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Please keep your speculation and comments on the end of Supernatural in the Supernatural Ending topic. Use this topic here or the Bitter Speculation topic for discussion of the upcoming season only. As always, keep Bitch vs. Jerk discussion in its own topic.

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I'm very excited for the ep and think it's right and proper that 200 is a meta ep set in a girls school because it's mostly female fans who kept the show on air for 10 seasons rather than the young male demographic they aimed at. The show has changed it's attitude towards women with Charlie and Sherrif Mills etc and that's great so i'm excited for the ep and seeing Baby all shiny and loved again made me super happy. I think Moc Dean story going on the back boiler might not be such a bad thing because that means it's going to be the BIG important story for the second half of the season. You can't drag one single plot out for 22 eps so better to have a dormant phase or it will end up being 50 ways they try and fail to help/stop Dean or it will be over too soon.

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I've been trying to have no expectations this season in the hopes of not being so disappointed, but I'm also curious about what they do with this. It could be really charming and a hellava lot of fun--or not. My concerns mostly are they try and cram too many "old" things into it since the current crew have a tendency to go overboard at times. They remind me of 5-year-olds that can't stop telling the same old joke over and over again and don't understand why it lost it's funny after the second telling. I just hope they finally figured out that less is more here. And, I'm not so excited that it was written by Robbie Thompson, but maybe he'll surprise me with some good old fashioned zany fun.


Even if the episode is crap, I'm really proud they made it to 200 episodes. That's a pretty good number for this little show, IMO.

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I just hope they they don't end up mocking the girls for loving the Winchester books. Which brings me to a question.

I thought metatron destroyed all the Winchester gospels and essentially erased their history? Is this all from Becky's memory?

"You can't drag one single plot out for 22 eps"

S2 Psychic Sam and friends, S4 Sam demon blood addiction and S6 Soulless Sam/Broken Wall Sam/Hallucination Sam all spanned entire seasons. IMO the Mark of Cain should span the season because it is a part of Dean. It's a physical, mental and emotional thing. It's not a temporary manifestation that can be exorcised out from Dean. Dean was turned into a demon because he has the Mark.Cain bore the Mark what... 1000 years? I think he still has it, I think? He just shared the power with Dean. So IMO it's more than a single plot point. It's way bigger than that.

Edited by catrox14
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I thought metatron destroyed all the Winchester gospels and essentially erased their history? Is this all from Becky's memory?


Hmm, if he did I don't recall it. But then I don't recall a great deal of S9, so it very well could have happened. Was this supposed to have happened in Meta Fiction?


I thought Becky had uploaded all the books online--even ones that I wasn't aware that Chuck wrote--so even if Marvatron erased them, some people may have already read them and saved copies for themselves. Although, Marvatron, basically trying to play God, could've still managed to erase those too. I don't know.


ETA: I'm assuming this episode will be more like The Real Ghostbusters; where they poked fun at the fans and had Sam and Dean mocking the convention goers, but in the end they were "good." I haven't seen the promos though, so I could be far off base here too.

Edited by DittyDotDot
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I thought metatron destroyed all the Winchester gospels and essentially erased their history? Is this all from Becky's memory?

He burned one book.  And really, I don't think that erased it from history.  I understand many interpreted it that way but I don't think it had a global effect.  I think it was a symbolic gesture on his part -- that his story matters more (in his head).  That's not working out for him these days. 



So IMO it's more than a single plot point. It's way bigger than that.

I think they are treating it that way too.  From EP 9.11-9.23 it was either a central plot point in the episode or had a direct presence except for ONE episode.  I think in Bloodlines they completely ignored it's existence.  But even when it was back-burner you could still see the effect in most episodes. Dean having faster reflexes, Dean not sleeping, Dean being more on edge, etc... 


Which brings me to the full Sneak Peek.  Dean is up way before Sam. He's had time to (it appears) detail the car and find them a case.  How much is he sleeping?  Is he getting a little of that 'low-dose' steroid effect again? I fully expect 'the other shoe' to drop by mid-season finale and a MoC driven story second half of S10. 

