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But yeah I can't remember the last nice thing Espo said/did to Castle when he didn't want something back in return.


He's not even nice when he's asking for a favor.  But that's partly Espo's personality, how many nice things does he say to anyone?

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From TV Line:

Any spoilers about Castle‘s Ryan-centric episode? Will we see the toddler and Jenny? –Fred
This much I know: In Episode 18, you will meet Ryan’s sister Gwen, as well as her husband Frank, who happens to be a burly security specialist.

Any new love interests on the horizon for Castle‘s Esposito now that he and Lanie have called it quits? –Teri
“Quits” is a funny word, because to hear Tamala Jones tell it, “Oh, it’s still going on. I grabbed his butt at the end of the [break-up] scene, and you don’t do that if it’s over over. We are still messing around, but we are not getting married.”


Not terribly interested in a Ryan episode bringing in his Irish family, to be honest.  They should either do an episode revolving around Ryan and Esposito together, or mix up the pairings with the characters.  Give poor Martha or Lanie, or even Alexis, an episode.  The women are really getting the short end of the stick here.


Oh, Tamala.  Esplanie better be over!  Maybe if she actually had something, anything to do in actual episodes she wouldn't have to answer like this.  It's been 7 seasons and she still hasn't had her turn in getting an episode about her.  The writers obviously do filler episodes every season so they should just give her one already.

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I'd rather see more of Jenny and the baby and find out what's going on with Ryan and their money worries (they still have them don't they?) Bringing in some extra relatives when we barely get much focus on the secondary characters themselves seems strange but we shall see it might be good.

I want Martha to have an episode, we know nothing about what is going on in her life since she had her theatre school and life coaching classes? Susan deserves one measly story.

As for Esplanie, let it go Tamala!

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Oh, Tamala.  Esplanie better be over!  Maybe if she actually had something, anything to do in actual episodes she wouldn't have to answer like this.


I really do feel bad that Tamala gets nothing to do, but I seriously enough with the on/off Esplanie crap.  I'd almost rather they just let her go and make Purlmutter the only ME.  If they aren't going to actually give her and Beckett friendship scenes, and they aren't going to let her and Espo have a real relationship, what's the point? Esposito can mess around with anyone, and new characters would probably be more interesting.

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verdana: I want Martha to have an episode, we know nothing about what is going on in her life since she had her theatre school and life coaching classes? Susan deserves one measly story.

This, please. Of all of the secondary characters Martha is the one with the background richest in possibilities for something unsavory surfacing and involving the 12th (I'm thinkinig especially of the ex-husband who took all her money).

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Film Crew L.A. @filmcrewLA · 6h 6 hours ago


is filming at the

Los Angeles Gun Club this week.




So they're at the shooting range at least for part of Chad's episode. Whenever I think of these places now I remember the scene with Castle and Beckett firing those antique pistols and Castle annoys the cop in the next lane to him, so funny.

I went to the link to the gun club out of curiosity, only in America would having no experience with them be used as a selling point for a visit. That's just what I need, being in a building full of people of varying degrees of (in)competency with an assortment of weapons that can kill you instantly.

Had to laugh at the bottom of the page it said "We will be forced to close from June 28 to July 4 and December 25 to January 1 because ammunition cannot be sold in the city of Los Angeles on those dates." Huh? So people wanting to shoot each other up or rob something if they haven't got any ammo stored up at home will have to take a brief respite during the Christmas period and around American Independence Day? Great. I'm surprised the ultra strong gun lobby hasn't complained.

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Had to laugh at the bottom of the page it said "We will be forced to close from June 28 to July 4 and December 25 to January 1 because ammunition cannot be sold in the city of Los Angeles on those dates." Huh? So people wanting to shoot each other up or rob something if they haven't got any ammo stored up at home will have to take a brief respite during the Christmas period and around American Independence Day? Great. I'm surprised the ultra strong gun lobby hasn't complained.

