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S10.E14: Hero Worship

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OK. Nice amount of Spencer, nice amount of teamwork, good to see Derek on bomb squad, nice quasi twist on the unsub. Hey, could they have been just a little more obvious on Miss Einstein?

Edited by normasm
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One of the better recent eps (and by recent, I mean the past three seasons). And, yes, I am just waiting for a reappearance of Dr. Einstein and a serious flirtation for our resident doctor, but I don't mind a meet-cute if it means some fun times for Spencer.

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I really liked this one. Good amount of suspense. Unsub not obvious from the get-go. Lots of Reid. Team staying true to their characters AND their areas of expertise. This is the first one I've wanted to watch over again in a long, long time. I'm relieved it was a plain, ordinary killer and not some bizarre psycho with fetishes. Good profiling. 

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Morgan with the bomb! JJ with the media! Hotch with the unsub interrogation! Reid with the stats (although "I don't think this is the time")! Garcia with the funny comment and the shared glances and grins from the team (even Hotch was smiling)! Snarky locals (loooooved the harassed waiter and the gladhanding mayor who was willing to throw the FBI under the bus)! Cops listening to the profile who actually have questions for the profilers instead of just nodding understandingly! And Rossi with a variation on Emily's "I hate politics!"

This really felt like an old-school ep.

Edited by Sharpie66
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I liked it. Like old times! I particularly liked the profile delivery which seemed much more believable and unrehearsed with all the questions from the cops. Nice to get a decent amount of Reid time.

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This one kept me interested for the first 20 minutes or so. I thought they spread team time out fairly well and I was so relieved that we didn't get the main unsub right away, although technically there were two unsubs. While I did enjoy it, I have some nitpicks:
* The episode peaked way too soon. They rescued the "hero" who was technically an unsub and then the pace sort of dropped off.
* The whole person sets bomb or starts fire so the can be the hero but there were unexpected casualties has been done to death, but even though it seemed a bit of a stretch, I sort of bought that the guy would have done it to try to save his marriage and get respect.
* I thought JJ was good when she was talking to the wife up until she mentioned the word "mother". I swear, if I hear her say the word "mother" one more time I will break something. But, she was believably sympathetic and had the right tone when speaking to the wife/mother.
* The Einstein girl *really* annoyed me for some reason. There was just something odd about their focus on her and the way she acted that made me feel like they were setting her up to be a spinoff character or recurring character-- and she didn't even seem all that smart. I know she claimed to have finished medical school at 19, but the actress just didn't make me believe she was intelligent. I'm not quite sure what it was about her. Maybe it was her dialog. The whole "So this is what you guys do.. You talk." It just made her seem stupid. She came off like a teenager to me for some reason. I felt like they were trying too hard to add a flavor character in and it just didn't mesh well with the story. She was distracting.
* Speaking of distracting, I was distracted by Kate's forehead and how it looked like her eyebrows were missing or covered up with make-up and it made it hard for me to focus on her scenes when she was leaning over the table to grill the guy.
* As much as I hate to see time taken away from Reid, I wish we'd heard more from Morgan about bombs because he's the expert.
* While I thought that Matthew and Joe did a good job with the Reid/Rossi chess scenes, I couldn't help but feel there was an afterschool special vibe to those scenes. It really reminded me of something on one of those old sitcoms where the wise older character dispensed advice to the younger confused character-- usually a teenager or child. Maybe it was the precise dialog.. I'm not sure.
* We randomly saw the main unsub's face for no apparent reason. They could have shown his hands making the bomb or veiled his face in shadow and then just showed the stuff around him.
* I'm not sure the main unsub's motive made sense exactly. What was it? He had sex with a student and lost his job so he bombed the school? Was there something else going on to exacerbate his stress?
* Was it just me, or did JJ sound very insincere when she was trying to talk the unsub down at the end? I don't know why, but I wasn't buying it-- but maybe its because I'm fed up with JJ.
* If I were to compare this to food, I would say its like a dish where the chef tried to add some distinct strong flavors to make them stand out, but that they didn't mesh well together and they sort of clashed. It seemed like he was trying too hard to make more complex characters and they ended up being sort of stereotypes or caricatures instead of coming off as real. I don't know if it was the writing or the directing or both though.

Overall, I would say it wasn't terrible. I'd give it a C+ or B-.


An addendum since I just read other comments: I did love that Morgan got to diffuse the bomb. I also thought the stress of the waiter really came across well. It was interesting how it looked like his head was about to explode when the actual explosion happened. I also liked the Mayor.

