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Spoilers With Speculation

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

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Yes but King of the Damned is pre-Stairway to Heaven. Plus if Crowley could wrongly take Bobby to hell + Abaddon is harvesting living people's souls, I'm thinking she could pull it off. Of course she'd have to know about Kevin and they talked on the phone but he never gave him his name. Plus she's have to know Crowley gives a shit. Maybe he sobbed about poor dead Kevin to Lola.

Again, really long shot here.

Interesting tweet from Guy Bee re 9.22

Just turned in my director's cut of #Supernatural #922 - It looks great & it's jam packed with all the elements of classic eps. of the past!

I'm super intrigued but also super nervous as to what elements he's referring to.  If they film it desaturated and don't bring back Bobby, I'm cool. (Bobby is not a card we need to see again until like the series finale)

Edited by catrox14

I doubt they will ever go there, but one interesting new twist would be both brothers sent to someplace bad and dependent on each other to survive.  I wish they had done that Season 5. 

Oh, well hopefully the show will match up to the hype.  I'm hoping it won't be a big let down.

On a shallow note, I wouldn't minde more shirtless Dean.!

Going to throw a random thought out there: Kevin?  What if Abaddon nabs Kevin's ghost and uses it as leverage?  Now it only works if Crowley is still on the human blood and feels remorse over Kevin.  I give it verrrrrrry long odds.  But this whole "force Crowley to kill the boys" twist surprises me because I figured the brothers being dead was Crowley's end game (after all, they made him a junkie and lost him his kingdom).  So, I'm trying to rethink what motivation -- at ALL -- Crowley has to want to protect Sam and Dean. Obviously he wants Dean to kill Abaddon first but that's a temporary alliance.  So... still pondering but I thought I'd throw "Kevin" into the pool of possible leverage.

I've been thinking about this some as I think you're right in that Kevin will serve more of a purpose than to tell us and the boys that heaven is closed to everyone.  If Metatron flipped a switch so no new prophets are made, does that switch mean that a prophet whose soul never made it to heaven is still technically a prophet if he gets resurrected?  Lindsay McKeon says that Tessa will be a reaper and an angel at the same time.  I'm wondering if this is something like when she was a reaper and a demon at the same time, way back in season 2 when yellow eyes possessed her to save Dean.  I'm not all that clear on how the angel powers are working right now since they are technically cut off from the powers of heaven.  Gadreel has been able to save two people - human!Cas and Charlie - but it weakened him and he was working with fresh bodies.  Kevin's body has been salted and burned.  Would Tessa allow herself to be possessed by an angel if doing so meant restoring order and getting back to her job?   Castiel may have the angel tablet in his head if Met accidentally gave it to him and if Kevin is the only person who can translate it until heaven is open, then bringing him back makes sense.

Still, that doesn't answer how he could be possible leverage for Crowley.  Crowley's biggest motivation is always survival.  Kevin really hates Crowley and wants him dead.  Ghost!Kev might be willing to hand over info from the demon tablet - like demon bombs or something- to Abaddon if it means she'll use it to kill Crowley.  Perhaps Ab threatens this if Crowley doesn't kill Sam and Dean.  However, I keep thinking there's something up with Crowley and Dean.  He always seems really reluctant at the idea of killing Crowley.  In the bunker in Blade Runner, before they went to get Crowley, Sam pointed out that there's nothing stopping Dean from killing Crowley once he has the blade and Dean gave a pause and a shady "sure, of course" type of answer.  Then, after he killed the MoL dude, Dean still had the blade in his hand, he looked at Crowley and then turned away.  Crowley looked curious more than worried.  It made me wonder if the MoC takes orders from the King of Hell, which would effectively make Dean Crowley's servant meaning Crowley would have little motivation to kill the boys.  Though, I guess that also means that it would make Dean Abaddon's servant if she gathers enough support but there might be some sort of fail safe when it comes to Knights of Hell.  It just depends on whether or not Cain had the foresight when he created the Knights of Hell to make sure they could never become his master (that is, if the MoC actually has a master).  

