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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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Oh wow. I am so glad that this ordeal is coming to an end for you Nashville! (I'm also really sorry that you and your wife had to go through it at all...)

I have to admit that I am a little afraid that something like this may happen to me one day. The last time I saw my "father" was 1992. I spoke to him on the phone in 2009 (only because my mother dialled the number and put the phone in my hand). I really hope I never get a call asking me to deal with an estate. 

If I do, I intend to refuse. I had almost no contact with him in life, I refuse to deal with his death. 

Anyway, Big Congratulations on finishing the process! I hope you and your wife had a wonderful celebration!

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On 1/29/2017 at 11:44 PM, Nashville said:

P.S.: If you have kids and you love them, MAKE A WILL.  And WRITE SHIT DOWN.

During the whole post I was thinking "He better have a will", my father also had no will and fortunately (or unfortunately for us) he also had no money so there was nothing to fight for, so we locked up his house and walked away. It was also a hoot how we were tracked down. My pops managed to croak in the bathroom of Captain D's Seafood restaurant and they called an ambulance, one of the guys on a ride-along that day happened to have been my father's former boss. So he knew who he was and knew my dad had kids but didn't know where we were but my bff was his neighbor so he called her. So she calls me at midnight. The joys of small town living! anywho congrats!

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On 1/29/2017 at 10:44 PM, Nashville said:

Some of you may remember this post - or maybe not; it was about a year and a half ago, after all. :)

So here's the thing: for that past year and a half, my wife and I have been fighting the uphill battle from Hell which is:

  • Administering probate for the estate of a man who died without a will - and doing it from out-of-state, 400 miles away.
  • And that of his mother, who had died the year before (August 2014) and whose estate he was still probating when he died.
  • And that of his wife, who died 6 weeks after his mother (Sept. 2014) - and ditto.
  • And that of his wife's mother (Dec. 2014) - ditto.

Sensing a pattern here?  :P 

For the past year and a half, a major portion of our lives and sanity have been chewed up in dealing with this shitstorm.  And the man didn't write down ANYTHING.  So we've had to do things like canvass every bank in central and southern Illinois searching for bank accounts, and safety deposit boxes.  Go through tons of scrap paper to find things like invoices for storage units (the man had crap spread all over the state from Springfield on south) and other bills.  Sell vehicles.  Sell property - a condo - and before that, deal with the contents of the condo.  And so forth.

The reason I mention this whole mess is because tomorrow at/about 8:45 AM, our lawyer presents the final paperwork to the probate court - and the court will direct probate be closed - and our responsibility for administration of the estate dissolved following final distribution of the estate's assets.

And we get our lives back.

So forgive me if you don't see me here very much Monday, because I'm taking my wife out for dinner to celebrate. 

And we're having steak. 

And dessert is none of your business.



P.S.: If you have kids and you love them, MAKE A WILL.  And WRITE SHIT DOWN.

Oh I remember your post well.  I was just finishing up dealing with my parent's estate.  It was a 10 hour drive for me and I will never set foot in the state of Mississippi again!  I can't imagine going through all that with no will.  Well my Mom made a will which my Dad promptly threw away after she died because my less than honorable sister was all but cut out and my Dad felt bad doing it.  When he made the new one he was no where near as organized as my Mom was and left all kinds of things out making it a total nightmare.

That was bad enough, finding insurance policies, mineral rights that have been in my family since the 1800's....God it was awful so I can just imagine what you went through!

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The Super'Game spot reminded me, with Lucille "deflating" the ball. geddit? deflate-gate.

Speaking of the super game, the beginning of Lady Gaga's thingy had to be filmed ahead, correct? She didn't jump off the roof of the stadium live right there did she? I think they were lowering her from somewhere up high but would they really risk her getting squished in front of millions? She didn't seem like she ended up in her landing spot from a free fall. Other than that, meh, technically I would have preferred if the Falcons had won but they're not like my team team or home team or whatever.

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Out in Albuquerque until Friday this week on work travel.  Any ABQ residents on here who know of anything interesting going on Wednesday or Thursday evenings?  My knowledge begins and ends with different brew pubs.  :)

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OOOOOh, I used to be from Albuquerque-ish. But no, I don't know a darn thing. Ha! I know some nice Navajo's who could butcher a goat for you and because you're a special guest you get the eyeballs and the baws-baws. :D

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Actually, I know a leetle bit more than that. <heh>  Albuquerque has been my home away from home for a while now; total it up over the past 25 years or so, and I've probably spent about 8-10 months of that period in ABQ.  Heck, I was a fan of Sadie's when it was still in the bowling alley, and you made friends with perfect strangers in the line because groups got seated quicker. :D  I was just hoping some locals might be around here to tell me of anything unique going on this week.

oh, and P. S.: I've already had the honor of dining with the Diné - but thanks for the thought.  :>

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Hi guys. I had to bail for a while because Real Life got insanely stressful. As you may have noticed I've been unhappy with my job. I finally pulled on my big girl panties and said yes to a new one. I start March 20th. Because I'm stressed to the point of further weight loss (I could audition for a zombie role) I'm taking an extended break from Family Support and going back to daycare. It pays less but I require my sanity. I'm currently working two weeks notice and it is an emotional minefield here. People are not happy. My last day is March 3rd and I am counting the hours.