There are also ads on LA subway cars telling people not to shoot into the air on those holidays because someone might get hurt. Ya think??

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I guess his being on twitter isn't going to last beyond Castle heh.  Unless he gets hopelessly addicted.  It happens.  Old Man Winter would have been a cooler handle!


He has since changed it to that. lol


That's how you dress NF:

@EW: Exclusive: @NathanFillion to cameo on @BigBang_CBS: http://t.co/0BUIDwJFIt http://t.co/0nEfc9OZtN


Amen! And that's a perfect gig for him. And great exposure to the audience of the highest-rated TV show on right now. Though I suspect many who watch TBBT regularly may already be fans. ;) 

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I guess his being on twitter isn't going to last beyond Castle heh.  Unless he gets hopelessly addicted.  It happens.  Old Man Winter would have been a cooler handle!


He has since changed it to that. lol

Lol.  That was my hand at work.  Love the Game of Thrones theme too.  Winter is comingggg!!


That's how you dress NF:


So refreshing to see him in a lighter shade!  He looks less dowdy already.  That actually looks more like a Hamptons look than anything Luke dressed him in. Looking forward to the cameo.

Edited by madmaverick
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The press release is out as well: 


“Reckoning” – In the second installment of the Castle two-parter, stakes rise as the 12th Precinct matches wits with serial killers Jerry Tyson (3XK) and Dr. Kelly Nieman. With the clock ticking, Castle and the team must crack the case before the killers claim their next victim, on Part 2 of “Castle,” MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 (10:01-11:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.


I wonder how meaningful the wording of that press release is, in possibly implying that Beckett may be the next victim. 

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The press release is out as well: 


“Reckoning” – In the second installment of the Castle two-parter, stakes rise as the 12th Precinct matches wits with serial killers Jerry Tyson (3XK) and Dr. Kelly Nieman. With the clock ticking, Castle and the team must crack the case before the killers claim their next victim, on Part 2 of “Castle,” MONDAY, FEBRUARY 16 (10:01-11:00 p.m., ET) on the ABC Television Network.


I wonder how meaningful the wording of that press release is, in possibly implying that Beckett may be the next victim. 


I ~strongly suspect the fact that Beckett isn't named at all in this (since when has her name been left out and implied as part of "the team") means she's the one they're racing to save. So much that I'll be truly surprised if it isn't her who is the next potential victim. 

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The way TBBT is syndicated, I see at least one episode a day.

But I don't know when the current season airs. Is it Thursday? CTV shows it, I'm pretty sure, but when?


It airs on CBS Thursday nights. I don't watch it regularly on network, but do catch it on TBS from time to time. 

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I still think it makes perfect sense that Tyson goes after Beckett as his next victim. The guy gets off on tormenting Castle, and that's a perfect way to do it, especially since his last plan - to kill Castle himself - failed.

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I don't regularly watch TBBT but people in my house do, so I have a passing familiarity. As much as I find wrong with that show, I do like the cameos from the traditionally geek-oriented actors. Sheldon's "feud" with Wil Wheaton (and later Brent Spiner) and Summer Glau's cameo are some of my favorite parts. I imagine Nathan Fillion's will be the same - I might hunt down his part just to see.

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I guess his being on twitter isn't going to last beyond Castle heh.  Unless he gets hopelessly addicted.  It happens.  Old Man Winter would have been a cooler handle!


There is a Terence Winter that is a writer on some other TV show (and probably why Castle's Winter uses the Paul in his name.  So adding Castle to his name does make sense.  But Old Man Winter is much better.

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There is a Terence Winter that is a writer on some other TV show (and probably why Castle's Winter uses the Paul in his name.


Terence Winter (no Paul) created and produced HBO's Boardwalk Empire. He also had a hand in HBO's The Sopranos and the 90s sitcom Sister, Sister. As far as writing goes, (outside of those three) he's done episode of Diagnosis: Murder and Xena: Warrior Princess, plus the screenplay of The Wolf of Wall Street.


