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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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Just Google how to hook up digital adapter box

lots of answers; even a youtube video.


I hope this will help  :-)

Because I feel the need to keep you all informed of my every speedbump: Disaster Has Struck.  Since I moved to this new place, I've been a basic analog cable gal waiting for the digital adapter box.  I have fewer channels but most shows I watched were available.  The cable provider is switching from analog (cable in back of TV) to digital service and I've lost channels even since I moved here in September.  I got home from dinner, switched on the TV and discovered I've lost AMC.  I have nothing of interest higher than channel 30 now and AMC occupied channel 32.  Nothing but static there.  I have the adapter box but have no idea what hooking it up might involve.  I'll try calling Tech Support tomorrow and see if someone can walk me through it, but I doubt I'll be able to get a Support person out on a Sunday.  I might actually miss tomorrow night's episode and AMC online isn't available in my area.  This may not be the worst thing that ever happened to me, but it feels pretty damn close.  What am I supposed to do at 9pm Sunday if I can't watch The Walking Dead?

The cable provider is switching from analog (cable in back of TV) to digital service and I've lost channels.… I have the adapter box but have no idea what hooking it up might involve.

Rather than connecting the cable (from the wall) directly to the TV, you connect it to the box. Then (using a shorter cable) you connect the box to the TV.

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You guys are the best.  I'm embarrassingly intimidated by tech and, while I knew I'd eventually have to tackle the digital adapter box, it wasn't worth freaking out over because none of the channels I was losing bothered me that much and I figured I'd have a friend come hold my hand or, you know, deal with it for me.  Then I lost AMC and it became a crisis that had to be handled Right Now despite, or possibly because of, wine.  It was straight-forward in the end and Tech Support Brad talked me through the reboot and authorization stuff.  I can't say enough good things about Tech Support Brad.  It was 11pm on a Saturday night, the poor guy's on shift and he has to deal with a woman installing a box right then because she needs to watch The Walking Dead.  Luckily he's a fan too and totally got it, and I talked him into checking out Game of Thrones while the box rebooted.  It still works so I'm good to go in the Live Broadcast thread tonight.  And this morning, because I'm feeling all competent now, I upgraded my computer security.  Just because I could!

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I'm staying rainbow smiley face. And I'm getting "SATELLITE SUBSCRIBER! YOU MAY BE IN DANGER OF LOSING THE WALKING DEAD. CALL YOUR SATELLITE PROVIDER AND TELL THEM TO KEEP AMC" non stop. I've lost AMC 3 times now, with Dish, Directv and this is directv again which I paid extra to get my channel. But if it's dropped again I will either go to a friend's to watch or find other means. I'm not switching again. I'm not sure if AMC having such trouble because they demand more money ( can't imagine directv is actually trying to keep my costs down) I think Directv wants to jack up the price because people want AMC so bad. Dunno who is the bigger jerk but every year I'm threatened with losing my channel. 


and completely unrelated they tried offering me HBO and another premium channel for the "special price" of $17! When did HBO go up so much? I only get the 3 free months when they throw it in, I haven't paid forever but last I checked it was $12. That will hurt come Game of Thrones time. But HBO is coming up with their own thing soon, subscribe directly and skip the cable providers. 

I've seen screenshots of the two huge banners running top and bottom of the screen during the show. As usual in corporate disputes, it's the poor, bill-paying customers who are held hostage. That, combined with endless, nasty blaring commercials makes me very glad I have no cable or satellite and can watch in peace, even if it's only 42 minutes.

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I empathize.  I once spent fifteen minutes searching for my keys because they weren't in my pocket where they were supposed to be.  After said quarter-hour, I leaned over to check under my chair and realized they were in the other pocket.  Yeah, I didn't feel stupid at all.


So my yoga-mad, meditating room mate is moving out (at last) and started packing this week.  Her method of packing is so inefficient, I offered to help and ended up basically packing up all her stuff.  I move every few years so I have packing down to a science and she was genuinely grateful.  So grateful, she treated me to a foot massage at a Wellness Centre this afternoon.  What she didn't mention was that this was an acupressure treatment.  I never realized my feet had so many pressure points and that manipulating them would be so freaking painful.  I was ready to give my bank cards and PINs to this woman if she would stop.  I don't know any state secrets but I was willing to make some up.  At several points, I swear I levitated off the chair trying to get away.  I may never get a pedicure again without flashbacks.  Next time my room mate says "Let me treat you to ..." I will be the one backing slowly away.

