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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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Of the remaining teams, I'm Chiefs and 49'ers. Not unhappy to see both Rogers and Brady not go to the superbowl

Gathering for my taxes, I'm so screwed. I borrowed from my 401k nearly as much as my yearly salary from 1 of my jobs so that will count as income. I paid taxes on the car but I won't make itemized deductions because my mortgage is getting into the principal and not so much interest now. I knew we had cut our hours but it didn't seem like that much of a pay cut. But sincerely it's hard out here for a pimp

7 minutes ago, nachomama said:

Is it wrong that my reasons for not getting behind Buffalo are OJ Simpson, buffalo wings and some mtv sorority show from the 90's?

If it's wrong, I don't want to be right. 

My friend from work is from Buffalo, so I got behind them, because the NYC teams are awful. 

If you ever get to Buffalo, that is one good-eating town! Wings, fish fry, and roast beef on 'weck. 

Well for the first time in a while it’s not one dynasty against another. 2 underdogs. 

I might be leaning Rams on this one. Yesterday I would have said Bengals but then I saw the quote from the Bengals quarterback about his diamonds in his chain being real. Because I base my sports picks on ego. No actual skill qualifications whatsoever.

Edited by nachomama
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16 hours ago, nachomama said:

Dang. Bengals. Did not see that coming 

Outside of rabid-ass Bungles fans, who did?


15 hours ago, Superclam said:

I'm not a betting man, but if I were, I would have lost a bundle during these playoffs. Most of my picks have been wrong. 

EVERYBODY’S picks have been wrong; with the exception of the Chiefs-Bills game, every game following the wildcard weekend has resulted in the higher seed team dropping to the lower seed.  Aside from those inveterate gamblers who always bet stupid money on the long shots, the bookies are having a good year.

13 hours ago, Superclam said:

I can safely say I am not remotely interested in this Super Bowl. 

I’m still trying to explore any remaining both-teams-lose scenarios….

  • LOL 2
10 minutes ago, nachomama said:

I been watching match game while working lately and miss kitty is on. Aka Amanda Blake and it’s weird for her to not have a miss kitty gown or hair. Although she still looks rather retro since it’s from 1974. Sometimes they can be quite racist. Things that flew in the 70’s can’t fly now. 

You and the wife have been tuned to the same channel today.  😄

  • LOL 1

I have to watch with the sound off. I do remember watching match game with my mom when I was a kid. Parts of it I think were ahead of it’s time they were fairly open about Charles Nelson Reillys toupee and being gay. They made lots of jokes that kinda flew under the radar. But then the host does voices in accents that are not cool. I know it was a different time but my eyebrows do raise 


2 minutes ago, nachomama said:

 I know it was a different time but my eyebrows do raise 

I just read a book that was written in the 80s and while I loved the book, I had to set my "21st century" self aside to read it.  There were misogynistic and racist parts, plus the fact that there were no cellphones.  But it was still a great book with a great message.

I do the same when I watch anything old, like Match Game or movies like My Fair Lady or the like.  

BTW, I loved Match Game, would watch it all the time after school and I'm always delighted when I catch a rerun now.  The shit they got away with then, plus most of them were full on drunk when they were taping.  Hysterical.

If 1 more person asks me for window envelopes, I'm gonna go postal. <--see what I did there? We have hit the wall on the supply chain, we have to fight for paper. We have to have 2nd and 3rd options lined up because we can't get what we order. And I never thought of how many window envelopes we go through in an average month/week but thats the hardest thing to get at this moment. We have 10,000 on back order. Somebody just called me and wants to do a mailing of 4000 window envelopes. Just shoot me.

  • LOL 1

Remember the TV shows used to love when you were a kid?

Ever go back and watch those shows as an adult, and realize that 12-year-old-You apparently had absolutely zero taste?

This brought to you courtesy of Mannix reruns on MeTV; I seem to recall when I was a kid thinking the show was pretty cool, but now I can’t watch an episode without at some point shaking my head and saying, “man, that is some seriously bad acting”.

  • LOL 1
5 hours ago, Nashville said:

Remember the TV shows used to love when you were a kid?

