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Hart Of Dixie - General Discussion

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On 1/29/2019 at 1:05 AM, JustaPerson said:

I know BlueBell was the point of the show, but i kinda wished we had seen an episode in NYC. We never got to see Zoe in her natural habitat! Not to mention it would have been hilarious to see someone like Wade somewhere like New York.

Later in the series (I think it may have been in season 4, but I marathoned the episodes so cannot recall), Zoe returned to NYC and stayed with her mother. The mom threw a party in her home and had a few of Zoe’s old friends, but mostly people to try to woo her back to NYC during and after her pregnancy. A plastic surgeon who specialized in lady parts, a pre-school director who encouraged her to get the baby’s name on the list for his school pre-birth due to the waiting list. Wade does come to NYC, too. 
It was just the one episode.

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On 2/3/2018 at 12:15 PM, angelwoody said:

I watched the whole series except for the last two eps during the original run (Lost put me off series finales). I just finished rewatching the entire thing and fell in Love all over again! Such a happy, fun little show!

I am rewatching now and really enjoying it.  I forgot how good it was!

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On 3/2/2015 at 10:05 PM, Spencer Hastings said:

Maybe Alice was miserable with Brick and Lemon for ten or so years but decided she would just ride it out until Lemon was old enough.  Lots of people see their kid turning 18 as their route to freedom.  I know people who had their kids young so that when the kids were out of the house, they'd still be young enough to enjoy life.  Maybe Magnolia was an accident and another 18 years was just too much for her to comprehend, so she bolted.  She had dreams of acting but by that time she would have been at least 30 and there aren't many jobs out there when you start at that age.  So she resigned herself to being a mother, got remarried, and there was Scarlet.  Boom.  Then she just never came back because it would have been embarrassing and what do you say to the family you abandoned at that point?  How do you explain that to your new family?  I'm not making excuses for Andie McPhee but I don't think the show has time to explain at this point.


This was the one main FAIL for me with the show. And the show never really did address WHY the mom left them, and within a few years (based on the age difference between Magnolia and Scarlett) started a new family close to where her previous family lived.  But Spencer Hastings, I guess your explanation is as good as any, and holds up decently on the logic front.

On 3/7/2015 at 10:11 AM, Iboatedhere said:

I love Wanda and Tom so much. I think they're my favorite secondary characters.


Yes, Tom & Wanda are also my fave secondary characters.  And the thing I was constantly amazed at is how the show was able to bring back the original actors for not just secondary characters but even tertiary ones, like George's parents, or Ruby's grandpa, or the sheriff, etc. I kept expecting the character(s) to be played by a different actor, but I don't think this ever happened even one time.  And I would have noticed since I just discovered the show on Netflix.  Hence, why I'm just now posting even though the show has been off the air for years.

On 3/7/2015 at 3:31 PM, dubbel zout said:

I like that Zoe and Lemon are still kind of prickly with each other even as they realize they can successfully be friendly, if not actual friends.


I'd rather the show end and things be tied up with a bow than end abruptly and leave us hanging. Even if things are a bit too neat, I like seeing everyone happy.

ITA to the whole thing. Even for a sweet, saccharine, silly show (that's alot of alliteration!), it would have been unrealistic for Zoe & Lemon to become true bosom pals. Also, eye rolling if Alice was completely forgiven by Lemon & Magnolia for abandoning her family. So glad there wasn't much reconciliation there. Speaking of, such a HUGE miscasting of MM as Alice. She's way too young to play Lemon/Magnolia's mom, even with all the aging makeup. [I liked MM just fine on Dawson's Creek, but she's too young to be a mom to a 30-something year old, as seen on HoD].

On 3/9/2015 at 8:24 AM, dubbel zout said:


Lemon's come a lo-o-o-ng way since the first season. I

Without a doubt, the character that had the most - and most realistic growth over the show's entire run was Lemon. For me, that's why she's the best female character on the show. If she had remained the Lemon of S1, her antics would have gotten tiresome.

On 3/21/2015 at 11:37 PM, Swansong said:


It was nice to see Sylvie and Brando again even though I'm not a fan of random people stanning for couples as a way of telling us they're 'meant to be', even couples I love. The only time it's ever worked for me is with Earl being such a Zoe/Wade shipper. That's always kind of amused me and made me aww, but Earl generally makes me aww. But I did like the fact that there were no hard feelings between Sylvie and Zoey and really neither Sylvie or Brando seem like the grudge holding type, but I figure it would be important to Zoey to know that.

I binge-watched HoD with zero spoilers. I didn't know S4 only had 10 episodes, but started to get that inkling half way through because it seemed so many stories were being wrapped up. Thus, I didn't know Zoe/Wade were Endgame, but hoped they would be when Crazy Earl called Zoe his daughter-in-law in S4, Ep1. And I loved how the Crazy Earl character evolved from the drunken lush (fake) threatening to jump from the roof in S1 to the good guy we saw at series end.

On 3/24/2015 at 6:01 AM, Petunia13 said:

I always was a Zade fan and believe they love each other but the cheating and dust up after soured me on the coupling.

