verdana July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 Thanks for the clip, those things move quite fast heh, I'm almost certain there's a horrible bulky jacket being held by an assistant just out of shot! Link to comment
FlickerToAFlame July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 Some potential info on 8x01 from imdb. After Rick's father disappears Kate and Rick investigate. As they do, Rick starts remembering things from his own disappearance. Link to comment
madmaverick July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 (edited) Thanks. Finally something substantial to speculate on. But is imdb always accurate? Because I remember that time when someone idiotic made an entry saying Nathan and Stana got married on the same day as Caskett, or something to that effect. I thought Rick's father had in effect "disappeared" already since his last appearance, or are we about to find out that he in fact kept in touch with Castle and Martha despite the disillusioned parting last time? If Hunt's been murdered, that would make Castle and Beckett both having murdered parents. Too dark? Even though I was not impressed by the way they handled Castle's disappearance story last season, I tend to think there's more to be mined here than going back to Bracken again. There's more scope for exploration and uncovered territory. But it could do with a reset of some kind with the narrative direction, and the parts of the plot by Marlowe/Amann that didn't work should be dropped. If Castle's been unwittingly dragged into Hunt's shady world again, it won't be the first time so I guess it's not outside the realm of possibility. I would like to see a deeper examination of Castle's conflicted feelings about his father, perhaps juxtaposed with his own experiences as a father and fatherhood maybe on the brain again with Beckett. Alias did a great job with that with both Spydaddy (original) and Spymommy. The yearning to be loved, yet cursing the inevitable betrayal. Edited July 16, 2015 by madmaverick 1 Link to comment
FlickerToAFlame July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 (edited) Too bad, was hoping to finally have some concrete info. Oh well. Edited July 16, 2015 by FlickerToAFlame Link to comment
madmaverick July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 Can anyone just input anything on imdb? I thought there'd be some form of control/verification for some entries at least. It will be funny if the real episode description sounds less interesting than this one. And people were just thinking their theories about Hayley (XX) being Castle (XY)'s half-sister were right. Guess not! Link to comment
verdana July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 That's crap. Heh, guess that kills the speculation. Shame the story is not legit, I was soooo looking forward to talking about Spydaddy and Castle's amnesia and taking guesses on how many times Hawley and Winter could mention "mythology" during promotional interviews. Can anyone just input anything on imdb? Yeah I was thinking the exact same thing. Is IMDB open to any one to have fun teasing at fan's expense? Must admit I never check on the main Castle page but I do lurk occasionally on their message board. Link to comment
WendyCR72 July 16, 2015 Share July 16, 2015 IMDB message boards are simply filled with posters who register, much like here. So any old info - legit or not - can be posted. Link to comment
verdana July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Michal Zebede @MichalZebede 40 mins40 minutes ago Castle fans, I just watched the first round of dailies. Brace yourselves. Season 8 is going to be EPIC! I'm duly braced. Link to comment
verdana July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Seamus Dever @seamusdever 12h12 hours ago One things for sure. Things are going to change around Castle this season I wonder if those glasses are his new look for the season. Heh. Link to comment
femmefan1946 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Oh dear, those are terrible. Has the Curse of the Luke struck again? No way would dapper Ryan wear those. Link to comment
verdana July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Toks Olagundoye @ToksOlagundoye Hey, gang! I LOVE your tweets, but mentioning me every 5 minutes jams up my notifications; if you tweet me make it count #conscientiousness Toks Olagundoye @ToksOlagundoye 5 mins5 minutes ago Toks Olagundoye retweeted tamara Nooooo! I the tweets from everyone! Just, you know, a couple folks need to chillax a tad bit #DontStopThough Poor Toks is starting to realise how enthusiastic some members of the Castle fandom can be heh. May I suggest a #stopgivemeabreak might be more in order. She's been very good about it. Oh dear, those are terrible. Has the Curse of the Luke struck again? No way would dapper Ryan wear those. Yeah they look a bit old fashioned and not at all flattering, I'd rather see Castle wearing specs TBH but not those ones! That would be adding insult to injury if Rick got to wear them instead of Ryan. Link to comment