But yeah, if Crowley's primary motivation is survival, I could see a way that Kev would be used as leverage.  He should still know lots of stuff from the demon tablet.  

Stairway to Heaven .... summary has implied spoilers from King of the Damned


#Supernatural 9.22 synopsis "Stairway to Heaven" (May 13): TESSA THE REAPER RETURNS — After a massive attack on the angels, Castiel (Misha Collins) calls Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) for help. As they leave, Dean’s eagerness to bring the First Blade doesn’t go unnoticed by Sam who is worried about the cost to his brother whenever he uses the Blade. Meanwhile, Castiel is shocked when he learns the angel that caused the attack was one of his followers and did it in his name. Dean discovers there is a conspiracy amongst Castiel’s angel followers and at the heart of it is Tessa, the Reaper. Guy Bee directed the episode written by Andrew Dabb.

source: http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1s1h3mu


Holy moly.  So Dean HAS THE FIRST BLADE.  Which obviously happened in King of the Damned.  And we know Crowley is still alive because we have BTS shots of him filming the finale.  So... Is Abaddon kaput?  Why would Crowley be around if Abaddon was dead? Why wouldn't Dean have killed Crowley yet if he has the First Blade? Enquiring mind want to know.


Other tidbits: Tessa is in on a plot AGAINST Cas? Please don't have Dean torture her.  I don't want that.  I kinda ship Dean/Tessa.  Since when did she become political?  *whimper*.  GNB is one of my favorite directors and I love Andrew Dabb's writing so I'm expecting a great episode. I'm just a wee bit freaked at this summary.  And I can't believe they spoiled that Dean has the Blade.  I personally LOVE spoilers but not everyone does. 

I wonder if it's also something to do with Hannah.  It seemed really stupid that this angel would follow the horn of Gabe, witness a butchering and get severely injured, and then turn around and follow the horn of Gabe again.  It's so hard to imagine that Tessa would willingly get into the politics of anyone, but it's easy to imagine Tessa being bound in some way and forced to do things.  Even Death himself has been bound.  Of course Death and Tessa would be invested in righting the natural order of things.  


I'm still really wondering how Crowley gets out of dying.  Maybe he just pops away from the scene.  Of course, they could just summon him and kill him, but there must be something more.  I'm still leaning towards the blade and mark having a master.  There must be some weakness of the blade, like I doubt it could have been used to kill Lucifer.  It might not have been able to kill Azazel either, while he was the King of Hell.  

I think the only one the Mark could have been controlled by was Lucifer, the one who gave it to Cain.  Could Azazel (whom I don't think ever styled himself as "King of Hell," since he was loyal to his Daddy and was working to get Lucifer out of the Cage) have taken Abaddon?  We don't know but I suspect yes.  Could he have taken Cain?  Again, we don't know, but I suspect not.  We've seen Cain do stuff no one else has so far.  And Cain walked off the reservation, without any apparent attempt by Azazel to get him back, even though Cain would have been a great assist in helping to carry out the plans to free the Big L, so I'm assuming Azazel couldn't have forced Cain to come back.


On a power level, Crowley isn't in Lucifer's league.  Whether or not he's the most powerful demon around right now, Lucifer is a fallen angel, and we've seen that angels are more powerful than demons (yes, a high-powered demon could probably take a grunt angel, but level for level, angels have been more powerful.  Cas was a grunt when he faced Alastair; in the multi-prophet ep, Crowley ran when the higher-level Cas powered up). 

Brandon T.: Give us some scoop on Supernatural, would ya?

Prepare for a Supernatural first and a major cliffhanger in the finale. "We l eave our guys in a situation they've never faced before, which after nine seasons, it kind of narrows it down a little bit," supervising producer Andrew Dabb teases. "I think once they see the last frame of the last episode, I think people are going to be incredibly excited for Season 10.


Well, shit.  This sounds ominous.  After nine years what thing hasn't happened. 


