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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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Here's a pic of the Hook/Elsa scene and Hook's in his usual outfit so I don't think we'll be seeing it today. Bummer. Maybe tomorrow?



This picture made me come up with a theory that the reason we are seeing Hook and Elsa in so many scenes together is because the characters are bonding - in a totally non-romantic way- over being the two most inappropriately dressed people in Storybrooke. "Why are you dressed like that?" "Why are YOU dressed like THAT?" Maybe eventually they encourage each other to adopt modern "Land Without Magic" attire.
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Bit of info on Hook/Elsa scene:


You guys probably already know but the Hook and Elsa scene was a pretty short one, though they did a lot of takes for it. Pretty much Hook is walking out of the Rabbit Hole right at Elsa walks by, and he pauses in the door way and looks at her, they might have talked, I’m not sure.


Pic of Colin.


Also sounds like they might be prepping for something in front of Gold's shop.


Maybe Hook is picking Elsa's brain about magic in order to help Emma with hers. Though I suspect it starts as babysitting duty, given he didn't look thrilled about it in the previous shoot.

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Actually, I think that's Elizabeth Mitchell. The white dress would definitely lend credence to our theory that she's the Ice Queen.


Another great photo of Colin, but those pants are starting to bug me. Seriously, they're an Emmy-nominated costume dept. Can't they cut the pants more properly so they don't get bunched up in all the wrong places? So glad that he's at least sticking with the long vest since that's the case. Really, between that and the weird toes on his boots, Hook's wardrobe change can't come soon enough.

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Actually, I think that's Elizabeth Mitchell. The white dress would definitely lend credence to our theory that she's the Ice Queen.


Another great photo of Colin, but those pants are starting to bug me. Seriously, they're an Emmy-nominated costume dept. Can't they cut the pants more properly so they don't get bunched up in all the wrong places? So glad that he's at least sticking with the long vest since that's the case. Really, between that and the weird toes on his boots, Hook's wardrobe change can't come soon enough.

OK ... So now there are three inappropriately dressed people in Storybrooke. Maybe Regina should start walking around in her Evil Queen dresses so she can join their club.

Regarding Colin in those pants, they're making the dirty part of my mind recall when Tamara and Greg referred to him as "the Package."

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I don't think they've had the date yet. I bet what they're filming now is early in the ep, and whatever they filmed earlier that had the report of Hook in new clothes comes late in the ep.


There are four inappropriately dressed people -- Marian still had her prison garb in the ice-cream filming.


That probably is EM in the picture:


Just heard Elizabeth Mitchell on set and might be in costume!!
Edited by Souris
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That does seem to settle it. She's the Ice Queen. As long as the Frozen heart/True Love's Kiss plot doesn't go to Regina/Robin, I'm cool with it. I bet she's in costume for the promo photo shoot. 

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I don't think they've had the date yet. I bet what they're filming now is early in the ep, and whatever they filmed earlier that had the report of Hook in new clothes comes late in the ep.

I was joking, that's why I included the :-)

So it seems that EM is definitely the Ice Queen. It's very appropiated, she is usually quite "frozen" (I loved her in Lost, but in Revolution she was so wooden).

Oh Rumsy4, you can bet that storyline is going to go Regina.

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Sorry, @RadioGirl27, I think I missed the :-)


Ask Ausiello:


Question: Elizabeth Mitchell in Once Upon a Time?? Tell me more!  —Jacquelyn
Ausiello: You sound plenty excited by this casting — as are Lost scribes-turned-Once creators Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis. “She’s awesome, we love her, we’re so happy to have her and we can’t wait for the audience to discover who she is playing,” Horowitz teases. Perhaps she’s playing someone… eeeevil? Answers Kitsis with a healthy dollop of sarcasm, “We never bring Lost actors on our show to be villains, so….”


Question: Any scoop at all about the fourth season of Once Upon a Time? —Advanteege
Ausiello: Is Henry en route to having his first crush? (And if so, has he picked the wrong gal?) The ABC series in casting the recurring role of Lily, a bright, self-reliant teen who boasts a “charming, take-no-prisoners punk exterior and the heart of a secretive, insecure opportunist.” Watch for this lass to first appear in Episode 5.


Well, tumblr isn't going to be happy that it's not Grace that Henry has a crush on. That seems to be the accepted fanon pairing. Also, Storybrooke has punks?

Edited by Souris
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So it seems that EM is definitely the Snow Queen. It's very appropiated, she is usually quite "frozen" (I loved her in Lost, but in Revolution she was so wooden).