madmaverick July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Are we having a flashback 80s episode? ;) I doubt the specs are for real, but I saw a pic of Ryan wearing matching plaid pants with his plaid tie and now that's a joke to me. No offence to those who like plaid (worn judiciously!), but I don't think plaid pants are a good look for anyone under 60 unless you're Scottish. And someone find me a real NYPD detective who would wear plaid pants to work! Luke probably thinks of it as a dapper look, but no, just no. Toks Olagundoye retweeted tamaraNooooo! I the tweets from everyone! Just, you know, a couple folks need to chillax a tad bit #DontStopThoughPoor Toks is starting to realise how enthusiastic some members of the Castle fandom can be heh. May I suggest a #stopgivemeabreak might be more in order.She's been very good about it. She is, indeed. Chillax, heh. And asking fans to be considerate. Good luck with that. ;) Props to her for trying, but I think soon enough she'll find that it's impossible to keep up with all her tweets and impossible to stop all the crazy in her timeline. She can commiserate with Stana and Nathan on that. And even the tweeters amongst the crew. Those fans just will not give up bugging anyone who has a direct line to their favourite actor and can't take a politely made hint. Link to comment
WendyCR72 July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 Whatever happened to a simple suit jacket and tie for the male detectives? And sorry, but those glasses are extremely ugly. And Toks should just embrace the block button. It really does wonders. 1 Link to comment
McManda July 17, 2015 Share July 17, 2015 ... is that a personal segqay-esque skateboard? That is so cool. I'd ride one. I did a Segway tour of Disney's EPCOT years ago and it was a lot of fun. The learning curve for a Segway is pretty quick, and once you get used to letting a machine balance for you it's a pretty neat ride. :) Link to comment
BellyLaughter July 18, 2015 Share July 18, 2015 Whatever happened to a simple suit jacket and tie for the male detectives? And sorry, but those glasses are extremely ugly. And Toks should just embrace the block button. It really does wonders. She could also employ the setting where she will only receives mentions from people she follows....that would help A LOT! Link to comment
KaveDweller July 18, 2015 Share July 18, 2015 Maybe the glasses are a sign of a time jump? It's a couple years ahead so now Ryan wears glasses so we remember that? It looks like he is still in the precinct though. Or Seamus just found them on set and is fooling around? Link to comment
verdana July 18, 2015 Share July 18, 2015 (edited) I hope you're right KaveDweller and he's fooling around because those specs need to go in the bin, I wouldn't even inflict them on one of those charities that collect glasses to donate for those in need! If Toks is smart she'll soon put a block on to limit her interactions with the fans. Stana still working away. drstanakaticBTS: Burning the evening oil on #SisterCities Edited July 18, 2015 by verdana Link to comment
madmaverick July 18, 2015 Share July 18, 2015 ... is that a personal segqay-esque skateboard? That is so cool. I'd ride one. I did a Segway tour of Disney's EPCOT years ago and it was a lot of fun. The learning curve for a Segway is pretty quick, and once you get used to letting a machine balance for you it's a pretty neat ride. :) McManda, it's a Hovertrax and Nathan's latest love lol. He auctioned one off for Operation Smile at Nerd HQ. And if you're tempted to get one, they're offering some discount and lucky draw (price is quite steep otherwise!). I think I'd have to 'let it go' to get used to a machine balancing for me without anything to hold onto! Especially one that can be quite speedy. Without having tried it, I'd probably feel safer on rollerskates or a scooter or Segway. I see kids speeding around without a care in those sneakers with wheels and think they'd be pretty cool, even for adults. As long as I can brake! If the premiere bores us (hopefully not), we can play spot the specs instead of the usual spot the ugly jacket. :P Link to comment
madmaverick July 18, 2015 Share July 18, 2015 So it seems Toks has already had scenes with Jon, Seamus and Nathan. Safe assumption they cross paths in the field while Capt. Beckett is holding down the fort at the precinct? Link to comment
