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House Of Lies - General Discussion

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When Jeannie was outside, I was like, "she's just got terrible gas." Of course, Doug takes it to the extreme. I did like that Marty knew Jeannie would be able to fix things with the client and basically let her run it when she came into the meeting. 


I'm not seeing why K&A needs a fixer, though I though the pissing match was well done since it's such a cliche. Marty doesn't need tips on how to make money. K&A just needs use the investment to get clients. The Main Four have always been moneymakers since the start of the show. It's been shown that they've had money problems, and Marty being in jail might be bad for business, but the buyout makes them legit now. Had Elliot given them their 9 million, I think they'd be doing fine. 


Marty's dad really nailed that toast. Plus, I mean, Jeannie is a far cry from having to deal with Monica. 

  • Love 1

It's not that K&A aren't making money, it's that Denna's company is now a plurality owner (40%) so she's throwing her weight around. From what I understand, K&A are really small potatoes to her business, so she can demonstrate her power without it costing her company much. Marty, in effect, begged her to help him out. Denna is showing that, in business, you don't get something for nothing.

I get that. But it's not that K&A are incompetent. They just needed the cash infusion to get back to that higher tier where they can land top clients like they were before. At the beginning of the episode they were presenting their plan to ''get back into the game" so to speak, but the guy didn't want to hear anything about it and thought he could tell Marty how he should run K&A. 


It's legit for Denna to expect Marty to have a plan on how she can make money from investing in K&A, and having an expert come in and give them a once over, but the guy really fucked it up. This was a money making business that wants to make more money.

Marty: You see me limping? That's because my balls are so big!


Marty: So both of you guys are still, you know, knocking that out? How's that working?
Doug: It is beyond great.
Clyde: It's fucking terrible!
Doug: Not only do I get to have mindblowing commitment-free sex, the fact that Clyde is sharing a similar experience is only bringing us that much closer together.
Clyde: It absolutely has not! And can you stop wearing that fucking cologne to her place? That shit lingers for days.
Doug: 'Fraid I can't do that, Clyde.
Clyde: Why? Why, Doug? Why can't you do that?
Doug: Well, because it's my fucking cologne.
Clyde: Oh, I'm going to throw up.
Marty: Because Doug has a fucking cologne? You mean a cologne he wears while he's fucking? What's it called?
Doug: It's called Uninvited Guest.


Clyde: Quick question, if you don't mind - the fact that Luke Sullivan is outspoken Bible thumping denier of gay rights, a woman's right to choose-
Marty: It's unfortunate but it doesn't mean his money is any less green.


Doug: How are tacos?
Cashier: They're two for 99 cents.
Doug: Not what I asked and yet you still answered my question. You know what, I'm just going to take my chances with a salad.
Cashier: I'm afraid we don't offer a salad.
Doug: What does that mean? You don't have lettuce.
Cashier: We have burger lettuce.
Doug: What on earth is burger lettuce?
Cashier: It's the lettuce we put on burgers.

Clyde: So his big piece of advice was to tell the client exactly what they want to hear which is basically what we do with every client.


Doug: You got enough money for gas?
Marty: It's an electric car, you idiot.


Marty: It seems my son's been caught turning his passion for purses into a rather lucrative black market business.
Denna: That is shameful. Let me know if he ever wants a summer internship.


Doug: Ooh. I'm going to get [Kelsey] a sexy teddy bear.
Clyde: What the fuck is a sexy teddy bear?
Doug: Why does "sexy bear" take me to all these gay sites?


Malcolm: Now that I'm not a tv star, I'm suddenly full of shit.
Marty: You were never a tv star and you've always been full of shit.


Marty: So you want to explain what happened after I specifically told you to stop selling purses?
Roscoe: Dad, they're not purses.
Jeremiah: I wouldn't be correcting your father's choice of words right now, Roscoe.


Roscoe: A couple months ago, I sold a handbag to Deepthroat Debbie.
Jeremiah: Ohhhh.
Chantelle: He said what?
Malcolm: Whoa.


Roscoe: I guess no one can accuse you of being a hypocrite this time, dad.
Malcolm: That's because you went to jail. [whisper] He went to prison.


Malcolm: You know what the worst part is? Guess which political pundit they gave a show to instead.
Chantelle: Who?
Malcolm: Alfonso Ribeiro.
Chantelle: Alfonso? Carlton?
Malcolm: Carlton from the Fresh fucking Prince!

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

I wish I could say that it's a surprise Roscoe is crazy enough to perpetrate a hate crime just so he can stay at his school, but considering that Marty is his dad I am not surprised AT ALL.


Poor Clyde. It will be interesting to see if he feels guilty about his dad dying right after he told him to drop dead or if he will brush it off like most other things.

  • Love 1

Season finale!



