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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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12 hours ago, nachomama said:

Back in the good old days, they used to think if you were left handed the devil was gonna get you and they tried to convert as many as possible.

I ain’t necessarily proof to the contrary.  😄


12 hours ago, nachomama said:

It was done to my dad but he absolutely insisted it was not his doing that anybody smacked me but I had an older-ish kindergarten teacher and I sure got smacked if I was coloring with my left. 

In grades 1-3 I was getting ruler-whacked all the time, but I don’t think being a lefty accounted for much more than half the pops.  I was giving them plenty of other reasons as well. 😉 

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On 12/31/2019 at 11:23 AM, Nashville said:

In other breaking news: my oldest daughter got engaged Saturday.  She and her dude have been dating for 3+ years, so the only people surprised were those who weren’t paying attention.  😎

 Congratulations, is it still down to Daddy to fund the big day over there, or have things been brought, screaming and kicking into the latest century? 😱

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Also happy new year. And for those who don’t celebrate happy staying in the last decade. I had couple shots of moonshine, couple pina coladas. And couple rum and cokes and some kind of “apple pie” cocktail made with crown apple and crown salted caramel.  And I didn’t have a hangover!!! We played some weird Game where you ether act out or draw just really horrendous things and I find I’m very much beyond demented. 

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12 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

 Congratulations, is it still down to Daddy to fund the big day over there, or have things been brought, screaming and kicking into the latest century? 😱

Are you kidding?  Of course it is!  😆  In this particular case, though, Daddy is pretty damn fortunate in that this’un doesn’t want anything near a big church wedding.  Momma is kind of disappointed, actually; she’s trying to talk the dottir into something beyond a simple trip to the courthouse - although a similar trip seemed to do ok for us, back about 34 years ago. 😉

12 hours ago, nachomama said:

I find I’m very much beyond demented. 

...and this is news to who, exactly...?  😆

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I think in the grand scheme of things with weddings/daughters, If one wants the big wedding and mom's on board with that...great wonderful, they go to the ends of the earth to find the exact feather of the extinct bird that will adorn the tiara thing that will be worn for 7.5 minutes before you change into the shoes that are made by blind cobblers in the mountains between Buda and pest and then any further daughters the moms are like "can you please elope?"

In the dawning of this new year/decade, here is the new normal. I get to order prison snacks... this is where I am. Granted, I'm not the one in prison, which is good for me, but did I ever think that I would just be a conduit for snacks and reading materials? Not really. I'm ok with my role, I understand that as long as I supply the phone money, snacks and books that my niece loves me. Honest to Pete this is my last living relative. I'm all she's got too. While we had no contact with her for 20 years I know my sister always loved her kid and had the kid resurfaced my sister would have done the same. Well, she would have made me to the online parts, ordering etc but she would have supplied the money, which she still is, technically. But now I know how to make prison meals.

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44 minutes ago, nachomama said:

they go to the ends of the earth to find the exact feather of the extinct bird that will adorn the tiara thing that will be worn for 7.5 minutes before you change into the shoes that are made by blind cobblers in the mountains between Buda and pest and then any further daughters the moms are like "can you please elope?"

Pretty much this. These days it seems people are even throwing themselves birthday parties that could rival the Oscars, red carpet and all. It just confuses me.

The father of the bride paying for everything comes from the time when unmarried daughters lived with their parents, who were so terrified they'd be stuck supporting the spinsters forever they were willing to pay anything to get rid of them. "Here, future son-in-law - I'll pay for the whole thing AND throw in a dowry (and maybe even a mule or cow) to boot if you'll take her off my hands and make her your problem."

3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I don't know what hooters means over there, but it means a totally different thing over here.  Alpha's got a couple of hooters that aren't very noticeable.   I wish they were.   They would distract me from that bald head of hers and her Gomer Pyle voice. 

I can't imagine Beta having a couple of hooters.   If Nagen had a couple of hooters he wouldn't be able to stop playing with himself.   Of course he would have to put his balls down first.


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4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I don't know what hooters means over there, but it means a totally different thing over here.

