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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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i am still not very good at this studying thing. I keep finding new and (not very) interesting ways to distract myself. So I guess I get an A+ in procrastination ;)


I am glad I started taking courses though. There was another round of lay offs at work, accompanied by a reshuffle of duties. I wasn't effected (much) this time...but next time it may be me.


Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well. Talk to you later. Cheers!

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I would like to go to another WalkerStalker Con but I think I just got a good deal for the one I went to. Some Groupon showed up in my email and it was $45 for 3 day pass which I can't seem to find anything like that anymore. And no way in hell I can buy any VIP nonsense. 


I'm having a very angry and frustrated week, nothing is going smoothly and I'm afraid I'm going to hulk out. Yesterday I had an 80 year old dude going through a divorce who somehow thinks I'm Kinko's and needs  copies of every credit card statement for the last 7 years. Wanted me to copy his checkbook registers too. Yes, I can make copies, we don't usually do it for people who walk in off the street with random crap stapled together. And I don't sit with you for 4 hours while you compile and organize. And of course because I'm distracted with grandpa, that's precisely the moment my boss absolutely positively has to have the original copy of something I did 3 months ago, if I sat down I could put my hands right on it but he's just combing my desk, which is never a good idea. And his brother, the other boss, has to use that moment to question whether or not something shrunk 2% is gonna be ok with a customer. Yes, it is, we went over it. I need everyone to back away slowly and no one gets hurt. argggh!

I went to WalkerStalker Con in 2014 and Josh McDermitt was a hit. I won't go so far as to say attractive but he was hilarious and I like him immensely and they had barely just showed up on the show and Eugene was definitely still just super weird. If the "actors" of Walking Dead were stranded in the ZA and Glenn, Rick, Jesus, Aaron, Gabriel, umm...Shane, sure lets throw Shane in there. Well lets say if it was only Dolphin Smooth and Mullet Boy, I'd choose Mullet boy. There's a lot I'd have the hots for first but Josh (not Euguene) is awesome. And that list is the ACTORS, no I'm no Andrea gonna get my groove on with the Guvna but I like some David Morrisey, father peepee pants? Hell No! Seth Gilliam, Yum Yum. 

New person here.  I am a relatively new TWD fan, never watched it in real time because I thought it would be pretty gross with all the zombie guts and stuff like that.  But my brother loved the show and was always trying to get me to watch it, but NOPE, could not do it.  Then my brother passed away and when I went to clean out his house, I found the first 2 seasons on DVDs and took them home, thought I would give them to my son.  Then I found out AMC was having a marathon and decided because of my brother I would at least try to watch.  I was hooked and I really think it was because of him.  Then I found you guys and here I am.  So happy!!!

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I should have been home in time to live-post, but I stopped off for a drink and some to-go wings. Ended up having a long Game of Thrones conversation that organically morphed into great political argument. So by the time I actually got home, TWD was over, but I didn't dare watch TD. You know what's keeping me sane? 

"Zoolander" is on Comedy Central!

I fucking love Ben Stiller. He's aged... strangely... and actually knows it. Once upon a time, he could play the nice Guy Next Door roles. Now, he's got a weird offputtingness to him that could easily become scary if he still tried to fit a Modern Ben shaped peg into a Classic Ben shaped hole. But he doesn't. Because he knows exactly what shaped peg he is, and he uses it. Gleefully.

It's not like I don't own the DVD anyway, but if it's on TV right in front of me, hell yeah! One less decision to make today! Eventually, after 'The Venture Bros" ends, I'll finally catch up with TWD. Thanks in advance to everybody who made it onto the live thread tonight, because I will enjoy the shit out of that during commercial breaks in about an hour and a half. 

Edited by CletusMusashi
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I don't know how anyone can watch this live time. I FF through the endless commercials and even doing that, it takes a while. How I wish this show was on HBO, Starz or another premium channel. Not only could we be ad-free and having nearly 20 minutes added to each ep, but could see a show way more realistic without the all-powerful advertisers unilaterally deciding that adults who watch human entrails being ripped out and devoured simply must NOT be allowed to hear the dreaded "F" word. Just the thought of it inspires swooning and  mass pearl-clutching.


