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Didn't it feel like this vid was a series retrospective vid that belongs on the last season dvd or a complete collection one?

It just felt too... art wanker for me. Just so out of sync tonally with everything else, and not at all the kind of thing you want in a DVD extra. 


I never saw the fuss with the deleted Always ending, and now I've seen it, I definitely think it was better to cut it. But I'm glad it's finally out there.


Agree the Veritas deleted scene should have remained, though. The ring was such an important symbol throughout the whole series. Surely there was something more superfluous in that ep that could have gone?


That was the only part that really caught my interest in that extra and had me wondering.  Did she mean 3 victories in terms of her acting choices for the character?



Yeah, I had the same question. Despite her wording, I have to imagine she meant acting rather than the character itself. At this point, surely she isn't putting in any stock in what the character says and does?

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I didn't like the extras at all this year.  The Stana video was a disappointment.  I thought (hoped) it might be reality based and show what a day in Stana Katic's life is really like filming Castle - this is when I get up in the morning, this is what I go through to get to the set (hair/makeup, etc). this is how I learn my lines, etc.  but it was just kind of odd.  And I agree it was strange when she kept saying "Katherine"  It was just an odd video and I'm not sure why they decided to film it or include it in the DVD set.  The bloopers were pretty boring.  It really seems like the show is winding down and everyone is just putting in their time until they can move on to other things.

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I actually thought Seamus' snarkiness about Firefly was a bit rude.  He doesn't have to like Firefly himself, but he didn't have to be so dismissive of something that a lot of people like and love, costar included.  Castle would be lucky to have that kind of loyal new and old fan following as well as critical attention from the industry 10 years after it's off the air and full house at comic con.  People still get passionate about movies and tv and tv miniseries which had less air time than Firefly years later so I don't see why it being shortlived makes any difference.  The classic Pride & Prejudice tv miniseries celebrated its 20th annniversary a while ago and it still has a very passionate following and it's only 6 hours.  And it's been quite a long time since there were any Firefly references on Castle, put in there by the writers, so I don't see how it really affects Castle.  I don't see why some Castle fans should have problems with Firefly.  If there are any crossover fans of Firefly and Castle, I would think that's a good thing.  Nathan can talk about Firefly on his personal twitter and at cons and that doesn't take away from his work on Castle.


Seamus was a bit snarky about Susan Sullivan too though when he said he didn't watch her advice scenes but he then said that he loved her. Both could be true. ;)

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So this Mark Polish makes wedding videos? That would have been a nice add-on to the DVD set if the plot hadn't thickened. A straight video with the characters getting dressed up, maybe adding in a little film from vacation days, the presents (unwrapped), the cake and of course venue and guests. First dance. etc.

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So they are incapable of delving into both their lead characters' backstories at the same time, over the course of 20+ episodes a season? ;)  Maybe Castle writers need to shadow The Good Wife writers where they easily juggle half a dozen character storylines at any one time (plus a COTW). 


It's probably just hyperbole, but why does "shocking truth" not fill me with anticipation?  Is it going to make Caskett stronger only after tearing them apart? ;)


Mr. JML posted another cryptic tweet about Malibu and white and Castle.  Don't know if he was just referring to Labor Day or making some sort of reference to 7x06.  Seeing all that footage of Stana/Beckett looking so lovely in the Hamptons in that DVD extra just reminded me all over again what a waste it was of a beautiful location.  I wouldn't mind if they get another chance at a gorgeous, outdoor wedding in a Hamptons do-over.

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Terri's mentioned that her favourite moments for Castle and Beckett were early on when they had all the sexual tension but couldn't do anything about it.


I noted that she spoke of sexual tension in the past tense.  Which would explain a lot.  Couples who have gotten together can still have fun with sexual tension, and couples on tv really need it to generate heat and playfulness.


Also noticed that in general more of the favourite things referenced were from earlier seasons (1 and 2), when the show was strongest in my opinion.  Is that also clear to them?  If so, please try harder to bring those qualities back.  


Where did these "fan favourites" actually come from?  Luke got a fair bit of attention.  Thankfully the first wedding dress was not named as a fan favourite heh.

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BONUS SPOILER | Series creator Andrew W. Marlowe notes that although Senator Bracken is now paying the piper for his role in Johanna Beckett's aforementioned offing, "We still have two [pieces of mythology] very much in play" – 3XK and/or his disciples, and spy daddy Jackson Hunt.

