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S26.E01: Where Is The Love?

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CM and Abe did the first exs and they were very much a couple on that one(the episode with the bonus footage all the other cast members commented on walking in on them and stuff) so they could have done this one as well if they were still a couple.

I thought they broke up because of Abe's poop incident. I remember they kept arguing about getting back together. I know Dustin & Heather were back together on the first exes. I remember Dustin mentioning in an interview that production wanted couples who were together, on/off and random hookups.


This is third time they've put Bananas on the show with a partner where there is no footage to support the rival/ex (Camila, Frank, and now Nany).

I still don't know why you put Frank/Bananas on the same team. When Frank has so many rivals! I don't think Bananas is great tv like he once was. However, it was rumored he wrote a nasty letter to production about not being asked back for Battle of the Seasons.

Edited by choclatechip45

Bananas did write a complain letter to bmp on why he wasn't cast on BOTS, It's funny to me because if you compare ct and bananas they have been doing the same challenges for a while, but every time bananas pops on the list of the cast, people immediately jump on saying how he doesn't have a job, how he is to old, while with ct is all the opposite people barely complain about him. 

I always find ct more enjoyable to watch on this shows than bananas, mainly because ct seems more natural to me on t.v ,than bananas who tries way to hard to gain exposure, like all his lame toasts he does every time. His act is getting old.


A couple of months ago bananas did an interview with grantland where he basically said how the challenge needs him to go on, he point the failure on bots and said how now it's impossible to make a challenge that doesn't involve him or ct, and that basically he needs to make it to the end so the ratings can do good. He was so full of it, basically saying you guys should call the johnny bananas challenge.

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Bananas did write a complain letter to bmp on why he wasn't cast on BOTS, It's funny to me because if you compare ct and bananas they have been doing the same challenges for a while, but every time bananas pops on the list of the cast, people immediately jump on saying how he doesn't have a job, how he is to old, while with ct is all the opposite people barely complain about him. 

I always find ct more enjoyable to watch on this shows than bananas, mainly because ct seems more natural to me on t.v ,than bananas who tries way to hard to gain exposure, like all his lame toasts he does every time. His act is getting old.


A couple of months ago bananas did an interview with grantland where he basically said how the challenge needs him to go on, he point the failure on bots and said how now it's impossible to make a challenge that doesn't involve him or ct, and that basically he needs to make it to the end so the ratings can do good. He was so full of it, basically saying you guys should call the johnny bananas challenge.

He has to be smart enough to realize that they didn't have enough Key West women for him to be on BOTS, right? Why would he have complained about not being asked when demographics made it impossible for him to be on that season?


Johnny is great at Challenges, but I must be in the minority when I say that he doesn't even make particularly compelling TV. I can't recall a single memorable quote from any of his confessionals (the bobble head was more of a gimmicky action than a quote).


I think that the difference between CT and Johnny is that CT doesn't act as if he (or any one person) makes the show, which is the opposite impression that I get from Johnny.


Also, am I the only one who side-eyed him when he had a confessional about, once again, trying not to yell at his female partner?


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I they are BFFs because she kept tweeting Go Nany!  I like Nany for her entertainment value and don't like Cara at all, but I agree with you. You know who I wold like to see on a Battle of the Sexes? Marie from St. Thomas I remember on Battle of the Seasons her sticking up for her boyfriend which was a nice change of pace for this show.

Marie is hardcore!!! I liked her but she smokes and drinks a lot so I don't know how long she could hang in the challenges? How did her and Skinny Rob do? I can't remember.


I thought they broke up because of Abe's poop incident. I remember they kept arguing about getting back together. I know Dustin & Heather were back together on the first exes. I remember Dustin mentioning in an interview that production wanted couples who were together, on/off and random hookups.

I still don't know why you put Frank/Bananas on the same team. When Frank has so many rivals! I don't think Bananas is great tv like he once was. However, it was rumored he wrote a nasty letter to production about not being asked back for Battle of the Seasons.

Poop incident? Do I want to know? You all have way better memories than I

And ugh I HATE Frank. Glad to see he isn't back.

As to the Nany vs. Cara Maria debate, I'm a bit baffled as to how Nany got the reputation of being a great competitor. There is no doubt that she can and has killed a final mission and performs well on day-to-day missions, but I think she (along with Theresa) is still largely untested in elimination rounds

Edited by jsm1125
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Marie is hardcore!!! I liked her but she smokes and drinks a lot so I don't know how long she could hang in the challenges? How did her and Skinny Rob do? I can't remember.