Edited by zannej
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Yeah, zannej, the Einstein girl better not show up on Reid's doorstep in the future, either figuratively or literally. As a one-off, i'll accept that she was cute and that's the limit.


I immediately thought of you and MMC when JJ said the word "mother." I thought, "Oh, she was so close to getting out of this without messing up!"


And, yeah, I think Morgan would have known the "cookbook" backwards and forwards. But i loved them diffusing the bomb together.

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Last night, I had absolutely no idea what to make of this episode, because it left me with too many questions.  A rewatch answered some of them.  Overall, I thought it was pretty good, but not great.


The good:

Adequate Reid, of course, showing more of his personality than his intellect, for a change.  In context, I didn't find the Rossi scenes as annoying as I did in the preview, but there was something just a little bit off, to me. 

               I like to think that the throwaway remark about the subway was not genuine on Reid's part (because otherwise it represents a caricature on the writer's part), but, rather, Reid's use of what he believes the team thinks of him to make his excuse.

               My favorite scene with Reid was actually with the patient who wanted information on his father. It showed a mature compassion and ended with the reminder that Reid is grieving his own father figure.  That resonated with me more than any  of the other Reid scenes.


I thought the husband/wife were well-acted, especially the wife.  The scene where you can tell she's just realized what her husband did was very well done.


I loved the balance among the team, and liked the use of JJ's liaison skills and Morgan's skills with explosives.


My remaining questions are logic ones.  Why did Morgan try to defuse the bomb under the (first) unsub's truck?  It didn't have a timer.  They could have waited for the bomb squad.  Why did Reid refuse to leave?  I know it was supposed to show solidarity and bravery, but it wasn't like he was needed to hold the flashlight, or anything.  All it did was to put the two of them in manufactured peril which, to me, defused any drama the scene might have held. 


Same at the end.  Why did Reid and JJ both have to stay in the room with the bomb?  Was it necessary for two people to talk the (second) unsub down?  Maybe that's a reasonable argument to make.  But all I kept thinking was that JJ should get out of there, just in case.  (Because I worry about Henry with the scuzzy Will.)


And why did Einstein have to go to medical school for the kind of forensics she was doing? 


Finally, two observations:  What it is with Rick Dunkle and bombs/explosions?  It's almost become niche writing.

                                          And--the nod to the areas of expertise of the team members, the demonstration of the 'bravery' of Reid, the restoration of balance among the team within the episode----all of it seems to point to the idea that someone is paying attention to feedback.  So keep it coming!

Edited by JustMyOpinion
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My remaining questions are logic ones.  Why did Morgan try to defuse the bomb under the (first) unsub's truck?  It didn't have a timer.  They could have waited for the bomb squad.  


The bomb was on a pressure sensor, when the unsub hit the pedal it armed the bomb, if he released the pedal it would have exploded. He couldn't keep the pedal in it's position all night, at some point his foot would slip and boom.

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Understood, MrWhyt, but a phone call would have told them the bomb squad was minutes away. 


I was just looking for a little something more, so it would have made sense.  Like the bomb squad was across town, there was some traffic obstruction.  Just like I would have liked an additional reason for Reid to stay. 

Edited by JustMyOpinion
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The Einstein girl *really* annoyed me for some reason. There was just something odd about their focus on her and the way she acted that made me feel like they were setting her up to be a spinoff character or recurring character-- and she didn't even seem all that smart. I know she claimed to have finished medical school at 19, but the actress just didn't make me believe she was intelligent. I'm not quite sure what it was about her. Maybe it was her dialog. The whole "So this is what you guys do.. You talk." It just made her seem stupid. She came off like a teenager to me for some reason. I felt like they were trying too hard to add a flavor character in and it just didn't mesh well with the story. She was distracting.



Yeah, zannej, the Einstein girl better not show up on Reid's doorstep in the future, either figuratively or literally. As a one-off, i'll accept that she was cute and that's the limit.


Agreed on both counts.  It felt like she was supposed to be some cross between Reid and Garcia.  More than that, it felt like an audition for 'quirky character' in a show.  If they hadn't already cast their quirky character for the spinoff, I'd have thought this was she.  She was cute, and if we'd never met Maeve, I might have been able to entertain a flirtation (but not a relationship) between her and Reid. But....no. She can stay in Indianapolis.  They have a nice children's museum there.