Sooooo (undercover) spy kid it is then ?

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My thoughts exactly mad maverick after reading this, are the writers really that poor they can't deal with more than one thing at time? How the hell did they manage in their previous writing gigs? I guess I should forget about any development for Beckett and her back story then whilst this Castle "mythology" is going on. Dear me.


Amann says the shocking truth will not tear "Caskett" apart but "make them stronger."


Yeah right, nothing like the "shocking" truth from this writing team to fill me with confidence when it comes to Castle and Beckett's relationship, I fear some more damaging revelations are in the works.  


I dislike Brolin and I don't want to see him back for a third outing, he doesn't add much to Castle's back story all they seem to do is focus on Brolin, I don't care for his arrogant, off hand attitude in interviews either.  In any case he seemed bored by the character last season so unless he has the story tailored to his individual needs (which may not best fit with what's required) I'd be surprised if he can be persuaded back. This bonus spoiler seems to hint that the shocking surprise is probably going to be related to the CIA and his father which is so predictable but suitably dramatic enough for Marlowe. 


As for 3XK (yawn), that's another story I'd like to wrap up too. He's become all knowing and powerful being always one step ahead and I'm bored by his actions as a supervillain, although the lady who played his Disciple I thought was suitably creepy, she's one guest star I do remember from S6. 

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Yeah right, nothing like the "shocking" truth from this writing team to fill me with confidence when it comes to Castle and Beckett's relationship, I fear some more damaging revelations are in the works.



Remember the only way they can progress in their relationship is through misery & trauma. So the more they hurt each other the happier they will eventually be. We'll have a couple of angsty episodes and it will look all dark & gloomy when they'll pull some happy and organic twist out of their ass & the sun will shine again. I have complete faith in the writer's ability to ignore whatever it takes to end up where they want to be.

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As for 3XK (yawn), that's another story I'd like to wrap up too. He's become all knowing and powerful being always one step ahead and I'm bored by his actions as a supervillain, although the lady who played his Disciple I thought was suitably creepy, she's one guest star I do remember from S6. 

Annie Wersching is on Extant. I don't know how much she'll have to do there in the future and how far they are in the shooting schedule. So it might be tricky to get her back and besides this "new" mythology makes more sense if it's spy daddy related if you ask me. 3XK can be finished in one, max 2 episodes. If Castle is or was involved in some kind of CIA whatever, they can drag that out over the course of the entire season.


I find it fascinating how now all of a sudden they need to dig deeper into Castle's history. What brought this on ? Did they take care of Bracken because the actor might not be available this season ? Did Nathan really throw a hissy fit last year and demand more of a storyline for himself - which makes no real sense to me because he wanted time off and with more of a storyline, I guess that's not really possible. Or is it maybe somehow related to the Derek Storm series ?


I find this more than odd. Don't get me wrong I wanted more of a storyline for Castle for quiet some time but the Bracken thing felt rushed and now we get this "new" mythology and a storyline for Castle - weird.


What kind of a joke is that ?



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Annie Wersching is on Extant. I don't know how much she'll have to do there in the future and how far they are in the shooting schedule. So it might be tricky to get her back and besides this "new" mythology makes more sense if it's spy daddy related if you ask me. 3XK can be finished in one, max 2 episodes. If Castle is or was involved in some kind of CIA whatever, they can drag that out over the course of the entire season.

Thanks for the info. Michael Mosley was on Longmire, I believe that's been cancelled? And he now seems to have a few movies in post production so may be he could clear his schedule and return. But yeah I agree 3XK is something you can wrap up in an episode or two if you need to, the spydaddy/CIA aspect suits Castle and the new mythology better it allows much more flexibility.  

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I find it fascinating how now all of a sudden they need to dig deeper into Castle's history. What brought this on ? Did they take care of Bracken because the actor might not be available this season ? Did Nathan really throw a hissy fit last year and demand more of a storyline for himself - which makes no real sense to me because he wanted time off and with more of a storyline, I guess that's not really possible. Or is it maybe somehow related to the Derek Storm series ?

May be they finally heard the grumblings in some quarters about how everything seemed to revolve around Beckett and when was Castle going to get a look in? So they finally decided to do something about it, which might tie in with Marlowe's interview right after the finale about pulling down Beckett a peg or two. That was pretty sick logic to me and didn't in fact address the problem but if that's the way they were thinking in the writers room may this apparent shift in focus is not that surprising.