The only reason I know this is because I had to look it up after I saw the name in the credits of The Wolf of Wall Street. So yep, that's exactly why he goes by Terrence Paul Winter. (Well, and probably because of WGA guidelines, too. Kinda like actors have to have unique names to be SAG registered.)

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I think that those photos pretty much confirm Beckett being involved in Tyson's plans - something big would have to have happened for her not to be along with SWAT teams and Ryan/Espo/Castle being in a situation where vests were required. Especially because the first time they arrested who they thought was 3XK (except it wasn't) they took Montgomery, too.


All signs point to Beckett being Tyson's next target.

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The same person wrote Xena: Warrier Princess and The Wolf of Wall Street? They seem very different, I guess he's versatile.


Only three episodes of Xena, but yes, it seems so.


I remember thinking the same thing. How does one go from Sister, Sister to The Wolf of Wall Street?

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Nathan Fillion @NathanFillion  ·  9h 9 hours ago

Trying to get along with @tylershields on a new project. We came to an understanding. Check it out in May.




I wish we could see Castle in lighter colours and no horrible bulky jacket. 


Annie Wersching @Wersching  ·  1h 1 hour ago

Looks like we have a date next Monday friends... ;) Buckle Up!

https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=a0qpcUXJT9Q … #CASTLE @Castle_ABC #DrNieman


I'm ready for my appointment Dr Nieman. 

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I think the last time I remember seeing Castle in a lighter shirt was s3. The was a white shirt and the white and blue stripe shirt that showed up twice. The beige trench coat was also in that season. Luke is such a fail with Castle wardrobe. It's like he gave up when s4 started.

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I love this one in particular of Nathan goofing around whilst Jon and Seamus stay in character. 


It must be the biggest non secret ever that Beckett is the one that gets kidnapped in this one, that's what everyone who follows the spoilers seems to be in agreement on. If she doesn't well that really will be a genuine twist. 

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Ugh, for me, 3XK = hiatus. I delight in knowing that you all will tell me if anything interesting happens.

Honestly, doesn't Michael Mosley have a real job, errands to run, or something? Ohhhh, it seems that none of his shows survive, when people find out that he's actually a serial killer ;-). Seriously, I wonder if his recurrent role on Castle affects his watchability on other shows. I know other actors get past this sort of thing, but they have more on-screen charisma. For me, it's the Morena Baccarin effect. Once I saw her on 'V,' I could not get past how much she looked like the lizard person she portrayed on that show. Every time I see Mosley in anything, all I think is, I hope people realize that he's a serial killer.

But I would be dishonest if I didn't admit that I have evolved to where I pretty much hate-watch Castle. I guess 3XK just gives me more to hate....although this time I'll hate by not watching.

I'm not sure what is worse -- that the two-parter is about 3XK or that it's not about Castle's disappearance. Seriously, how many shows just drop important story lines like that? There's really nothing reliable about this show. It's just scatterbrained randomness.

Edited by TVWithPity
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 That's the big problem with this, Castle's disappearance and memory wipe has now been swept under the rug and I have the feeling we won't hear about it again until the end of the season. I do hope that with all of this we see the end of 3XK for good and Castle banned from the department. Another thing is, I don't want to see Tyson and the dear Doctor get away in the end, they should be under constant watch and I don't want that they either surgically made a police double to get them out or that Tyson's amazing powers of convincing people to become killers doesn't turn one of the cops that is watching them into one and then they escape, again.

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I love this one in particular of Nathan goofing around whilst Jon and Seamus stay in character.


Love that pic too.  Very cute.  The 3 musketeers.  


I hope we'll get to see Castle's dark and protective side with Beckett in danger.  And a reunion scene worthy of the hell they go through.  But it's Marlowe, so expectations super low.