Let's see

s1 -  The boys and John injured in a car crash. Dean is dying.

s2 -  Dean dies, John makes deal with the devil, goes to hell, Dean lives.   Sam dies, Dean makes deal with devil, Sam lives.

s3 -  Dean dies and goes to Hell

s4 - Dean is resurrected by Castiel.  Sam kills Lilith and Lucifer Rises . Both boys live.

s5 - Sam fights Michael and ends up in the pit with Adam. Dean lives

s6-  Soulless Sam gets his soul back.  Cas becomes God? Dean and Sam both alive and mostly functional

s7-  Sam's wall cracks he has issues. Sam fights himself. The boys take on Dick Roman and the Leviathan. Bobby dies.  Dean kills Dick and goes to Purgatory with Cas

s8 - Dean gets out of Purgatory, has PTSD, Sam has a GF.  Dean is supposed to do the trials but Sam ends up doing them but doesn't finish them and lives apparently.

s9- Sam appears to be dying from the trials anyway.  Dean allows GadZeke to possess Sam to help Sam live.  Samreel kills Kevin  Dean feels guilty and takes on the Mark of Cain to kill Abaddon.  The boys have been to heaven, hell and purgatory, so what's left in the spiritual plane?  Lucifer's cage? I thought the Cage was a part of hell?  What's left. 


I think it has to be that Sam has to face a choice about killing Dean.That's the only situation that hasn't happened.  Dean has had to face the choice of killing Sam if he can't save him in s2 but Dean saved Sam and made a deal with a demon to keep him alive. Sam and Dean are on opposite side but Sam goes to the pit fighting Michael which really should have been Dean's meatsuit not Adam's. The only time Sam tried to hurt Dean was when he was possessed or otherwise being controlled or manipulated. Even in the trials, Dean convinced Sam that he didn't need to die and they'd find another way.


I'm also having thoughts about if they bring back Mary or John or Adam as some kind of tool. 



Edited by catrox14

This one really sent me buzzing.  I was more generic in my list and when he says "a situation they've never faced before" I'm thinking ALL 195 episodes.


Dean, Sam, and Cas have all died.  So, I'm going to say -- they are alive.  I'm throwing Cas in there out of desperation and hope.

Sam and Cas have gone darkside so Dean going darkside .... IDK.  I think Dabb is quibbling if he says that is "new"

IA that Sam potentially having to kill Dean is new but it's a parallel/a repeat.


My first thought - Dean's eyes turn black and he's a demon.  We've never had a character ACTUALLY be a demon before.  They've been possessed and gone darkside (usually based on good intentions) but this would be a first.


It's a cliffhanger so someone or something is in jeopardy - or Dabb doesn't understand the definition of cliffhanger.  I'm still voting for Deansil in Distress but more of his soul being an issue than physical harm.


It's true neither of the boys have killed the other so that COULD be the cliffhanger. 


Ack.  I just know it's going to be EPIC and I can't wait. 

Oh gods.  I don't want Demon!Dean.  That's too much. :(. No no no.  Never go full Winchester demon.   Didn't Sam's eyes go black after he drank demon blood one time?  I can't remember. 


Poor Dean has been through too much to become a demon.  But it would tie back to Dream a Little Dream of Me, when he saw what he would become after he went to Hell.  That just seems unnecessarily cruel. :(

I have to admit, as much as I don't want Dean to ever go full dark/demon either, I could see something along that line being the basis of the cliffhanger.  Having it end on the very real possibility that Dean might turn completely... and then when we come back, hopefully having something happen to take the possibility in another direction.


Wait, I didn't think Sam had that ability anymore.



It's not an ability to cure a demon so much as a fancy exorcism.  So all Sam has to do is go back to confession, give his blood to Dean 8 times (once per hour) and finish with the "bloody fisted sandwich".  Closing the Gates of Hell was 3 trials (hellhound, rescue innocent from hell, 'cure' a demon).  So Sam can still 'cure' a demon.  Now the question I was raising was ... since he backed away from completing the third trial, is there a statue of limitations on those trials.  Like they have to be done successfully on the first try each time.  Could Dean turn around and try to shut the Gates of Hell by starting from the beginning by ganking a hellhound?