Then again, may be they've just realised Johanna Beckett fatigue was setting in and they were scrabbling around for ideas and decided they had better take a look at Castle and create some dark dramatic back story for him to balance things out. I agree with you about Fillion, I don't think he had any input, given the rumors he was demanding more wanted time off last season. 

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I think Verdana is right.  I think the writers are deciding to finally listen to the grumblings made by fans who are wanting to know more of the actual title character of the show.  It's a little too late given we are moving into seventh season.  


I'm all for learning more about Castle but they better not suddenly insist he has "walls" (writers really rely way too much on the walls formula) that can suddenly cause tension between he and Kate.  

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Where did these "fan favourites" actually come from?  Luke got a fair bit of attention.  Thankfully the first wedding dress was not named as a fan favourite heh.

Yeah I wondered about that, did they do a survey, go around the various fan forums, stick a pin in a list? I didn't really go much on The Blue Butterfly but apparently that was a fan favourite, was it really? I could understand if they had showcased TLOO or Still may be but not that one.


I noted that she spoke of sexual tension in the past tense.  Which would explain a lot.  Couples who have gotten together can still have fun with sexual tension, and couples on tv really need it to generate heat and playfulness.


Absolutely they can and should have even more heat and passion precisely because they are finally together, it shouldn't drain away and since it's TV absolutely they need to keep that going.  Sad that they seem to have lost sight of that. 

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I've sneezed longer than that promo. Blink and you miss it ... literally! 

Also? There are many shows on primetime TV that tell multi character stories at once and still manage a case of the week. Marlowe & Co. couldn't do that?! They had to stick to Beckett's backstory, for 6 seasons, and not explore the title character's?! Seriously?!? 

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I've sneezed longer than that promo. Blink and you miss it ... literally! 

Also? There are many shows on primetime TV that tell multi character stories at once and still manage a case of the week. Marlowe & Co. couldn't do that?! They had to stick to Beckett's backstory, for 6 seasons, and not explore the title character's?! Seriously?!? 


It took six seasons to remember the shows was called Castle, and not Beckett.  It happens.  *smh*   Seriously though, why really bother, at this point?  


Writer's room; "Ok, we got 6 seasons out of all the supporting characters' backstories, so let's see if the people might finally be interested in possibly exploring the past of the titular character of our show.  Let's do this!"


I'm one of those people who has given up making Castle appointment television the past couple of years; just catching the eps that mean the most to the overall story.  And I am in the minority, but eps like "Disciple" are my faves.  I know it goes against the grain of what the show is about [being dark and gloomy], but (to me) the 'magic' of what all this show was disappeared early on in S5; so only 'heavy-hitter' hours are worth the time spent, IMO.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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Definitely felt that way, may be it was Stana's demeanour (and it was end of season final day shooting so okay they're all sad to say goodbye for the summer etc) but I did get that vibe that it was the kind of thing you would do right at the end. Feels like everyone is mentally ready to move on even if they haven't actually done it yet.


I don't get the feeling that they're ready to move on forever - everyone repeatedly talks about how they've made this a family and they've got a great crew and a great atmosphere and everything that goes with it. It really does seem like everyone is happy to go to work. It's hard work, sure, but no one seems to hate it or think they could do better somewhere else. I just go the feeling that it was the summer, so they were all looking forward to having time off and not having to work 16 hour days. That's tiring even in the best of situations. It's like summer break - I was always happy to get it, but I always liked coming back in the fall.

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Thanks for the info. Michael Mosley was on Longmire, I believe that's been cancelled?


Longmire was cancelled, but he's also a lead on a USA show that's going into its second season, Sirens.


That said, they got Darby Stanchfield for an episode when she was also filming Scandal, so if they really want him back for an episode or so I'm sure they oculd make it work.

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I think the writers are deciding to finally listen to the grumblings made by fans who are wanting to know more of the actual title character of the show.  It's a little too late given we are moving into seventh season.


Isn't it good they are at least trying though? I mean, yeah, it's 7 seasons in and they should have focused on Castle earlier, but they didn't.  And they can't change that.  All they can do is try and make it better moving forward, and it sounds like they are at least trying to listen to fans and do that. 