Edited by SueB
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There's going to be TONS of media for tonight, all with little bits of spoilers.  I went ahead and posted this link because it kind of puts to bed a rumor I heard



Specifically that Jensen was so concerned he called a meeting with the writers.  Since that's sort of unprecedented, I sort of thought there was a problem and perhaps Jensens' happy reaction in other press about the 200th was "party line".  But nicely, IMO, he admits to what drove him and he even apologizes for to Jeremy for calling a meeting! Not that I think he shouldn't be able to call a meeting if he's concerned.  Of course he should.  Just that if he's so open about calling a meeting and saying it was not needed after all... well, that makes me feel like he truly LIKES the episode.  And the rationale he gave (about not really getting fan fiction concept) rings true.  Now perhaps this is just social-media savvy on the part of TPTB, and they were really proactive at putting uncertainty to rest....IDK. But I'm falling for it if they are.  Because it seems reasonable why he reacted in the first place and why it's not a problem.  I DO think they are nervous, but the clips have prepped me sufficiently (well done Suzanne Gomez, expectations are aligned).  I think I'll be okay with it.  Those people who have no sense of fan fiction and no prep for the episode? No idea. 

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I hate to say it but I am really worried that Jensen's first instinct is correct. I can't decide if he was more worried about the blowback in fandom this episode was going to generate or open a can of worms that can't be closed again. I find it hard to believe and slightly disingenuous that he didn't know about fanfiction. I would rather him have said that he simply doesn't like it considering how much of it is Wincest.

I think it's great that it's all girls school play but I hope they aren't forgetting that it's young girls that are fans it's women of all ages and men too.

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S2 Psychic Sam and friends, S4 Sam demon blood addiction and S6 Soulless Sam/Broken Wall Sam/Hallucination Sam all spanned entire seasons.


But there were spans of episodes where it was on the back burner or mainly only hinted at, sometimes only through subtle actions by Jared, especially season 1 Psychic Sam * and Hallucination Sam. And again Demon Blood addiction Sam was there but sometimes in the (sneaky) background, and that reveal didn't happen until 16 episodes in (in an episode where it was almost an afterthought). There'd be spans of episodes where Sam wouldn't exorcise any demons and only hint at what he was doing - a sneaking out here, a phone conversation there - while Castiel and the angels were all up front talking to Dean about Sam (which turned out to be half about them) and doing things in the foreground. Retroactively it might have seemed like it spanned the whole season, but in some cases we didn't even know what was really going on until almost half the season in or more.


At least here we know what it is, and we've seen the effects from last season and we know what to look for. I think it'll be more like Hallucination Sam, where we knew form the beginning what was going on (with a two-episode introduction) and then only saw hints in what Jared did subtly and via "wellness check" conversations between Sam and Dean until something larger finally happened again 2/3 of the way through the season. Until that point there was just as much emphasis, in my opinion, on the Bobby and Dean's search for Dick Roman plots (I loved the Frank interludes. RIP Frank.) Especially Bobby. So for me that was a good way to do it - it was there, but often subtle and in the background. With the MoC, I don't think they'll wait as long for something major to happen, but I expect a few episodes of it being in the background with subtle "clues" and concerned "wellness checks" by Sam, similar to Hallucination Sam.


And I think SueB is right: Dean being awake potentially way before Sam is not just coincidence, and Sam questioning it means to me that Sam knows something might be up and/or is something he's going to have to watch. It's not something Sam's going to push right now - since they are still going to be walking on eggshells for a bit - but he's going to note it, I think, and watch... maybe if Castiel comes around, he'll ask Cas about it. And I'm expecting more manifestations of "symptoms" from the mark as time goes on - similar to the subtle use of Sam potentially seeing things - like in "The Mentalist" - or his pressing on his palm in times of stress.


* In season 1, Sam didn't start having visions until 9 episodes in, and he had been keeping his Jessica vision secret, so it was only hinted at. It was more prominent in season 2, but there were still many spans of 3-4 episodes where little happened and the after effects of John dying or the story of the week were more in the forefront.

Edited by AwesomO4000
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My point which apparently was lost is The Mark of Cain is no more a single plot point than was Sam's demon blood or psychic kids or post hell stuff was. They were all critical character arcs for Sam just like the MoC is for Dean.

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I find it hard to believe and slightly disingenuous that he didn't know about fanfiction.

Actually I never heard of fan-fic until...IDK, maybe Smallville?  And it's something I don't have a lot of time for (my current reading list of books is about 3 feet tall), so the few I've sampled were eye-opening.  Some really good, some really awful and some set in completely definite worlds.  And I only sampled those due to recommendations from on-line communities.  If he hasn't read any, Jensen may know it exists but doesn't have any feel for it.  Which, BTW, many of our audience will not necessarily be in touch with too.  As that douchey-producer guy from Hollywood Babylon requested, I hope they have a one-sentence explainer of what Fan Fiction is (in the context of this episode). 



