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Spoiler Discussion: The apple was poisoned?!

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I still want Felix. I know it's not going to happen, but I loved the Pan/Felix duo. They were practically attached at the hip all through out the Neverland arc.

I wonder if they'll announce any more guest stars for the 100th. The season 3 finale had more guest stars between the 2 episodes than what they've listed so far for the 100th, I think.

Edited by HoodlumSheep
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What makes me wonder is that Rumple is in on this supposed rescue mission. I don't know if he has an ulterior motive like trying to find Neal, and bring him too, or if he's just there because he is needed. 


It really makes me wonder what went down between Hook and him, if this mission has nothing to do with his own motives.


I'm sure Rumple has ulterior motives that have nothing to do with his newfound heroism. I think it has to do with Belle. 


I would be pissed if Rumple defeats Hook in their upcoming sword-fight just for the sake of role-inversion. But they did the same thing with making Regina the savior now, and that plot has gone nowhere yet. I think the writers are too interested in making parallels even where it doesn't really work. 

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I really don't think Killian goes dark....it is so weird that his hair is suddenly parted on the other side. ..it is like he is a mirror reflection with various aspects flipped.Why the peacoat where is the leather?

The idea that Rumple gets a free pass to be a hero after Killian worked so hard to turn it around makes me sick (though I can see how some think that is ok)

Something seriously twisted has gone on here ....

I can buy Killian protecting Emma if Rumple trying to kill her but how is he going to do that if he has an ordinary sword and she is still the DO? Killian has Excalibur. If Rumple had it then him fighting a Dark One Killian would make sense because Killian would still be sure enough of his own sword skills to fight him without magic.

From the photo of Emma holding broken Excalibur over possibly dead Killian ...if she used the transformed Grail to make Killian immortal then does it the same rules as drinking from it when was a cup? would Killian have powers like Nimue did that only turn dark if he kills? did Emma being DO when she did it, substitute for the missing piece of the Grail that is now the dagger mean part of her darkness went into him and she wiped his memory so he doesn't realize he is immortal and has magic from the Grail??

Yowzer...my brain went to overload..sorry!

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some more thoughts. .

In the new promo...it looks like all of the SB crew are tied to trees.. Although Charming looks to have his left arm free (maybe just tied loosely). Lance is standing there like a stunned mullet so I guess he's been sanded or frozen. I guess Emma has come to free them but Arthur sets Merlin on her while he and Zelena poof out (wonder how long before she screws him over?? )

like many others I have been assuming (in my case...hoping desperately) that Emma is playing the long con against the Darkness. Remembering that the DO is selfish and add that to Emma's desperate need to not lose anyone else she loves plus her history of loss ...you get a powerful being who may go a smidge insane with grief if faced with losing the man she loves especially when he'd already died in front of her in Isaac's AU.

If she has used powerful Darkest of the Dark magic to keep Killian alive and snuffing out the Darkness means she loses him, then.....!

What I can't fit in is the comment made way back that she went dark because of what she thought the SB crew did.

I wonder where Zelena and Arthur are going when they poof away?  Perhaps to reforge Excalibur?  What doesn't make any sense is that we have that picture of Emma waving Excalibur over Killian in the field.  Which means she must get it away from Arthur and then we also know Zelena is cuffed again in Storybrooke.  I'm guessing that Arthur tells Merlin to get the dagger from  Emma and poofs out.  Merlin and Emma duel, the Nevengers work to free themselves from the trees.  Maybe Charming gets free first?  I would think that if Merlin was commanded by Arthur to get the dagger it would mean that he wants Merlin to torture or kill to get Emma to give up the dagger?  The thing is, who is the most likely candidate to be harmed?  Hook.  Merlin said that Emma already passed one test (what is exactly did that mean, is Merlin really in cahoots with Arthur?) so is the next test that she'd have to give up either the dagger or Hook?  It looks like either way, Emma wins because she has both the sword, dagger and, Hook in Storybrooke. 


This season has been great, but I have a feeling it will make a lot more sense to watch it all together vs. week to week.

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Crazy thought but maybe Hook is already immortal? He kills Merlin saving Emma and that's how his name gets on the sword. He doesn't turn all DO because they wisk back to SB.

Edited by watcher
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I really don't think Killian goes dark....it is so weird that his hair is suddenly parted on the other side. ..it is like he is a mirror reflection with various aspects flipped.Why the peacoat where is the leather?

The idea that Rumple gets a free pass to be a hero after Killian worked so hard to turn it around makes me sick (though I can see how some think that is ok)

Something seriously twisted has gone on here ....