Aaahhhh yes, Hooters, as in the bar, my ex had a Hooters T-Shirt, I do miss her, well most of her and I should have remembered. I don’t even know what they’re called over here, but the thing Bayda’s blowing on 🥳

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Hooters, melons, boobs, tits, tatas, lady lumps, jugs, boulders, sweater puppets, honkers etc are all breasteses.

hoohaw, vag, vajayjay, punany, snatch, cooch, cooter, gash, hole, muff, poon, poontang, purse, quim, box, minge, & twat are all female lady parts, very big difference to what we call a fanny but that's british, I believe

butt, badonkadonk, heiny, tusch, (we say fanny is your heiny) apple bottom, & booty are all backside. Hopefully the less grotesque words although I think fanny is scandalous in england. Like we go over there with our "fanny packs" which just means a pouch on a belt so you don't have to worry about losing your wallet/purse while travelling. Or "c*nt" over here which is super bad, naughty (girl parts) but in England it's kinda "stupid person"

What is the normal number of times a person should make chili in a month? Seriously at work they've made chili at least 4 times and it's starting to piss me off. First I don't know how you spell it, I'm from new mexico and chile is a plant/pepper and chili's is a restaurant. the food item which contains beans and meat which can be spicy or not so spicy. What is a normal number of times it should be made?

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They provide lunch 1 day a week, usually it's wednesday and usually we order pizza, chinese or fried chicken, every once in a while sandwiches from some place that delivers.

At least once a month Mom cooks, usually lasagna or spaghetti, it's decent but here's my deal...I have not had a raise in 8 years, they do not give me paid holidays or christmas bonuses, so I want them to purchase a lunch. I want them to feel it coming out of their wallet because nothing is going into mine. Mom's a good cook but I don't want chili because I'm generally going to drip it onto my hooters but also ...beans. I don't want a tuba section either. I don't want chili maybe 3 times a year not 4 times in a month. All of these meals are dictated (very very appropriate word) by her son. Whatever he feels like having for lunch. And let me tell you his palette doesn't range far. I'm surprised chinese food makes the cut. He's mostly meat and potatoes but he eats vegetables, except onions. I did hear her say though that for her cornbread dressing she cuts the onions up so small he can't tell they're in there. But if a sandwich or a burger comes with onions and she asked for it not to be on there she has to trade with him. HE'S ALMOST 60 YEARS OLD AND HE'S MAKING HIS 82 YEAR OLD MOTHER COOK FOR HIM AND SWAP SAMMIES IF HIS COMES WITH ONIONS. 

1 hour ago, nachomama said:


Although we’ve only just crept into the new year / decade, Badonkadonk, takes No1 spot in my word of the year / decade competition. Fanny is most certainly not scandalous in the UK, it started out I believe as an affectionate shortening of the female name Frances, don’t ask me how it became associated with you know what, whichever side of the Atlantic we’re on.
The C—- word is as bad here as it is over there, it doesn’t mean a person is stupid, although a very common usage is to call someone a stupid C—-, it is used as a general insult of the basest kind.

The first time I ever heard the ‘C’ word on America TV was on a show called ‘Veep’ a couple of  years ago?  I couldn’t believe it, it’s rare over here but for the US TV I’d watched before, WOW  😱

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That's interesting because I swear I hear it more on British tv. I always hear daft cunt but maybe I watch too much Ricky Gervais? F*ck and c*nt are basically the 2 you can't get away with on regular broadcast tv. Veep is on HBO so that's special all the words are fair game on cable. 2-3 years ago when Rick and them got captured at Terminus and were gonna be put on the menu we all laughed because Rick was only allowed to say something like "they messed with the wrong gall-durned people"  and I've noticed several time this season alone they dropped "shit" and I wanna say "asshole"

I use all the bad words. I could be a professional swearer I think. The game we were playing had a bunch of stuff from the urban dictionary so we had to draw or act very bad things and I'm pretty much the best guesser alive. Some of the clues we had absolutely no idea about, as in we had never heard the terms before. So basically some dude is drawing a vagina and I threw out every term I'd ever heard and I do think some people were wondering about me. One poor guy got "dingleberry" and "doggie style" and could neither draw it or act it out but his mother was playing with us. Now his mother is very very cool as in I know I have no problem drawing "skull fuck" but for him that's his mom.

I didn't like the "p" word and then the Sopranos pretty much broke me of that cuz of the character named that. I still do not like some of the words

There's no way the terms in the urban dictionary are real life for true sexual acts. Sadly I do know there's a lot more "steamering" going on than I would care for (like any) gag. But! Dirty Sanchez, donkey punch, angry dragon, these are not things that anyone was fooling around in the bedroom with and just said "hey lets give it a clever name" it's just dumb gross stuff guys say to each other.