Ever go back and watch those shows as an adult, and realize that 12-year-old-You apparently had absolutely zero taste?

I tried watching the Dukes of Hazard. ew no. How many times can you jump the general lee over the same gorge? And then I realized it's Scooby Doo, the same episode over and over.

Some things are just dated (if not also bad) like I watched a few episodes of Charlies Angels and Rockford Files and I keep thinking "pulling over to use a pay phone?"  or even if you see Thomas Magnum pick up that huge honking phone in Robin Master's car.

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My thing is: I know I watched a lot of shows like Rockford Files, Starsky & Hutch, Charlie's Angels & Dukes of Hazzard, but I barely remember any of the episodes. I also watched Dallas & Falcon Crest but I have only faint memories. 

On the other hand, I watched some Odd Couple this past New Year's. That show still holds up! 

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A lot of things do hold up, regardless of technology. I like Rockford aside from all the pulling over to get to a pay phone. On Saturdays we watched Love Boat and Fantasy Island and you know those were bad. I remember watching Dallas and Falcon Crest but I think those were just what my mom was watching. When there was a Soap Opera channel I watched from the Beginning of Ryan's Hope until after Mary Ryan died (Captain Janeway for some of you) That was my mom and grandmother's "story" so I didn't necessarily remember it but it was nostalgic but I always laughed because there'd be a week straight when they kept repeating the same montage of Mary and Jack Finelli riding bikes in Central Park as their "falling in love/dating" package. Later Delia was kidnapped by a gorilla from the zoo and that went on for a week in a seriously bad monkey suit.

I have a friend who constantly tells me about Law & Order episodes and tells me who the guest stars were, as if we all remember that one guy from the soap opera who played a lawyer. She insists she only knows these things because she just saw a rerun that day but come on, Law and Order been on 650 million years, who the hell can remember episodes much less guest stars??

  • LOL 2

I was (and still am) a major Rockford Files fan; James Garner is eternally one of my favorites.  I do find myself recalling some of the older shows I used to religiously follow, though - Rat Patrol, Land of the Giants, High Chaparral, etc. - and being concerned about the prospect of rewatching them and discovering how badly they haven’t endured the test of time.  😄

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Duuuuuuude, dude I loved, loved loved Land of the Lost. Bad HORRIBLE terrible assanine television. Freaking loved it. Loved the baby dinosaur she used to feed the giant strawberries to. Chakah. CHAKAH PEOPLE, CHAKAH! And I was terrified of sleestacks. hahahahahhahhfahdfhdfhadfhadkhfhsdfjhakjdfhkajdshfkjdshfjkdhf

And I loved Dan Haggarty Grizzly Adams, Flipper and loved me some Randolph Mantooth from Emergency or Adam 12 or whichever thing it was. And Yes I adore James Garner.

Edited by nachomama
cuz I wanted to edit not quote myself. dingdong
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11 minutes ago, nachomama said:

Duuuuuuude, dude I loved, loved loved Land of the Lost. Bad HORRIBLE terrible assanine television. Freaking loved it. Loved the baby dinosaur she used to feed the giant strawberries to. Chakah. CHAKAH PEOPLE, CHAKAH! And I was terrified of sleestacks. hahahahahhahhfahdfhdfhadfhadkhfhsdfjhakjdfhkajdshfkjdshfjkdhf

F YEAH!!! 

I went as a Sleestak for Halloween, I think it was 3rd grade. It was one of those box costumes with an uncomfortable mask and a plastic jumpsuit. 

That movie with Will Ferrell was such a disappointment. 

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9 hours ago, Nashville said:

This brought to you courtesy of Mannix reruns on MeTV; I seem to recall when I was a kid thinking the show was pretty cool, but now I can’t watch an episode without at some point shaking my head and saying, “man, that is some seriously bad acting”.

I think the acting was just so much more broad back then.  I was watching some old Wild, Wild West, which I loved when I was a kid.  Yeah, super dated, but cheesy fun.  The acting, tho.  Wow.

  • LOL 1
1 hour ago, nachomama said:

Duuuuuuude, dude I loved, loved loved Land of the Lost. Bad HORRIBLE terrible assanine television. Freaking loved it. Loved the baby dinosaur she used to feed the giant strawberries to. Chakah. CHAKAH PEOPLE, CHAKAH! And I was terrified of sleestacks.