Marty is on the verge of making K&A one of the biggest players in the business, if he can persuade his employees to stay. Jeannie gives birth. Clyde, Doug, and Kelsey await an offer - and Roscoe faces the consequences.






Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

Doug: You know what they say about a woman scorned.
Clyde: That it's a sexist borderline misogynistic expression?


Doug: Out of the countless research tasks that Marty's given me over the years, have I ever disappointed?
Clyde: We are doing battle with Denna, not trying to find the best Thai fusion restaurant in Santa Fe.
Doug: That's a very specific category in a very small city! You think your guy could find Golden Buddha?


Doug: How's your dad?
Clyde: Oh, I don't know, but I'm fucking fantastic.
Doug: You haven't spoken to him?
Clyde: Not since I kicked him out.


Doug: I'm proud of you.
Clyde: Omigawd, fucking shoot me.

The show works best with the main four working together, but Doug needs to put his foot down more. 


This was a pretty decent season. I think the Denna plot was a little contrived. I'm not really buying Marty being so pissed off. Asking him not to pitch to the fast food company because of a conflict of interest isn't that much and he got way more pissed. 


I think Marty's dad stole the season though. 

I didn't buy Marty's abrupt u turn regarding Jeannie and her baby. His anger earlier in the season, though well deserved, seemed so absolute. I didn't get any hint of internal struggle which would made the pay off worth it. Also, it would've been a pleasant surprise if Kelsey had chosen Doug instead a few episodes ago. Otherwise I missed the four of then just dragging their asses through the airport, working together - especially during their struggling phase. And Marty, after being under someone's thumb all season, it was good to see him fight back and cast off his shackles.

  • Love 1

He turned on Denna because he's hard headed and doesn't want to be owned by no one.  Once she started dictating the way he did business, she had to go.

It'll definitely be interesting to see how well Marty does without his closer.


So Doug actually had the perfect woman for him and he blew it. I'm still processing the fact that Doug has a cologne just for sex.  Well that and the fact that he tried to have sex with Clyde's girlfriend while also saying Clyde killed his father in the same sentence. Never change, Doug.


Clyde has grown quite a lot. You could see the pride in Marty's eyes when Clyde rejected that crappy google deal.


So are they going to address Malcolm trying to sleep with his father's girlfriend?


Speaking of Jeremiah, that speech was like damn!!!! Probably the best speech in the show.


Marty gets his happy ending and he's still not happy. Next season should be fun.

  • Love 2
He turned on Denna because he's hard headed and doesn't want to be owned by no one.  Once she started dictating the way he did business, she had to go.


That's what I'm saying. She didn't really "dictate". She pointed out a legit conflict of interest with McDonalds. Yeah, he got all bent out of shape and pissy. From there he escalated it. I can't imagine someone as smart as Denna didn't make a contract with Marty spelling out what's what. I think it's more on him.

Couldn't it have been a series of things regarding Marty's turn? 


Marty lkes to do things a specific way without anyone looking over his shoulder. Marty would either have to sacrifice some business of his own or not do any altogether because it could conflict with Dena's business, which eventually would become too much. She had her guy sitting in with them and some other stuff I forgot. I think Marty is fine when his bosses leave him alone for him to do his own things--it didn't seem like his work relationship would be like that.

That's what I'm saying. He's acting all shocked *shocked* that Denna would have the temerity to tell him that there would be conflicts of interest that would affect his business. She probably could have done better after sending in her own consultant and maybe heard Marty out first because K&A did have a business plan. 


My point is that Marty is in shit because he couldn't get over himself, and I think he's just smarter than that. Maybe because at the time he was on the outs with Jeannie, and together they might have reached a better solution. I'm just not really buying it. I'm not saying it's OOC, but I felt like the plot needed Marty to lose some intelligence to work. 

A bit behind, but I was happy to get a reasonably upbeat season finale out of this show, especially after last season, and especially after they made me fear for Jeannie's life a few episodes ago. Up until the last minute I was expecting a final bomb, such as the baby not being Marty's.

The cast of this show is so phenomenal. I'll keep watching as long as they keep making episodes.

  • Love 2

I think Marty's dad telling Jeannie at the dinner that no matter what the baby is going to be loved, sort of turned Marty around. After she got up from the table to leave, Marty seemed to be like, we need to put the bs aside for the kid. 


I can buy this way more than Marty turning on Denna out of nowhere almost. 


I agree with everything you said kieyra. And it seems Marty used Denna for his own benefit then turned on her after he double-crossed her, and she double-crossed him back (or is that triple-crossed?). Marty treats everyone in his life that way, except for Roscoe and sometimes his dad. His life motto: "What can you do for me?" Which is why it pissed me off when he was so angry at Jeannie for being dishonest and manipulative. I understand why he was angry--her actions exposed his unethical behavior and landed him in jail. But I kept waiting for Jeannie to say, "I learned it from you, Dad! I learned it from watching you!"


