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Brooklyn Nine-Nine Wish List

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This is the place to chat about what you'd love to see from our show next season: character combinations you'd love to see more of, characters you'd love to see a little LESS of, people in our characters' lives you'd love to meet, plots and themes you hope they tackle, the type of humor you'd love to see more---or less---emphasized, a type of plot or case you'd enjoy watching them (mis)handle. Indulge your fondest Brooklyn Nine-Nine wishes right here! 

To expand a little on what I said in the TWoP thread:

I want to see Amy's brothers and parents, and see the dynamic between them. I kind of want to see Amy be more assertive and knock-about with her brothers, to show how she grew up in a house surrounded by guys. To see a tougher edge that we don't really see on the show, but that she must have to have made it as a cop.

I want to see Jake's mother, who he doesn't really talk about, and find out more about him growing up with only her as an influence. But also, it would be interesting (if potentially predictable) for his father to make an appearance.

Boyle's ex-wife, and a glimpse at what their marriage was like. I wonder at what she must be like, to have married Charles but then to have left him for a guy named Hercules.

Terry in a fatsuit in flashbacks. The comedic potential of that is too much for them to pass up on, surely?

More of Holt with Boyle and Rosa, taking a more active interest in the two of them. Especially if Jake is still undercover. I'd like to see Amy and Boyle bonding over missing Jake, because they surely will both miss him.

I definitely want to see Dean Winters return, and just be more and more obnoxious. Maybe even expand the Serious Crimes Squad (or whatever they're called) and give him his own set of douchy colleagues, mirroring the B99 crew.

And I like that the Commissioner who hates Jake reappeared, and hope he can be a long term nemesis, popping up now and again to thwart plans. The guy is such a great, pompous asshat.

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I second your wish about Rosa and Boyle--nothing would be a bigger turn-off to me. I don't want the show to soften Rosa, but I like having her be three-dimensional, so I'd like to see more moments of her being a good friend, and appreciative of people, etc. I loved her little smile in Holt's office as Jake was starting his "And YOUR mother!" storm-out.

I'd love to see more of Holt and his husband, because that party episode was...just not long enough.

Agreed on Boyle/Rosa. I really do not want that to come to pass, in any way, shape or form. Them being friends is fine, and Rosa genuinely liking the odd little man with a heart of gold is sweet enough for me, thanks.

As for Rosa's smile, I think I first noticed it in The Party, where she looked so genuinely delighted that Gina was captivating all the psychologists in the room. It's quite stunning, but I think it's best that it remains a rarely used weapon in her (and the show's) arsenal.

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See, I think tossing Gina in there--even as a screaming moment of horror--may be a sign from the showrunners that they'd be able to handle things no matter what. That they're thinking less in terms of happy couples and more in terms of comedy.

If they put Rosa with Boyle, I feel they'd do it in a way that would subvert a lot of cliches and expectations.  I don't think they'd play it as some great romance--they'd use it to hype up the weird behavior of BOTH characters.  

I neither hope nor don't hope they hook them up.  Just feel that if they do it won't be the cliched mess we fear.  It wouldn't even necessarily be permanent.  I could see getting them together then breaking them apart just to milk the situation,and since they are touchy-feely characters, and the viewers probably will get that, the show could go with very broad jokes about working with exes rather than agonize about fans getting in a tizzy about it.

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No Boyle and Rosa except as colleagues and partners. Are we expecting not to see Jake for part of the season? I don't get the undercover assignment. He can't be seen in the station so as not to blow his cover, so how do we get to see him interact with gang. Perhaps I missed a scene somewhere.

Yes, more of Holt and his husband.

Are we expecting not to see Jake for part of the season? I don't get the undercover assignment. He can't be seen in the station so as not to blow his cover, so how do we get to see him interact with gang. Perhaps I missed a scene somewhere.

They said six months, which in real-world time lands in about September, and when the show comes back. I think the general impression is that we might get an episode or two with him undercover but he'll be back before long.

No Boyle and Rosa except as colleagues and partners. Are we expecting not to see Jake for part of the season? I don't get the undercover assignment. He can't be seen in the station so as not to blow his cover, so how do we get to see him interact with gang. Perhaps I missed a scene somewhere.

Yes, more of Holt and his husband.

It's a fairly common tactic to have a single character off on his own in his or her own storyline.  In this case perhaps meeting the others on the sly or in staged circumstances where they'd all have to play up animosity.  There's plenty of room to play with that for a few episodes and get in all of the Undercover and/or Serpico type jokes.