They may fail miserably, since they aren't the strongest writers to begin with (judging by their inability to pay attention to multiple characters at once). But shouldn't we at least wait and see what they're planning?

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Isn't it good they are at least trying though? I mean, yeah, it's 7 seasons in and they should have focused on Castle earlier, but they didn't.  And they can't change that.  All they can do is try and make it better moving forward, and it sounds like they are at least trying to listen to fans and do that. 


They may fail miserably, since they aren't the strongest writers to begin with (judging by their inability to pay attention to multiple characters at once). But shouldn't we at least wait and see what they're planning?


I am glad they are trying but I'd rather it be because they have a plan and not just because A) they are tired of us bitching about it or B) they ran out of anything else plot wise. If it's just filler it probably won't make a lot of sense at this point but I am willing to wait and see how it winds up.  

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Elysium 1973 !!!   You made my day. Would have loved to read the unedited version but I was late to the game. i completely understand the disgust with MilMar / MarMann and the condescending way they treat even the most die hard fans. 


The season six finale was the last straw for many many fans! Unforgivable is the mildest thing that can be said for the episode.Completely ruining Stana Katic's six years of hard work and one of the most endearing story lines  in mere minutes


Season seven will have many sins to make up for and unless D.A. takes the reigns away from MilMar I don't see that happening.



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Stana Katic @Stana_Katic  ·  Sep 2


FINALLY- 701 in the can.


She must have gone back to do some voice over work or something for her to be saying she's finally done since they're on #7.06 now.


And speaking #7.06.


Erik Altstadt @EAkorn  ·  13h

There are some really great moments in episode 706 of #Castle. I think you #castlefans will find it very enjoyable.


As with all these kind of teasing tweets sent by cast and crew, I'll decide for myself thanks if it's enjoyable or not when the time comes. I've learnt from harsh experience what they think are great moments can leave me feeling rather deflated. 

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My apologies for working up false enthusiasm for the deleted scene. I just saw what they released and it doesn't seem to be the same as what I saw in Austin. First of all, it wasn't that dark. Not at all. I remember thinking that. Also it wasn't scored. It also seemed longer and more intense. But who knows? Sorry for hyping this up only for it to let you guys down.

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My apologies for working up false enthusiasm for the deleted scene. I just saw what they released and it doesn't seem to be the same as what I saw in Austin. First of all, it wasn't that dark. Not at all. I remember thinking that. Also it wasn't scored. It also seemed longer and more intense. But who knows? Sorry for hyping this up only for it to let you guys down.

Oh you didn't let me down. I liked the scene. I'm ok with the way Always ended with those two. What I don't get is the fuss they made about that scene. Why couldn't they include that in the dvd special for season 4? I seriously don't get their way of NOT showing some intimicy between Castle&Beckett. They cut that one out and didn't put on the dvd, they got rid off the Veritas scene with the ring and of course a kiss. If they are that prude or against intimate scenes they should write and direct for some bible channel. It's a 10pm show aiming at ADULTS. I don't know about you guys but I can handle some smooching here and there.

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No apologies necessary, Elysium.  Mileage is bound to vary on any scene. 


I do find it hotter in vertical.gifs and slow mo heh.  Not sure it can be illuminated in a meaningful way though.


Still don't understand why they don't care to show physically intimate scenes in general that get beyond a chaste kiss.  I'm not an actor so maybe they see it differently, but I'd be a bit annoyed if I was asked to do kiss scenes and love scenes only for them to be edited out time and again.  Of course the stuff we get is tamer than tame anyway so maybe actors don't care since it's over in seconds anyway.

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My apologies for working up false enthusiasm for the deleted scene. I just saw what they released and it doesn't seem to be the same as what I saw in Austin. First of all, it wasn't that dark. Not at all. I remember thinking that. Also it wasn't scored. It also seemed longer and more intense. But who knows? Sorry for hyping this up only for it to let you guys down.


No apologies necessary! I'm guessing what you guys saw in Austin was maybe rawer footage and this was prettied up for a DVD release? I'm hoping some whiz out in the fandom strips the music so we can hear it music-free much like someone did with the scene that was included in the episode. Watching it with no music is an entirely different (& in some cases better) viewing experience. ;)  

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First of all, it wasn't that dark. Not at all. I remember thinking that. Also it wasn't scored. It also seemed longer and more intense.