madmaverick July 19, 2015 Share July 19, 2015 Susan Sullivan @realssullivan Advice.... When depressed dance with abandon around the living rm. two minutes should suffice! Love Susan and love her living room! I wouldn't mind seeing Martha in action as a performer this season. Link to comment
verdana July 20, 2015 Share July 20, 2015 Toks Olagundoye @ToksOlagundoye 17 hrs17 hours ago Well, @NathanFillion named me #NewGuy.... So..... No. Toks Olagundoye added, alexis neuman @lexineuman @ToksOlagundoye shouldn't you say #NewGirl Heh so she's the new guy in town. 7 TV Hunks Who Ruined Us For Real Life Dating at Tell Tale TV. Castle is on here, along with Oliver from Arrow, Luke (GG), and Angel. 6. Richard Castle, Castle Bases the main character of a mystery series on you? Check. Follows you around like a lost puppy for years? Check. Gets you coffee every single morning? Check. Never wants you to be less than you are, especially because, he actually fell in love with Kate Beckett the bad-ass cop? Check. Meet Richard Castle, mystery writer extraordinaire, and the man most likely to hang a “Kate Beckett’s husband” sign on the wall outside his loft in years to come. If there’s one thing that’s been consistent about his character, is that he is really, really proud of Kate Beckett. Immensely proud. In awe, really. With him, it’s not about the loyalty, it’s not about what he says, and it’s not even about what he does, no. It’s all about that look. The one that says you are the greatest thing he’s ever laid eyes on. The Richard Castle look. I'm not sure that following someone around like a lost puppy sounds that wonderful but the rest of it - loyalty, being proud of the person you love and supportive are clearly all good attributes, I could do with a few more of those Richard Castle looks towards Beckett. Stana has got her adoring glances down pat since they became a couple. Link to comment
verdana July 20, 2015 Share July 20, 2015 (edited) Alexi Hawley @AlexiHawley 21 hrs21 hours ago Rob Bowman setting up a shot for our special upside down episode. #castleseason8 This isn't spoilery but I guess it should go here, I do hope this is just Bowman fooling around and the "upside down" episode isn't going to be yet another gimmick I can do without. madmaverick. Yeah I would assume that to be the case based on her tweets. Edited July 20, 2015 by verdana Link to comment
FlickerToAFlame July 21, 2015 Share July 21, 2015 Hey Hal, can you say if Stana/Beckett is in 8x01 at all? I know they're only halfway done filming it, but she hasn't been on set yet due to her Sister Cities movie role. Link to comment
verdana July 21, 2015 Share July 21, 2015 By the looks of things, if they're filming in episode order, 8.01 will be Stana-lite which makes sense given how busy she is on SC. It's already been confirmed by TVline when she first signed that Stana will feature in every episode next season. Link to comment
WendyCR72 July 21, 2015 Share July 21, 2015 Hey Hal, can you say if Stana/Beckett is in 8x01 at all? I know they're only halfway done filming it, but she hasn't been on set yet due to her Sister Cities movie role. As verdana said, TV Line confirmed SK will be in all episodes. Perhaps - assuming she isn't taping - her scenes will be edited in separately. Link to comment
cappuccino July 21, 2015 Share July 21, 2015 Damn I wish he'd look like that on Castle Got it from here Link to comment
madmaverick July 21, 2015 Share July 21, 2015 (edited) Me too, cappuccino, me too. Another nice portrait of Nathan from the LA Times. Continuing to love how Toks is schooling the crazies amongst the Castle fans on twitter. Listened to this in depth interview that Toks mentioned on twitter as a way to learn more about her. It's quite interesting to hear about her upbringing and her journey as an actress. Around the half hour mark she talked about the pressure on her to have nose surgery during a low point in her career. Seriously, does every actress in Hollywood have to go through that? Her nose seems perfectly good to me. And her choice of man that she's attracted to was also interesting, heh (Blue collar & Irish). This FAQ tweeted to her by a Castle fan made me laugh. Thank God there are still witty and sane peeps around in the fandom. But the insane ones with no sense of boundaries or respect! It's so bad that people actually go ask new cast or anyone newly associated with the show whether the rumours about Nathan and Stana (not getting along or the opposite) are true. Hate that these ideas are being planted in anyone's mind when they actually have to work with these people. Meet Richard Castle, mystery