My point which apparently was lost is The Mark of Cain is no more a single plot point than was Sam's demon blood or psychic kids or post hell stuff was. They were all critical character arcs for Sam just like the MoC is for Dean.

I fumbled the ball on that one.  Sorry.

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I hate to say it but I am really worried that Jensen's first instinct is correct. I can't decide if he was more worried about the blowback in fandom this episode was going to generate or open a can of worms that can't be closed again. I find it hard to believe and slightly disingenuous that he didn't know about fanfiction. I would rather him have said that he simply doesn't like it considering how much of it is Wincest.

I think it's great that it's all girls school play but I hope they aren't forgetting that it's young girls that are fans it's women of all ages and men too.

Actually I don't find it that hard, I didn't find out about it until 2006 and Jensen likes to play music.  I doubt he is exploring the internet.  He may have heard a bit of it,  knows the definition but I doubt he's ever read any of it.  And with all the hours he's working he just doesn't have time to devote to something I don't think he would get into to begin with.


It will either be really interesting or a bomb.   But I kind of want to watch it with one eye closed.  I do hope that they acknowledge more than young girls, because fanfiction is written by all ages.  I started trying it to see if I could learn how to write, some I'm proud of and others...But I can certainly see why Jensen was concerned about the storyline.  It will also be interesting to see how mixed the reviews are.  some may love it and others may hate it.

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My point which apparently was lost is The Mark of Cain is no more a single plot point than was Sam's demon blood or psychic kids or post hell stuff was. They were all critical character arcs for Sam just like the MoC is for Dean.

Ah, sorry for any misinterpretation. If it's any consolation, as I poorly tried to articulate in my post, I think that's what is going to happen.


And it will be interesting to me to see how Jensen is going to play it. If he does it similar to how he portrayed it during the second half of season 9, it might be too expected. I'm guessing / hoping that he'll play it a little more subtle and as a low boil that'll give the impression that he might boil over or explode and we just won't necessarily know when. Because unlike in season 9 where Dean had a goal and he was kinda gung ho to get there, damn the torpedoes, Dean might be hoping more to try to control it this time and be finding that it's harder than he thought.


The question may be will Dean go the hide it route (like Sam in season 4) or ask for help (like Sam in season 5) or something else altogether.

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I'm cautiously but increasingly optimistic about how this season is going. It's actually my favorite so far of the past several...though, yeah, I realize we have a long way to go. :) I've liked or even loved most of this season so far despite REALLY not expecting to enjoy the Demon Dean stuff. I know we do't know many specifics about the rest of the season yet, but nothing I've read has me tempted to delete the show from my TiFaux and sell my DVDs of past seasons, so hope springs eternal!  

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I really enjoyed fanfiction and I'm hoping that they continue the brothers being concerned about each other and fighting the good fight together.  I do want Dean to deal with the mark and for Sam to be concerned about Dean.  I also want Dean to help Sam deal with the fallout of having to rescue his brother from turning into a demon, but I hope that Carver & the writers, understand you can mix humor and drama.  A nice mix is enjoyable, and that if they are going to go dark have it mean something, not just throw up there and say oops forget about it.


With 200 episodes in the bag, Carver is looking ahead to what's coming up the rest of this season...aka get ready for some major Winchester brotherly bonding!
"Both brothers are first and foremost struggling to reconnect," Carver said. "We saw that in episode four and that will continue, this brotherly reconnection, but their troubles are not over yet for either of them. Dean's not quite out of the woods yet regarding the Mark of Cain and Sam is not quite out of the woods as to what that means to him as well."
But the return of the "Samulet" hanging from Dean's rearview mirror is giving us hope that these two can get through anything, as long as they're together.


I really hope they are telling the truth and that we can see this.

Edited by 7kstar
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How many times has Dean saved Sam or had deal with some big thing Sam was going through but no one was there to help Dean deal with the fallout of putting Sam in demon blood rehab or re-ensouling Sam etc.

I hope Sam is there for Dean as Dean deals with the fallout of having been a demon. Of course if all Dean actually did was kill Lester who kind of had it coming and killing of other demons and sleeping around it doesn't seem to serious relatively speaking.

I want to know what Dean did as a Knight of Hell. Or maybe he still is a Knight of Hell.