A spiteful side of me has to wonder how all the advertisers like knowing that we can zip through their blaring, tasteless, nasty ads.


Edited because I had one more glass of wine than usual with dinner = typos.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Always fast forward! Advertisers just try to figure out good product placement. Orange crush anyone? Wherever razor achieved dolphin smooth. I hated when they had "big cat" as the candy bar between Carl and Michonne.

Speaking of ZA jerky stroganoff, etc I had canned chilie and tamales for dinner. And I started thinking of the horrifying things my mother cooked when I was a kid and what nastiness would ensue. My mother certainly couldn't have come up with beet cookies. She went on a diet when I was a kid and made "egg bread". I'm still traumatized. I think it was a low carb thing and it was the most disgusting thing. Blech. We also ate "Bologna pizza" which was a slice of Bologna with ketchup as sauce And cheese sprinkled and maybe some olives. Then bake it.

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Hahaha! We also made chef boyardee pizza kits which were so bad. You stretched the dough into a cookie sheet. Canned sauce. Then only grated cheese. We also lived 90 miles from town for a while and had to bring home frozen things with dried ice. And we would suck the smoke from dried ice. Running water over it makes the smoke and we would suck the smoke through a straw. I woulda been much much smarter without all that carbon dioxide smoke and egg bread, Ma!

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I let commercial breaks run their course. That means I have time to look away from the television and enjoy the live thread. If it's been a dull start, maybe I'll have nothing to say yet, so I'll just read other folks' comments until the show comes back on. But if there's something I just saw that's screaming to be said, I'll say it. If that means I've jumped ahead three pages, so be it. I'll go back and read the other stuff later. Nobody minds. Yeah, there's a certain "honor" in being the first one to say "Wow, Abe was a dick to Rosita," or "Look! Father Pee Pants just actually locked a gate," there's also an absolutely hilarious comfort in not being the first one to say it. It's all good.

So long story short, to me the actual show time is for watching the show, and the ridunculous number of breaks are for talking about it. 

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Omg I remember having to set several vcr's to get the overlapping shows, or when tivo only recorded 1 at a time. sigh the good old days. 


If I could travel back in time I would watch "Better Call Saul" first and "Breaking Bad" after and see if it had any effect. I envy people who can binge watch things from the beginning. In my day we had to watch a show when it came on! And our 4 seasons of Lost were stretched over 4 years so that damn kid could grow slow but nooooo you young things watch it all in one day and Carl on Walking Dead is like magic beanstalk grower and stuff. You kids get off my lawn!

  • Love 7

In my day we had to watch a show when it came on!


It's hard to imagine the horror now. No VCRs, no TiVO, no DVR. We had to watch it when it aired and if we missed it, we were out of luck since it might never come back again. We couldn't watch frame-by-frame to nitpick every teensy error (or really good parts *wink nudge*)


But we could watch shows live, because there wasn't 23 minutes of commercials in a one-hour show. I watched a really old episode of "Gunsmoke" on Encore and it was 50 minutes! Now, if I sat through a huge block of commercials, I'd forget what happened last in the show.


Also, the ads weren't allowed to be offensive. There was no screaming about douchebags, no waving about of sanitary pads, no lamenting about limp weiners ("With Viagra, we can hang a towel on George's happy pole now!") and no massive drug peddling. We could watch anything with our parents and never think that we might be embarassed to death by frank discussion of personal lubricants or menstrual leaking.  I bet there's a lot of babies out there whose first words were, "Ask your doctor."

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I love the drug commercials where the list of side effects is so much worse than the original issue. I'd take allergies over anal leakage any day. 


We only got to watch a movie or show once, as in, you couldn't re-play "My Pretty Pony" 65 times on repeat. We saw the "Wizard of Oz" once a year when it aired. When we lived in Utah and had only 1 channel, the day the Wizard was coming on our channel went out. Apparently my dad packed us up and we went to a motel 90 miles away so we wouldn't miss it. I was like 3. I yelled at him when I was 15 that he couldn't hold that over my head, I woulda gotten over missing it. My mom made a tape of my niece repeating the alphabet when she was 2 and you can hear me in the background, "Mo-oooooooom, we're gonna miss our show!" and you can hear the music from those Christmas claymation specials, shut the precious child up so we can watch Timmy the elf who wants to be a dentist. I don't think that's the reason she grew up to be a meth head. 