writer extraordinaire, and the man most likely to hang a “Kate Beckett’s husband” sign on the wall outside his loft in years to come. That is true, heh. Along with the "Alexis Castle's Dad" sign. There are times when I think Castle should be characterised as more of an alpha, but at the same time, one thing I've always loved about him is how he's a man who never lets his own ego get in the way of his partner's success. He's always proud and supportive all the way. He did look like he thought Beckett could do absolutely anything when they had their chat at the swings in the finale. At the same time, it's been nice to see Beckett offer him the same kind of support when he was trying out his P.I. venture. Some of my favourite moments in their relationship is when one is vulnerable and the other is strong and supportive and I like that that was referenced in the wedding vows. Edited July 21, 2015 by madmaverick Link to comment
WendyCR72 July 21, 2015 Share July 21, 2015 But the insane ones with no sense of boundaries or respect! It's so bad that people actually go ask new cast or anyone newly associated with the show whether the rumours about Nathan and Stana (not getting along or the opposite) are true. What? Seriously?! Sigh. I just do not get why it is of such vital importance that NF/SK get along. Isn't it what's on screen as the characters that counts? Sigh. Twitter is the devil. But good for Toks for keeping it together! Link to comment
verdana July 21, 2015 Share July 21, 2015 (edited) I still say she should put a block on her twitter account, responding to all these tweets (many are inane) seems a complete waste of time. Being so accommodating and responsive is asking for trouble, it encourages the crazy, I wonder does she realise what she's letting herself in for? Especially if she starts spending too much screen time with Castle. Around the half hour mark she talked about the pressure on her to have nose surgery during a low point in her career. Seriously, does every actress in Hollywood have to go through that? Sadly I think many of them do - and worse. The pressure must be intense and the sad thing is often these women get told to have surgery to fit in and then promptly get told when they go to casting calls their look is not "unique" enough to stand out from all the rest. I know that Stana had a nose job early on in her career but at least in her case I could understand why she took that decision. Edited July 21, 2015 by verdana Link to comment
verdana July 21, 2015 Share July 21, 2015 (edited) Sigh. I just do not get why it is of such vital importance that NF/SK get along. Isn't it what's on screen as the characters that counts? Sigh. Twitter is the devil. But good for Toks for keeping it together! As long as they're both lighting up a fire on screen that should be the most important thing but for some fans that's not good enough, they get upset if there's even the slightest hint all is not well BTS. I'd like them to be happy together, I won't lie in that I'm curious about the current state of their relationship but if fans had proof they didn't get along getting their knickers in a twist about it on twitter, tumblr etc won't change anything. I loved Moonlighting but discovered later on the two stars couldn't stand the sight of each other for long periods of time yet their chemistry was off the charts and I still enjoy watching old episodes. I don't get what purpose is served asking cast newcomers how the two leads get on as if they're hopeful to receive some explosive information. Why do some fans assume actors automatically have to get on with each other in any case? They've often got very little in common aside from the particular show they're working on. But at the end of the day whatever their personal feelings - good, bad or indifferent - they're actors and I expect them to be able to play pretend for the big bucks they earn. It's when they look like they don't care on screen I have a problem. Edited July 21, 2015 by verdana 1 Link to comment
Julia July 21, 2015 Share July 21, 2015 (edited) OK, I didn't expect to find Toks charming—I'm a little hard to charm—but I kind of did. Edited July 21, 2015 by Julia Link to comment
verdana July 22, 2015 Share July 22, 2015 I hope that charm carries through into the character it would be a shame if she ends up driving me crazy like Pi did. Link to comment
Julia July 22, 2015 Share July 22, 2015 I've always gotten the impression, fairly or not, that the sensibility of Castle after season 2 has been very much driven by what the unlamented Mr. Marlowe et ux found charming. I have hopes that the next season isn't going to have nearly as many facepalms. Link to comment