The season was good but seemed way too short. And I agreed with Boundary that there were too few airport scenes. Those are some the funniest scenes of the show, watching the four of them play off each other. It's pure comedy gold.

  • Love 3

Showtime has released the season premiere on their official YouTube channel so beware that you may encounter spoilers if you read this thread before the episode airs on April 10!



Jeannie and Marty try to make co-parenting work; Doug and Clyde maneuver for position; Marty is approached with an intriguing offer.






Full episode on Showtime's Youtube channel:

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

Clyde: Van Der Hooven? Sounds Dutch.
Marty: It is Dutch.
Clyde: Oh, is it?
Marty: And totally irrelevant. What we want to know is who is THIS Jeannie Van Der Hooven? What does this CFO want?
Clyde: Sure, okay, thinking out loud, let's throw out some facts. Well, she had a kid out of wedlock, right? Let me write this down.
Doug: True, how about this? She got her business partner sent to federal prison.
Clyde: Okay, so she's mean AND slutty. Let's write that down.
JR: I heard she had a sex tape.
Clyde: Want to see it? I'll show it to you right now.
Marty: Drop a beat. Bust a groove, man. Yeah, let's make it hot. Go!
[JR starts]
Marty: Black bait! Don't ever take the fucking black bait!
Jeannie: It's Kahn and the Associates! I loved your early stuff but I feel like you went downhill after you lost that cute lead singer.
Jeannie: I was just giving Doug some pills for erectile dysfunction.
Doug: I was just curious, that's all.
Mark: Be careful with that. It's very powerful.
Doug: Okay, thank you, Mr. Fielder. I know a little something about boners.
Roscoe: I already have 207 likes.
Marty: Now you're really somebody.
Claire: Come on, Jeannie. Female friendship is the new black.
Jeannie: I will definitely think on that, but I do have reservations. For dinner. I have reservations for dinner.
Marty: I don't treat your boyfriend like an asshole.
Jeannie: Well, my boyfriend's not an asshole so that's the difference.
Jeannie: [Claire]'s a vegan chef spokesmodel?
Marty: First of all, it's raw vegan. And she's an instagram lifestyle personality.
Jeannie: Blech. I hope she gives good head.
[Marty gives Jeannie a look]
Jeannie: I'll take that as a yes.
[Marty gives Jeannie another look]
Jeannie: Or a no?
[Marty gives Jeannie an inscrutable look]
Jeannie: Gawd, you're good.
Marty: Skip "fucking shit in my briefcase" Galweather.
Skip: Marty "blew up my fucking life" Kahn.
Marty: You know Doug Guggenheim still uses that briefcase?
Skip: Well, it's a very nice briefcase.
Marty: You called me about fourteen fucking times yesterday. Is this about the Sadie Hawkins dance?
Skip: I want to buy you, Marty.
Marty: Um, okay. Let me let you in on a little nugget of reality, Skip. It's been a while since your people could, you know, buy my people.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo

Although I was initially weirded out by seeing Veronica Mars and Vinnie Van Lowe as a couple, they were so cute together. They were obviously smitten with each other, which definitely helped. I loved that while Marty, Clyde, and Doug were cracking up over the terrible presentation that Jeannie had to do, Vinnie was watching with cartoon hearts shooting out of his eyes. Ahhhh, l'amour!


Does Marty the sole owner of K&A? Is there a chance that Galweather could buy out the other owners?


Roscoe was adorable with the baby!

Although I was initially weirded out by seeing Veronica Mars and Vinnie Van Lowe as a couple, they were so cute together. They were obviously smitten with each other, which definitely helped. I loved that while Marty, Clyde, and Doug were cracking up over the terrible presentation that Jeannie had to do, Vinnie was watching with cartoon hearts shooting out of his eyes. Ahhhh, l'amour!


Does Marty the sole owner of K&A? Is there a chance that Galweather could buy out the other owners?


Roscoe was adorable with the baby!

I couldn't place the actor at first, probably because he wasn't the slime Vinnie was. But, yeah, it initially was weird to see them together.


And I do think he's a nice guy and is very into Jeannie, but I'm not sure she's as into him. Remember with her daddy issues, she has trouble accepting the nice guy (e.g. the Vibrator King)? She and Marty are always going to be connected by Phoebe, but whether there are any romantic feelings left between them, I can't tell. 


--I loved when Jeannie was about to nurse a black baby that wasn't hers.


--The writing in this episode was very fast paced and smartly funny.


And why did Jeannie have a problem with Marty's new blond girlfriend? It didn't seem like jealousy. Maybe Jeannie felt she wasn't enough of a smart-ass or a challenge for Marty. And Marty should warn Blondie that Jeannie doesn't do female friends. She needs one, certainly, but she isn't good at hanging around other women. She'd rather drink and talk shit with the guys.