Remind me, but didn't 3XK have a thing for blond women?  So Beckett would be an aberration for him?  But Nieman did seem really into Beckett's face.. ;)


Not too keen on that "we'll meet again" song being part of it all.  Too melodramatic for my taste.  thought the way they inserted it previously was really clumsy and didn't make much sense.  May be a retcon in making it significant since at the time its significance seemed to be assumed more by fans than the writers.

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Oh yes please let us see Dark!Castle.


Surely if the music had some deeper significance we would have known long before now. Why put it in there in the first place if the audience are left guessing as to whether it means anything to Beckett? I never liked that ending in Disciple, I agree it was clumsy. I assumed it was fans making more of it than was necessary plus some unfortunate overacting on Stana's part. 


That's the big problem with this, Castle's disappearance and memory wipe has now been swept under the rug and I have the feeling we won't hear about it again until the end of the season.


Amann has said it will be touched upon in the two parter in an interview he did a while ago, whether it's worth the long wait is another matter. I'm hoping at the very least we might get a few answers to some of the many questions they threw out at the start of the season and not just more questions and confusion piled on top of what's already suffocating this much unloved mythology. 

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 Luke is such a fail with Castle wardrobe. It's like he gave up when s4 started.

I don't think he ever "got" Castle as a character and how to define him through his clothing unlike Perez who simply nailed it. 

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Remind me, but didn't 3XK have a thing for blond women?  So Beckett would be an aberration for him?  But Nieman did seem really into Beckett's face.. ;)


He did, but he seems to have changed tactics after Castle was the one to figure him out. Now it seems like he's more into trying to ruin Castle's life.

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Surely if the music had some deeper significance we would have known long before now.


I remember an interview with Stana where someone asked her if the song had meaning, and she said she didn't know but she hoped so.  So if it does have meaning I am guessing they decided that after seeing fan reaction.  Granted Marlowe could have thought it had meaning and not told Stana, but that seems unlikely, because why keep that secret?

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We'll Meet Again was one of the great hit songs of WWII. Dame Vera Lynn actually had a second hit with the song a few years ago when it reached Number One on the British Hit Parade.

It was a very hopeful song about how lovers would meet after the war was over (and won) 'some sunny day'.

Rather tin eared choice, but then I've rarely liked the music chosen for the soundtrack either.

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So, I just caught up on the last few episodes.  I have worries.  Is anyone else concerned about Martha since they've shown Kate becoming close with her?  I feel like we are being set up for another "mother in peril" story for Kate with her new mother figure. Is that just me? If they hurt Martha........

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I don't sense she's in any danger (yet) but if they want to go there putting her in peril to generate some drama that's fine by me, anything to give Susan something to do other than float around aimlessly in the loft doing bugger all.  They could always give Martha a health scare which would be organic given her age and partying ways instead of having her kidnapped or something. 

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Jann Turner @JannTurner  ·  21 hrs 21 hours ago

Day 5 directing #Castle Episode 717 with the wonderful #Nathan Fillion



I find Castle's wardrobe soooo boring, it's always variations of blue and black. Luke for crying out loud get some fresh ideas and put him in something different and inject some life (and sense of style) into his wardrobe.  

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I don't sense she's in any danger (yet) but if they want to go there putting her in peril to generate some drama that's fine by me, anything to give Susan something to do other than float around aimlessly in the loft doing bugger all.  They could always give Martha a health scare which would be organic given her age and partying ways instead of having her kidnapped or something. 


I've been waiting for them to do a Martha health scare. Since it's something where you could incorporate Castle, Beckett, Alexis plus those at the precinct in terms of how a health situation affects those at work too.


Castle 7.18

Writer - Jim Adler

Director - Bill Roe

Credit Studio System.