madmaverick July 22, 2015 Share July 22, 2015 I'd like them to be happy together, I won't lie in that I'm curious about the current state of their relationship but if fans had proof they didn't get along getting their knickers in a twist about it on twitter, tumblr etc won't change anything. Same. And I feel the actors are kind of in a no win situation at this point. If we get bts stuff of them happy together, it's going to start rumours that they don't want. Or start another round of demanding more/nitpicking because some fans can never be satisfied. If we don't get any bts stuff, some people are going to assume they hate each other. At the end of the day, I don't think what anyone chooses to share with the public should be dictated by those demanding it. I don't get what purpose is served asking cast newcomers how the two leads get on as if they're hopeful to receive some explosive information. I also don't get the purpose of continuously asking people how it's like to work with so-and-so, other than to fish for compliments about their favourite actor. People responding could hardly offer anything but compliments. I just feel it's got to be annoying to be consistently asked about someone around you rather than yourself because you clearly don't interest those persons in your own right. I hope that charm carries through into the character it would be a shame if she ends up driving me crazy like Pi did. I would like her to exhibit some original qualities, but 'll settle for her being a generic badass female character rather than have her be as "unique" as Pi. I still say she should put a block on her twitter account, responding to all these tweets (many are inane) seems a complete waste of time. Being so accommodating and responsive is asking for trouble, it encourages the crazy, I wonder does she realise what she's letting herself in for? Especially if she starts spending too much screen time with Castle. Agreed. You can't possibly reply to everyone. You can encourage those who want attention that way, and the inane tweets can drive you crazy as much as the insane ones sometimes. I'm going to say she should strap in for more fandom drama ahead. Some fans will likely have negative sentiments towards a character/actor at one time or consistently. ;) I think it takes too much effort and it's often redundant to respond to all that negativity. But to each their own. I've always gotten the impression, fairly or not, that the sensibility of Castle after season 2 has been very much driven by what the unlamented Mr. Marlowe et ux found charming. I have hopes that the next season isn't going to have nearly as many facepalms. If they can cut out the interrupted kisses for starters, we may have hope. ;) But seriously, my conclusion is that romance is not Marlowe's forte. Or his romantic sensibilities simply do not chime with my own. Link to comment
Julia July 22, 2015 Share July 22, 2015 If they can cut out the interrupted kisses for starters, we may have hope. ;) But seriously, my conclusion is that romance is not Marlowe's forte. Or his romantic sensibilities simply do not chime with my own. I have rarely seen a married couple so completely in agreement that marriage is intrinsically boring, sexless, and lacking in romance. 2 Link to comment
FlickerToAFlame July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 @webstervictor: Look who I randomly ran in to @Stana_Katic Looking beautiful as always Link to comment
McManda July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 (edited) I keep looking at that photo and all I can think is Victor Webster looks about 50 (is the grey for a role? I'm 25% "he can't be that old!" and 75% "I kinda like it") and Stana looks like S1 Beckett. I'm so confused. Edited July 23, 2015 by McManda Link to comment
verdana July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 (edited) I didn't recognize him when I first saw the pic on tumblr, may be it's for a part but he still looks good but oh boy he acted so wooden on Castle! I'm going to say she should strap in for more fandom drama ahead. Some fans will likely have negative sentiments towards a character/actor at one time or consistently. ;) Yeah could be a bumpy ride, those same fans wishing her well now and wanting to be her best pal can turn on a dime if their beloved Caskett is threatened. There are some elements of the fandom that have no sense of decorum, respect and little (or no) common sense. I'm going to be sitting back in a few months waiting for a whole lot of hysterical angry tweeting to Toks, her fellow cast members and crew if it even looks remotely like they're promoting her too much and worse at the expense of Castle and/or Beckett. From now until our huge fall TV preview, EW is bringing you 50 scoops in 50 days. Follow the hashtag #50Scoops50Days on Twitter and Instagram to keep up with the latest, and check for all the news and surprises. Latest from EW, wonder what they have for Castle.... Edited July 23, 2015 by verdana Link to comment