I kind of hope it's a big fake out and that Dean is still a demon. I really thought the look the boys gave each other the end of Fan Fiction didn't scream brotherly love. It seemed a lot more ambiguous to me. And Dean saying I don't need that to remind me of how I feel about my brother was equally ambiguous. And if they are going with their take on the Cain and Abel story I'm unconvinced they are really back on track.

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Bah! SueB, you tricked me. I saw it was a twitter thing and clicked on it...don't you know I've been avoiding the promos like the plague? I'm totally kididng--sometimes smartassery is hard to convey on the interwebs, for me anyway. I really have to take the responsibility for clicking on a link in the spoilers thread. Stupid me.


Anyway, what I find most wonderful about that promo is more shots of Dean working on his Baby. I can only imagine the shame he feels for how badly Demon Dean treated her. Probably gives her hugs regularly now.


I guess that was more of a clip than a promo anyway--your off the hook SueB. ;)

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Dean +Baby =OTP 4EVER

Hee. One of the moments that I remember from "Mannequin 3..." was that after Baby got possessed (again), Dean was yelling that his Baby wasn't a sex doll, and the 12-year old part of my brain was saying "You keep telling yourself that, Dean." (Perhaps the scarier part is that rule 34 is in effect even here and Dean/Baby stuff actually does exist.)


Sorry. That was likely meant to be a pure love kind of OTP declaration. ; )  12 year old me is acting up tonight apparently.

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Yeah, watching Dean work on Baby is officially car porn. Sorry DittyDotDot! I'll use the word 'clip' next time.

Headcanon Theme song for Babywhile Dean was a Demon: "You've Lost That Loving Feeling" by The Righteous Brothers.

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Watching Dean work on Baby is pretty damn sexy but watching Jensen actually drive Baby during filming? Forget about it. Holy crap. It is so stupidly hot and I can't even explain why.

Edited by catrox14
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my heart is happy, Dean working on baby, Sam & Dean banter and Dean's reaction to the coffee cup, especially Sam knowing that Dean really wants it.  Ah can the happy moments last for a bit..  Or how about a change when the angst comes back let it be the brother's against the issue...NOT each other.

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How much is witchcraft playing a role in this season?
PADALECKI: It plays a lot.
ACKLES: I don’t think that we’ve really gotten into the meat of that just yet.
PADALECKI: We’ve never delved into witches like we did delve into demons and angels and even vampires.
ACKLES: Leviathans.
PADALECKI: Leviathans, yeah. We’ve played around with witches but witches actually play a pretty large part in our storyline, even from like “Man’s Best Friend,” where there was a witch making a dog manifest itself as the servant, and Crowley was a witch before.
ACKLES: They’ve always been there.
PADALECKI: They’ve always been there and so now we get to delve into this part of the supernatural universe. I’ve read a few forward and we see witchcraft play integral parts in a few episodes coming up and I think it’s a neat thing that we haven’t seen. Sam and Dean have the thing they do with demons, they have the thing they do with vampires or with ghosts or zombies, but we haven’t really seen them come head-to-head with witches too much so it’s going to be a nice new arena to explore.


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Heh.  I still maintain that it would be awesome if Rowena is Crowley's mother and she will lead the witches in a revolt against their demonic masters!


But I think I'd prefer that to be the focus of any possible spin-off.  Doesn't sound like Sam and Dean would have much to do in that storyline, except protect humanity from a demonic civil war.


Oh, good Chuck.  Demonic civil war.  Crowley's followers vs. Abbadon's followers.  Caught in the middle?  Their slaves, the witches.  Yikes.

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So there is a demon war afoot. Huh, I wonder who might have been awesome to see in action as a demon. Or maybe could end the fucking demon war? LOL JFC what is wrong with these showrunners? Why the fuck do you introduce demon Dean and not have him be instrumental in a demon war.

I am so disappointed to know that we'll not see demon! Dean again. Why does this show continue to waste the talents of Jensen? Oh right Crowley is apparently the most important character now. Heading for the bitterness thread..

Also, witches? Ugh. I really don't like this development

Edited by catrox14
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Watching the preview for 'Girls, Girls, Girls':

- Dean on a dating app. I can't ...just no.

- Coven of witches....but also a witches brothel? This is not going to work out well

- I think Hannah kisses Cas

- someone kisses Dean

- someone gets possessed

- crowley is back

- and Dean throws someone through a car windshield.