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IrishMaple you are the best storyteller! I could sit for hours and read tales of your life in the Small Talk forum. 


My Mom and sister were recently gifted massages by my sister's sister-in-law. They both complained of how rough the masseuse was, even after they asked her to go "light". I wonder if these kinds of people are angry at the world and get into their professions in order to get revenge of some sort?

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I just have to share - my husband and I are going out to dinner tonight. Alone. We haven't done this since I was pregnant with our oldest child, so 6.5 years. I am super excited. I don't even care that it's snowing and we have to drive 60 miles (nearest babysitter). I'm almost as excited as I am when a new (non-Beth) episode of TWD is on. Almost. 

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The thing is, amctv.com requires you to log on using your cable company user id and password, so even if you want to watch online (which I usually do since I get up at an ungodly hour and usually can't stay up to watch TWD) you still have to have cable.

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I just have to share - my husband and I are going out to dinner tonight. Alone. We haven't done this since I was pregnant with our oldest child, so 6.5 years. I am super excited. I don't even care that it's snowing and we have to drive 60 miles (nearest babysitter). I'm almost as excited as I am when a new (non-Beth) episode of TWD is on. Almost. 

Wow!  A real life dinner in a real life restaurant that you don't have to cook and clean up?  Snow be damned!  I'm jealous!  Have fun!

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I just have to share - my husband and I are going out to dinner tonight. Alone. We haven't done this since I was pregnant with our oldest child, so 6.5 years. I am super excited. I don't even care that it's snowing and we have to drive 60 miles (nearest babysitter). I'm almost as excited as I am when a new (non-Beth) episode of TWD is on. Almost. 

Sounds romantic and exciting!! ENJOY!

Don't eat anything we wouldn't eat, drink anything we wouldn't drink, or do anything we wouldn't do.

There is nothing we wouldn't eat, drink, or do.  :-)


Have fun!

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I buy it on Amazon. Means that I have to catch up on 8 pages of discussion after I watch on Monday nights, though. :|

(FYI, there was a recommendation of a probably-not-legal method before, which I've taken out since we don't do those here. But if that's what you want to do, there are many ways to watch it "through methods.")

Hm. I may have to look into Amazon. As for the other methods, my kids did that with another show and I ended up with all kinds of spyware on my computer. I'm not going through that again.

This one's for kikismom, I went out to pick up a coffee (the snow's really light here) and on my way back, two police cars sped by, all lights and sirens, followed by three fire trucks and one Haz Mat vehicle.  The police cars blocked the entrance to my street and my one thought: at least I've got enough toilet paper to get through this emergency.  Everything I need to survive life, I learned on this forum!


(Turned out there was a furnace fire in the basement of the high-rise down the street which houses a vulnerable population)

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I have really enjoyed getting caught up on this thread everyone!


We had a great board game/drinks/appies session playing Zombiecide with our friends. Unfortunately, all of our characters got eaten...but we had fun on the journey! (Hmmmm. Maybe if we eat and drink less our characters will have a better chance of survival....food for thought!)


Have a fun date night Ghoulina!

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Thanks, everyone! In typical Ghoulina family fashion, luck was not on our side. The snow, which had been mild all day, got insanely crazy right when we were going out. So instead of going to the great burger place we were intending to dine at, we just hit the Applebees that is literally RIGHT by my mom's. We ate super fast, rushed back to get the kids, and then spent almost 2 hours creeping home along the highway. Oh well, better than nothing. We'll try again in the summer...


....watch there be a tornado. 


I did take the kids out to play twice in the snow today, should have them nice and tuckered out so no one busts in on my TWD watching tonight. It's a Carol/Daryl ep, so they REALLY need to let me be. 


I got 15/19 on that Buzzfeed quiz too! How odd is it that we all got the same score? I think that constitutes forming a ZA team. They can call us Camp Toilet Paper, since we're all apparently hoarders.

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