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I completely forgot about the scene where the patient stopped Reid and asked about his father. That was a good one. I loved that Reid empathized and that he really wanted to help the guy-- and also, the actor playing the patient did a good job. I believed that he was distraught and wanting to find his father.


I imagine JJ was there with Reid because there seems to be some unwritten rule that she almost always has to be part of the takedown. Since the agents are supposed to be in teams, it made sense for more than one to go in-- although I think it would have made more sense for it to be Morgan since he knew more about bombs.


JMO, after Morgan told the guy to not move his foot, the guy started freaking out and complaining that his foot was cramping and that he couldn't hold his foot like that much longer.


It would have made more sense for Reid to stay if he'd done something like help hold the guy's foot in place or keep the guy relaxed while Morgan worked on the bomb.


I was so annoyed with the Einstein chick that I totally missed she was doing non-medical forensic stuff but she said she went to medical school. Something about her just screamed Mary Sue.

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Understood, MrWhyt, but a phone call would have told them the bomb squad was minutes away. 


I was just looking for a little something more, so it would have made sense.  Like the bomb squad was across town, there was some traffic obstruction.  Just like I would have liked an additional reason for Reid to stay. 

Morgan is not the type of guy refuse to help some one when he can, and Reid is not the type of guy to leave a friend behind to face danger alone.

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I imagine JJ was there with Reid because there seems to be some unwritten rule that she almost always has to be part of the takedown. Since the agents are supposed to be in teams, it made sense for more than one to go in-- although I think it would have made more sense for it to be Morgan since he knew more about bombs.




I was so annoyed with the Einstein chick that I totally missed she was doing non-medical forensic stuff but she said she went to medical school. Something about her just screamed Mary Sue.


But Morgan was busy with the decoy bomb and that made perfectly sense. I don't mind her being there with Reid. She did good, talkng with the family and the media. By the way ... why is it so awful when she's saying something about being a mother (or whatever it was that upset you)?


The Einstein girl was odd ... you would think she's fed up with all those guys making a remark about her name.. I wouldn't mind her being snarky about it.

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I liked it. I mean, it's no Nelson's Sparrow, but...

Loved Reid and Morgan in the field doing bomb stuff and the rest of the team at the station -- everyone was useful and needed, and everyone had a part. Love Reid and Morgan together. As an aside, I like that Morgan still calls Reid "Kid." Sure, he's not a kid anymore, but to me, it's an endearment. My 73-year-old uncle calls my 67-year-old aunt "Kid." They met when she was 17 and it's what he has always called her. I think it's very sweet.

Reid looked divine. And isn't MGG great when they actually give him something to do? The only problem I have is that now that I've seen him with actual lines and screen time, I'm gonna be so bummed if they put him on the back burner for the rest of the season.

I always love Reid and Rossi scenes. Rossi seems to really "get" Reid.

Thought Einstein was cute and bubbly. Who knows if she will resurface? Maybe it's just leading to giving Reid confidence and helping him move on from Maeve.

I liked Kate in the interrogation. She and Hotch work well together.

Still can't stand JJ.

Overall, for me, it was a good episode.

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Droog, I liked everything you said except for the Einstein girl. Zannej hit it and JMO seconded: she's a Mary Sue. When I watched it a second time, she felt even more like one; I was just glad that she interacted and flirted with Morgan and Rossi before she did with Reid. Just leave it right there, writers… step slowly away from the ship...

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This wasn't a perfect episode, but maybe I've been under too much stress to really get in it.


It was good to see Reid actually do stuff rather than take up space like a piece of furniture. In fact, everyone got to show some of their skills like Morgan diffusing the bomb. And I don't mind him calling Reid "Kid." It's like a term of endearment, not a put down.


Sorry, I wasn't too keen on the Einstein character (I hope she's just a one time deal). Perhaps, it's the writing or maybe the actress herself, but I wasn't sold on Einstein as someone who graduated from med school at 19. The actress who played Einstein didn't sell it and it doesn't help she came across like a poor man's Zooey Deschanel. Sure, Matthew has a boyish quality and looks far younger than his actual age, but he has a gravitas to him where I can buy that he has an amazing intellect and a truckload of Ph.ds. Einstein? Not so much. And as much as I'd like Reid to have a girlfriend I don't want her to be Reid with a vagina, create a new character out of whole cloth, show some creativity.