I remember you talking about well-lit it was, so I was going to ask you if you thought it was edited for the DVDs.  I don't know why they would darken it up, but they seem to like that.


I'm hoping some whiz out in the fandom strips the music so we can hear it music-free much like someone did with the scene that was included in the episode.


I'm hoping someone brightens the scene and re-posts to Youtube.   Actually, the video I had been watching seems to have been deleted, so I have to find another version and download it before it gets taken down too.  I actually do plan to get the DVDs at some point, I just want it on my computer too.


lol they can't even remember which season they're on


That Tweet got deleted, someone must have caught it.

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Is Castle Heading for Another Wedding? The Answer May Surprise You at TV Line


Matt should be embarrassed to put this out as an "exclusive" unless by this he means a tired rehash of what I already know with the odd line from various cast and crew thrown in there. Talk about something and nothing, they really must be desperate if this is the best they can come up with, come on ABC take pity on these guys throw them another bone. 

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I still want to see a wedding. I don't care if it's a big lavish event or a small ceremony in the precinct officiated by Gates or them just going to city hall alone, but I want to see it. I was so let down by the finale - not because of the "already married" trope, but because having a season buildup to a wedding and then not following through felt cheap and exploitative.


That said, I don't really want to watch another whole season of wedding planning. Been there, saw that. But I do want to see a wedding. And Marlowe would be a complete idiot if he thought the majority of viewers were okay with any sort of not-wedding.

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I've also posted this in the media thread but I guess it belongs here too, although there is nothing fresh here, it's just a recap for fans who have been reading the various interviews from cast/crew. 


Is Castle Heading for Another Wedding? The Answer May Surprise You  "Exclusive" by Matt at TV Line

The question should be: Who really cares anymore ? Or better who is still interested in more wedding blah blah after last year's turned into a major snooze fest.

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Thanks Samantha, missed that small clarification, still not excited by any wedding talk even if they have narrowed down the time frame. My bet is still on November sweeps. I agree with that tweet, may be the general audience don't feel that way but the more they talk about it the less I care. As for location, the Hamptons would have been great although I've heard it said that as what they chose originally wasn't available and this was a last minute rush job, Marlowe was right not to use it and delay everything.


I can't believe Castle and Beckett hadn't already thought of the Hamptons before as a good place to get hitched, it felt perfectly natural to me they should get married there.  The wedding planning was all over the place anyway, they decided during one episode on small and intimate but on the day itself it looked like we were back to the 400 odd guests again, they were all over the place with that. 

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I know most people on here are a bit jaded about Castle, and any forthcoming wedding, but I still love the show warts and all. I'm also still looking forward to the wedding. It's mindless entertainment for me and that's all I want from this show. If I want really good drama I watch The Good Wife. Anyway I digress, my prediction is that the wedding episode will air on November 17 which just so happens to be Kate Beckett's birthday. I think this will be the episode where Castle finally gets Kate back for his birthday surprise 18 months ago. Pure speculation mind you.

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I have a question. Do you believe there is a silent majority out there who is enjoying the wedding being put off? Not one that will bear with it but one that is all tied in knots waiting for the resolution. I still don't see who they were aiming this storyline at. It seems to me if they would put their energy into bringing some of the magic back into the relationship & making the COTW more interesting instead of worrying about mythologies this show could run 5 more years.

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The wedding planning was all over the place anyway, they decided during one episode on small and intimate but on the day itself it looked like we were back to the 400 odd guests again, they were all over the place with that.


I don't think they ever decided "small and intimate". They started with a guest list of Castle's 300, Martha's 100, Beckett's 200 (or whatever) that got condensed into 400, and then they decided that all they each needed there was the other for it to really matter. That's sweet and all, but wholly unrealistic, because he's got family and she's got family and they've got close friends (that would all probably be offended if they weren't invited). So they compromised and cut it down to 200-something, most likely people that they knew well. That's well within the "normal" numbers for weddings (in America) and that's without one person being semi-famous.

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Is Castle Heading for Another Wedding? The Answer May Surprise You at TV Line



In my mind, headline has been edited to this heh.


Is Castle Heading for Another Divorce before Another Wedding? The Answer May Surprise You at TV Line



Now that would surprise me.  What they "revealed"?  Not so much.  Sheesh.  Enough with the wedding tease already.  The more they do it, the more it turns me off.


