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My Five Wives - General Discussion

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When the tattoo artist talked him out of the arm band, I immediately thought of his daughter (whichever one she was) who had designed it.  I felt it was a dick move to not sit down and talk to her about the change of plan for the tattoo privately.  Maybe she could have redesigned it to work.  What is up with polygamists, and their obsession with trees.  Good grief, that finished tattoo was ugly.  And how long did he have it, before revealing it?  It should have been bandaged up if it was the same day, with that special ointment all over it.  I hope the whole thing scabs over and looks even more terrible.


So, Brady got all his wives falling-apart flower arrangements for Valentine's Day, but I didn't see any of the wives give a gift to him.  I just thought that was odd, but it would be kind of funny for them all to compete to get him the most thoughtful or most sexy gift.


It bothered me to no end how they made such a big deal about Josh leaving for Africa... for a whole 2 freakin' weeks!  Give me a break.  He's not going by himself.  He's meeting his uncle there.  And he'll be back before they know it.  It sounded like Josh called Brady "Dude" as he left.  I can't imagine anybody calling their father "Dude", unless that father has been totally absent, and the son doesn't even consider him to be a father, or respect him.  Oh wait... ; )


Do they not sell pregnancy tests OTC in Utah?  Or was this just a chance for Nonie to show off her sniffling wretched side?  I kept waiting for her to state to the camera that she was "late", or something to explain why she'd suspect she's pregnant.  But, I'm guessing she's not, and she knows it, and this whole thing is producer-driven. 


When Rhonda called her doctor she introduced herself as "Rhonda Williams".  Can you legally change your last name, just cause you have a baby with someone, even though you aren't married to them?  These people are just delusional. 


Every time I watch these losers I just want to punch the tv.  Yet, I can't stop watching them.  Something is wrong with me.    

Something must be wrong with me, too.  The only question I was left with after watching last night (because I already suspected drama queen Rhonda didn't have cancer; if a biopsy was "strongly recommended," why didn't she go straight to an excision and skip all the other 500 tests?  oh, yeah): how did those five bouquets in glass vases full of water in no container not fall over in the back of the vehicle?

Edited by all4mom
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That is one of the ugliest tattoos ever.  Ugh.  There was the Rhonda fakey drama.  I agree if you want it out, just get it out.  And yes, people can legally change their names to just about anything they want and without giving a reason. It's a relatively simple legal process - until you have to change it on all the things we use in life such as driving license, credit cards, bank accounts, library card, etc.

I was tired of her referring to it constantly as "The Breast Cancer Scare". There could have been a number of reasons for the lump- cyst, fibroadenoma, fibrocystic changes, infection, just plain old non-cancerous growth or cancer. If it was for drama, she really set Breast Cancer Awareness back a bit (as a media figure, pursuing this storyline). Women need to be strong, centered and focused while going about determining just exactly what our lumps are all about. Rhonda was not exactly any of those things. It also sent a poor message to the girls in her family-wait for two years heehaw around about religion, then stress every time you see the doctor. Alone.

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I was appalled at the behavior and dress of the boys for dinner. I don't expect anything remotely formal, especially since sitting on the floor and using paper plates is the norm, but I don't think a shirt should even come into question. Of COURSE you wear a friggin shirt! And from the oldest boy. So rude and disrespectful. So Brady is having a conversation about manners and respect with the boys when the oldest is already 19? Pathetic. Josh is no Logan Brown, THAT is for sure!


I can understand Robin being upset about the ring. The obvious answer is that the 20th anniversary should be a SURPRISE gift (all different) for each wife but I guess that ship has sailed. But, really, what is he supposed to do? It's literally been years. They fought about it then so he knows how she felt. He can't change what happened. It's there. It's done. In that respect I actually felt sorry for him because he cannot make that right and bring back her day. And she has to let it go, hard as it may be.



I was really annoyed with Robyn. She got a ring, late, but she got one. A new one at that. Brady had Rosemary's ring either resized or fixed (not sure which). It's not like Rosemary got a NEW ring, she's just able to wear her old ring again.