I have to admit I first thought the over-worked and stressed-out waiter was going to be the unsub. I've had days like his where I'm pulled in 10 directions and it takes all my strength not to become "unsubby."


And as for JJ, her hair last night was a distraction. I kept thinking she was doing a shampoo commercial with how long and styled it is.

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Droog, I liked everything you said except for the Einstein girl. Zannej hit it and JMO seconded: she's a Mary Sue. When I watched it a second time, she felt even more like one; I was just glad that she interacted and flirted with Morgan and Rossi before she did with Reid. Just leave it right there, writers… step slowly away from the ship...

I definitely see your point. I just want so much for Reid to have someone to go home to.

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Yeah, but Reid isn't going to be able to go home to someone who lives in Indianapolis, and she is too annoying for a long distant relationship. The show has frequently had local flirtations that developed into nothing, and that is likely what will happen here. It seems more like bringing back some light touches or accents to an episode that adds a little spice and character, but not supposed to be the start of a story arc. The show used to have stuff like that, and it's nice to see the storytelling return to its roots. But that doesn't mean I want this to go further for Reid. Sure I would like to see him in a relationship, but I didn't like this particular girl.

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I know, FA. It's not plausible but I'm a hopeless romantic. And she seems too young. I'm just hoping against hope that some kind of door is opened and something good comes his way. Is entirely time.

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JJ's mother/you'll always be her hero line was one of the worst things ever written in this show. I felt like AJ Cook knew it too.


It made me cringe so hard. I'm still cringing now.

The music did it no favors. It just felt so over the top and out of place. But yea, the way the line was written was really cringeworthy. I felt like I was watching an episode of Grey's Anatomy for a moment.

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I imagine JJ was there with Reid because there seems to be some unwritten rule that she almost always has to be part of the takedown.

I've seen the numbers in the statistics thread.  I'm not so sure that rule is unwritten.  Joining the writing team might require tattooing it somewhere on yourself you'd see while you were writing.

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Did Rossi actually refer to Gideon as 'Giddy' when he was talking to Reid at the end about the never-ending chess game, or did I mis-hear?  I can definitely see Mandy Patinkin as a Gideon, but never a Giddy'.

Joe's voice frequently drops out when he's speaking normal pace.

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I thought this episode had a chance to be entertaining. It was very much an "old school" episode, everyone had lots to do and there was a good amount of suspense over who the actual UnSub was. I knew the "hero" would be a bad guy from the get-go, but I didn't see a second guy...thought maybe it might have been his wife.

(As an aside, I could have dug it if the "second UnSub" was the hero's daughter...kids can be smarter than they look, and I think it's the perfect misdirect to use a brainiac kid, but I digress)

I also liked how Morgan essentially was the one playing the "lead" in the investigation, since he'd be the one who'd know the most about bombs. Interestingly, a friend of mine- who just recently got into the show and only saw a smattering of old episodes- rolled her eyes when she saw Morgan diffuse the bomb until I told her about "Won't Get Fooled Again", after which she was impressed with Morgan's abilities. Makes me wish it didn't take them this long to remind the viewers that Morgan is the bomb expert, but better late than never I guess.

Liked Reid and his never-ending chess game, and, though I felt Rossi was a bit heavy-handed in essentially telling Reid to "get over it", I did feel he was genuinely sympathetic towards him. I also liked how they "finished the game"- I really enjoyed Rossi's line, "who do you think he played before he met you?" because it gave the game a sense of purpose. I get the sense that Rossi would be as much of a challenge for Reid to beat at chess as Gideon was, so perhaps when Reid wins that match he can finally say he beat Gideon. It's a nice way to "close the book" on Gideon much how like Rossi "closed the book" on Maeve- maybe Rossi really *is* becoming Reid's next father figure.

(Which doesn't bode well for Rossi's survival, but I digress)

I also liked JJ handling the media and Kate and Hotch handling the interrogations...Callahan and Hotchner do work well together as an interrogation unit. Not sure if they're quite at the level of Prentiss/Hotch but give it a few more episodes and they may get up there. I also liked seeing Hotch having a plan and working it with his natural partner, Rossi, and I enjoyed Morgan and Reid being paired up for this one, since they work so well together.