From Spoilers we know it's Cole Dean tosses thru the window. And if adean is tossing a person through a window doesn't that seem like super strength?

We also know Rowena the ginger witch is in this one.

In short, a shit-ton of action next week.

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So it seems that some people are flipping tables over the promo for next week which apparently features Hannah kissing her angelic brother Castiel.


Did the words "witches" get missed? You know those creatures who use MAGIC and SPELLS to do things? Might it be that Hannah has been hexed? Pretty sure that Cas has made it clear this season that he's just not into her that way, so I really can't see it going anywhere except Hannah getting un-hexed after nothing actually happens beyond the kiss and then she's just more awkward around Cas than usual.


I don't see any reason to freak out until we get context...God knows the promos are misleading most of the time...why should this be any different?

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Who knows regarding spells and Angels but it seems likely to me.

More bits from the promo based on obsessive freeze framing. ( don't judge me!)

- you can clearly see its Dean throwing someone but Cole's face is not showing

-Hannah is naked at some point

-Rowena is being walked down the hall bound with a gag.

-Dean uses his REAL freakin name on the dating app and his user id is Impala67.... And I'm still cringing.

From Robert Beren's (writer for next week) Twitter

@robertberens: Well on the minus side that #supernatural promo gives away too much. On the plus side it's totally misleading and contains one outright lie.

Edited by SueB
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Yeah, the very idea of Dean doing online dating just screams "spell" (or something similar) to me. Dude's never in one place long enough to maintain a relationship and he's clearly never had any problem pulling random tail in bars so I think none of this is above board.

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Good lord. Dean online dating is just the dumbest idea.  Dean would never put himself out there like that.  I mean geez he's not an idiot. So yeah I agree it has to be a spell. 


ETA: I don't even think demon!Dean would have done that. Dean is not desperate to meet women. It has to be some kind of setup. Maybe Cole did it. Anything can be faked on the interwebs

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I don't know how those apps work, but I seem to recall from Bones that these things trigger if your within a certain distance so... Just spitball in' here, IF Dean did this, maybe it's a way of cutting to the chase. It eliminates pre-amble and if he's just rolling thru town, he gets some companionship with less effort. The weird bit is his REAL name and location. That's pretty unsafe in his line of work.

Do I think he needs help getting women? Not at all. But it might speed up the process. Additionally, he might be itching for some companionship if the Mark is putting him on edge.

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Additionally, he might be itching for some companionship if the Mark is putting him on edge.


He didn't seek companionship with women last season when the Mark was taking over.  My beef with it is that Dean would not put himself out there for the world to see. He told that guy in Ask Jeeves to forget he ever knew them. 

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Good lord. Dean online dating is just the dumbest idea.  Dean would never put himself out there like that.  I mean geez he's not an idiot. So yeah I agree it has to be a spell.


What's killing me is that a fan noticed that Dean's handle (Impala67) is exactly what someone used in a fanfic written a year ago in which Dean and Cas meet online and have a long distance relationship. I died laughing.

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I was originally thinking that maybe 'I don't give a shit' Demon!Dean created the account but Impala67 doesn't fit for his user id. Plus Baby is polished. So, IDK. They've had props that have been both intentional plot points and those that were mistakes (blood type). So... More data required I think for me.

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For me, the simple fact that we have Hannah getting horny/naked and Dean creating an online dating profile are clue enough that something witchy is causing this behaviour.

Sam's laugh at seeing said profile almost makes it worth it though. :)

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Midseason finale spoilers


Relevant SPN bit:



Airdate: Tuesday, Dec. 9 (The CW, 9/8c)


Why You Need to Watch: Dean finally makes a decision about the troublesome Mark of Cain plaguing him. Elsewhere, the daughter of Castiel's vessel, Jimmy, convinces the angel to break her out of a group home -- and then she ditches Cas (how rude!), leaving the Winchesters to search for her. As for Crowley, the King of Hell will face his biggest challenge yet.


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Airdate: Tuesday, Dec. 9 (The CW, 9/8c)


Why You Need to Watch: Dean finally makes a decision about the troublesome Mark of Cain plaguing him. Elsewhere, the daughter of Castiel's vessel, Jimmy, convinces the angel to break her out of a group home -- and then she ditches Cas (how rude!), leaving the Winchesters to search for her. As for Crowley, the King of Hell will face his biggest challenge yet.


How the hell does Claire track Cas down?