In short, the boys know how to cure a demon.  If Dean turns into one, Sam could cure him.  A side benefit COULD be that the Gates of Hell would close but I imagine that it might kill Sam in the process.

  • Love 1


I think it has to be that Sam has to face a choice about killing Dean.That's the only situation that hasn't happened.


It would also follow an entire season of "Sam wouldn't do X to save Dean". But I agree that neither Dean nor Sam's life would hang in the balance 'cause ain't nobody buying the possibility of either one actually dying and staying dead, so no cliffhanger. Now, if Dean were in a bad situation (e.g. demon/damned), then maybe that would feed into the "okay, so what IS Sam willing to do to help save his brother?" question that's been brought up so often this season.


Cas dying? Been there, done that. But I think the chance of Dean becoming the new King of Hell or a demon or whatever fits nicely into that "unforeseen consequences of one's actions" what with Dean not reading the fine print of the MoC before taking it on.


I am still a little worried that we've had no confirmation about Misha for S10, but maybe he factors into the cliffhanger somehow such that knowing he would be back would nullify the suspense?

Edited by NoWillToResist

A situation they've never faced before?

Like what? Being happy? Not arguing? No angst? That would be new for them.

Or there could be the kiss everybody seems to be waiting for, though there seems to be a lot of differing opinions if it should involve Castiel and Dean or Sam and Dean or all three at once, wonder how that would work out, maybe one of them could be hanging from the ceiling like Spiderman? No? Ok... but yeah they never faced that either.

But with this show happyness and love might be out of the picture. So probably a new kind of misery. I like the black eyed one. King of Hell Dean, human Sam, Angel Cas.

Fire, Earth and Sky. But wait! Where's the water? Oh right, it's probably raining in Vancouver.


I also like the idea of Dean being cured by Sam and maybe they both die in the process. We could have a few episodes in heaven or at least behind the veil as heaven seems to be closed, that would make for some interesting stuff.

Edited by FastenSeatBelts


So does this mean, I don't have to watch the first 40 minutes of the episode?

Dabb's a good writer.  I bet it's a fascinating episode.  It'll be interesting to see how Sam represents the Hunting life to Ennis as I'm sure both boys will try to talk him out of it.  So I think they'll be insight.  Of course, there will be blood.  And I'd like to see Dean go MoC on someone just to impress the hell out of the Monsters that Hunters are real and to be feared.  If you're into that kind of a thing.....

I just cannot stress how much I do not care about this other monster world. Like I feel actively annoyed to spend time at this late juncture of s9 to meet all new characters for this other show so close to the end of the season just so I can get my weekly dose of Sam and Dean.  It's totally immature and irrational oh my part, I know it.


I also have a hard time accepting that in all the years that John, Sam and Dean have been hunters and all the other hunters in the world, didn't know about this hotbed of monster mobsters in Chicago.  Color me meh.  I know I have a bad attitude about it, but I just to get back to Sam and Dean and Crowley and Cas and Abaddon and other currently existing SPN characters and their stories.  Not this new set that rolled off Vampire Diaries and the Originals.  I am not bitter at all......


I just cannot stress how much I do not care about this other monster world.


You're not alone. I truthfully don't give a tinker's damn about the SPN spin-off and the fact that they're dedicating the fourth last ep of the season to set it up annoys me.


It's only made worse since the next three episodes sound like some major shit will actually happen for a damned change. The only thing of interest to me about tonight's episode is the likelihood of a promo for next week!



King of Hell Dean, human Sam, Angel Cas


Yeah, I'm wondering whether we'll have the three main cast members on different 'planes'.