femmefan1946 July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 I keep looking at that photo and all I can think is Victor Webster looks about 50 (is the grey for a role? I'm 25% "he can't be that old!" and 75% "I kinda like it") and Stana looks like S1 Beckett. I'm so confused. He's 42. If you are not used to men with full beards it can be disconcerting to learn that the beard tends to go grey before the head hair. And of course, men rarely dye their beards even if they colour their hair. Especially if they don't normally wear a full beard. (NF's scruff had a few white hairs too, ladies. ) Link to comment
verdana July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 (edited) Erik Altstadt @EAkorn 12 hrs12 hours agoDay 6 of 9 on episode 801. So far it's been a blast. Can't wait for your guys to see it. #CastleSeason8 #Castle Erik Altstadt @EAkorn 9 hrs9 hours ago All I'm going to say is that people just need to relax. Trust the powers at be. #Castle #CastleSeason8 Hmmmm, funny thing about trust, once it's been abused or taken for granted it's difficult to regain. You have to earn it you can't demand it. Edited July 23, 2015 by verdana Link to comment
BellyLaughter July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 And the fact they feel they have to ask us to trust them says a lot too..... Link to comment
Sara2009 July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 Maybe I'm just too easy to please, but the " Castle" writers have never broken my trust. Sure there have been story lines I didn't like, but I could say that about most shows I've watched. Link to comment
madmaverick July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 I don't know that I'd say Castle writers have broken my trust because I'm not sure trust is the right word to characterise the viewer-creator relationship for me. There's never any guarantee for viewers going into any television programme. Marlowe could have stretched the WT/WT till the very end or he could have had them sleep together after the first episode. It's all at the creator's whim and vision, so I never subscribed to any In Marlowe We Trust or any such brigade. What I have become is much less confident in their writing abilities and reassessed them over the course of the seasons due to some, imo, unnecessary and badly conceived missteps for the characters and the story. Most shows have some missteps for sure, but I also consider the fact that Castle isn't a particularly challenging show to do both in its structure and main story engine (basic love story), and when you can't get some basics right.... well, that affects my opinion of the writers' abilities. Bottom line, will I automatically follow Marlowe's future work? Not sure, veering towards probably not if it's another procedural. I still love Caskett, and the chemistry has a lot to do with it, but I'm not sure Castle has left me with a taste for another show like this done by Marlowe. Both Victor and Nathan are in their 40s now so the greys are going to come out in their scruff, and not just one. But that can work in some men's favour. Just look at Clooney and Gere! I looked up Victor on imdb to see what he's been up to and it amused me to see that he's doing a series called Rio Heat heh. Castle hasn't gone for location titles yet but it could just be a matter of time if they keep churning out the books. Love Jamie Lee Curtis! Wouldn't it be cool if she guest starred on Castle? Her new series could be a fun watch. Link to comment
verdana July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 I used to have faith in the writers ability to deliver (mostly) engaging stories without hurting the characters or treating me like I'm a fool but MilMar seemed to lose their way (or was it run out of steam?) and Castle and Beckett's relationship suffered as the writing slowly deteriorated. I don't like being jerked around for shits and giggles and that's what it felt like they were doing at the end and I don't care for that, it's not fair play even if no guarantees were given. After the way they dealt with the whole wedding issue and its aftermath it made me reassess their creative vision, motivations and integrity as writers and although they are no longer part of the show, the trust (or faith) has to be earned all over again, at least for me. 1 Link to comment
