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S04.E12: Respect


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Harvard ethics professor Henry Gerard seeks Harvey's help with a case that requires a lack of ethics to win. Mike, meanwhile, does his best to not be spotted by the professor, whose class he never took; and Louis tries to wine and dine a socialite CEO.
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This show used to be so good. What a lackluster episode.

I'm from the Midwest. Could someone enlighten me as to what the "railroad tracks" were on the rooftop where Jessica and Harvey met?

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This show used to be so good. What a lackluster episode.

I'm from the Midwest. Could someone enlighten me as to what the "railroad tracks" were on the rooftop where Jessica and Harvey met?


Parts of that rooftop scene looked so fake. Are you talking about the tiny metal pieces near the AC ducts?


I think they just added those for flavor - or maybe they shield electrical cables for the lights on the roof.

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I guess we're supposed to think that getting this huge accomplishment through shady means has gotten right under Louis' skin and blown his childish pettiness up to epic proportions, but I wish they'd make it a bit clearer. Because while this has always been an aspect of his character, we could also see in the past what made him a great lawyer, deserving of his position in a prestigious firm, and worthy of some modicum of respect. I'm sure there's a veritable tempest raging in that man's soul over what he's done. I only wish we could actually see some of that conflict, instead of having to deal with one-dimensional jerkface Louis having a series of tantrums over getting what he wants.


Also, I love Jessica. I don't care what anyone says. Jessica is the man.


Watching Mike cut Harvey zero slack over his issues was nice, but Harvey "thanking" him by lying about Professor What's-his-face figuring it out... that was not a kindness. And it goes counter to what Donna was saying about "the team" having to protect each other. If Mike wasn't going to like hearing that news from Harvey, he will like it even less when he is blindsided by a major problem he had been assured by the person he trusts most in the whole world didn't exist. WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE THINKING?!


Good thing there's Jessica. Somehow, Gina Torres makes it all better.

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The green screen effects in that rooftop scene were so horribly distracting. I know the show doesn't have a Game of Thrones level budget, but don't try if it ends up looking like crap. They should have just filmed that in Harvey's condo or some other set.

The rest of the episode was so been there, done that. I swear I've seen these same plotlines 20 times on this show already.

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Uggghhh I think this is the final Suits episode for me. Except for Donna, everyone is just so idiotic and unlikeble. The worst is Mike. When the fuck did he become such a sanctimonious asshat? Clearly he selectively forgot that he's the sole source of everyone's problems. Also, they could be smart about it and keep him purely in the background akin to a paralegal instead of trotting him out to the frontlines as a lawyer and have him meet with clients or, god-forbid, step foot into a courtroom. Letting him have meetings with that Harvard professor client was pure idiocy.


ETA: How exactly is Rachel attending an Ivy League law school and is able to carry a full time job during the day and pull all-nighters at work? Last I checked, they have things called "classes" and "learning material".

Edited by Tony
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Tracks were for a window washing platform that goes over the edge. Look at a city in Google earth; many/most high rises have them.

Thanks Leko. I had never heard of/seen such a thing before.

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Uggghhh I think this is the final Suits episode for me. Except for Donna, everyone is just so idiotic and unlikable."


Me too, sadly. I loved this show until sometime last year. It's started to feel like they're having the same conversation/argument over & over again every episode.  It's hard to stick with a show when you've stopped liking the characters.

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The green screen effects in that rooftop scene were so horribly distracting. I know the show doesn't have a Game of Thrones level budget, but don't try if it ends up looking like crap. They should have just filmed that in Harvey's condo or some other set.

The rest of the episode was so been there, done that. I swear I've seen these same plotlines 20 times on this show already.


They could've just filmed the rooftop scene at "night" - last time they did that, it didn't look anywhere near as bad, because most of it was obscured by darkness.

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Watching Mike cut Harvey zero slack over his issues was nice, but Harvey "thanking" him by lying about Professor What's-his-face figuring it out... that was not a kindness. And it goes counter to what Donna was saying about "the team" having to protect each other. If Mike wasn't going to like hearing that news from Harvey, he will like it even less when he is blindsided by a major problem he had been assured by the person he trusts most in the whole world didn't exist. WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE THINKING?!



Psst, that is called "future plot points" in the writers room :D

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ETA: How exactly is Rachel attending an Ivy League law school and is able to carry a full time job during the day and pull all-nighters at work? Last I checked, they have things called "classes" and "learning material".