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He eventually fixed the tooth though, right? They became friends. We watched some pretty warped stuff as kids, I never saw "Willy Wonka" as a kid but I was absolutely petrified by the child catcher in "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang", I'm pretty sure the Oompa Loompa's woulda freaked me out. 


My high school english teacher worked as an aid/orderly in a hospital and he told us that if you go in for dentures and they remove teeth? they pretty much use a hammer. They are not gentle, at all! He said it was pretty much wedge a screwdriver in, whack it, twist and yank. He was the one who had to wheel them away. 

Omg I remember having to set several vcr's to get the overlapping shows, or when tivo only recorded 1 at a time. sigh the good old days. 


VCRs were the "good old days"??? Oh, you lovely children. :>

I remember:

  • We thought we were rich because we had THREE TVs: a big console in the living room - my parent's - and my sister and I each had a smaller (relatively speaking) standalone in our bedrooms. My sister 's TV was the "portable" one - by which I mean it was the size of an oven, but it sat in its own little roller cart.
  • All three were B&W. I remember watching the opening credits of shows like Batman and Land of the Giants - all of which featured the phrase IN COLOR in block letters underneath the title shot - and even at the tender age of six found myself thinking, "WTF, assholes? If I have a color TV I already know it's in color, and if I don't that information does me absolutely no good whatsoever!"
  • Integrated circuits hadn't made the scene yet, and transistors were still cutting-edge on the consumer market. My old RCA ran on tubes - and yes, I said TUBES. By the time I was seven, when the TV went on the fritz I'd already figured out how to open up the back, figure out which tube was blown, we'd go down to Western Auto (which had a HUGE tube tester console sitting in the middle of the store), and get a replacement. First time I did that the WA guys laughed at me; by the time I was ten they were offering me a job in their service department.

    (I was a somewhat precocious child)

  • If we wanted the channel changed we had to get up and walk ALL THE WAY TO THE TV. And BACK. EVERY SINGLE TIME. Wireless remotes didn't exist yet; some really fancy sets had a long thing on a cable they called a "remote", but you were still tethered. Personally I attribute America's obesity problem with the invention of the wireless remote, because we did a HELLUVA lot more walking back then.
  • Rabbit ears, all the way - right down to the aluminum foil on the ends to boost reception.
  • Four channels, no waiting: ABC, NBC, CBS, and PBS. I remember what a Big Deal it was when Nashville got its first UHF station, and we had to figure out how to hook up the loopy antennas. My TV didn't have one, so I made one out of a wire clothes hanger; worked better than my sister's, which pissed her off to no end.

But we could watch shows live, because there wasn't 23 minutes of commercials in a one-hour show. I watched a really old episode of "Gunsmoke" on Encore and it was 50 minutes! Now, if I sat through a huge block of commercials, I'd forget what happened last in the show.


Dern skippy! Only four commercial breaks in an hour-long show; 3.5 minutes worth at the top and bottom of the hours, and 90 seconds at the quarters. You had to race to hit the head and get back in time not to miss anything - and in a house with one bathroom, family fun was had by all.

That little bastard was really upsetting. He wanted to be a dentist, but the only tool he wanted to use for it was a hammer. Eventually, even though the Bumble actually just seemed grouchy and territorial rather than actually predatory, the "cute little elf" smashed his teeth out and enslaved him.

Now, let's be fair.

Herbie had pliers as well.

  • Love 5

I remember having the tethered remote for the vcr and we were so dumb we hit "pause" when commercials were on and looked at a snowy screen, thinking it was pausing live tv, not that you had to pause during your recordings and then when you played them back, magically they were gone. And of course many a show was screwed up because somebody didn't hit the unpause on time. 


I loved the puppets, the big puffy headed guy, and witchy poo, that was some weird stuff though. OH OH OH! When my mom would watch the Carol Burnett show I would come racing into the room because I didn't want to miss the "cartoon" (the opening credits where she's the maid, mopping and spills the bucket of water) I thought that was the whole show. I really wasn't very smart was I? and Romper Room never ever ever never never never never said my name. :( and there were no little bicycle license plates with my name on them. I WAS A MISFIT TOY! 