Still, I just felt like this lacked "something"...I really don't know what it was. Obviously the callback for this episode was "Won't Get Fooled Again", with a little mixture of "Empty Planet", but try as it might to be that kind of episode, it failed. Perhaps it was the acting of the UnSubs themselves, since I didn't really get a sense that they were the "hidden terror" types, and I guess the story had a "roteness" to it that it just couldn't get out of. I also really didn't get the sense that Indianapolis was really "plunged into terror"- they tried with a few references but they never got there. I think I would have liked a resident or two- not just the Mayor- give the FBI grief over their inability to catch the guy- at least it would have given the episode more urgency.

I also wondered, why Indianapolis? This is a complaint I could use for just about any episode, because most of the time they feel like the setting for the crimes are completely random, being placed somewhere for the sake of them placing the crimes somewhere. I get the show wants the vibe that "this could happen anywhere" but I really felt like a guy who wants as much attention as this bomber would work better in a city where something is actually happening, like perhaps New Orleans. Yeah I know, there's the cliche about using New Orleans for Mardi Gras but I think if you want a story where a bomber is craving attention, nothing can beat the Big Easy after Shrove Tuesday (if you want to get away from the obvious choices like Vegas or New York). Indianapolis? Why not wait until Memorial Day or the Colts' home opener?

I think the big thing for me was the takedown scene...I do not like it. Not because I thought JJ or Reid did a bad job (I thought JJ did, but Reid was terrific), or because Morgan should have been down there (he should have, but that's beside the point), but because the writers themselves didn't seem to learn anything from "Won't Get Fooled Again". How come neither Hotch or Rossi thought to take some kind of precautions before sending their agents after a bomber, especially one as narcissistic as this one? Surely they would have remembered Adrian Bale and thought twice about putting their own agents in peril. JJ and Reid were basically in a death trap and no one seemed to even be bothered by it. Why? If Rick Dunkle really wanted to pay tribute to Gideon, then why do it by getting his "signature story" right?

I suppose you could argue that the team thought the UnSub wouldn't be the kind of guy who'd blow himself up because he wanted the attention but I don't buy that- the bomber's got all the power in the room, and I would think a guy as narcissistic as he is would believe he'd make a bigger- and better- story as martyr than as a convicted criminal. Even if reality would be different, I'd imagine a mind as warped as a bomber's would believe there's "glory" in death and thus wouldn't be afraid of it.

Regardless, even if the bomber had no actual intention of blowing himself up, why not call the agents' bluff? What are they going to do if he doesn't drop the bomb? Blow it out of his hands? Then they're all dead.

I think- just like "Nelson's Sparrow" before it- the show tried too hard to call back to earlier seasons without quite getting there, only this time the mistake was far more glaring.

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I think one of the things is that the bombers are typically labeled as "cowards" and don't really want to die-- at least these types of bombers. So the guy was afraid to blow himself up.


JJ talking about how the woman is a mother and therefore the hero bugged me because ever since JJ had Henry, the show can't stop reminding us that JJ is a mother. And Erica brings up in interviews that JJ is a mother. Almost anytime there is an insight to mothers, JJ is the one who has it. So when she so much as says the word "mother" it annoys me-- and I realize that its totally irrational.


As for the Einstein character, CBS tweeted asking people to retweet if they liked the couple and had Reid and Einstein... Ugh. Noooooooo. I imagine Reid with someone a bit more like Scully from X-Files (not in appearance, but she actually came off as intelligent and serious to me most of the time) with a dry sense of humor. Maybe a mix between Scully and the medical examiner on Law & Order who dryly makes punny cracks. The Einstein chick was bordering on valley girl to me (but I need to re-watch to see if I'm remembering correctly).

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I suppose that makes sense, although I still think it's pretty negligent at least that Hotch sends his agents without at least taking the precautions against him setting the bomb off...it's not like he's just a guy with a gun that can't do too much damage. A bomb is a bomb.

As for Einstein- I forgot to mention her. I totally got the “Valley Girl” vibe from her. I personally thought she was cute, and I could totally see Reid liking someone as vibrant as she is. Problem is, I'm not sure if I'd like her without seeing her more often- her voice is nasally and her vocabulary seems sophomoric, which can get tiring. However, if she's developed right, I could see Einstein as a viable love interest.

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Watching it again, I'm going out on a limb to say I like Einstein. She's young and doesn't live in DC, so that would pose a problem, but she was cute and vibrant. Lila was vapid, and Reid was maybe a little caught up in the excitement with her, what with her climbing him like a tree in the pool. Austin, sorry, but while she was attractive, what would they have actually talked about? I really liked Maeve for Reid, but we all know how that went.