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3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

There is no way that I could play that game.  I still have nightmares from going to the Urban Dictionary website.   Several years ago, I was on some other site and they were talking about Cleveland Steamers.  I thought it was some minor league baseball team.   I went to the Urban Dictionary website and was completely grossed out by the definition.  Who actually thinks that stuff up?  That is beyond gross.

Then don't look up "Dirty Sanchez" and for the love of all that is holy, do NOT google "Blue Waffle." 

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5 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

The first time I ever heard the ‘C’ word on America TV was on a show called ‘Veep’ a couple of  years ago? 

You would have heard it non-stop if you watched "The Vagina Monologues", a show that was lauded by the "Emperor's New Clothes" faction and that I personally found extremely gross, crude, and vulgar. There are still some things that should be kept private and women standing up and yelling about their (sex organs) is one of them, IMO. JC. Of course, the most personal things are now just entertainment and fodder for daytime talk shows and nasty "reality TV'. Ugh.

I seem to be the only person who has no interest in seeing anyone's butts or full frontals on any show/movie. We all know what they look like. I guess that's why I've been watching a lot of old movies lately. No danger of seeing anyone taking a piss, puking, or waving their limp dingles in our faces.

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5 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I have more of a problem with violence than nudity.  I hate Criminal Minds with a passion.  That is about as gross as it gets for me.  I am not a fan of L&O SVU either for many reasons.

The movie Motel Hell was also barf worthy.

I've never seen any of those, nor have I seen any of the "torture porn" stuff that (along with loud bangs and jump scares) seems to have taken the place of actual horror. It's not horror. It's just gross and nauseating. I just watched an old "Twilight Zone" episode called, "Night Call." Now that is horror, without torture and gore. I watched it in bed and found it really scary.


5 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I never thought topless women in movies or television series were that big of a deal.

I don't think they're a big deal. I'm just tired of seeing everyone's boobs and butts constantly. I also feel bad for actresses because it seems if they don't want to appear nude they won't have much of a career.

5 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

In a movie or television series, when a couple is in bed and when they are going at it hot and heavy, I thought it was silly for the woman to be still wearing her bra.

It's hilarious, just as it is when men get out of bed wearing boxer shorts.

Hugh Jackman had a funny comment about this odd prudery in movies (penises still being being mostly taboo if producers don't want an NC-17 rating) containing the most explicit violence:



“The scene has Wolverine, because the whole premise of the movie is it has Wolverine traveling back in time to prevent something cataclysmic happening in the future. So I land back in 1973. I wake up — this is what the script says — wake up next to a girl who I don’t remember, and I get out of bed wearing boxer shorts.”

“I don’t know about America,” he added, “but in Australia, if you are next to a really good looking girl, you’re not getting out with boxer shorts on or briefs, or anything!”



6 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Heck, when I walk on the beach, many of the dudes had a bigger pair than the women they were walking with, and they are topless. 

Don't get me started on that!

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On 1/3/2020 at 12:59 AM, AngelaHunter said:

I seem to be the only person who has no interest in seeing anyone's butts or full frontals on any show/movie.

You’re not the only person by any means, the Spartacus TV series shown 2010’ish, was a really great series, it was very blatant in showing female and male full frontals, most of which, as a male I could have done without, but I fully accept that in the period in time that the show represented, such nudity would have been normal.

I think of the movie that Lauren ‘Maggie’ appeared in, where she bared her breasts, I can’t even remember the name,I’ve never watched it, and whether she regrets that decision now, she may not, she might consider that showing her breasts contributed  to a career that has made her rich, famous and able to pick and choose what she does in the future, I don’t know and certainly would never judge.

I do feel that there is always an alternative to an actor / actress baring all, take ‘Maggie’ once again, when ‘The Gov’ made her strip in Woodbury, we didn’t see anything, but the message of the scene was quite clear and aided what happened next. 

Edited by OoohMaggie
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23 minutes ago, OoohMaggie said:

she might consider that showing her breasts contributed  to a career that has made her rich, famous and able to pick and choose what she does in the future,

Remember when actresses could be rich, famous and extremely popular without ever getting naked in front of a camera crew?

Amazing how this industry is so prudish yet so prurient at the same time.

3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I don't like Twilight Zone or Alfred Hitchcock Presents.  I don't like scary entertainment. 