I will admit, I am super interested in the Claire storyline. Everything to do with the angels is so boring..I desperately want Cas to have something interesting to do for a change and this meets that criteria for me. I also want to know if the whole 'you possessed her for a hot minute, so she will have some Original Flavour Cas Grace in her that we can extract' theory comes to fruition...

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I don't think Claire tracks Cas down, but the other way around. So, the debate over whether Jimmy is still in there with Cas should finally be settled.


I thought Carver recently confirmed that Jimmy was gone? Well, regardless, it should be mentioned in the show anyway...

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What decision could he make? He can't get rid of it unless he tries to give it to someone else. And that better not be Sam.


I've often wondered what would happen if an angel took it on. Cas was able to snuff out the demon in Dean just by hugging him...could he take on and then snuff out the MoC or would it not even transfer to an angel?

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I've often wondered what would happen if an angel took it on. Cas was able to snuff out the demon in Dean just by hugging him...could he take on and then snuff out the MoC or would it not even transfer to an angel?

That's a really interesting idea. IIRC the Mark came from Lucifer who is an archangel so maybe? I didn't think Cas hugging him snuffed out the demon in Dean. It was just that he was more powerful and could stop Dean from killing Sam. They still had tocomplete the blood ritual to actually cure him.

I would think if an angel could take on the Mark one would have done so years ago.

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Cas was able to snuff out the demon in Dean just by hugging him

Cas was able to physically hold him still, he didn't snuff out the demon at all.  The sanctified blood ritual was the "only" trick up their sleeve.  So we saw:

1) Sam do quite a bit of blood transfer, enough that the demonic element of Dean's soul was weakened and Dean could break out of the handcuffs and Devils' Trap in the dungeon.

2) Cas physically restrain the weakened Demon!Dean

and then

3) The "end" of the blood ritual where Dean is dosed with Holy Water to confirm he was no longer a demon.  We didn't see Sam do the rest of the ritual (that was in offscreenville).



He can't get rid of it unless he tries to give it to someone else. And that better not be Sam.

Not in a 1000 years do I see Dean willingly transfer the curse to Sam ... or frankly anyone else.  This is a curse, and he's still a hero.  If they thought they could simply transfer it to demon minion #3 and be done with it, they would have gone with that. But there's no good answer for ANYONE to have that much evil power -- except maybe back to Cain.  Cain seemed to be controlling it just fine.  So maybe Cain will take it back. Not likely but maybe. 


As for giving it to an angel -- well that's kinda a shitty thing to do too.  It's an bloodlusty-evil curse thing.  And in the Supernatural universe, Angels don't have souls.  So... it has nothing to corrupt.  Maybe that's a loop-hole but I kinda doubt it.  I think Cain is the best bet.  He's in Episode 14 per Timothy Omundson's tweet.  Make that February Sweeps is my guess.


I don't recall seeing the Girls, Girls Girls Synopsis here.

Official photos from the seventh episode of Supernatural season 10, "Girls, Girls, Girls," airing Tuesday, November 25 at 9pm on the CW.Official Synopsis from the CW: "Sam (Jared Padaleck) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) stumble upon a demon who is running from Crowley (Mark A. Sheppard). Before they have a chance to shut him down, Rowena (guest star Ruth Connell) steps in and takes things into her own hands. Realizing Rowena is trying to recruit and train followers in the art of witchcraft, Sam and Dean come up with a plan to catch her before she can do much damage. Meanwhile, Hannah (guest star Erica Carroll) runs into a blast from her vessel‘s past, which complicates things for her and Castiel (Misha Collins)."

Episode photos:



Surprisingly a great deal of BTS with Bob Singer -- which is kinda nice. Combining this new "data", here's what I think I know:

- Dean is macking on the Blonde in leopard print in the promo

-  Two demon males, one smokes out -- but also appears to be the same guy skewered by the angel blade ... so confusion. Plus Hoodie guy.

- It appears hoodie guy and another demon are force-walking Rowena and two witches down the corridor when the Winchesters show up. Since Rowena's got a gag, I presume they know she's the dangerous one.

- Clearly Crowley is way involved in all of this.

- That Sam and Dean come up with a plan, COULD be WHY the dating app, or that it could be something Dean already has that he leverages.

- I think Hannah's vessel topic is very much the consent issue -- she meets someone from her past, romantic intentions toward Cas ensue -- and I suspect Cas gives her the no-fly zone speech due to her vessel.  I'm actually really looking forward to this as I think the promo-dudes have done a total mislead here.

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