I've heard so many speculations on the fate of Cas that it's dizzying: he and Dean kiss! He dies! He becomes an archangel and is stuck in heaven! Dean kills him! He has to switch vessels and takes a female form! Abaddon possesses him! Sigh. I just want him around in S10. Of course, I was thrilled that he was contracted for S9 and that didn't really turn out like I'd hoped, so I guess I should be careful what I wish for?



A situation they've never faced before?

Like what?


They get zapped into female bodies? S10 is all Fem!Dean, Fem!Cas and Fem!Sam. That would at least be new and I'm pretty sure that no one else has speculated on that. ;)

Edited by NoWillToResist


He has to switch vessels and takes a female form!


Oh gods. If they do this to initiate a kiss between Dean and Cas, I will lose my shit and not in a good way.  That would be just the worst possible thing I think they could ever do in terms of their relationship.  Surely they would not be THAT stupid.  If Dean and Cas are going to kiss, just let it be Jensen and Misha kissing each other. Don't try and het or make it a female form to make the kiss more acceptable or less controversial in some way.  Just let the boys make out and be done with it! 


It will equally piss me off, if Dean and Cas kiss only because one or the other is going to die. 

Edited by catrox14

I think one thing I really worry about with this "Supernatural first" is that sometimes the writers forget the past.  For example, last season they had Sam saying something like he got to live a normal life and fall in love for a few months, something he never had before.  Which made me roll my eyes because the entire series kicked off with Dean finding him living a normal life and being in love and he'd been doing that for a couple of years.  Even after all these years I still love this show, but I don't always have faith in the writers.  


They get zapped into female bodies? S10 is all Fem!Dean, Fem!Cas and Fem!Sam. That would at least be new and I'm pretty sure that no one else has speculated on that. ;)

you mean like that?  

 Or one with Bobby?

Or the other one with Cas?



It will equally piss me off, if Dean and Cas kiss only because one or the other is going to die.

It will not make me happy if Cas gets a female vessel and they kiss. That would be betrayal.

Edited by FastenSeatBelts


you mean like that? 

Or one with Bobby?

Or the other one with Cas?


Exactly. The whole 'genderbend' thing is not something I've seen outside of fanfic/tumblr fun. I don't think I've ever seen it floated as actual speculation about the show (mainly probably because it would be damned hard to replicate the boys' chemistry). The actors might like it to get a break though.


Truthfully, I think it would be a fun little experiment for an isolated one of the show's 'fun/weird' episodes. Or, heh, have that be the spin-off: "Supernatural: Parallel Universe - All Chick Edition!" ;)


But yeah, count me as one of those who would be beyond pissed if they moved Cas into a female (non Misha) vessel and then moved forward with Dean/Cas in a romantic context. I can't think TPTB would be that dumb though. Yes, the (love) story itself doesn't change but I believe that so much of the support behind that pairing is due to the chemistry between Misha and Jensen. If they just stuck some chick on the show, slapped "Cas" on her forehead, and then went "Destiel! Ta da!", I honestly cannot even fathom the depth of the backlash that would result...




Just let the boys make out and be done with it!


Is it weird to want that on a t-shirt? ;)


At this point, I'm just looking forward to the Cas/Sam and Cas/Dean hugs that are supposed to happen in the next episode. S.E. Hinton indicated that Cas hadn't seen the boys in a while, but I'm pretty sure they've had longer separations. Perhaps his concern over the MoC has caused Cas to be more touchy feely (now that Sam has showed him how).

Edited by NoWillToResist

That pic of Alaina runs parallel to the trailer showing Jensen getting flung across the room by apparently, Abaddon.


I'm wondering since Dean has the MoC and that Cain himself was able to open and close doors with a snap of his fingers and take away Crowley's ability to speak with a flick of his wrist not to mention kill all those demons without the First Blade if maybe Dean already has those abilities but he doesn't yet know it. Maybe something happens that triggers that currently latent power in Dean?  Is Dean in a brawl to the death with Abaddon and he flings her across the room by brute strength?