The early Alfred Hitchcocks were not scary at all. The later ones though, in the 1 hr format? Scared the bejaysus out of me. I think that's when I began to find dolls creepy.

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3 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

Remember when actresses could be rich, famous and extremely popular without ever getting naked in front of a camera crew?


I do indeed, and long may it continue, although I can’t blame any actor / actress for making the decision to go down that route if they believe it will enhance their career. I’ve always been a ‘less is more’ kind of viewer, I’d rather imagine what’s there than be presented graphically with the truth.

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8 minutes ago, OoohMaggie said:

I’ve always been a ‘less is more’ kind of viewer, I’d rather imagine what’s there than be presented graphically with the truth.

That makes two of us. I'm thinking of one scene in the Sopranos (of all things!) that I found to be smokin' hot and both participants were wearing winter coats.

3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

Banacek (George Peppard) was an insurance investigator,

Not a big fan of the show, but always was a big fan of George Peppard. *sigh* 😍 

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Titan up. 

After dismantling a dynasty I obviously believe they deserve the whole shebang. 

Speaking to my niece just depresses me more every week. Girl been through some shit but she is where she’s supposed to be. Her daughter is out and headed to rehab. If she’s still more concerned about what happens to her boyfriend and not herself or kids then I vote rehab and back to jail because she hadn’t learned. Sounds harsh but if she hasn’t learned then she needs to be safely away from anyone she can hurt. The chicks in my family need some serious serious help. Can’t fix the past can only make choices going forward. Blah blah blah. 

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I have a petrified McGriddle in my desk...lady brougth them last week and I never had one before and never shall again. So I thought I put it in my trash bag but apparently not.

A "kind of" resolution for myself was to quit whining, complaining and being a nuisance. I need a cliff or a void or a pillow to scream into because I'm literally nothing without my ability to complain about shit no one cares about. It's like when you go on a diet or attempt dry January, you want nothing else but sugar or a drink or to whine. Good thing is I did NOT give up sweets or alcohol so I can drink to stop whining. or sit in my car and eat stupid stuff and cry.

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37 minutes ago, nachomama said:

A "kind of" resolution for myself was to quit whining, complaining and being a nuisance. I need a cliff or a void or a pillow to scream into because I'm literally nothing without my ability to complain about shit no one cares about. It's like when you go on a diet or attempt dry January, you want nothing else but sugar or a drink or to whine. Good thing is I did NOT give up sweets or alcohol so I can drink to stop whining. or sit in my car and eat stupid stuff and cry.

It's important to let this stuff out in one way or another. If you don't have someone to tell it to, you should try writing it down. Everybody has shit that bothers them, no matter how important (or not) it might seem. 

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I’ve thought many times over the years of trying to maintain a journal, and have actually attempted such a few times over the years.  Two things keep getting in my way, though:

  1. Faithfulness (or the lack thereof).  On the two or three occasions I’ve previously tried to keep a journal I start out strong, but I invariably will find myself at some point saying, “Oh shit; I haven’t thought to touch that thing in, like, MONTHS” - or, in one case, years.
  2. Paranoia.  A journal is only as useful as the degree of trust you can put on it as a safe reservoir of your private thoughts, and I’m not a very easily trusting person.  I’d be too concerned that if someone else were to read my journal prior to my death that I’d end up in jail, divorce court, or both.
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I'm pretty sure I'd forget pretty quick, just like with my current resolution, I'll be back to bitching post haste. Once upon a time I did start an online blog and wrote randomness down. One was a dream I had where I killed Ryan Seacrest. We were in a parking garage and getting frustrated at not being able to find the car and I just strangled him. It was possibly the most satisfying dream I've ever had. One was my 9/11 dream/whatever it is when you're conscious but yet dreaming. I'd like to find it because I wrote it fresher and many details have eluded me in my old age. This is the thing that was running through my brain while watching endless 9/11 footage, I wasn't asleep but not fully awake either. So in this world I imaged all the oxygen was going to burn off. The planet was going to die but everyone on the news kept giving updates and countdowns and they were very very calm. We started at like 72 hours and how much time you needed to get where you're going and how you can get there. All busses, trains, planes etc were free. But you had to decide quick because the amount of oxygen left would determine how you could get there. Like all planes were grounded by 48 hours and cars would quit running about 12 hours til. There was math and science involved, solar flares and gasses on the sun were burning too hot or something and I was convinced that if I had researched it at the time like it was real equations and crap in my head. I knew the names of gasses! but I don't anymore and cant completely vouch for whether I did write it all down in the blog or not. Dr. Joyce Brothers was on the tv explaining that we'd just go to bed and not get up again. All peaceful like. It was freaky in so many ways.