I believe Marty is the sole owner of K & A, and though it's a small firm, it seems to be doing very well. I'm still not entirely clear how his federal conviction went away so quickly, but I'l fan-wank that one. 



Good to see Maestro Harrell. I like to think he's Randy Wagstaff again, but without the trauma of the group home.

To me, he'll always be Malik from "Suburgatory." He was great on this episode, though. Got mad at himself when he fell for Marty's "black bait."

Edited by topanga

I don't know how KB got through that rap song without peeing herself with laughter. 


And why did Jeannie have a problem with Marty's new blond girlfriend?


I don't think Jeannie has any obligation to be her friend or anything beyond being polite and respectful to her because she's her baby's father's gf. I mean, don't be rude or anything, but I don't think she was inappropriate. 

  • Love 1

Pops: I see you've been getting acquainted with my friend.

Rita: Don't you just love the way he talks? The man's been fucking me six ways from Sunday, but yeah, we're "friends."


Klaire: Shoot for the moon, but gently. You don't want a star caught in the crossfire. #makelovenotwar


Teddy: Are you the CMO or a fucking toddler? Do you want me to hold your widdle hand?


Clyde: Doug, do you not know where the clit is?

Doug: Like I give a shit.


Jeannie: Claire with a K! It's a new post! She really makes me think. She's like Buddha if Buddha's observations came with sexy shots of himself cresting Runyon Canyon in booty shorts.

Clyde: I feel like Buddha really dropped the ball on that.


Jeannie reading Klaire's post: Magic breathes in she who loves herself with her entire heart and soul. #magic #love #self #selflove

Marty: There aren't that many hashtags.

Jeannie: #beyourowndavidblaine I'm not done! #angel #crissangel #sawninhalf


Jeannie: Marty, exiting one room necessarily leads to entering another. #opportunity #lifeisagianthouse

Clyde: I read this one! #dontgiveup


Jeannie: Omigawd, are you breaking up with me?

Mark: No, no, no, no. I'm not. No.

Jeannie: Okay, then what?

Mark: I filed a sexual harassment claim against you.


Jeannie: Jeannie Van Der Hooven, chief financial officer at Davis Dexter. It was consensual. He was absolutely into what we were doing. How can I be sure? Maybe it was the provocative way he dressed. How many times? I don't know. A lot. He was my boyfriend. Don't give me that look. He was my boyfriend. Yeah, I texted him that I love sucking his cock. I even texted him that I heart his cum because I am the best goddamned girlfriend anyone has ever had! He told me to punch him in the face. I didn't make him watch me masturbate. They weren't soiled. Yes, I'd worn them. ONE TIME I called him my little bitch. Yes, I said I was going to fuck him in the ass with a strap on, but I said it as a joke, not a threat. He wanted to turn on John Wick and I said, "If you do, I'm going to fuck you in the ass with a strap on." "Phoebe misses you. Any chance you can stop by and play with her this afternoon?" Phoebe is my daughter, not my vagina. I think we're done.


Clyde: Not the owl bears! Do they sound like owls or bears?

Doug: Wow, that's a great question!


Jeannie: Clyde, will you-

Clyde: Put my balls in your mouth? What are you doing, Jeannie? No!

Jeannie: Pass me the menu. So you heard.


Doug: D&D characters are personal. They're extensions of ourselves. who we are, who we want to be, our hopes and fantasies. So come on, Marty. Dig deep. What do you dream about?

Marty: Right now I'm dreaming about being a guy who is punching you right in the face.

Doug: That's great!


Clyde: My character is a dwarf with a mangy white beard who's constantly sneezing. And I always whistle while I work.

Marty: I know this guy!

Doug: You know nothing because dwarves are actually very strong fighters and incredibly adept at deflecting magic. Not like those shitheads who hang out with Snow White.


Marty: Do you still have a friend at the Journal?

Clyde: Yes, sir.

Marty: Call him right away.

Clyde: I will, just as soon as you call Klaire. #waiting #silenceisnotgolden #protectyourheart and then about thirty #blesseds


Jeannie: So Claire with a K, lots of sad poses - some of so sad she could barely bring herself to put clothes on.


Marty: Karma's bullshit. #fuckkarma #itsnotyourfault #markisacunt


Jeannie: You're playing Dungeons and Dragons. You got rejected by a girl. You're some headgear away from getting the shit beat out of you in a John Hughes movie.

Marty: I'm sorry, I gotta say I kinda liked playing D&D.

Jeannie: Whatever, dork.

One day someone is going to recut Frozen using Kristen Bell's lines from this show and it will be the funniest thing in existence. 


"Yeah, I texted him that I love sucking his cock. I even texted him that I heart his cum because I am the best goddamned girlfriend anyone has ever had!" may be the single greatest line in television history. 

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