I can buy Killian protecting Emma if Rumple trying to kill her but how is he going to do that if he has an ordinary sword and she is still the DO? Killian has Excalibur. If Rumple had it then him fighting a Dark One Killian would make sense because Killian would still be sure enough of his own sword skills to fight him without magic.

From the photo of Emma holding broken Excalibur over possibly dead Killian ...if she used the transformed Grail to make Killian immortal then does it the same rules as drinking from it when was a cup? would Killian have powers like Nimue did that only turn dark if he kills? did Emma being DO when she did it, substitute for the missing piece of the Grail that is now the dagger mean part of her darkness went into him and she wiped his memory so he doesn't realize he is immortal and has magic from the Grail??

Yowzer...my brain went to overload..sorry!

and just because I feel this should be asked. ..when Killian wakes up while lying down in the field of flowers with Emma having apparently brought him back from dead/mostly dead...does he ask "What did you do?" Cos I'd love a call back the drowned cursed mouth scene. Edited by PixiePaws1
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I really don't think Killian goes dark....it is so weird that his hair is suddenly parted on the other side. ..it is like he is a mirror reflection with various aspects flipped.


Yeah. It seems like a Hook doppelganger. Hook was a pirate/villain for many centuries--and he's always parted his hair from left to right. Why would being the co-DO cause him to part his hair the other way? lol 

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Yeah. It seems like a Hook doppelganger. Hook was a pirate/villain for many centuries--and he's always parted his hair from left to right. Why would being the co-DO cause him to part his hair the other way? lol 


He already wears black, leather, has guyliner. It's not like they can go anywhere else with that look since all Dark Ones are required a dark wardrobe. 


If they had changed his clothing this season to fit more into his "new" persona, like I don't know light color shirts or something...

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Yeah. It seems like a Hook doppelganger. Hook was a pirate/villain for many centuries--and he's always parted his hair from left to right. Why would being the co-DO cause him to part his hair the other way? lol 


Why did it make Emma's hair go white?

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He already wears black, leather, has guyliner. It's not like they can go anywhere else with that look since all Dark Ones are required a dark wardrobe. 


I guess... :-p

Why did it make Emma's hair go white?


But Hook's choice involves a comb. It's not a physical change like Emma's hair turning white. IDEK. haha

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Yay for Cruella being back for multiple episodes! I like the theory that she could control cerberus. I wonder if this means we'll see Isaac at all? He's still alive and probably locked up in the dungeon basement still. There could be an Authella reunion.

I wonder what they have planned for her. I know she's a fan-favorite from 4b (and I love her character), but why her for multiple eps and not Pan or Cora, etc? Hmmm...

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So, there are 12 eps in 5B, and 12 Labors of Hercules. Could Emma have a labor an ep in order to save Hook? Or perhaps everybody in the group will have to pitch in on a labor. Can you imagine Emma forcing Gold and Regina to do some onerous task to save Hook? LOL. (Regina should get the mucking out the stables task. She does love horses! ;)


I do think Hook & Emma will be kept apart the entire arc, with perhaps occasional contact like Snowing in the burning room. I'm worried that Colin's screentime will be small, like 5B, because of that.


If they're going to work in Zelena, they have to get back to SB at some point mid-arc. Or she has a completely separate storyline, like Belle in 3A. Or they just ignore Zelena & she shows up to give birth in the finale when they return to SB.

Edited by Souris
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I do think Hook & Emma will be kept apart the entire arc, with perhaps occasional contact like Snowing in the burning room. I'm worried that Colin's screentime will be small, like 5B, because of that.


But that seemed to be a general consensus before 5A started, and that did not happen. I'd say wait, and see. 

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I wonder what they have planned for her. I know she's a fan-favorite from 4b (and I love her character), but why her for multiple eps and not Pan or Cora, etc? Hmmm...

Because she is probably the only one without another project going on.


I do think Hook & Emma will be kept apart the entire arc, with perhaps occasional contact like Snowing in the burning room. I'm worried that Colin's screentime will be small, like 5B, because of that.

Yeah, the longer they stay in the underworld, the less Colin we are going to get.

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I know a lot of people love her, but I'm meh on Cruella's return. Maybe she is an unintended baggage when the Nevengers return from the Underworld (reminds me of Jadis from the The Magician's Nephew). I definitely don't want to Isaac again, though! That actor has "annoying as hell" down to an artform. haha


So, there are 12 eps in 5B, and 12 Labors of Hercules. Could Emma have a labor an ep in order to save Hook? Or perhaps everybody in the group will have to pitch in on a labor. Can you imagine Emma forcing Gold and Regina to do some onerous task to save Hook? LOL. (Regina should get the mucking out the stables task. She does love horses! ;)


I think that's a brilliant idea! I don't think it will be one labor per episode, but it would be so good!