They did pretty well. They were fifth. They beat Alton and Nany in the arena and  Trishelle and Dustin beat them in the arena. I read they asked her and Robb to come back for this season of exes, but they both said no. She was part of the biggest fight in Challenge history!

Poop incident? Do I want to know? You all have way better memories than I


While Cara Maria was filming Rivals Abe was on tour promoting his children's book and was arrested in Cara's hometown and smeared his own poop on his jail cell. She didn't find out until she was home from Rivals and broke up with him. I remember because it was all over TMZ and Cara wrote a blog about it.

Edited by choclatechip45
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Now that I watched the whole episode through...


OK, the guy with the "I'm single and ready to mingle, if you know what I mean....sex" (I still don't even know his name).  Ladies, stay away from that.  For the love of all that is holy, THAT guy should not get laid.  Please don't let me down this season.  


What they've shown so far of Knight makes me wonder what kind of footage they have of him overall.  Because him grinning to the camera about the many, many, many times he cheated on Jemmye was icky.  


And I cracked up at "I don't mind the heights thing, but 5:30 AM??"  Because while I am terribly afraid of heights (in that manner, put me in roller coaster that high or driving over a big suspension bridge, I'm fine, but that high just out there?  No), that 5:30 in the morning thing would be a deal breaker for me.  


I wanted to smack Bananas with his entitlement when Wes talked to him.  I really wish Wes would have thrown his ass in just for that.  


I think I really like Dustin and Jessica.  So I was happy to see them put into Exile instead of just done for the season.  I hope we get a decent amount of footage from the Exile crew as their numbers grow.  


And, finally, could the "Are You The One" girls have been any more desperate for attention?  "Let's slap on our bikinis and go climb all over each other next to the pool full of guys!"  I had a roommate one year in college who was like that, and I always liked the guys who rolled their eyes at her antics.  It kind of became a litmus test for me. 

Edited by KerleyQ
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They did pretty well. They were fifth. They beat Alton and Nany in the arena and  Trishelle and Dustin beat them in the arena. I read they asked her and Robb to come back for this season of exes, but they both said no. She was part of the biggest fight in Challenge history!

While Cara Maria was filming Rivals Abe was on tour promoting his children's book and was arrested in Cara's hometown and smeared his own poop on his jail cell. She didn't find out until she was home from Rivals and broke up with him. I remember because it was all over TMZ and Cara wrote a blog about it.

OMG!!!!! hahahahaha thats so gross. Thank you . lol! What a weirdo. What was his book called? "Everybody poops in Jail?" 

And I think I remember now that you mentioned Trishelle and Dustin beating them thanks for the recap I promise to stay on topic now :-) :-)



I think I really like Dustin and Jessica.  So I was happy to see them put into Exile instead of just done for the season.  I hope we get a decent amount of footage from the Exile crew as their numbers grow.  


Im really stoked for the exile. I think its a great idea!! Its a nice changeup. And I also agree with whoever said Jessica is gorgeous. How do people get their hair so nice? 


OK, the guy with the "I'm single and ready to mingle, if you know what I mean....sex" (I still don't even know his name).  Ladies, stay away from that.  For the love of all that is holy, THAT guy should not get laid.  Please don't let me down this season.  





I think the best way to describe him on a normal day is socially awkward, but that was his entire drama during his RW season.  He lost is virginity to Hailey in hs, thinking she was a virgin, too.  Then he found out she lied about being a virgin when they met, claims it "mentally scarred" him, and they proceeded to have a decade or so of drama where he was hesitant to sleep with any of his future gf's because of the "pain."  When they brought her into his RW house, it ended up with her phyiscally assaulting him after seeing him with his new gf, who had the patience of a dozen saints to put up with both of them.


I'm still not sure if that line was him trying to prove to the world that he's grown up and can now say the word sex without needing 5 hrs of therapy, or if it was him being sarcastic because he still has more hangups than a telemarketer.

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A couple of months ago bananas did an interview with grantland where he basically said how the challenge needs him to go on, he point the failure on bots and said how now it's impossible to make a challenge that doesn't involve him or ct, and that basically he needs to make it to the end so the ratings can do good. He was so full of it, basically saying you guys should call the johnny bananas challenge.

That's funny in Jon Murray's Reddit Chat he said if Bananas or CT ever said no to an invite they feel like Jordan and Leroy could easily replace them as the "face of the franchise".