Einstein, though, seemed like a good foil -- she laughed at the right times, and she was fresh-faced and engaging. Maybe she's a very, very smart young woman who also happens to have some social skills. I could see her being good for Reid. Though she is young, Reid is written as a person who hasn't been on the prowl a great deal, so emotionally, it could work. And, hello, how funny and ironic if Reid were to end up with Albert Einstein's gg-granddaughter? What a coup. I didn't, however, care for them naming her "Dylan." Perfectly OK name, but it doesn't have the gravitas that a name like Einstein carries.

If they decided to go in that direction, I would get right behind it. If I can't have him with Dr. Kimura (so she's older -- I don't care), and since they've already blown out the brains of someone who may well have been perfect for him (ridiculousness of the whole stalker/pseudonym/failed-Replicator-plot aside) then I would be happy if they let Reid find love with Einstein. I get that MGG has some pretty ferocious fans, but so does Shemar Moore -- and tons of people "ship" Morgan and Garcia -- and that didn't stop TPTB from giving him a love interest.

Edited by Droogie
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Judging from the CM FB site, it looks like you have plenty of company, Droogie.  Lots of people already have Einstein and Reid already hooked up. 


I always wonder if some of those comments are planted as test balloons to see if the idea carries weight.  Because we really didn't see much interaction between Reid and Einstein in the episode, so all of the buzz about 'romance' is coming from the commentary.  If we were meant to go in that direction, I'm disappointed.  In that respect, it felt like the writers don't know what to do with Reid romantically  (because they don't understand him), so they came up with 'someone almost exactly like him'.  And, I agree with you, a big part of their problem is that they killed off a much more likely romantic prospect. 


Personally, If I thought the show was capable of portraying it (which I do not), I would like to see Reid with someone who is mature and real.  I didn't get either vibe from Einstein.  To me, she came across as exactly what she was---a character.


If, on the other hand, they were to insert an 'Einstein' into an episode for the purpose of giving Reid a dose of his own genius-ramble medicine, I might have found it amusing.  But she didn't interact with him enough for that.  So, I surmise that we were meant to jump to the romance conclusion.  Or the character was, indeed, auditioning for a part in another CBS show.

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I could see Reid with the Einstein girl. I think he needs someone with a vibrant, joky personality to balance his seriousness. BUT I would hate for CM to actually attempt it. They simply cannot write the personal and romantic stories well at all so I wouldn't want to see their usual sappy schmuck rolled out in such a relationship for Reid. Much as I think Reid ought to have at least one positive storyline, please, please by everything that's holy don't let them loose on a girlfriend for him!

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Old Dog, I completely understand your sentiment. I don't necessarily trust them to write a nice, genuine, romance for Reid. Goodness, I can't even watch Morgan and Savannah at all. But if the show ends, and Reid is the only one without someone in his life besides his teammates, I am going to be completely, out-of-proportion-to-the-situation pissed off. If I've invested 10 years in this show, watching them expertly weave the character of Spencer Reid (for at least the first half of the series) into this brave, brilliant, heartbreakingly-kind soul, and then they just leave him like that... well, I'm not sure I can be held responsible for my actions.

JMO, I definitely think they don't know him well enough to give him the "right" woman. And I think the reason we are seeing a lot of comments applauding a possible romance between Reid and Einstein is the same reason I do -- because people love Reid and want to see him happy, potential cheesiness notwithstanding.

Interestingly enough, MGG tweeted an interview he did the other day about "Suburban Gothic." He mentioned CM and said he thinks that after all this time, the writers just get better. He doesn't strike me as the type to say that if he doesn't think it. Usually, he doesn't mention CM at all.

Edited by Droogie
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I don't have a lot of in-depth comments since I had this episode on in the background when I was shopping on Groupon, but two things that struck me right away:


1. OMFG REID'S HAIR. I don't have words for that travesty. 

2. JJ gets to tell the mother HOW AWESOME IT IS TO BE A MOTHER. Silver lining: at least this time it has nothing to do with her PTSD. 


I thought JLH's makeup was horrible but she did well in the interrogation scene with the guy who was the red herring. 


I found the Einstein girl super annoying. She reminds me of Daisy Wick in Bones, only even more annoying

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I think she is talking about Einstein, a walking, talking Mary Sue from bad fan fiction. :) :) :)

I know the CM character she was talking about was Einstein. I'm wondering if she posits that Einstein is a rip-off of a character in a bad fanfic.

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