One thing that popped in my head and I really don't like it all, is that Abaddon wants to make Dean her new boytoy with sexytimes.  She's had Cain.  Will she now have Dean? I don't want that at all. 

Pics are out for the next episode: http://www.screenfad.com/supernatural/supernatural-photos-s09e21-king-of-the-damned-18661/attachment/king-of-the-damned



- I feel robbed.  No pics of Abaddon/Crowley together. Nothing with Abaddon and Sam & Dean. 

- Well Dean looks AWKWARD with Cas.  I hope Cas talks to him but I am 99.9999% certain he will not.

- What is that get-up the guy is wearing who is talking to Crowley.  He looks like a romance novel cover.  I will be pissed if Crowley doesn't comment on his ensemble.  If he's an Abaddon minion, then catrox14, I'm afraid it does scream "boytoy".


Well Dean looks AWKWARD with Cas.


So, S8 had Dean huggy and Cas stoic. S9 has Cas huggy and Dean stoic. Should I set my hopes on S10 for a mutual hug between these emotionally constipated assholes? My only joy is knowing the jokey shit that was happening during the rehearsal of that scene. :)


I guess Cas tries to sway Gadreel to their side? Wonder if he'll be able to get the angel tablet back for them?


I've heard rumours that guy in the puffy sleeved shirt is Crowley's son and that's Abaddon's leverage on Crowley.


I've heard rumours that guy in the puffy sleeved shirt is Crowley's son and that's Abaddon's leverage on Crowley.

Well that's some good speculation.  I had sort of dismissed it in the past but the puffy shirt guy fits the bill.  They've recast but he could pass for Crowley's son.  And when I dismissed the idea before I wasn't thinking about Crowley actually engaging in human emotions -- which he's now addicted to. So, that's a real potential.


I also think Abaddon just shoots Crowley in the gut for shits and grins.  She really does Femme Fatale very well. 

I don't even understand Abaddon's threat to Crowley. She wants him to kill Sam and Dean but isn't Dean un-killable with the MoC on his arm? Don't attacks on him only reflect back on the attacker ten-fold?


So, what does she expect Crowley to do? Take Sam hostage and exchange his life for Dean transferring the MoC to someone else, and then kill them both? Oh. Hm. Well, that might actually work as a plan. Heh, unless Dean is all "no, no. Kill him. I'm not allowed to intervene or make deals to try and save Sam anymore." :)


I know it's part of the common lore of the MoC but has it been established in show that this is the case?

All we've got so far that appears to be confirmed as effects:

- Dean was feeling like he was on low-dose steroids BEFORE he touched the Blade (Jensen Ackles on Winchester Bros Podcast)

- Dean was more expert at hunting and colder BEFORE he touched the Blade -- evidence in Sharp Teeth, Captives and Thinman (confirmed by Ackles)

- Having touched the Blade is apparently "calling" to Dean and unambiguously making him "quite the killing machine" - Bladerunners & beyond

- It appears Dean is not sleeping (speculation based on several episodes mention him NOT sleeping on a particular night... extrapolating that this is a condition)

- Supernatural strength (overpowered a vampire) - A4


No evidence yet of other Supernatural effects or of immortality.  Cain is a demon so whether or not his powers are due to the Blade or his demon status is left unclear.


It IS interesting to note in the preview that there is some massive wind-effect going on when Sam comes in the room.  Thus generating L'Oreal Sam hair gifs which are kind of awesome. 


Finale synopsis:


“Do You Believe in Miracles” – (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (Content Rating TBD) (HDTV)

THE SHOCKING SEASON FINALE — Dean (Jensen Ackles) feels the effects of the First Blade, and Metatron (guest star Curtis Armstrong) makes his move against humanity.  Meanwhile, Sam (Jared Padalecki), Dean and Castiel (Misha Collins) face shocking consequences when taking the fight to Metatron (guest star Curtis Armstrong).    Thomas J. Wright directed the episode written by Jeremy Carver (#923).

source: http://www.winchesterbros.com/site/index.php/episodes/97-season-nine-episodes/10348-do-you-believe-in-miracles


My speculation:

- The Abaddon/MoC story will not wrap this year.