Well she can't be Elsa's mother then, because the writers said she is either Snow Queen or Elsa's mom, but not both.



Well, tumblr isn't going to be happy that it's not Grace that Henry has a crush on. That seems to be the accepted fanon pairing. Also, Storybrooke has punks?


Love interest for Henry? Maybe she's from NY? I hope she's evil, bwahahaha. Maybe she'll bring him down the road of darkness. Woohoo!

These spoilers are so random. I don't know how they're all going to fit yet!

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Hmmm if she's manipulative , she could sweet talk Henry into access to Gold's shop, then be the one who blackmails him over the dagger?


I don't think so, since Bobby said the blackmail would be in ep 4, and New Girl isn't on til ep 5. But that would've been interesting!

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That twerp is getting a love interest? You can't be serious. She's probably related to him. Was anyone clamoring for Henry's love story or something? I can't see anyone liking Mr. I'll rip out my own heart cause great grandpa said so.  Unless it's Belle's sister or cousin.  That's the level of dweebiness that would be required to like that kid.


I still think Hook was originally from Arendelle.

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I'm trying to get interested in the new season, I really do. But the show makes it so difficult. A love intetest for Henry, really? I guess they have forgoten he is supposed to be 12 at most. And really, I have more than enough with one kid in the show with a speaking role, I don't need more.

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That twerp is getting a love interest? You can't be serious. She's probably related to him. Was anyone clamoring for Henry's love story or something?

Ha. Yeah, I can't say I get too excited over anything Henry related. But maybe since her name is Lily, the writers are stealing from Lily and the Lion. In which case, she can drag Henry away from his family, have him turn into a dove for seven years, and then all of our Henry problems will be solved!

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To be fair, Henry is 13 years old by now. The kid needs to be getting a little girl crazy. Although I do have to wonder how that works considering he was growing up with all these kids who didn't age because of the curse. Maybe she's a NYC girl -- but then how to do you explain Storybrooke to an outsider?

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I'm trying to get interested in the new season, I really do. But the show makes it so difficult. A love intetest for Henry, really? I guess they have forgoten he is supposed to be 12 at most. And really, I have more than enough with one kid in the show with a speaking role, I don't need more.

Eh, from the actual wording of the story I get the impression that the story won't really be "Henry gets a girlfriend," more like "Henry has his first crush on a girl". I think 12 is a very likely age for that to happen, for girls it can be even younger, 10 or even 9.

I also doubt Henry's crush will be a major storyline, just a sub-plot of a B or even C plot. At least, I hope so.

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I don't care if is a girlfriend or just a crush, I just find Henry insufferable (and I loved him in season 1), so I'm not interested in any thing related to him. Unless she is Tiger Lily and takes him back to Neverland to never came back.

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I don't care if is a girlfriend or just a crush, I just find Henry insufferable (and I loved him in season 1), so I'm not interested in any thing related to him. Unless she is Tiger Lily and takes him back to Neverland to never came back.


Ooh. Her name IS Lily!


@KingOfHearts, I'd guess either promo pics or she's been found out by this point. Or she's alone and reverts to that attire.

Edited by Souris
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That TVLine spoiler looks like it was based on a casting notice, so I think the girlfriend part is just speculation on the part of the writer. That said, it is probably fair to assume a teen character would mostly interact with Henry.

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What's with all the boobage-revealing outfits?! lol I think she looks good, though.

I think someone has pointed this out before, but that seems to be where we females hide the magic.

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I think someone has pointed this out before, but that seems to be where we females hide the magic.

Well seeing how guys stare at them, it sounds really about right.


I know, it's not a spoiler but the all seasons thread didn't seem to fit for this.


It's really odd that costumes like the one EM is wearing get me all excited for the new season (not because of the boobage).  I couldn't even get there between Frozen and the Knave.

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It's really odd that costumes like the one EM is wearing get me all excited for the new season (not because of the boobage).  I couldn't even get there between Frozen and the Knave.


Maybe it's because we might be getting an interesting villain finally. As long as she's not a Glinda or Zelena copy, she might actually be worth watching. (Writers: Don't you DARE kill her off.)

Edited by KingOfHearts
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Do we know if the Snow Queen shots are of actual episode filming or if that's more promo shots? If it's a promo shot like the Evil Queen, then that would explain why she's in that outfit in Storybrooke.