In terms of next season, a couple of my wishes are:


1. That we get to meet at least one of Amy's brothers. I think that we will, considering that Amy is the only one of the main cast whom we have yet to have seen any of her family.

2. One of my favourite things about Season 2 was the fact that we've gotten to see Holt's husband more. I really hope that that continues because I love him. I would also really like to see Holt/Kevin renew their vows next season (as they discussed in the wedding episode of this season).

3. If Rosa is going to continue to be with Marcus next season, then the writers need to give him some personality. I love Rosa/Marcus in terms of the role it has played in Rosa's development and Rosa/Holt interaction, but I can't say that I ship it because Marcus has come off as so dull to me so far.

4. I ship Jake/Amy a lot and I love the episodes that we got focusing on their storyline in Season 2, but I do agree with the criticism in regards to the stuff that Season 2 lacked for them. Such as, I hope for a lot more of Amy's POV in regards to their relationship in Season 3, because it is really needed. I also hope that the writers don't get stuck in the place where they were after the road trip episode up until the wedding episode, in which Jake/Amy barely interacted. I thought that it was just really lazy writing on their part. Jake/Amy don't need to interact in every episode and they definitely don't need a romantic storyline in ever episode, but considering that up until after the road trip episode they had always  interacted with each other on a regular basis (whether it be as friends/partners/romantic) the absence in their interaction felt forced. I also think that it was unfair to Amy's character, considering the fact that the lack of them interacting in any real way kept Amy out of the A plot in those episodes, given that Jake always has the A plot. I have hope that these problems will improve in Season 3, but if they don't it is going to become a lot harder to ship them on the show despite how much I love their relationship.

5. I'm not hopeful about this one at all lol, but ideally I would love if Jake wasn't apart of the A plot for a couple of episodes through the season. I love his character a lot and I think that he is a great main character, but I increasingly feel that it is really limiting to the show that he always has to hold the A plot. I get that Andy is the lead, but I still personally feel that the show would become even better if other character interactions not involving Jake were allowed to hold the A plot for an episode.

Edited by betweenthebanter
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I think I share most of your wishes there, betweenthebanter. And it looks like a couple of my wishes for season 2 were answered. Still waiting on Amy's family and Boyle's ex, though.


So I'll reiterate that I want to see them in season 3. I really cannot figure out what sort of woman would marry Charles yet be cruel enough to have him still that caught in her life after they split. I guess she must be a domineering woman, in some fashion (which would tie in nicely with Boyle's crush on Rosa), but she seems truly awful. Or maybe she's not, maybe she's just so nice that she can't kick her ex-husband out and feels like she has to involve him in her future life. I don't know.


And Amy's brothers. Still really need to see the, and I'd love the show to stunt cast the hell out of them. Michael Pena and Victor Rasuk for two of them (I know those guys probably aren't Cuban-American, but let's be honest they're all American born, hispanic actors), please. Or how about this for, 'go big or go home': Andy Garcia as Amy's dad. Scenes with him, Amy and Jake would be absolutely fabulous.


Regarding Jake and Amy, I want the show to just be sensible about it. These two people like each other a lot, they've openly demonstrated that, and there's no reason for them not to give it a shot. Neither are so panicky and immature about relationships that it should serve as an obstacle. Just let it happen naturally, and keep writing the show as the funny, smart, entertaining ensemble sitcom that it is. Jake and Amy don't need to share and A or B-plot every week, as they haven't in the first two seasons. And when they do, it doesn't have to be about their relationship. They don't need drama, and I think the writers have done a good job of grasping that, so far.


I always suggest this on a wishlist for shows, but a Rosencrantz and Guildenstern type episode, with Hitchcock and Scully as the main faces while the others get on with stuff in the background could be a lot of fun. It's only a 20 minute show, so not really enough time for the joke to wear thin.


I know Andy Samberg is the lead, but by now I think that the rest of the cast have proven their comedic muscles (especially Terry Crews, right?), and are capable of leading an episode or two. I'd like to see that, with Samberg taking a back seat in a B-plot, while Terry or Amy or Rosa gets the main narrative.

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I always suggest this on a wishlist for shows, but a Rosencrantz and Guildenstern type episode, with Hitchcock and Scully as the main faces while the others get on with stuff in the background could be a lot of fun. It's only a 20 minute show, so not really enough time for the joke to wear thin.


OMG. I really really REALLY like this idea!