Actually I think he got her wedding ring repaired and another ring is expected for their 20th. She said she wanted to wait for her ring until things were resolved with Robin. I think there are two rings in discussion for Rosemary.

Edited by dannye

I find the Browns totally unwatchable.  Kody is a despicable buffoon and the sight of him makes me want to break my TV.  Not surprisingly, all his wives are even stupider than him and listening to their brainless banter and joory infomercials has me dialing the suicide hotline.


When one of their made up "plots" involved burying their dog, they jumped the shark. When they moved into their TLC-bankrolled McMansions living separately on the fat of the show, there was no coming back.


I find the Williams much more articulate, and sympathetic.  They are living together.  They have a web of relationships to explore.  The wives actually seem to have genuine interactions.  They have several dozen IQ points above the Browns.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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I find the Browns totally unwatchable.  Kody is a despicable buffoon and the sight of him makes me want to break my TV.  Not surprisingly, all his wives are even stupider than him and listening to their brainless banter and joory infomercials has me dialing the suicide hotline.


When one of their made up "plots" involved burying their dog, they jumped the shark. When they moved into their TLC-bankrolled McMansions living separately on the fat of the show, there was no coming back.


I find the Williams much more articulate, and sympathetic.  They are living together.  They have a web of relationships to explore.  The wives actually seem to have genuine interactions.  They have several dozen IQ points above the Browns.

I kind of have to agree on a lot of that (although I still watch and can't look away from that trainwreck just yet). Kody's wives seem just as miserable as Brady's, but I think the main difference is Kody seems to be less miserable than Brady. Also, Kody's wives seem to internalize most of their frustrations and don't really talk to the other wives at all. I think Kody's happier because he doesn't deal with as many internal conflicts between wives that Brady seems to. He's just oblivious to how miserable his wives actually are.



Although this show is super boring, I do like the aspect that they are at least trying to be a single family rather than separate ones (like the Browns). They do the family dinners, the wives seem to be sort-of friends (as much as you can be with a woman who also sleeps with your husband), and don't have separate McMansions (yet, at least). The wives are lonely and miserable, but the family seems to run a little smoother and it seems like a more accurate representation of that type of polygamous family (i.e. not the compound type families) than Kody's.

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I found myself comparing Logan Brown to Josh (?) Williams too.  Logan was up fixing breakfast for his younger siblings while his mother was getting ready to go to work in an earlier episode and was often seen helping his mom out with the younger kids.  Even now when he returns home periodically, it seems he is the one the younger Browns look up to.  Josh seems immature and a lot less responsible to me.

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That was the ugliest tattoo I have seen in awhile--that tree looked like one of the scary trees in the Wizard of Oz!  And it looked purple.  No way was it new when he showed it to the wives--it takes days for the scabs to heal on a small tat, no telling how long it would take on one that covers the entire upper arm.  And was it Rhonda that commented on how "great" Brady's arms are?  Yuck!  These women, like the Browns, are so ga-ga over their man--they think he's all that and a bag of chips!

I thought this show might show a different more fun side of polygamy compared to the Browns who cry every episode. Nope, sorry, same thing, crying & complaining each week. On this show & My Sister Wives they all claim to want sister wives for the sisterly friendship but I don't see any of that. I see 5 wives in competition for their husbands affection & time. I don't know about you but I don't have to be scared to talk or visit my sister. They all walk on egg shells around each other & don't want to offend anyone all the time. I don't see any of them as truly happy. They seem forced to laugh at their husbands jokes & giggle around him like teenagers. I'm all for adoring your husband but as a wife you should be able to be yourself around him & not have to be scared to talk to him & even need back up to confront him. He gets to live the life, when one wife is mad at him he only has to be with her for 1 night then gets 4 other nights away from her. They all vie for his attention & approval & compare what he does for 1 of them & then they want it done for them too. I'm not saying he doesn't get headaches or doesn't work hard but he is the king of 5 homes & his obedient wives hang on his every word & seem miserable.