I was trying to write down all my goofy childhood stories that people don't believe and now everyone's dead so I couldn't even get my sister to back me up. Oh well. bygones

6 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

You're still talking about a journal, right?

Uhhh... yeah, sure.  Let’s go with that.  😄 

6 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I agree with you.  You never know when some Nosy Nellie is going to get a hold of it and read something they shouldn't, that could open up Pandora's Box, causing all sorts of problems.


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4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I don't know why people get involved with violent individuals.  It would seem to me that people who tend to be violent have a difficult time hiding it and lack impulse control among other things.  I don't think violence pops up out of nowhere, there should be signs or a history of it long before any relationship starts to fully develop. 


Me neither. my sister had one who kicked her off the top of the porch stairs which isn't like a whole flight of stairs but she did break a wrist. Then the dude who whacked in the face with a rotary house phone. She got rid of both. When my niece was describing her husband choking her, it really freaked me out. If anyone ever raised a hand to me they better kill me flat out because I'll Lorena Bobbitt you or worse when I know you aint see me coming. My niece is 4' 10" or something tiny like that but she's got a hair trigger temper and she'll take on a freight train. Like a tiny little dog that wants to fight the big dogs. I remember her getting into a fight at like 14 and her screaming "I fuck harder than you hit" which actually made me laugh at the time and makes me pretty sad now. She gets anger management classes in prison. I thought she had no fear, she admits now that it was mostly fear that made her have such bravado. And her fear of being alone made her choose anyone even some asshole that choked her. I never met him but a truly horrible individual. I told her I might not have ever had any money for her but if she got away from him I would have gotten her a bus ticket or something to get as far away as possible but no return trips. It's pretty sad when I'm the one with good boundaries and I think my boudaries are pretty crappy.

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I started keeping a journal (diary) when I was 10 and my father got me one of those little books with the fake crocodile cover and a tiny little key. My nosy brother got into it once and found out I had a crush on some actor. Boy, was I embarrassed. I didn't stop writing until I was 30 and have a stack of journals filled my misadventures and drivel. I fully intend to burn them all before my death.

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I think when I die I need an iphone feature to crush my phone. We have a rule at the second job if you are caught with your phone you have two choices, you get written up and could ultimately be fired or you can let them go through your phone. I have some truly bizarre things on my phone.

At the first job I walked down the back hallway and here comes my boss with a shotgun. Spun right around and walked back. He's a hunter and was showing off his gun but damn that's frightening in the workplace.

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16 hours ago, nachomama said:

At the first job I walked down the back hallway and here comes my boss with a shotgu

As long as he didn’t look like this I think I’d be Ok, the public legally walking the streets with an assault type rifle over the shoulder scares me 😟


Edited by OoohMaggie
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No he’s just been hunting lately and was showing somebody his gun. BUT I did really piss him off before I left and don’t think I wasn’t thinking about a gun in the other room. A customer called at 4 pm to ask for something to be done for Saturday. Friday is not a production day. We don’t run presses on Friday. Because you can’t start a job you can’t finish. Ink, cleaning up, stuff that has to dry, etc. Friday is a “finishing” day. You cut, wrap, pack, basically no wet work unless is super super super important. None of MY jobs are ever important. And this wasn’t either. They basically needed 40-50 brochures for an event Saturday. 2 things will piss off a printer, having to do a rush job and having to do a job twice. If 40 will do you for Saturday but ultimately you want 500 then we are going to run 500. We don’t run twice. Because that’s 2 cleanups. 2 plates. 2 setting up the machine. 2 times cutting it out. So I immediately go tell him that she wants this. He gives me no answer but I know I’ll be in trouble if I ever say no to a customer. So I’m gonna run the job whether or not he can cut it out. So when it’s done I tell him “here it is. If you can cut it in time, great. But I made her no promises” he goes ballistic yapping about how dare I shove this at him last minute and we’re trying to get other stuff done and this just came in today blah blah. Then he pushes it over to the other guy and says “go cut this out”. So it got done. The real reason he was so pissed off is, 1. It was a job of mine. None of mine take priority over his. I’m not his brother. His brother is the only one who can push a job through that fast. 2. He didn’t want to come in today, Friday, because he wanteD to go hunting. Thus, the gun. 