- The Heaven is Closed story (i.e. Curtis Armstrong) either wraps this year or in the first two episodes of S10.


I kind of feel that if Dean has the First Blade in 921, Abaddon might not survive the episode. Has she even been mentioned in the ep descriptions for 922 or 923? Maybe the wind tunnel when Sam enters is a side effect of the MoC power emanating from Dean as he attacks Abaddon. Perhaps killing Abaddon will supercharge Dean, giving him the juice to somehow defeat Metatron/fix Heaven, leaving S10 with demon-only issues and Dean's status as the big question mark.


TPTB said that people would be chomping at the bit for S10. I can't fathom that killing Cas (which is popular spec) would result in that, but having DEAN be the cliffhanger makes sense to me. Maybe he finally kills Crowley in the finale, and with both Abaddon and Crowley gone, Dean is unknowingly crowned the new King of Hell. That's a big consequence and would leave everyone in a major 'now what?' situation.


Or, what the heck, maybe TPTB will be total assholes and end S9 on a crypt reversal scene and actually have Cas say the ILY that was originally scripted for Dean to say to Cas in S8. Tumblr would fucking CRASH. :D

Edited by NoWillToResist
  • Love 1


Has a topic ever crashed Tumblr?

This seems like a challenge the Supernatural finale should aspire to.


Yes, they should totally go with "Destiel" for....scientific reasons.... ;)


Objectively, I would be curious to see what impact (if any) such a development would have on the ratings. Would it draw in more viewers? Turn many away? I mean, the show is entering potentially its last season, so TPTB could go balls-to-the-wall with their story lines  (no pun intended) since they don't have to care about renewal.

Edited by NoWillToResist


Do we know for sure that 10 is the last season?


As I understand it, Jared and Jensen signed through S10 during their last negotiations, but after that, all bets are off. The network head has indicated that if the ratings hold steady, the show can keep running, so I guess it's just a matter of whether J&J want to continue (and whether the network can afford to pay what they ask since new negotiations would have to open up). I am curious to know if they would rather the steady employment or decline and try to get new work. They could probably do conventions indefinitely to supplement their income. :)



I  don't get why TPTB thinks we the fans want the brothers fighting?


Source of conflict and thus story?


[begin sarcasm]Because on a show about fighting evil shit on Earth, Hell, Purgatory and Heaven, where else can you find sources of conflict except between the two main protagonists?[end sarcasm]

Edited by NoWillToResist


As I understand it, Jared and Jensen signed through S10 during their last negotiations, but after that, all bets are off. The network head has indicated that if the ratings hold steady, the show can keep running

I hope they decide on that early enough so that they don't have to get an abrupt end and a half-assed finale.



I mean, the show is entering potentially its last season, so TPTB could go balls-to-the-wall with their story lines

Yeah, let's throw Dean and Sam into bed together. Incest works well for Game of Thrones and after Sam decided he doesn't want to be brothers anymore I don't see any obstacles.



Or, what the heck, maybe TPTB will be total assholes and end S9 on a crypt reversal scene and actually have Cas say the ILY that was originally scripted for Dean to say to Cas in S8. Tumblr would fucking CRASH. :D

Especially if Dean kills Cas non the less...


You know what we didn't face? Permanent and irrevocable death of Sam or Dean. So how about Dean is gone for good and next season is just about Sam and Cas. I know Jensen signed contracts but he could be directing or there could be some flashbacks.

Edited by FastenSeatBelts


You know what we didn't face? Permanent and irrevocable death of Sam or Dean.


In all seriousness, I do often find myself wondering how TPTB will decide to wrap the show. Have one or both of the boys die (thus a bittersweet 'happy ending' in Heaven)? Or will they be victorious and be given a happy ending on Earth? Or will they end it on a sad note?

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

Thank you.

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