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Spoilers With Speculation

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

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I finally got to binge-watch as many Comic-Con videos as possible.  Thanks to Super-Wiki, Sweet-On-Dean, and the Winchester Family Business sites for compiling. 

Carver really gave out a fair amount of info.  I think it's going to be a season very focused on character conflict resolution.  I'm pretty impressed.  Mark, of course, absolutely stone-walled any question that might remotely hint to anything in the future.  He's an expert at this.  But he did a nice break-down of his final speech to Dean and he thought the Lincoln Memorial (both in staging and in content) was a good analogy.  Of course it's about freedom and a new day.  I think we've pretty much picked over the bones of what the J's had to say.  I'm still very worried that the Cas storyline is not meaty.


But most importantly, I've been pondering the essential question ... what song would Dean sing to piss off a Karaoke Bar.  Here's my guess: "Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred. 

1) It's a ridiculous song and sums up how he's feeling

2) There's a lot of booty shaking (hinted at in the panel)

3) It'll piss off a bar in a heartbeat


So...that's my speculation for the Dean Karaoke song.  Anyone else have an idea?

At a LeakyCon audio interview with @SuperWiki, Adam Glass and Robbie Thompson indicated they were working on EP12. TWELVE. That means they are past the mid-season cliffy.

So, not to be maudlin, but how many episodes would they need to wrap the series. In other words, when do they need a commitment from the stars that they'll sign on? If the ratings are good in Oct/Nov then the CW (I think) is on-board. Anyone know when (what month) we heard about the J's contracts for S8-10?

I think they will be breaking down/writing the final episodes by March at the latest. If the actors haven`t signed on already, it`s possible the network could have made a commitment by then.


However, they could also do a semi-open ending in case it has to serve as either a series wrap or a possible point of continuation. As we`ve seen, even killing off the leads is by no means final so I`d be hard pressed to think of something that would constitute an ending leaving no room for more.  

If I remember correctly @SueB, Jared and Jensen signed on for S9 and S10 at the beginning of S8--So, August 2012. I remember it being announced around Comic Con time because that's when Jeremy Carver was spouting on about having a three-year plan and everyone was excited to know that if the CW kept renewing it they would get to see that plan. I don't remember when the announcement for S8 came out, I'm assuming it was when they resigned for S7. I know when they got renewed for S6, they had contracts through S6 and was probably one of the big factors into them getting renewed for a sixth season. I'd think with this show, it would be hard for the network to make any renewal announcements without a commitment from both Jared and Jensen, but they could try to do an X-files thing and attempt to change up the main cast, I guess. Probably wouldn't go over too well with this very vocal fandom though.



ETA: Finally got a chance to read that interview with Jared that @Demented Daisy posted...interesting stuff--he just gave away the whole musical-ish episode, didn't he? Actually it has me looking forward to it more now than previously. I was worried that they were going to have Sam and Dean breaking out in song and dance--which would be rather out-of-character and possibly rather lame too--but it sounds more like it will be more a backdrop, so I'm currently cool with it--I think. And it was also sounds like Sam is going to be more of what I would consider in-character than we've seen him for a couple of seasons. Should be nice to see.


ETA Again: Also just read the one about the re-occurring guests...Yippie for the funny Minnestoa Sheriff, I liked her, she was fun and the actress was good too. Always nice to see Kim Rhodes return. And I certainly hope that Chuck returns, I love Rob Benedict. Now, I know I shouldn't hope for nice things, because TPTB have a tendency to sully them with those grubby little hands of theirs, but I have to hope for something right? However, I'm betting on the "returning character they introduced a couple years ago" being Charlie. Which, depending on circumstances, I wouldn't mind.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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One of the interviews said we'd see a character mentioned but never seen. What about John Winchester's parents? We had the reference to his 'old man' when Dean first met Young John. I presume that this has to be John's step-dad (retcon head canon) as the show had Henry disappear when John was young. We know Henry's wife was named Millie. But beyond that there has been zero mention (other than Henry) of the Wichester side of the legacy.

Any other characters mentioned, specifically, but not seen?

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God is the only thing I can think of right now, but there were some people mentioned in S1 as John's contacts--Meg killed a few of them...also, I seem to remember S6 having some folks named but not seen, of course I can't think of one of them now. It sounds like they are being coy, so I wonder if it's some sort of monster that they thought they were hunting, but it turned out to be something else--or a monster theory they were working a case with or something like that.

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Or Rachael Nave...the girl Soulless Sam still thought about and Dean apparently knew why in S6. There was also mention of a prom date at one time, IIRC.

This pinged some memories for me, so I did a little brief research, and what I did find was a bit ... unsettling actually. I don't remember when Soulless Sam mentioned Rachel Nave, but now I'm interested in what context she was mentioned then, because I do remember the other two times she was mentioned and this is what we learned from those two times.


Apparently in Dean's wishverse, Rachel Nave was Sam's prom date... well was until Dean "hooked up" with her... on prom night.


In the real world, Rachel was also Sam's prom date - I'm assuming Dean did not hook up with her on prom night in the real timeline - however, we learn from Lucifer in "Swan Song" that at the time she was Sam's prom date, she was also possessed by a demon planted by Azazel... which is something that Soulless Sam with Sam's memories would have known, but Dean would not. But I guess that's even more unsettling stuff about Soulless Sam if he still "remembered" her and was thinking about her and apparently didn't care that she was possessed by a demon... but your mention from season 6 of Dean "knowing why" Sam would remember Rachel makes me wonder if he didn't hook up with her in the real world after all... if so, good thing he didn't know she was a demon, because it's likely he would not have wanted to know that.