Back in Storybrooke, Zelena’s pregnancy mysteriously accelerates...


Are you effing serious?? Ugh... Trying hard not to let this ruin my happy vibe for the episode. Also, couldn't care less about Merida, but at least that's not the sole episode.

Edited by Rumsy4
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The press release for 5x09 makes me wanna cry a little. Why are we treated to another Merida flashback? Aren't there more pressing matters?


I know, right? I could not possibly care LESS about her quest and backstory. We've got all this other major stuff going on, but time out to show Merida!

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So Arthur is crazy, obsessive, has built a kingdom on an illusion, sanded his wife, sanded Snowing, sends Merlin to do his bidding, allies himself with Zelena to find some kind of artifact to vanquish Emma, and kill everyone else.


And he probably killed Merida's father too.


If you love a character, you have to get down on your knees, and pray they never fall under A&E's poison pen.

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I'm giving them a pass on the Merida stuff. They planned the DS arc to be 10 episodes and ABC added an 11th one. They're playing it smart having a self-contained adventure, instead of stretching things like last time. That brought us Snow leisurely scrolling when her daughter was about to die, "Yay adultery!", and Emma taking 20 minutes to open a door.

Edited by Serena
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So, there are 12 eps in 5B, and 12 Labors of Hercules. Could Emma have a labor an ep in order to save Hook? Or perhaps everybody in the group will have to pitch in on a labor. Can you imagine Emma forcing Gold and Regina to do some onerous task to save Hook? LOL. (Regina should get the mucking out the stables task. She does love horses! ;)


I do think Hook & Emma will be kept apart the entire arc, with perhaps occasional contact like Snowing in the burning room. I'm worried that Colin's screentime will be small, like 5B, because of that.



Why would Colin's screentime be small if the arc is centered around him? What do you think Hook is just gonna be sleeping while everybody is trying to save him? You don't think he's gonna be interacting with other characters like Hades, his father, Hercules, Megara, etc and trying to find his own way out of the Underworld?


Are we forgetting his father likely playing a big role in 5B and the confirmation that we are getting more Hook background in 5B?

Edited by Hookian
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I'm giving them a pass on the Merida stuff. They planned the DS arc to be 10 episodes and ABC added an 11th one. They're playing it smart having a self-contained adventure, instead of stretching things like last time. That brought us Snow leisurely scrolling when her daughter was about to die, "Yay adultery!", and Emma taking 20 minutes to open a door.


I don't understand how they added an extra episode. Was it supposed to be split 10-12, and does that mean we have 13 episodes in the second half?

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Are we forgetting his father likely playing a big role in 5B

Has that actually been confirmed? It seems to have been mostly fan speculation, considering the actor seems to have done all his shooting in one day.


I may have to skip that second hour this week if nothing happens to further the present story and if it's all side characters. I liked Brave and I want to keep liking it, but ongoing Merida adventures are probably only going to sully my memory of the film because she's so obnoxious and seems to have forgotten everything she learned in the film. I'll probably just DVR it and then fast-forward to the parts that matter to the story.

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I don't understand how they added an extra episode. Was it supposed to be split 10-12, and does that mean we have 13 episodes in the second half?

Yes. It was supposed to be 10-12... A&E announced it months ago. Now it's 11-12.
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Why would Colin's screentime be small if the arc is centered around him? What do you think Hook is just gonna be sleeping while everybody is trying to save him? You don't think he's gonna be interacting with other characters like Hades, his father, Hercules, Megara, etc and trying to find his own way out of the Underworld?


Are we forgetting his father likely playing a big role in 5B and the confirmation that we are getting more Hook background in 5B?


I'm not convinced his father is playing a big role in 5B. I think that's largely a fan assumption. I hope that's the case, but it's nothing that's remotely confirmed. As for Hook's screentime, if he's the object of the quest, then that doesn't mean he's going to be front & center in scenes. He can be the object of the quest without being seen a lot. Look, I hope we see him a lot, because he's my favorite character and actor on the show, but it's not guaranteed just because they're looking for him.


I hope they learned from 4B that fans get cranky if there's not much Hook. But they don't tend to learn these things.


So Zelena's pregnancy is mysteriously accelerating. Nothing good EVER comes from that. That always signals alien baby or something, LOL. Maybe they'll scuttle this whole misbegotten, unpopular plot and have the baby not be Robin's but Jar Jar Binks's.

Edited by Souris
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So Zelena's pregnancy is mysteriously accelerating. Nothing good EVER comes from that. That always signals alien baby or something, LOL. Maybe they'll scuttle this whole misbegotten, unpopular plot and have the baby not be Robin's but Jar Jar Binks's.