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I always suggest this on a wishlist for shows, but a Rosencrantz and Guildenstern type episode, with Hitchcock and Scully as the main faces while the others get on with stuff in the background could be a lot of fun. It's only a 20 minute show, so not really enough time for the joke to wear thin.


I love this idea as well! I'm also always up for an 'alt universe' episode where we see how different things would have been if, say, Jake had chosen a different path or if Holt had never come to the precinct. 


I'd also love for the show to take more advantage of its awesome premise---they're detectives, albeit goofily flawed ones, and there's so much more they could be doing to cleverly satirize the crime/action/mystery genre and maybe even give us a few fun 'whodunits' or at least better cases now and then. The show so often feels like just any other workplace comedy to me, and it could root so much more of its humor and storylines in its specific setting IMO. 

I say this about every show in existence, but I think it's even more true here than usual: We need a Rashomon episode. The first joke to come into my mind is Jake's version of a particular event portraying him as a super-awesome cool guy, and Boyle cutting in with "That's not how I remember it!" And then we see his version, in which Jake is even cooler.

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The things I wish for in S3 - That the writers get rid of Nick Cannon, he is a dead weight and Rosa and Marcus have zero chemistry. I like Rosa and Charles blossoming friendship, but I don't want any romance between them. I like that Amy and Jake's relationship is progressing, but I don't want their romance to suffocate the show. Like people on here have said before it would be good to see some of Amy's family make an appearance, we've seen various family members from the rest of the squad but none of Amy's family yet. Or if the writers introduced her friend Kylie into the show that might quite interesting. Also I hope that the Vulture returns again even if its  just for one episode. 

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I'd like more positive interaction between the female characters. Parks and Recreation was so great about that, and I've missed it in this show. I'm not saying they need to all be best friends - to be honest, none of them seem like the sort to have a lot of close friends anyway, and it's completely realistic that you often aren't close with your colleagues. But I'd like them to team up more.


Definitely agree that I want to meet Amy's brothers. And Kylie. I also want to know what happened to Jake's mother...

Edited by Azaelia
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I have a short wishlist re: Rosa's girlfriend.

(Note: I'm assuming the role has already been cast, and perhaps stuff already shot. But I don't have any spoilers, nor am I seeking any. This is what I hope will happen.)

I'd like to nominate Jenny Slate. Because I love her and she's gorgeous and she could pull off any persona, but specifically one of these three, each of which would amuse the hell out of me:

1. She's basically a female Pimento. Because Rosa has a very specific "type" and it's cray-cray. I know that'll be an unpopular opinion, since Pimento wasn't very well-received, although a lot of it seemed to be with regard to Jason Mantzoukas's portrayal more than anything. (Also, for the record, I can understand why some people might find it distasteful or otherwise problematic that Rosa's girlfriend would basically be a mirror image of a former boyfriend. I get it.) Anyway, Jenny Slate plays Jason Mantzoukas's sister on Lady Dynamite, and to me, they do look like they could be brother and sister. Not that she'd be Pimento's sister on B99, but she'd be a very similar personality type, because that's just what does it for Rosa, and everybody in the precinct will immediately recognize it. Hilarity ensues.

2. She's basically a mirror image of Rosa herself. Yes, Seinfeld did the whole "OMG you're basically dating yourself!" bit, but I thought it was funny then, and I think it'd be funny again on this show. May be more of a Gina thing, being as she's the narcissist on this show. But given how little regard Rosa seems to have for most people (outside of her friends and family) it kinda seems like Rosa would be attracted to someone who is just like herself, because she just can't with most others.

3. This one might be my favorite... she's just like Holt. And Holt (and Kevin) (and Amy) immediately ADORES her. And Jake thinks it's hilarious that "OMG Rosa is dating Holt!" Maybe nobody else really sees it, or maybe Jake AND ROSA are the only ones who see it. And Rosa thinks it's awkward that her girlfriend is immediately becoming BFFs with her boss (and Kevin.) Not to mention "Really? I'm freaking dating Captain Holt and I only realized it just now. WTF?!?" Or something along those lines.

I mean, don't get me wrong, I totally get why many/most people would want Rosa's girlfriend to have her own personality, and would hate for her to be just a caricature of another (especially male) character. But hey, it's a wacky sitcom. And I've got a hunch that she's gonna be a rarely-seen recurring character anyway, along the lines of Boyle's wife, or Doug Judy, and she might even end up being a one-off. So I wouldn't be surprised if they gave her some kind of sitcommy hook/twist/gimmick for the lulz. These are just a few of those that I've thought of, and I think I'd enjoy if they went that way. But in any case, Jenny Slate please!

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