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Always fast forward! Advertisers just try to figure out good product placement. Orange crush anyone? Wherever razor achieved dolphin smooth. I hated when they had "big cat" as the candy bar between Carl and Michonne.

Speaking of ZA jerky stroganoff, etc I had canned chilie and tamales for dinner. And I started thinking of the horrifying things my mother cooked when I was a kid and what nastiness would ensue. My mother certainly couldn't have come up with beet cookies. She went on a diet when I was a kid and made "egg bread". I'm still traumatized. I think it was a low carb thing and it was the most disgusting thing. Blech. We also ate "Bologna pizza" which was a slice of Bologna with ketchup as sauce And cheese sprinkled and maybe some olives. Then bake it.

OMG I have to have a fried bologna sandwich now.....Every once in a while that southern DNA kicks in.


My Dad was fond of saying he didn't need to buy those new fangled remote controls when I was little.  He had three remote controls already (meaning my brother, sister, and my self).  He also didn't need a snowblower or riding lawnmower for the same reasons.

Edited by kj4ever
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OMG I have to have a fried bologna sandwich now.....Every once in a while that southern DNA kicks in.


My Dad was fond of saying he didn't need to buy those new fangled remote controls when I was little.  He had three remote controls already (meaning my brother, sister, and my self).  He also didn't need a snowblower or riding lawnmower for the same reasons.

I work in a deli on weekends and we have people who come in for the german bologna and want it sliced super thick, like half an inch and they grill or fry it. And my dad said the same thing about remotes and dishwashers/lawnmowers etc, we were built in models. 


Speaking of southern do you know of chow chow? wtf is that? Something my father ate. blech.

I work in a deli on weekends and we have people who come in for the german bologna and want it sliced super thick, like half an inch and they grill or fry it. And my dad said the same thing about remotes and dishwashers/lawnmowers etc, we were built in models. 


Speaking of southern do you know of chow chow? wtf is that? Something my father ate. blech.

Ugh that nasty pickled crap?  I hate pickles to this day because of that stuff...lol  Oh you gotta fry your bologna and have it on white bread.  My Dad used to make these awesome dough burgers too.  OMG we used to beg him to make them and it cracked him up because it was just meat stretched to it's limits with flour and stuff.  They couldn't afford meat so when they did get it they stretched it far.  We thought it was the best thing ever.

I always thought it was nasty too. It's pickled what? pickled cabbage? My dad used it like a condiment. blech blech blech. 


We had pickled okra in the fridge and I would go in and take one out and lick it and put it back. apparently I liked the pickle juice but not the slimy okra. I told my sister about that and she laughed. I was 3 people! 3!


I just had a conversation with someone who is 65 and he was talking about their black and white tv and they had a tuning fork in the thing and his dad rigged his own remote. And it reminded me of when we had a tv when I was a kid that had a number pad on the front like a microwave, if you wanted to watch channel 11 you pushed one, one, 26 the 2 & 6 and our NBC channel was 3 and you had to push 0-3 except our zero button was broken, our tiny children fingers were the only ones who could poke in the hole and hit the zero so basically if you weren't on the right channel you had to wait for the kids to get home from school to watch NBC and you sure weren't channel surfing to see if anything else was on during your show. 

My mother would always go to the grocery store and get a big log of bologna and we would slice it to the thickness we wanted and one of my favorite treats was to have the bologna fried with a fried egg on top, yum!!  And then of course who can forget your bologna sandwich with a ton of mayo on white bread (I am pretty sure we did not have wheat bread at this time in America).


Growing up all of us kids were the remote control but of course we also were only allowed to watch TV on Saturday night and we all had to decide what show we were going to watch - with 7 kids plus Mom and Dad, we actually never got to choose, my dad only made us think we had a choice, LOL!!!


My sister would kill me if she ever found out I said this but we all had to take turns washing dishes and none of ever liked having to do the dishes on the day after she did because she would always put the dirty pots and pans in the oven and then next person would always have to wash them, man I hated that.  I wonder if she still does that, LOL!!!


On a totally unrelated topic of food or remote controls - Yep Rick loves to see every curve under those very tight pants that Michonne wears, especially when she is walking away from him.

Edited by catcory

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