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Spencer Reid: Gorgeous Gray Matter

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21 minutes ago, JMO said:


The idea that the prison arc was an expensive shoot-around to accommodate MGG's desire to be off raises more questions than it answers.  He was still missing from the expected episodes, shot during October.  If the prison arc was designed to accommodate him again, does that mean he would have otherwise been missing from the end of last season? .... but it was really because of MGG?  Or am I misreading that?


Was that ever said or implied by anyone on the show?  O_o

The only thing I heard about the why and how was when Erica Messer said they came up with the arc because MGG was ready to leave and she was looking for something that would excite him to stay (paraphrased of course). 

That they did it so MGG could have another month off is a new one. And I would guess the network/studio would simply say "NO, just write him off to visit his mother like you did the last times."



  I'd understood that the prison scenes were filmed as a package because of the extensive and longitudinal use of that one set, and set of actors, ....


This is exactly how I understood what E. Messer and H. Bring said. I would also guess that it was still less expensive than doing it "the normal way".

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1 hour ago, JMO said:


The idea that the prison arc was an expensive shoot-around to accommodate MGG's desire to be off raises more questions than it answers.  He was still missing from the expected episodes, shot during October.  If the prison arc was designed to accommodate him again, does that mean he would have otherwise been missing from the end of last season?  I'd understood that the prison scenes were filmed as a package because of the extensive and longitudinal use of that one set, and set of actors, but it was really because of MGG?  Or am I misreading that?

Does it mean that they were willing to blow the budget because they thought they were at the end of their run?  Can't imagine the studio execs would have been happy about it.  

How expensive would it be to accomplish a one day shoot of a few classroom scenes, or a few phone-ins (no extras at all) to appear in the otherwise Reid-less episodes?  Even less expensive:  film him writing in a journal, with a voiceover of his thoughts, as he goes through the healing process, bring him back a little healthier.  And it would give us the added bonus of one or two minutes' worth less of unsub time or running around in the dark.

Yeah, JMO, it was reported that the Reid prison arc took 11 days, and, yes, it probably had at least one director, a whole separate cast, and cameos by JJ, Garcia and Rossi (which would have been the only doubling of actors' schedules). I'm sure there was extra expense involved, but TPTB did it to keep Matthew interested and the fans watching. It paid off. And what you suggest, a few short classroom scenes, a remote phone call or two, wouldn't make any doubling of budgets. And I really like the journal idea! We need to see him heal, and this would be a meaningful use of his "time."

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2 hours ago, JMO said:

How expensive would it be to accomplish a one day shoot of a few classroom scenes, or a few phone-ins (no extras at all) to appear in the otherwise Reid-less episodes?  Even less expensive:  film him writing in a journal, with a voiceover of his thoughts, as he goes through the healing process, bring him back a little healthier.  And it would give us the added bonus of one or two minutes' worth less of unsub time or running around in the dark.

Wow great suggestion JMO. I absolutely loved the voice over idea while Reid is writing in a journal. 

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I support them giving Matthew that time off. Because I am for whatever makes him happy. But I too don't like the idea of them not using him more when he is on set and available especially when they know damn well he is going to be missing some episodes. Maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal were this (lack of Reid)  just an occasional occurrence except that it is not.

Edited by MMC
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19 minutes ago, MMC said:

I support them giving Matthew that time off. Because I am for whatever makes him happy. But I too don't like the idea of them not using him more when he is on set and available especially when they know damn well he is going to be missing some episodes. Maybe it wouldn't be such a big deal were this (lack of Reid)  just an occasional occurrence except that it is not.

Agree with Mysteyman, also how do we know that reduced Reid time isn't at Matthew's request or that he's absolutely fine with it?

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27 minutes ago, Mysteyman said:

I understand the frustration that everyone has with this.

But the ensemble nature of the show means that this type of thing will happen.

Well of course, but for this same nature of the show it shouldn’t be 7 agents on screen.

Edited by Mariana
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1 hour ago, Willowy said:

Agree with Mysteyman, also how do we know that reduced Reid time isn't at Matthew's request or that he's absolutely fine with it?

I do think you have a point. But it still sucks for me as a Reid fan. It also worries me that now since the show has themselves a couple of new alpha males that Reid might possibly be taking a backseat to them.