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Yeah I think that's a perfect storyline for Martha, it's realistic, emotive and can involve everyone very easily. I have no idea why they haven't gone there yet TBH since everyone else has had one episode dedicated to them over the last few years (if you count Disciple as being a Tamala based one which okay is questionable).
May be they're saving it up for season 8. If they bow out then, they could have a Martha drama then which brings everyone together. 
Thanks for the info on 7.18 Nadine.
I've update the episode list then, no idea about the later airing dates, there's going to be another break at some point obviously.
Feb 9th:    7.14 ~ Resurrection (Part 1 of two parter) - Amann/Roe
Feb 16th:   7.15 ~ Reckoning - Marlowe/Bowman
Feb 23rd:   7.16 ~ The Wrong Stuff - Terri Edda/Holahan (Stana's tease that it involves“Mars, spacesuits and space travel.” )
Mar 2nd?:  7.17 ~ TBA - Chad Creasey/Jann Turner
Mar 9th?:   7.18 ~ TBA  - Adler/Roe


I'm not so keen on Adler as a writer, Meme is Murder was one of my least favourite episodes this season and I disliked Law and Boarder too. 

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And they meet again. ;)  Sneak peek is out: http://tvline.com/2015/02/05/castle-season-7-video-3xk-returns/


Is anyone rolling their eyes already?  How do they prove it?  Um, DNA, dental records, top of the line facial recognition etc.?  No doubt they're going to say all the records were stolen or something, but c'mon.  Why don't they just say Tyson has a secret twin? ;)   Will try to reserve judgment but it's hard to repress the eye rolling based on the clip alone.

Edited by madmaverick
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And they meet again. ;)  Sneak peek is out: http://tvline.com/2015/02/05/castle-season-7-video-3xk-returns/


Is anyone rolling their eyes already?  How do they prove it?  Um, DNA, dental records, top of the line facial recognition etc.?  No doubt they're going to say all the records were stolen or something, but c'mon.  Why don't they just say Tyson has a secret twin? ;)   Will try to reserve judgment but it's hard to repress the eye rolling based on the clip alone.

Looks tedious and ridiculous. I hope I'm wrong.

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A quick glance at Michael Beaudreau (or however it's spelled, and the real one, not the cosmetic one) harkens thoughts of Carson Daly.


I don't think the interesting part here is how they do or don't prove who this guy is. I think the interesting part is that this is exactly the kind of mind games Tyson (and by extension, Niemann, too, I suppose) would play with Castle and Beckett. The guy prides himself on being on step ahead, or just a little smarter a second quicker, or slightly better prepared than they are. It's interesting if this guy is Tyson (and they can't prove it) and it's also interesting if this guy is a cosmetic clone (and they can prove it).


Of course, you can't judge the episode by the sneak - it's hardly indicative of the whole story, and you can tell it's not a final edit anyway (when he's showing them scars by his ears) - so we'll see. But I feel like I'm the only one who likes the guy-next-door creepiness that Michael Mosley brings to Tyson, especially now that Castle seems to be his only target, so I'm interested to see where they take this.


Although, seeing Mosley as a goofy, humble guy in the beginning (despite however he's supposed to be) made me miss Pan Am for a second or two. :/

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Argh! Trying to continue to be a good girl and not watch the sneaks this year, I don't want to be spoiled but it's soooo hard with this one.  


I agree with madmaverick the idea they can't prove who he is is kind of lame in this day and age, please lets not find out he's a "fake" Tyson all along and they got fooled.


I enjoy watching Michael Mosley play 3XK and I'm looking forward to where they go with this and as for Tyson being one step ahead that's works for a while but it risks becomes boring and repetitive if it's overdone.  You know that whatever happens he's going to get away due to his super duper resources and intelligence, it's following the same pattern many shows adopt when it comes to serial killers/bad guys. In the end I just want them caught or dead not continually catching the the cops out at every turn and escaping no matter how ridiculously improbable the scenario.  The time feels right for Beckett and the boys to finally get their man. 

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Just because it cuts off there doesn't mean they really can't prove it.


Sometimes a tag is just a tag.

I said I hoped I was wrong. I'm actually really enjoying this season, but I have never been a fan if the 3XK storyline.

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