That was the ugliest tattoo I have seen in awhile--that tree looked like one of the scary trees in the Wizard of Oz!  And it looked purple.  No way was it new when he showed it to the wives--it takes days for the scabs to heal on a small tat, no telling how long it would take on one that covers the entire upper arm.  And was it Rhonda that commented on how "great" Brady's arms are?  Yuck!  These women, like the Browns, are so ga-ga over their man--they think he's all that and a bag of chips!

I agree, they look up to him like a celebrity & they are teens in his audience. They hang on his every word & talk about him like he's the hottest guy on Earth. It's ok to be hot for your husband but they over do it like they all want to be his favorite but yet they all seem sad & depressed or on the verge of tears. Have we seen one episode where no one cries?

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I don't think they can get through one episode without crying (or sounding like they are about to cry)!  You're right about the teen idol thing--they all seem to have it for their undeserving spouses.  The Browns act as if all women everywhere should be fawning over Kody and the Williams' are doing the same.  No thanks, I've never been one to dream of waiting my turn in the rotation for a night with "my man."  Yuck.


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Not too surprising that Robyn and Rosemary's kids seemed the most articulate.  So many of the other kids just seemed so odd and stunted, especially the boys.  I think only one of the girls answer if they planned to be in a plural marriage.  And when all of the boys answered that it wasn't for them, Brady looked like he was personally offended.   

I am a week late watching this idiocy. It's getting really hard to make myself sit through it. Here are some thoughts:

Frankenstein is finally going to Africa! But not for two weeks, he's going for 10 days! Big deal...calm down Paulie. And your packing list you helped him with..."toothbrush? Deodorant? Passport?" Way to help him pack Mom! He's takes off with a backpack and some flip flips. I feel sorry for the person that has to look at his disgusting feet for the flight to Africa. Gross!

The flower arrangements were ugly and probably the first time he ever visited a florist.

The Wal-mart in my hometown has 10 different pregnancy tests right next to the condoms. Why is Nonie visiting a pharmacist like its 1955?

Brady had an annoyed, glazed over look in his eyes while Rosemary showed again what a doormat she is. She is more concerned for the screwed up 20th than Brady is.

Agree with all of you....the tattoo was ugly and looked purple. It's nice of TLC to foot the bill for it. Polygamists and trees. Smh

I'm tired of listening to talk about the "cancer scare". What are all these tests she keeps referring to? One mamogram and one sonogram. That's two tests. She acts like she's been to 20 different specialists. Brady's mom looked annoyed when she answered the video call. Bad acting again. Blah.

The preview for Sister Wives made me not miss them like i thought I was. Kody asleep on the couch again? What a shocker!!

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At least the Williams family explained how they support such a large family. Brady has his own business and works himself to the bone. We know that some of the wives have jobs or other means of making money outside the home. Couponing, yard sales, tightening belts, and pooling incomes rounded out the rest of the explanation. Now how do the Browns support their family? We really don't know. Kody has some marketing scheme that is never discussed. Aside from TLC money and Janelle's real estate career, we know that the wives do not have jobs. They have never been asked outright how they are paying for four new houses and their contents, numerous vehicles, college tuitions, jewelry production, and daily basics for the families. It's all so shady and we're all left scratching our heads. In the Williams vs. Browns debate, I don't feel like the Williams family is trying to hide such a giant, glaring question mark.

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I sat down and made myself sit through this. I actually made a few notes along the way.

I cringed when I saw Frankenstein. I was hoping they would film it while he was on vacation. The way Paulie adoringly smiles at him is gross, she thinks he's the best thing since sliced bread.

Brady gathering each wife and kids from their houses. Lots of fans, lots of fans guys! Hurry hurry! He's acting more and more like Kodouche.

Looks like Rhonda's house didn't stay clean for too long.

When the kids were answering the questions they kept saying "other family, other family" when talking about other moms. Wait a second, I thought they were one big happy family?

The kids don't want plural marriage and I don't think anyone can blame them. They've seen too many tears from their moms.

Brady tells one of the younger boys to ask Josh about the birds and the bees. Good job Dad of the year! He tried to weasel his way out of that by changing the story. The kid stuck to his version of it. How embarrassing.

Brady has no recollection how long he dated each wife. I bet they feel so special and cherished.