No, I didn't know that. I thought she went to the hospital right after The Challenge, not during filming. I never watch any of the previews for upcoming shows, just the episodes themselves. That's so sad. My mom died of ovarian cancer, and I remember how radiant and full of life she was just a month before she died. My mom's health deteriorated so fast. In the first episode, Diem reminded me of that, and it really is tragic that this woman who had so much to live for wasn't allowed to, at least, finish the competition. However, there's a beauty there too because she chose to battle, whether it be on The Challenge or real life, to the very end.

Ouch, sorry, then, to break it that way. I'm not actually sure if that's really a spoiler or not, but yeah, articles from the late summer said that she collapsed during filming and was rushed to the hospital and that's when they discovered the cancer had returned. I'm not sure when, exactly, though, so I also watched the whole episode waiting for it to happen, and will probably watch the next episode with the same sense of dread.

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Ouch, sorry, then, to break it that way. I'm not actually sure if that's really a spoiler or not, but yeah, articles from the late summer said that she collapsed during filming and was rushed to the hospital and that's when they discovered the cancer had returned. I'm not sure when, exactly, though, so I also watched the whole episode waiting for it to happen, and will probably watch the next episode with the same sense of dread.

No problem at all! Even if that was a spoiler, I wouldn't care. I wouldn't read these forums if I did. Spoilers (which this isn't) don't ruin the enjoyment of the show for me like they might for some people.


I just feel bad for how it went down for Diem. If anybody deserved to finish this Challenge, it was her and CT. It'll be sad to watch Diem go through that on TV because she was a warrior who put on an incredibly courageous fight against a fatal disease 3 times. I always felt the Challenges were child's play compared to the fight for her life she had to endure outside of the show. It'll be hard to watch the footage of her demise knowing that it was the beginning of her final battle. However, Diem lived her life in a public way, and I'd think she would want to share this part of her story and struggle with people. Hopefully the footage that MTV documented can be used to help people and benefit her charity MedGift. I'm sure MTV will be responsible with the footage they show. They seem to do a good job of being respectful when they want to be. 

Edited by jmonkey
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I too thought she looked very sickly skinny and not well at all. She did look beautiful though. So sad to see her and CT together. CT really did love her you could see that last night, just the way he looked at her.  Seeing her dance made me tear up. Wasn't she supposed to be in remission or did she know the cancer was back when she was on the challenge?

Oh the way CT looks at her! I've heard different cast members say that they just do it for the cameras, but I can't believe he's that good an actor. When he came to sit by her out on the step/patio and doing that "I know you love me thing," she'd just laugh and roll her eyes, and he would just look at her like she was the most precious thing. Sigh. I'm never really a CT fan and even the way they were in their relationship didn't seem healthy for either of them, but the way they have appeared together in the last couple of Challenges just makes my heart hurt in the best way. Sigh.


I really hope atlanticslide is right about the CT "take me to the doctor" clip. Because if that's after Diem collapses and he's been notified, I don't know if I can watch the whole thing. It's so hard to watch her being so optimistic about the future and know what happens. I love this show, but it is going to hurt this season. I don't know if there's a better way they could have done, knowing that two cast members died after filming, but it's still very hard to watch.

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FYI, I believe several articles have mentioned Diem appears in the first 3 episodes, if that helps anyone. I also just read an article (maybe in this very thread? I forget!) that states it is next episode that she gets sick, so I get the feeling it's going to be a "to be continued"....and I know it'll be hard to watch for me so for anybody else that are watching with dread, hopefully this helps and it won't catch you off-guard!

Yes!  I do not find Jordan attractive in the slightest.  The model comment shocked me, I was waiting for him to laugh.  Also, Averey is so gorgeous, I hope that wasn't her I saw kissing him.


Would have loved to have seen Dustin with Heather as his partner.  Loving Zach and Jonna having to work together,

Edited by snarts

I've heard that Theresa is really gorgeous in person ( heard same things about Nany) but yeah, I don't vote Theresa most beautiful on the show but I can kinda see how she might look better off screen.


I also don't see how Jordan is a model. I think he is good looking but model worthy? IDK. You can find tons of guys who look like him. Typical frat boy look . Oh well.

To me, Jordan has the face of a 39 year old man.  Not ugly, but not exactly what modeling agencies clamor for.  What kind of modeling does he supposedly do, anyway?  Sears catalog?


If Nany woke up tomorrow and her looks were gone, I don't know how she would survive.  It seems like all of her self worth depends upon men finding her sexually attractive, and the only way to know for sure they find her sexually attractive is to hook up with them.  All of them.  I think she is in for an incredibly lonely future if she doesn't find a different way to feel good about herself.

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