You know, their location filming days really cut into my productivity. Fortunately, I temporarily have all my major projects off my plate and am just doing a lot of e-mail with various people who need things from me or from whom I need things, but in a couple of weeks, I'll need them to go into the studio for a while so I can get stuff done. :-)

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Yea, I think being the Snow Queen may mean she has to be a little more measured and cool with her delivery rather than going all guns-a-blazing down Main St. And that's a good thing.

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Pic of JMo with gun. JMo and EM. JMo and apparently a wind machine. Back view of EM's dress.


erin @tofuvampire

WILL THE REAL JMO PLEASE STAND UP there are so many stunt doubles


Emma's holding a gun and she runs into the alley yelling "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME"


I believe elizabeth mitchell was filming with jmo in the alley? since they just walked out together


Sounds like the Snow Queen is going after Emma.


Lots more pics and some description from YVR Shoots.

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Sounds like the Snow Queen is going after Emma.


Sounds like there's something bigger at work here than just searching for some urns or unfreezing Storybrooke. (But then again, I thought Zelena was part of an elaborate scheme too...)

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Any chance they're doing the 3 Amigos: Icy Blondes version?

That dress really is sparkly and pretty. I'd be damn jealous if I were Elsa. I know they have to stick close to the movie but I find it lacking somehow. I'm going to have agree with YaddaYadda, seeing EM in costume has been the coolest spoiler. Between that and Zoso/Dark One origin story I can maybe forgive the twerpiest love story coming.

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At least the Wicked Witch's green necklace wasn't so blatant.

Oh, the Wicked Witch's brooch was definitely just as blatant. The only difference is that Zelena's jewelry didn't look like she bought it for $2.99 on the discount rack at the Canadian Claire's...

Edited by Curio
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I think I have EM's snowflake necklace. I hang it on my Christmas tree.


LMAO, Souris! haha I bet no one figures out she is the Snow Queen until someone dies to reveal it, though... I nominate Mr. Smee. He's going to be next heroic death.

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Will Henry miss the implanted memories he had in New York?



So, why doesn't Henry have both sets of memories?  Everyone else does, and having memories where he grew up with a nonabusive mother might be, well, stabilizing?


In one of those pictures was Emma wearing a black bra with a sheer top over it?  Because, what?  That's not quite as horrific as the mesh top/plaid pant combo from last season, but I cannot approve.

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So, why doesn't Henry have both sets of memories?  Everyone else does, and having memories where he grew up with a nonabusive mother might be, well, stabilizing?

If he's capable of missing them, he must have them. I assumed they meant "missing them being real."

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I'm sorry, @retrograde, but I'm not 100% sure what you mean by "missing them being real"?  Do you mean still living with Emma in New York, or having them being his only set of memories--getting rid of the Storybrooke one?

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In one of those pictures was Emma wearing a black bra with a sheer top over it?  Because, what?  That's not quite as horrific as the mesh top/plaid pant combo from last season, but I cannot approve.


That's what it looked like to me, too, and I side-eyed it. Maybe that's her date attire to drive Hook crazy, since they don't do corsets in Storybrooke. Although they certainly do boobs.

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Missing his fake life, I guess. Missing that nonabusive, simpler upbringing being real. I mean, if he doesn't remember them, how could he miss them?

I'm not sure--he would remember the last year, but somehow not remember things like his first fake day of school? 


The impression I'm getting from the bits slipped indicate he probably doesn't have both sets of memories.  There's the Carlyle interview, where he says:  "They come back late at night, and Henry's in the shop, and he's there because he wants his fake memories back.  He doesn't like what he has in his life, what his life's about right now, and he's asking Gold if he can do that for him."  Then, combining with Kitsis answering "yes" to Henry missing his implanted memories, and it sounds like Henry doesn't.


So what I'm stuck on is if Henry doesn't remember growing up with Emma at all, or if he's trying to make that his only set of memories because of whatever he's upset about.


I have trouble seeing the show being willing to have Henry want to forget Regina, which is what making his fake memories his only set would mean, and I can't figure out how making his fake memories reappear, if they're gone, would improve things? 


Any chance it'll actually make more sense after we've seen it?

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Henry still has his New York memories, as far as I know. He mentioned to Emma at the end of A Curious Thing that he considered their life in New York "pretty good", and he also told Regina about the apple tree that looked like hers. I'm wondering if the fake memories he's asking for is either A) his New York memories with Emma, B) new memories that have him and Emma living in SB but without knowing about fairy tales, C) fake memories with only knowing Regina, or D) new memories that block out New York entirely.


There must be some serious friction in S4 with Henry, because he seemed pretty content at the finale with his life's new setup. Maybe he only wants Regina or Emma as his only mom?

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