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If Reid wants that much time off, then the show can’t be built around him.  All the other cast members show up, work more days than him and deserve their allotted screen time. And I like Reid. But Reid is a character portrayed by an actor that wants to work ‘part-time’ while the rest work full-time. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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I'm one of the few on this site who doesn't see the appeal of Reid...lol.  Don't get me wrong, he is a great character and I do like him.  But when an actor is going to be missing from an episode and we know what the character will be doing during that time, I don't need to see that on the screen.  The show only has 40 to 43 minutes to tell the story and we don't need to waste precious time showing unneeded scenes.  The team is a well oiled machine and will function fine without Reid's input, just like it will when Tara is missing.  I think Aisha might have missed some filming due to promoting her film.    If they put in everything we wanted, the episodes would be a long two hours...lol.

I was able to watch the episode again and see the scenes I missed because of my brother's bad timing.  It was just as good the second time around.  I might even watch it again tonight. 

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downloaded and watched "Newness" today. TBH, the movie's a yawnfest IMO, I didn't care for it at all, except for Matthew's scenes. I found the male lead reminded me too much of Dax Shepherd for whom I do not care at all, and the female lead was just a mediocre at best actress. All the shaky handheld camera was nausea-inducing. 

Matthew wore his own clothes (and glasses :)  ) throughout. 

Screen Shot 2017-11-03 at 2.42.46 PMxx.jpg

Screen Shot 2017-11-03 at 1.42.01 PMxxxx.jpg

Screen Shot 2017-11-03 at 2.15.50 PMxx.jpg

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oh man, I didn't count them sorry..... just every time DaxShepherdLookalike needed to talk to/get advice from his friend, it was Matthew.... (maybe, 6-7? ) I 'capped him in each (not all shared here, file's too big)

my favourite line in the movie was his, after hearing what a great sexy night DaxLookalike had, his character (pushing a baby stroller) said (paraphrased more or less): "I'm so jealous. You wanna know what I did last night? I read <some kiddy book whose title escapes me>, changed a $#!tty diaper and fell asleep in a chair. At 8 pm"

 in a two hour movie, total screen time, about five minutes. If that.

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I think it'll be worth it just to see him push that stroller! ;)

The lead guy I've only seen in one other thing called Warm Bodies. It was a super-sweet zombie romance and he was really good in it. 

Matthew looks really beautiful in those caps. If you post the rest elsewhere, let me know!

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Aw, DaxShepherdLookalike is the boy from About A Boy, which is a lovely little movie. And he was really good IIRC in Mad Max Fury Road. I'm so pissed that Matthew can't seem to get in a movie that is great and shows off his talents. 

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Though, like I said, I wasn't a fan of Spencer's prison arc, now that I think about it... they could have used it to bring some past (albeit minor) characters back.


Imagine if some of the victims that the BAU (Spencer included) saved over the years showed up in the courtroom to show their support. I mean, BAU has saved so many people, enough for dozens of support groups...


Or, if they didn't organize that themselves... how about having Garcia track them down, explain the matters and convince them to show up? A bit emotionally manipulative, maybe, but it would have at least given Garcia (of all people) something actually useful-and fairly realistic-to do.


The amateur arson investigators from 1x02 "Compulsion" were awesome (minus the one who turned out to be the unsub, that is). So was Maggie from 2x22 "Legacy". And many others. Seeing them all come together to show their support for Spencer Reid-and BAU-would have been awesome.

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None of those folks I can think of would be in the capacity to "show their support." All mentioned are incompetent. In the arraignment, the lawyer tried to say there were character witnesses (presumably the agents and others in the FBI), but the judge wouldn't even consider it because it was 6 pm. The others mentioned didn't have too much direct contact with Spencer. The only one I can think of who wouldn't be insane, dead and/or imprisoned would be the mother in Mosley Lane.

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I watched Newness. It was kind of lovely, actually. Lots of emotions that got played out in real time, pretty much. The leads were attractive and likeable, and Sean Stiegemeyer who was the DP on The Beauty Inside photographed Matthew just as tenderly beautiful here as he did there.

As far as I was concerned, this was ALL Doremus. I didn't see a single bit of Ridley Scott, which, I mean, considering he wasn't the director makes sense. But when you've got someone of that skill and magnitude on board, you use him. I think he could've helped tighten things up when the movie started to amble, which it did a couple of times. 

I didn't feel like it was a waste of my time, per se, but it could've benefitted from A LOT more Matthew. 

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I.just. can't . believe. it !!!

I'm doing some things on the computer, as my husband is going through channels, and suddenly... #68 kill is on !! I never expected to see it on TV, especially when it was released just months ago.