But here is the most important question,...what did the Duke boys do? That was so bad they been in trouble with the law since the day they were born???? Runnin moonshine. And since we know Boss Hogg was the true criminal what was he doing? His own moonshine? And were they locked into a battle of mutually assured destruction? He couldn’t really catch them and lock them up because they could go to federal authorities? The only thing I remember is car chases and was the bar called the crow’s nest? Because THATS the stupid shit I wake up thinking about 2 hours early on a day when I can sleep in...! 

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16 hours ago, nachomama said:

I think when I die I need an iphone feature to crush my phone.

I don't have anything bizarre on my phone. My computer, on the other hand... Well, I mean it's not bizarre to me. Or maybe it is, if I look at it objectively.  I can just picture anyone looking through it after my demise. "What the fuckity fuckin' FUCK....????" they will mutter in distress and astonishment.

I swear that as I lay dying, I will find the strength to utter my final words: "Destroy...my...hardrives." And then, just like in the movies and having said my piece, I will gracefully expire.

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1 hour ago, nachomama said:

The only thing I remember is car chases and was the bar called the crow’s nest?

The show contained the two most important things for boys of a certain age, especially living in 70’s/80’s England, cool American cars and cool American cousins, in the form of Daisy Duke and her amazingly short shorts! 😋

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We used to “play” dukes of hazard. Neighbors boys were always the duke boys and they were jumping their bikes etc and we had figured out how to get 2 daisies. 1 of us was daisy and one was the actress Catherine Bach that played daisy. I tried watching an episode as an adult and it made my brain atrophy. It was also sad when we played Charlie’s angels because no one wanted to play Sabrina. Who is actually very attractive. (We know Nashville, your favorite, you were playing with your “journal”) 

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31 minutes ago, nachomama said:

It was also sad when we played Charlie’s angels because no one wanted to play Sabrina. Who is actually very attractive

She was my favourite as well, I never understood the fascination with Fawcett, too much hair and too many teeth for my taste, the bar in DOH was the Boar’s nest.

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2 hours ago, nachomama said:

But here is the most important question,...what did the Duke boys do? That was so bad they been in trouble with the law since the day they were born???? Runnin moonshine.

The Duke boys had had many various and sundry brushes with the law over the years, but yes - one of the central plot points of the TV series was:

  1.  Bo & Luke had gotten busted by federal agents for running Uncle Jesse’s shine, and both boys were looking at some federal prison time.
  2. To keep them out of prison Uncle Jesse had brokered a deal with the feds, promising to never manufacture another drop of shine for drinking purposes.
  3. The result of the deal was both Duke boys getting five years of probation - with the caveat that if Uncle Jesse was ever caught manufacturing drinking shine again, their original sentences would be reinstated and they’d have to serve their entire prison terms.
  4. Side note: as county commissioner was the closest thing outside the sheriff’s office to law enforcement in Hazzard County, Boss Hogg ended up being the Duke boys’s probation officer.
2 hours ago, nachomama said:

And since we know Boss Hogg was the true criminal what was he doing? His own moonshine?


2 hours ago, nachomama said:

And were they locked into a battle of mutually assured destruction? He couldn’t really catch them and lock them up because they could go to federal authorities?

Not exactly.  Boss Hogg had a stranglehold on 99% of the moonshine business (production, sales and transport) in Hazzard County, with one exception: Uncle Jesse.  Uncle Jesse was a fiercely independent manufacturer who was widely known to make the best shine in the county (some said the state), and Jesse refused to sell to Boss Hogg because he knew Boss would mix Jesse’s high-quality shine with lesser brands to increase his profit margin.  Jessie’s stubbornness. infuriated Hogg, who went out of his way at every opportunity to attempt to get some leverage on Jesse - hence the conflict inherent in every episode.

2 hours ago, nachomama said:

The only thing I remember is car chases and was the bar called the crow’s nest?

Boar’s Nest (boar = hog = Hogg).

2 hours ago, nachomama said:

Because THATS the stupid shit I wake up thinking about 2 hours early on a day when I can sleep in...! 

I feel your pain.

  • LOL 2

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