Just proof that Rachel really is a special snowflake who can handle things that no mere mortal can. I worked in a law library and we had part time student assistants. One of them moved up to full time after she graduated. Later she decided to go to law school. We were as flexible as we could be, because she had worked there for years and we really wanted her to succeed. The work wasn't stressful and there weren't deadlines to get a case to court and making an error wouldn't lose a case. After one semester she came to the boss and said she just couldn't work and do well in school. This wasn't an Ivy League School. It was a state college. I mean it wasn't a bad law school, it was pretty good, but it wasn't Columbia with a huge competitive student body either.  But Rachel apparently doesn't need study or write papers and I guess she's gotten over her crippling test anxiety, so she just has to go to class and absorb information like a sponge and she will probably graduate first in her class because she is just that good.

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Haven't they done daylight rooftop scenes before on this show? I would have sworn they did. Wow did that ever look horrible. Why even bother blowing any portion of your budget on cgi when you have a show that doesn't remotely need it? This isn't The Flash.


I'm going to choose to believe that they were trying to indicate that this season is actually taking place in the Matrix, and this whole season has been a VR dream of Louis'.

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Well, change my name to Pollyanna, but this episode gave me hope that we might be getting away from the big secret that everyone knows and the infighting and arguing and might get back to clients and cases and relationships and touching moments and all the stuff that used to make this show so good - maybe even getting back to witty banter. 


They actually had something resembling a case this week. And, thanks to Donna, Louis seems to be coming around to the idea maybe things would be better if they worked together instead of making it "me vs. them" and trying to force people to "respect" him.  The show is no where close to what it used to be, but it took a baby step in the right direction, and that gives me hope. 

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It finally happened....not even Gina Torres' clothes are enough to keep me interested.  I have fast forwarded through most of the last two episodes. Other than what I read here and elsewhere, I really don't even know what happened.  So sad to see this happen to a show that I loved.

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Well, change my name to Pollyanna, but this episode gave me hope that we might be getting away from the big secret that everyone knows and the infighting and arguing and might get back to clients and cases and relationships and touching moments and all the stuff that used to make this show so good - maybe even getting back to witty banter. 


I thought so, too, until the end when Harvey was going to tell Mike about Professor Whatsisface. :(

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Sorry show, but I am really getting tired of this Louis arc. How many different ways are you going to show him getting angry and taking it out on others. The whole thing is really getting OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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It finally happened....not even Gina Torres' clothes are enough to keep me interested.

But she looked so good in that white dress. I wish the writers were as good as the show's seamstress because that dress fit perfectly, as do most of Jessica's clothes.

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Even though the show is losing some steam it's still better that 90% of the tripe on TV between the dumb ass reality shows and the formula shows on the commercial networks is trying to foist off on the viewing public.

Edited by CaptainCranky
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Long time lurker, 1st time poster.  I have loved this show since Season 1 and Louis Litt is one of my top 3 fav characters.  My only issue is that Louis is his worst enemy.  He may be a great financial lawyer, but getting the partnership wasn't enough to make him happy.  He can't enjoy the fruits of success for the bitter taste of revenge and unforgiveness.  Getting Harvey's respect clouds his better judgement and makes not only weak, but vulnerable within the firm and with clients. . As much as I like his character, Jessica's decision to fire him was spot on.  Too bad, blackmail reared its ugly head.  Here's hoping the pouting, sneering and constant whining ends and we see better days for Mr. "You Got Litt Up".

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re: Rachel, I'm going to give her a sorta pass here. I can't stand her, mostly, but we've seen that through her work in the firm she's fairly well up on the law, and she's probably well used to doing research and writing stuff up quickly, for the firm. So she maybe has a leg up when it comes to her studies? Don't know about the test thing yet. 


Sometimes just knowledge of the subject matter helps. I went into B-school with an Eco degree with minors in Math, Stat and I'd done some Chartered Accountancy foundation as well. There was a trimester where i literally knew most of the course material for 6 of my 7 courses, as a result. Maybe that's what's enabling Rachel to pull some all nighters?

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Rachel, Harvey and Mike bug me with their sense of entitlement . Rachel expecting to be rewarded for pulling an all nighter to fix a mess she helped to create by not informing Louis of all the relevant details of his new client. Harvey for being whiney about a professor who wasn't 100% perfect when he's only adheres to rules about 12% of the time, mostly for his own ego and gratification. Mike for having a go at Harvey every 5 minutes for one thing or another, seriously if Harvey doesn't want to take a case it's Harvey's decision, not his.




Louis needs to dial it down a notch already. I'm left wondering why Donna super secretary didn't think to inform Louis about the details of the client as she passed him the file.


I'm powering through this show now because I want to get it over with but it's becoming increasingly difficult for me to like any of these characters.


Does Jeff Malone actually do anything at that law firm ? Does anyone other than Harvey and Louis do anything ?

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