Of course I asked him for the remote, to record it, and he looks at me and says... are you really going to record that?? I have to say that it was the very violent scene towards the end, and he knows I don't like violence. 

I shouldn't watch it tonight, I have to get up early tomorrow... I shouldn't, I know I shouldn't  

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21 hours ago, senin said:

I.just. can't . believe. it !!!

I'm doing some things on the computer, as my husband is going through channels, and suddenly... #68 kill is on !! I never expected to see it on TV, especially when it was released just months ago.

Of course I asked him for the remote, to record it, and he looks at me and says... are you really going to record that?? I have to say that it was the very violent scene towards the end, and he knows I don't like violence. 

I shouldn't watch it tonight, I have to get up early tomorrow... I shouldn't, I know I shouldn't  

How was it senin? I am still debating whether to watch it or not?

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My opinion of the movie?? A few ideas about it. 

- Lots and lots and lots of MGG, which in itself is enough to watch it, at least for me. And I also liked that the character is completely different from Reid, 

- It's not for you if you don't like  sex scenes or violent scenes (there's one of them which had me covering my eyes, and looking through my fingers) 

- Some scenes are soooo funny. 

I'm not sure if I have helped you, There are some people around who have seen it,maybe someone else will share their opinions and you have some opinions  about it upthread, (end of page 51). Be careful, lots of pictures from the movie, might spoil things for you!!

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If you're a *Matthew* fan, you wanna see 68kill. It is violent in places, as senin said (I was also watching it through my fingers and repeating OMFG out loud several times, but I remembered all the photos Matthew tweeted while shooting this, with the makeup and kept telling myself 'it's makeup, it'a makeup!"  He really stretches as an actor and gets to play a character who's very, very different from Reid.  And in the purely shallow department: he's shirtless for so much of this film, and there's so much skin :)

If you're (just)  a *Reid* fan, you can probably skip this one.

Some of the movie's content is upsetting/difficult to deal with depending on your sensitivities. But I think Matthew's performance (as well as those of Alisha Loe sp? and AnnaLynne McCord ) are well worth watching it for. His Chip has character flaws, and things don't always go well for him. MGG gets to flex his comedy muscle a bit too. And I found it refreshing to see that he could actually be a leading man; CM doesn't seem to see fit to give Reid any sort of credibility as viable love interest. And in 68 kill, he gets/does, um, all kinds of action. 

I also found I had to screencap the bejeebers out of this one. My previous record for screencaps was about 350 for "Entropy" but I think I hit the 700 mark with 68 kill. And I didn't even screencap the scene referenced by both senin and myself, above. 

like this.....

Screen Shot 2017-08-05 at 8.03.59 PM copy.jpg

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I may have to forego 68 Kill.  But I am encouraged that Matthew tweeted The Beauty Inside as one of his favorite roles.  It's pretty much the only thing I've liked that he's done, besides CM.  More, please.

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I loved the whole production of Beauty Inside, it was so inventive, and the audience participation was terrific. I didn't even mind the plot holes, because, hey, magical realism. And he was so very gorgeous. As for 68 Kill, again, I am primarily a Reid fan. 

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Also found out that Matthew will be appearing in a film titled "Zoe", due to be released in 2018.  The premise looks really interesting!!

"Two colleagues at a revolutionary research lab design technology to improve and perfect romantic relationships. As their work progresses, their discoveries become more profound."

Courtesy IMDB - Zoe

Looking forward to it :-)

Edited by ReidGirl
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On 10/20/2017 at 0:08 PM, Willowy said:

Agree with Mysteyman, also how do we know that reduced Reid time isn't at Matthew's request or that he's absolutely fine with it?

I bring this point up all the time on other forums, but it seems everyone always wants to blame Erica for "hating Reid."  Granted, I don't know anything about anything, but I've been wondering for awhile now if MGG is just ready to move on.  He doesn't tweet about the show as much, he doesn't seem as enthusiastic about it anymore, he's directing less, and he's on set less.  I mean....I have zero first hand knowledge of anything, but I do know how to read between the lines. 

I remember him saying he'd be with the show to the end, but that's when he was 24 and naive.  How was he to know back then the show would go on for 13 years or what his mindset would be at that point?  If he wants to leave CM to do other things, then I support him.  I'll watch whatever he wants to involve himself in, and I've certainly enjoyed most of his movies (that I've been able to see).

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