Yep - that's me too, even though I still wanted them to be Endgame, some of the luster of that pairing wore off for me.  I was so PISSED they had Wade cheat on Zoe because of HIS own messed up thinking/feelings - and not because Zoe did anything to drive him to it.  From what I saw, when they were a monogamous couple, Zoe was a great girlfriend - supportive, loving, not clingy or scolding/nagging. Just because Zoe told Wade she believed he could win the Battle of the Bands to get the money to start his own bar, I didn't see that as Zoe browbeating Wade, or feeling he's not good enough for her because he's "just" a bartender. Instead, all of that insecurity was in Wade's own head, so instead of talking to her like an adult, he (deliberately?) sabotaged their relationship.  And the whole time Wade was telling Zoe et al. that all he did was help the woman with her dead car battery, I side eyed that, but still hoped it was true for Zoe's and their relationship sake.  So for Zoe to later say that it was partly her fault Zade broke up had me PISSED!!!

I guess the only good thing about that was it showed Wade was NOT yet ready for a mature, adult relationship. He had to have that with Vivian so we - the audience could believe that Wade would be ready for such a relationship with Zoe if Zade were to happen again. The only problem I had with this is why did it have to be with Zoe's cousin?!  GROSS!  Given you'd expect Zade to see Vivian and the other Wilkes' at family events, it squicks me out that Wade had his first grown up relationship with Zoe's cousin.

On 7/12/2015 at 7:23 AM, Carrie Ann said:


And really, even though the show was pitched with the love triangle at the center, the friendships really became so much more important to me. I was about to say Lemon/Wade was my favorite, but really Zoe/Lavon was the most important to me. And Wade/George! And AB and everyone! And Zoe/Rose! And Zoe/Lemon! Oh HoD, you sweet, happy cloud of a show.

I too love the friendships on the show. My faves were:

Rose/Zoe  [little sis/big sis vibes]

Lemon/Wade [siblings who antagonize/annoy each other but ultimately love each other & have each others' back]

On 9/28/2019 at 6:59 AM, Forsaken said:

Very late to the show and the discussion but I do not get Levon as a sex object, he looks goofy and awkward. The women pant over him though. Doesn't make sense.

Same here. I felt the show pushed the "sexy, attractive" angle too hard throughout the series, but YMMV...so I just shrugged this off.  Just because I didn't find the character attractive doesn't mean others can't feel differently.

On 8/30/2020 at 1:35 AM, norcalgal said:
On 9/28/2019 at 9:59 AM, Forsaken said:

Very late to the show and the discussion but I do not get Levon as a sex object, he looks goofy and awkward. The women pant over him though. Doesn't make sense.

Same here. I felt the show pushed the "sexy, attractive" angle too hard throughout the series, but YMMV...so I just shrugged this off.  Just because I didn't find the character attractive doesn't mean others can't feel differently.

The actor Cress Williams makes an impression every show he is on.  He was on Beverly Hills 90210 over 20 yrs ago and only for a handful of episodes and there are still fans who think him and Donna would have been a great couple.  I am one of those fans.

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On 7/12/2015 at 10:50 AM, Athena said:

Yes, the show had a really lovely theme about friendship. I would even say that it does better than most shows on TV with the way it celebrated the Lavon/Zoe, Lemon/Wade, and Zoe/George platonic friendships. Early on in S1, the showrunner noticed the friend chemistry between Lavon and Zoe and in a brilliant move, they began to write more for them. When they developed Lemon's character arc, putting her with Wade was a great idea. The show did really well with its characterizations and development. The characters actually grew which is why I loved the show so much.

I started watching this again when lockdown started in March, because I needed something light, but then stopped when I could catch up with Heartland, when Showtime was free for a month. I picked it up again last week, and fell asleep to it, so I skipped several episodes as I slept, but I wanted to finish it before it's removed from Netflix. I'd forgotten how good it was, and I agree - all of the friendships are great, it seems like a real resolution to things (not just a cute wrap-up for the show and viewers). I'd forgotten that they put AB and George together, as well. Now I'm dying from the cuteness of the last episode, and I started to cry when Zoe and Wade got married. 

I hope this will be streaming from a free site like the CW. I wish that I'd put it in my rotation more, it's mostly Gilmore Girls, and I binged Jane the Virgin - love that, too. I miss the characters since I finished it in October. 

Oops, not Heartland - HOMEland. I loved that show, too, but this year I've really needed the lighter stuff. Not just because of 2020, but that's part of it. I can't get into the darker shows anymore. I keep hearing that Peaky Blinders is amazing, but I couldn't focus for long.

Edited by Anela

I have just finished this series post pandemic (fingers crossed) and it was the best series to watch in these tumultuous times.  Who wouldn't want to live in Bluebell?  AB was my favorite and enjoyed seeing her earring choice every episode.  Mr. Mytmo couldn't get past Friday Night Lights in regard to George and bowed out early on.  It was the best weekend escape for me and I sure will miss it.  They need more series like these! 

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