Funny you should mention Land Of the Lost, because that show stands out for me as the beginning of the end of my childlike open-minded acceptance of all things flowing forth out of the TV screen; about halfway through the series’s run I started noticing just how bad was some of the writing and acting.  I mean - just how scary was a Sleestak, really?  They don’t move faster than 0.03mph; they make glaciers look peppy, and a toddler on Valium could outrun them easily.  
Well… that, and I started getting some strange (to me at the time) notions about Holly….  😈

Edited by Nashville
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24 minutes ago, madmax said:

I think the acting was just so much more broad back then.  I was watching some old Wild, Wild West, which I loved when I was a kid.  Yeah, super dated, but cheesy fun.  The acting, tho.  Wow.

Why did all the movies from the 40's 50's make everyone sound british? It wasn't how anyone normally talked.

There were many things I never "got" until I was much older. Puff the magic dragon? way over my head. They made a couple of cartoons. And there was a tv movie "Something about Amelia" Ted Danson was the dad and Glenn Close was the mom and apparently he was sleeping with his daughter and I'm all lalala and didn't really get what all the fuss was about. Just like I didn't understand what Anne Frank's Diary was about...I'm all "yay I wanna live in an attic". The whole nazis and not surviving part went shoop right past me. I was not exactly the brightest bulb. Friend of mine told me that as a kid she thought the Sound of Music ended when they won the singing competition because her mom always turned it off before they had to hike over the mountains to switzerland.

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I loved hr puffinstuff. Never got it. Witchy poo. I think if I’d been born in the 1600-1770’s I would have been weeded out through natural selection. I’m blind and just not smart enough to have survived.  Although in 1800’s I’m one of the sturdy ladies who coulda popped a squat in the field plowing and had a kid then get up and keep plowing. Dying in childbirth not so much but dying of stupidity? Absotively . 

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I loved “the fall guy” with lee majors. Hands down one of the catchiest theme songs. I’ve never seen it in reruns. Was it good or do I just remember it that way? Also loved bionic woman. Not so much bionic man but I love the hell out of Jamie summers. This is so abstract but I frikkin loved how she pushed her hair behind her ear when she was doing the bionic listening. 

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4 hours ago, nachomama said:

I loved “the fall guy” with lee majors. Hands down one of the catchiest theme songs. I’ve never seen it in reruns. Was it good or do I just remember it that way? Also loved bionic woman. Not so much bionic man but I love the hell out of Jamie summers. This is so abstract but I frikkin loved how she pushed her hair behind her ear when she was doing the bionic listening. 

I loved both of those shows!  "I'm the unknown stuntman that made Eastwood look so fine..."  And the opening about being seen with Farrah - I thought that was kinda weird and funny.  I had the biggest crush on his sidekick, Douglas Barr.

Lee Majors played Ash's dad on "Ash vs. the Evil Dead."  Still looks pretty good.  Lots of work, tho.

It probably wasn't that good.  Just like all those other shows we used to love.  But I wouldn't mind seeing it again.

Edited by madmax
7 hours ago, madmax said:

I loved both of those shows!  "I'm the unknown stuntman that made Eastwood look so fine..."  And the opening about being seen with Farrah - I thought that was kinda weird and funny. 

Actually, that was a Lee Majors-specific joke; he and Farrah Fawcett were still married when “The Fall Guy” started airing.

P. S.: my favorite part of The Fall Guy?  Hottubbing Heather Thomas in the opening credits.  😁

  • LOL 2
20 hours ago, Nashville said:

Actually, that was a Lee Majors-specific joke; he and Farrah Fawcett were still married when “The Fall Guy” started airing.

P. S.: my favorite part of The Fall Guy?  Hottubbing Heather Thomas in the opening credits.  😁

I thought they had just divorced when that came out.  I'm too old to remember...

6 hours ago, nachomama said:

In the battle of the heathers were you team locklear or Thomas? 

Thomas.  Definitely Thomas.  Always thought Locklear was a bit trashy.   Of course, some people like that better.  😄

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