Pregnancy mysteriously accelerates, I'm thinking Emma might be behind it to be honest.


If she gives birth, why would Robin ever go to the Underworld with everyone else? Is Zelena at the end of this arc? Does she have her baby, or is the baby with someone else?


Maybe "Birth" refers more to Dark Swan being born than the baby being born?

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The press release for 5x09 makes me wanna cry a little. Why are we treated to another Merida flashback? Aren't there more pressing matters?


I know, right? I could not possibly care LESS about her quest and backstory. We've got all this other major stuff going on, but time out to show Merida!

This was pretty much my exact reaction. The 5x08 episode summary had me thinking: "Yes! I need to watch this now! Gimme!!!" While the 5x09 summary had me thinking: "well I guess I'll be half watching and messing around on Tumblr." Even though I've missed Ruby and Mulan it's not really the time to be having random side adventures with guest stars. I worry that it's just going to ruin all the momentum leading up to the end of the season.

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The press release for 5x09 makes me wanna cry a little. Why are we treated to another Merida flashback? Aren't there more pressing matters?


Right? That episode is the definition of "momentum killer."


Why couldn't the extra hour focus on Belle, Granny, and the dwarves that came to Camelot and catch up on what they were doing? At least that's slightly more relevant to the Dark Swan plot than a completely unrelated adventure with Merida. Again.

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Maybe they'll scuttle this whole misbegotten, unpopular plot and have the baby not be Robin's but Jar Jar Binks's.


You mean, the child of the ultimate Sith Lord!!? ;-)

As for Hook's screentime, if he's the object of the quest, then that doesn't mean he's going to be front & center in scenes.


A&E won't risk shoving Hook to the background by reducing his screentime that much. Even if he is kept apart from Emma, he'll have scenes with other people.

Edited by Rumsy4
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It seems like making part 2 be a random side adventure that leads into a two-week break would be a very bad idea. If you're bored with the side characters and there's no current-day thread involving the main characters to pull viewers through the episode and give a reason to keep watching and then there's a week off, fewer people might come back for the next episode two weeks later. Though I suppose it might be better than last year, where the end of the episode had a finale-like feel to it, and then there was a week off, and so people assumed the show had gone on mid-season break. The ratings will be interesting to see.

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I'm just nervous about what the big climax of Episode 8 will be. If there's this huge climatic moment in Storybrooke, it's going to be a real drag watching a side adventure for an hour immediately afterwards. It'll be like, "OMG! That was awesome! I want to talk about it with...oh, there are still more scenes to watch? Wait, I thought they kicked Mulan and Red off the show, what are they doing here? Who's Dark Swan again?"

Edited by Curio
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Yeah, they wanted a 10 episode 5A, but ABC gave them another one.  This messed up their plans for 5B's premiere as the 100th episode, so they've retconned "Smash the Mirror Part 1" and "Smash the Mirror Part 2" back into a single two-hour episode as opposed to two like listed on the DVD and digital download sources.


I know she's a fan-favorite from 4b (and I love her character), but why her for multiple eps and not Pan or Cora, etc? Hmmm...


Not sure about Cora, but don't count Pan out just yet.  Robbie Kay's tweet when finishing his filming for the 100th episode was "Farewell, Vancouver! Until next time!"  I'm wondering if the "until next time" is because he knows they want him back again later in the arc.  Maybe not as much as Cruella, but for at least one other episode.

Edited by Mathius
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OMG Karen you can't just ask why someone's hair is white.


OK, that made me snort out loud!


You mean, the child of the ultimate Sith Lord!!? ;-)


A&E won't risk shoving Hook to the background by reducing his screentime that much. Even if he is kept apart from Emma, he'll have scenes with other people.


LOL! Well, they reduced his screentime that much in 4B, so I don't trust them. I hope they do show him interacting with other characters!

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Back in Storybrooke, Zelena’s pregnancy mysteriously accelerates and Hook goes to new and desperate lengths to get answers from the Dark Swan.

So I guess, "Birth" makes more sense now. I'm wondering if the Dark Swan did this to give her incentive on making a deal. Once that baby is born, Zelena loses all leverage. 5x08/09 sounds exciting if you take away the Merida flashbacks. I'm surprised to see Arthur and Zelena working together for this long.

Edited by KingOfHearts
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How long is the gestation for flying monkeys? Zelena did seem awfully fond of that one in particular.... LOL.


She should ask Aurora.


So I guess, "Birth" makes more sense now. I'm wondering if the Dark Swan did this to give her incentive on making a deal. Once that baby is born, Zelena loses all leverage.

I guess that might explain the way Emma was looking at the belly in 5x06, when she got her the onion rings. She probably got the idea that way.

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