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S10.E07: Mac Kills His Dad

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This Week: Mac & Charlie try to go Law & Order to clear Luther's name (they do, with horrible consequences), while Dennis, Dee and Frank try "Life is Happy."


The theme this week seems to be about horrible fathers. First Luther, then Pondy. Man, it's weird to see Dennis having standards over sociopathy. Then again, the gang WAS dealing with a family that hated their dad.


I love that it turns out that "asserting his dominance" runs in Mac's family.

                  Charlie's mom describing in clam detail he sexual escapades with Mac's dad and the other guy was one of the most painfully hilarious things they have done in a long time


                 So I have to ask.........am I the only one that sees Mac's dad and just can't help but think he looks and sounds JUST LIKE a yougner Jack Nicholson?  So much so that I am always wondering if I am missing something, is there a joke in there somewhere and a reason for it?  I have checked multiple time to make sure......that really isn't Jack Nicholson? 

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I thought the best line was a throwaway line from Charlie when he and Mac went to see Mac's dad in jail in regards to putting heroin up their asses again.  Mac mentions he would do it again if his dad asked him to, and Charlie's reply..."well of course you would want to."  I love how they aren't holding back any longer with how everybody in the gang can see Mac is gay.


The first time we see Mac and Charlie at the prison while Mac talks to his dad was hilarious.  You could tell Charlie was trying so hard not to break up laughing.

Edited by CMH1981
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Well, that was disturbing. I don't get Luther being a dead man, though . . . one look at him should scare away anybody out to murder him for snitching.


The other plot was bizarre. I take it one of the writers saw a "Life Is Happy" t-shirt on sale at an airport, and the rest wrote itself. I don't bother wondering how Frank could get his buddy to sign off on a life insurance policy. I don't even blink at the thought of Frank in an airport "just because."


Is Charlie's mom that big of a slut? I only have this episode and the Christmas one to go on.

There are certain episodes where I wish I didn't know the name ahead of time.  This is one of them.  ("The Gang set Sweet Dee on Fire" is another.)  The title card is set up so well as a punchline and knowing it ahead of time spoils that a bit.


I like the Ponderosas as characters.  It reminded me that we haven't seen the McPoyles yet this season.  Not that I need a lot of them, but I imagine they'll show up with a bit of a grudge from the "Squashes Their Beefs" fire.

This episode gets a hearty two thumbs up from me!  The side characters on this show are freakin' beautiful ("Daddy says I'm too fat to be a slut."  I die.) and the Ponderosas, once again, provide that special warped touch to the depravity already present in "The Gang."  Everything with Mac's dad's plot, especially Charlie's mom's story (was she implying Dirty Sanchez there, because that's totally where my mind went), made me literally cackle with glee.  Mac's dad is so awesomely terrifying; I'd really like to see the backstory on how he and Mrs. Mac got together.  Recently discovered factoid:  Charlie's mom (Lynne Marie Stewart) played Miss Yvonne, the most beautiful woman in puppetland, way back when on The PeeWee Herman Show.  I think I love her even more now.


All that hilarity aside, my favorite bit was the whole Maureen Ponderosa being plastic surgeried into a cat lady.  The gang's suggestions to her - "Get some fur."  "You should get a tail."  "Why not go whole hog and start wearing human sweatshirts?" coupled with her placid agreement, done in cat-voice, did me in.  I must have watched that scene half a dozen times.


Well done, show.  Well. done.  Now bring on the McPoyles!

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Is Charlie's mom that big of a slut? I only have this episode and the Christmas one to go on.

You know, other than the Christmas episode, I think it's more that she's attracted to Mac's dad. When Mac's dad was out of prison the first time, she slept with him right after she met him, and that was while she was being Frank's "bang maid.

Bill Ponderosa's children were my favorite thing about the episode. I freaking DIED when his son clapped and squeeled with glee after Dee called his sister a fat slut.

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                  Charlie's mom describing in clam detail he sexual escapades with Mac's dad and the other guy was one of the most painfully hilarious things they have done in a long time


                 So I have to ask.........am I the only one that sees Mac's dad and just can't help but think he looks and sounds JUST LIKE a yougner Jack Nicholson?  So much so that I am always wondering if I am missing something, is there a joke in there somewhere and a reason for it?  I have checked multiple time to make sure......that really isn't Jack Nicholson? 


"Clam detail"?  I guess that's one way to put it, although... I thought most of it was "in the butt".  :)


I think the physical casting on Mac's dad is phenomenal; he totally looks like an older Mac.

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