I was so let down by the finale - not because of the "already married" trope, but because having a season buildup to a wedding and then not following through felt cheap and exploitative.


And now I feel a bit like we're to be manipulated and exploited till sweeps. ;)  The writers really have to climb a mountain (first, they have to get out of the hole they dug for themselves) with their first batch of episodes before getting my goodwill and anticipation for a wedding.


I'm hoping some whiz out in the fandom strips the music so we can hear it music-free much like someone did with the scene that was included in the episode. Watching it with no music is an entirely different (& in some cases better) viewing experience. ;)


Heh, I hear you about it being a different, sometimes better viewing experience without the music.  Love Robert Duncan's score for the scene, original and extended, but there's a certain, um, rawness and heat that comes through without it that no score can quite replicate.  Some shows actually like to amplify that kind of 'silent' effect (except for sounds of making out) but Castle seems to prefer always scoring those scenes.

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Here's my prediction: Caskett baby sometime before or after the Wedding that Wasn't. I really don't care about the wedding. I don't think it's important or all that interesting from a plot standpoint, but mileage obviously. I'm not sure how long MarMann is going to be able to keep this "mythology" going based on their track record, but we'll see. What I can envision is some kind of pregnancy/trying to get pregnant storyline, complete with Worried!Castle and Meddling!Martha and Bratty!Alexis. It could be another back nine B/C story and it would be a salve to some shippers. Casual viewers like my parents, age 68, (who've actually watched the show since the beginning) would find it cute, or at the very least innocuous. If this is the last year, I bet we end with a pregnancy/baby and possibly sooner than we think. This is just my speculation, looking into my crystal ball of TV tropes.

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They do love their TV tropes! ;)   Really would rather not see a pregnancy storyline but Castle writers don't seem to be exactly bursting with creative, original ideas these days.  I want them to put some magic back into Caskett (if at all possible ;)) and throwing babies into the mix isn't necessarily the answer for me.  I feel we'd just get another series of short, superficial, mostly unsatisfying scenes about "baby planning" (shudder).  Too soon after waffling wedding planning for the wedding that never was!


Don't think they've filmed on location at all for 7x06.  So if this is the wedding episode, I guess it's taking place indoors. I'll always mourn that we never got a beautiful outdoor wedding in natural lighting.


Not looking forward to another series of "obstacles" in the wedding episode whenever it takes place, but I fear that TV trope can't be avoided, again!


It's mindless entertainment for me and that's all I want from this show. If I want really good drama I watch The Good Wife.


Castle's always been fluffy, comfort food TV to me.  But I at least want to feel somewhat satisfied and not like I just got served a portion of empty calories.  It's mindless...but it used to be so much sharper, wittier, funnier, more romantic and just more entertaining in general and maybe that's why I still expect it to be more because I know it can be.  I want it to be more than just background noise 'cause that's really a low standard.  If I want good drama, I watch TGW and if I want good comedy, I watch Parks & Rec, then what do I watch Castle for?  Caskett and their love story I guess, but that's become disappointing in so many ways.

Edited by madmaverick
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Don't think they've filmed on location at all for 7x06.  So if this is the wedding episode, I guess it's taking place indoors. I'll always mourn that we never got a beautiful outdoor wedding in natural lighting.


They filmed on location the first day of this episode (last Friday, Aug. 29) because some fans got pictures with Nathan. But that's been the only location day so far. There are still 3 more filming days for 706 next week (if they're still keeping to their 8-days-an-ep schedule), so there might be another one then. 

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And now I feel a bit like we're to be manipulated and exploited till sweeps. ;)  The writers really have to climb a mountain (first, they have to get out of the hole they dug for themselves) with their first batch of episodes before getting my goodwill and anticipation for a wedding.


I feel sort of the same without so many of the pessimistic views. Meaning, I don't like that they gipped us a wedding, but they did and they made Castle missing/dead instead (but we all know he's not dead) and I'd rather deal with the fallout of that before they jump into the real wedding. I think I'd be a bit annoyed if they were married in the premiere. I mean, I'd be excited and happy it happened, but I think it's just feel like they realized the screwed up with no wedding in the finale and they were trying to fix it. In terms of the story, it would feel cheap. They made their bed when they sabotaged the first wedding and they need to lie in it.

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