So yeah, some unsettling stuff with Rachel. We did see her briefly (but not clearly) in "Swan Song", but I assume that both Rachel and the demon possessing her were dead once Lucifer and Sam got through with her. (Unless the real Rachel somehow got through possession unscathed and Lucifer only gave a facsimile of her to represent/ be the demon).


If we saw "Rachel" again it might be in the context of her as the demon - still in the guise of Rachel - and demon Dean would likely recognize her... and maybe not care that she was a demon now. And I can imagine they might have a good time together for a brief moment. And though I agree that Rhonda Hurley would be fun, I think demon Dean and demon Rachel might be kind of steamy, with Dean sans inhibitions and not caring that it was Sammy's old prom date or that she was a demon (but only if real Rachel was long gone, because otherwise it would be beyond creepy and wrong rather than steamy.)

Oh, maybe I have the wrong name @AwesomO4000! There was an episode in S6...gawd, I can't remember the entire episode now, but Dean is questioning something Soulless Sam did--maybe Family Matters or Clap Your Hands If You Believe???. Anyway, Dean asks him why he chose to do something and Soulless Sam says he's still the same person, still listens to the same music and still thinks about...shit, you're right it's Susy Hausner or something like that.


Never mind, I suck...::walks away grumbling about confirming things and doing research before spouting off about things that I clearly didn't have all the facts about.::

Edited by DittyDotDot

No, @DittyDotDot, I didn't remember that conversation really at all until you said something, so that's better than me... and I'm glad that it wasn't Rachel Nave, because even for Soulless Sam, remembering fondly about someone who was possessed by a demon - who he usually at least "enjoyed" killing - would somehow seem wrong. It also means that real Dean most likely didn't sleep with Rachel Nave which is also a good thing for multiple reasons 1) because that would be crappy to do to Sam and 2) she was apparently a teenager trapped in her body by a demon, so ugh.)


So thank you for clearing that up... I feel much better now... So you're definitely the opposite of sucking in my book.

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From the All Seasons thread, talk of Dean and Death hunting God.


Eric Kripke has alluded to Dogma in interviews before, how it's among one of many cultural influences on the show.  At the end of that movie, God shows up to kinda-sorta "fix" everything.  A mess was cleaned up, in a matter of speaking.


Now, Kripke isn't "running" the show now, but I would not be surprised if he wouldn't want do something similar at the end of the SPN run.  Not to do mind-wipes or bring everyone back to life or turn back time so none of it ever happened, but perhaps to give Sam and Dean as close to a happy ending as they can get.  Perhaps that was one of the original plans years ago, I don't know.  But I would not be a bit surprised if Dean hunts God at some point.  (Less so Sam, but anyway.)


Have Sam pull out Dean's old charm ('cause we all know he fished it out of the trash, right?) and they can start searching -- sure, it didn't work for Cas, but I suspect it's because God didn't want it to.  Hey, maybe God is tired of watching the Winchesters being every bad thing out there's punching bags.


But then, perhaps the lyrics to "Carry On Wayward Son" don't have as much meaning as I thought.

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I assumed that Cas or Sam would go looking for Cain.  Never thought about Abel.  I'm sure Ash could find him, if he's in Heaven.  Who wouldn't fit the above requirement, since he has definitely been seen.  But from the interview I posted a couple of days ago:


The EP also says “we’ll see one other character that we introduced a couple seasons ago who I don’t want to spoil just yet.”



A couple of seasons ago?  Literally, or just ballpark?

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Also from the TVLine article:


Meanwhile, the CW series’ “musical-ish” 200th episode will feature “just about every character — I’ll say they will be represented — that you’ve ever loved or hated on the show, and I say that very obliquely on purpose,” Carver teases. “So they will be there in spirit.”



Guess we just have to wait and see what that means.  I'm going to assume it's old characters played by new actors playing the parts in the musical of the books.  Well, that was convoluted.

Some interesting tidbits (from a different article):

 In addition, "you're going to see characters that have been spoken of and have never been seen over the 10 years" of the series, Carver added. 



"Characters"?  Plural?   


I still think that someone from Crowley's past will be a character mentioned but never seen.  Specifically, his mother.




Showrunner Jeremy Carver said that Dean's demon transformation shapes everything that happens this season — and he also teased the 200th episode, which sounds like it's going to be not just a musical, but some kind of hair-metal tribute. Rawk on.

Edited by Demented Daisy

Carver teases. “So they will be there in spirit.”


Just the cynic in me and because they sound like they're being coy...but I read that as being Kevin--"spirit"?--also, whatever is haunting the musical will be an "unseen" character and they did introduce Kevin a few of years ago, right?



ETA: I could totally get behind a honest to goodness hunt for God. And I totally agree @Demented Daisy, Sam definitely fished that necklace out of the trash...I've been waiting for years for him to pull it out and give it back to Dean.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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IDK...it's one thing to see them kiss when dating but a full CW-censored (so light) sex scene....nopeville for me.  Too voyeuristic for my tastes (although I am certain many couldn't care less...).  I think she's a good actress but I bet they are going to go less Glamour magazine model-esque. 


I also think that Ann Marie is a one-off character who maybe gets a little under Dean's "I don't care" skin and that's it (like she pushes him on acting tough and he snaps at her with a nasty comment).  I don't expect it to be a special guest star or a big scene.  I think we got that spoiler because they wanted to get DEAN SEX out into the spoiler mill for buzz sake.  Jensen didn't even know who Ann Marie was when asked at Comic Con.  Since they were filming EP1 and he was still in director headspace from EP3, it's not surprising that he didn't remember the fling comment from EP2.  In sum, I think she's in a short scene and just another sign (like scruffy-lookin Baby, piss-people-off karaoke, bar-fighting 4 times in one ep, etc..) of Dean is a demon.  

Message added by ohjoy

Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

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