old Brylcreem commericial with the tagline, "She loves to run her fingers through your hair."? Kinda long I know but that's what I thought of.


Edited because fingers don't work right. My fingers, I mean.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Jessie: Rick's New Obsession


Close - but considering the fans seem more obsessed with her than Rick at this point, how about one little tweak:


Jessie: Your Favorite New Obsession


Or, alternately:


Jessie: Our Newest Flavor of the Month


Although I do have to admit a lingering fondness for Jessie: Best Trim in Alexandria....  :)

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Hey Everyone. Okay, we changed the title for this thread but this is temporary until we come up with a better one.


Sorry for the delay in the title change - long story, but kj4ever reported it, asking for a change, but I didn't realize it was for THIS thread, but thought it was for another show. Don't ask!


Personally I really like  Jessie: Best Trim In Alexandria, but no one has added anything about the OWLs yet! Come on, people!! *grin* The suggestions are good though.


Jessie: Supercuts and Owl Fluff? I have no clue.


Maybe I should put up a poll just for fun.

I don't think my suggestions would be very positive at this point.


I was sickened that they had her ask if Rick would save any abused person, and only when he said no did she agree to his help.


Someone in the episode thread said she may have meant taking on her and her two sons. If so, I wish they'd had her say it, because the way that scene was written came across to me was not good. It was one of the most disturbing scenes I can remember, because it turned a woman who is being beaten and whose children are in danger into some sort of fickle maiden, watching as men fight over her.


It's as if every bad writer who wrote for Lori and Andrea all formed some type of hybrid and are assigned to work only on Jessie.

I agree that Jessie did not come off well in that scene. I tried not to judge her too harshly, because I have never been abused and I do not know what kind of mindset enduring that for years might give you. But I was a bit taken aback when she kept pressing him as to why he cared. I wanted to yell, "Because any decent person would care when a woman is being hit by her husband!" 


I don't even care if she and Rick dig each other. Just separate the two! Don't make it a situation where Rick only wants to save her, and she only wants to be saved, because of their undying love for each other. It's ridiculous and insulting. 

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Maybe I'm being naive because I am sort of rooting for Rick/Jessie, but here's my individual take on her saying ""yes" after Rick pretty much made it known his gesture to make sure Pete didn't hurt her or the kids anymore, was almost solely about her and his feelings/attraction for her....


For the first time in a really long(?) time, here is someone that finally is willing to step up and help her out.  Truly help out, and not just be a sympathetic ear or whatnot.   Considering he drinks all the time and beats her, I can't imagine there is a lot of [true] love to be lost if Pete weren't in the domestic picture anymore.  FFS, Deanna flat out admitted she knew Pete was absuing her, but let it slide because "... but, he's a surgeon!!"  And also for the first time, in a long time, here is now someone who is looking at Jessie as an attractive woman and not just a punching bag with female parts.


I agree that the turn of events, from "stop/take care of ourselves" to "'yes'", made her look bad, but I choose to see it as she finally starts to realize that there is more out there than what she's been stuck with for years.  There really is someone out there who might care about, and for, her (& the kids), instead of just ignoring what really goes in that house and what happens to them, because its the easy thing to do and it only affects the rest of ASZ because Pete is the needed surgeon [& since the lot of them weak cowards, a surgeon/Dr is seriously needed in a place like that].

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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when i put the Aaron thread up I had called it Aaron: He's In The Zone


Jessie: Owl Be Seeing You



 "Owl be seeing you" made me chuckle though. Could really run with the I'll/Owl play on words. Which reminds me, I thought "I Noah guy" was brilliant. But now it should be "I used to Noah Guy". :(



My vote would be "Owl be seeing you."




but no one has added anything about the OWLs yet! Come on, people!! *grin*

Honestly, I don't like Jessie.  She's only willing to leave her abusive husband not to protect her children, but just because some other guy is interested in her?!  I know it's battered women's syndrome and everything, but when there are children involved...

When Rick offered to take care of Pete, she yelled that he would just make it worse. He said when it's worse you'll be dead. She went in the house. And gave him the door. He went back and said he would make sure she and her children were taken care of. That's when she said if he would do that for others?


I don't remember any part when she said she was only willing to leave because a guy was interested in her, but not for her children's sake.

For her kid's sake she did not want things to get worse and wanted Rick to stay out of it.

His offer to make sure not just Jessie but the kids would be looked out for is what let her listen to him talk some more.

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