verdana July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 Love Jamie Lee Curtis! Wouldn't it be cool if she guest starred on Castle? Her new series could be a fun watch. She's done aerobics with John Travolta.....yikes. I wonder if that's better than being kissed by him? *shudder* "I've been selling yoghurt that makes you shit for six years" Ha Ha. Love her! Bet they don't have that on the packaging. Link to comment
AntiBeeSpray July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 I used to have faith in the writers ability to deliver (mostly) engaging stories without hurting the characters or treating me like I'm a fool but MilMar seemed to lose their way (or was it run out of steam?) and Castle and Beckett's relationship suffered as the writing slowly deteriorated. I don't like being jerked around for shits and giggles and that's what it felt like they were doing at the end and I don't care for that, it's not fair play even if no guarantees were given. After the way they dealt with the whole wedding issue and its aftermath it made me reassess their creative vision, motivations and integrity as writers and although they are no longer part of the show, the trust (or faith) has to be earned all over again, at least for me. Exactly. And that's for ANY show. Not a fan of writing that does that tbh. Link to comment
verdana July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 Space Coaster @SpaceCoaster14 @RobKyker Hey Rob! Is Katic ever going to show up, or has she quit #Castle for her "movie career"? Rob kyker @RobKyker 2h2 hours ago Yea, she quit. She's never coming back. You didn't get the memo?? BTW, that's Mrs. Katic to you. LOL at Rob's sarky response, I bet cast and crew are starting to get quite a few of these. Link to comment
Cyranetta July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 I don't like being jerked around for shits and giggles and that's what it felt like they were doing at the end and I don't care for that, it's not fair play even if no guarantees were given. After the way they dealt with the whole wedding issue and its aftermath it made me reassess their creative vision, motivations and integrity as writers and although they are no longer part of the show, the trust (or faith) has to be earned all over again, at least for me. For all that the term "mythology" was thrown around and possibly overused, I suspect that at least part of the "trust" issue is that television shows do deal in mythology by their very nature, and when the mythology of a show established over several seasons seems to be going off the rails, it creates a mental dissonance which may or may not have anything to do with logic or plausibility. There are ways to "go against the mythological grain" in the interest of creative satisfaction or artistic ambition, but it needs to be well-crafted and the dramatic ground carefully prepared. Castle, because it is a combination of procedural, romance, comedy and suspense drama, probably has a wider elasticity in handling its own mythology, but an overstretched rubber brand can break, so pulling the characters too far "out of orbit" can be problematic for the viewer. 1 Link to comment
McManda July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 He's 42. If you are not used to men with full beards it can be disconcerting to learn that the beard tends to go grey before the head hair. And of course, men rarely dye their beards even if they colour their hair. Especially if they don't normally wear a full beard. (NF's scruff had a few white hairs too, ladies. ) Yeah, but based on his instagram photos, the hair on his head is much greyer than I would have expected, unless he pulled a Matt LeBlanc and just stopped dying his hair at all. I also wouldn't really have pegged him as being 42, but that's probably because I imagined Josh to be younger. (Except that's kind of stupid, because he was a cardiothorastic surgeon and it's not like that's an undergrad degree. You have to put in a good bit of time for that.) I don't mind the grey. I think I'd actually like him better with it, because the dyed black hair mad him look ... smarmy? Cocky? Like should be riding a motorcycle and spending his days at the gym. (I don't know him, but all accounts he's a wonderful man, that's a snap judgement based on appearance and a character role only.) The grey makes him look more approachable, more distinguished, and someone less likely to be a giant toolbag. (Oh man, I just realized ... that means I'm old, isn't it? Preferring a man to have grey hair?) Link to comment
verdana July 23, 2015 Share July 23, 2015 19m natef209Yes. I'm on Instagram. Starting a new thing I call "bus pointing". It's gonna be huge. Like my head. Link to comment
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