I would have liked to hear him state each child's birthdate. But all they expected was that he list them in order. And they cheered him on and congratulated him for being able to list his kids names and birth order. Uggggg!

The women think Brady is a good kisser? How would they know? I guess he kisses better than the body pillows Robyn sewed.

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That was the ugliest tattoo I have seen in awhile--that tree looked like one of the scary trees in the Wizard of Oz!  And it looked purple.  No way was it new when he showed it to the wives--it takes days for the scabs to heal on a small tat, no telling how long it would take on one that covers the entire upper arm.  And was it Rhonda that commented on how "great" Brady's arms are?  Yuck!  These women, like the Browns, are so ga-ga over their man--they think he's all that and a bag of chips!

Yes let's fawn over his nice arms. I guess they are nice compared to his beer belly and receding hairline. Also, that ring he wears on his pointer finger is annoying me to no end.

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Oh I almost forgot. The preview for next week. "The wives tell all!" Is this The Bachelor? I thought we just sat through a Q&A?

More tears and bad lighting on the way!!

Not to mention massive amounts of make-up too, just like the Browns.


It was all a little too precious for me. They hadn't seen the entire season yet (if at all) so we'll see how they all feel about each other next week. It's one thing to be in a plig marriage with blinders on in real life, another to see the other marriages play out on TV AND hear your sister wives chat about you, your husband and her plans for her marriage on national TV.

Edited by Galloway Cave

Oh yeah, and when they each listed how long they had dated, I think they were all just a matter of months...ranging from 3 to 9, maybe.  WTF?!  I think it was Nonie who said their courtship was all long distance.  I don't believe for one minute that he actually fell in love with any of them, before marrying them, nor does he really love them now. 


Whenever any of the wives comment on how much they like his arms/shoulders, I throw up in my mouth a little bit.  I just don't get what his appeal is.


Nonie seemed to make the most sense, this episode. 

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So each kid gets one day in their life with just mom and dad.  Whoopee!!  And it was tied to baptism, I believe.  Since they've left the church, I wonder if the kids who aren't 8 yet will just have to forego the day with mom and dad.

Oh yes. I forgot about the one special day they get with their parents. It's funny the kid forgot it was for baptism. He remembered only that he was 8. Maybe they can take a road trip to Vegas and get Kody to baptize the younger ones in the neighbors pool. And afterwards they can all stand around Meri's wetbar and drink some more koolaid.

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The fundamental sects conduct their baptisms at the age of eight and they are given their first set of Magical Underwear at that baptism. I'm not sure how long the Williams have been out of the AUB (I have read several years and also ten years). The boy who was talking about the dinner alone with his parents looked fairly young. So is the family still conducting baptisms at the age of eight (and are still giving out Mystical Chonies) despite being out of the religion, and how do you forget receiving them in the first place?  

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Oh yeah, and when they each listed how long they had dated, I think they were all just a matter of months...ranging from 3 to 9, maybe.  WTF?!  I think it was Nonie who said their courtship was all long distance.  I don't believe for one minute that he actually fell in love with any of them, before marrying them, nor does he really love them now.

He dated Robyn for six weeks! Some of the others were for three months. As I said over on TWoP, it takes me that long to remember someone's phone number, much less form a relationship and decide to marry them. Even though they have been married for 14-20 years, I need to do the math (not my best subject) to figure out just exactly how many "real" years they have spent with Brady, since it is one day a week at a time.

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Oh yes. I forgot about the one special day they get with their parents. It's funny the kid forgot it was for baptism. He remembered only that he was 8. Maybe they can take a road trip to Vegas and get Kody to baptize the younger ones in the neighbors pool. And afterwards they can all stand around Meri's wetbar and drink some more koolaid.

Yes, it was news to me that Buddhists baptize their children at age eight (or at all). ;)

Can you imagine a Brown-Williams special episode, where the Williams family takes a road trip to Vegas to visit the Browns? The Kodester, assisted by Brady, baptize the kids in a Doughboy, while the Williams wives bring a few bottles of wine to share with the Brown wives at Meri's wetbar.

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