I decided to burn all bridges at the same time so I found a new place to live too. I'm leasing a condo from March 1st and moving in on the 4th. I'll be sharing a two-bed two-bath with a longtime friend who was downsized last year and wants to lower his expenses. Apartment hunting in Toronto in an exercise in futility. The vacancy rate is ridiculously low and demand high. I'm not sure how we scored the condo (possibly the baby goat I sacrificed?) but I nearly passed out with relief when we did. The lease is signed and the deposit paid so I finally scored my balcony and bathtub! 

I'd to thank every country that produces wine because I would not have made it through January and February without it. And my awesomely supportive friends. What a freaking year!!

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4 hours ago, Irishmaple said:

Hi guys. I had to bail for a while because Real Life got insanely stressful. As you may have noticed I've been unhappy with my job. I finally pulled on my big girl panties and said yes to a new one. I start March 20th. Because I'm stressed to the point of further weight loss (I could audition for a zombie role) I'm taking an extended break from Family Support and going back to daycare. It pays less but I require my sanity. I'm currently working two weeks notice and it is an emotional minefield here. People are not happy. My last day is March 3rd and I am counting the hours.

I decided to burn all bridges at the same time so I found a new place to live too. I'm leasing a condo from March 1st and moving in on the 4th. I'll be sharing a two-bed two-bath with a longtime friend who was downsized last year and wants to lower his expenses. Apartment hunting in Toronto in an exercise in futility. The vacancy rate is ridiculously low and demand high. I'm not sure how we scored the condo (possibly the baby goat I sacrificed?) but I nearly passed out with relief when we did. The lease is signed and the deposit paid so I finally scored my balcony and bathtub! 

I'd to thank every country that produces wine because I would not have made it through January and February without it. And my awesomely supportive friends. What a freaking year!!

Go leor comhghairdeas, @Irishmaple!  I did the same sort of thing about 8 years ago.  A series of unfortunate events got me in a good-paying job, which I hated (management).  I put up with it for a decade on account of family, particularly kids approaching college age - but when my youngest got a full-ride scholarship nailed down her senior year in HS, I took a not-inconsequential pay cut to get out of that stress factory.  And I have never regretted it.

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Thanks, guys. I'm really looking forward to the change. Of course even my exit can't go smoothly. My room mate found a lovely woman to take over from me on March 4th so I arranged my move accordingly. On Wednesday she told me she found a better prospect for March 1st. I was a bit surprised but it turned out nothing had been signed with the March 4th lady. I had to scramble a bit but I rearranged my own move.  Then my supervisor finally had the explosion I'd been expecting and told me my last day would be February 28th and not March 3rd. I'm looking at all of this as a good thing. I'm leaving all the crazy behind at the same time.

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I finally raised my head out of the rabbit hole that is my life and now I seriously need someone to come hold my hand and tell me Bill Paxton is not really dead. That cannot have happened. He's been one of my TV/movie boyfriends since Aliens and Near Dark on VHS; we're going back a few years here.  I've been using Hudson's line, "Express elevator to Hell, going down" to describe my life all month. I'm watching Training Day just to see Paxton and Julie Benz get their flirt on. Putting Bill Paxton in a movie or tv show will pretty much guarantee I'll be checking it out. I rewatch Twister when it shows up on TV on a Sunday afternoon.  He's been in everything. Damn. 

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Yep, Chet was a tough one, I also had been watching Training Day only because he was in it. And I do not know when I started liking him. I disliked Chet but Chet was awesome. I didn't care one way or the other about Twister but somewhere he became just the coolest dude and it truly sucks that he's gone.

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So I feel the need to say something not about the show but about this forum. Reading reactions to last night's episode "Say yes", Im struck at how divided we all are and also Im noticing a creeping tide of bitterness. I seriously hope this forum can avoid become the pit of bitter anger that is the Arrow forum. That forum is downright toxic and not at all pleasant to read, never mind trying to participate in (unless you hate Oliver and wish he would die in a fire or something).

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Something else I am really tired of is, people who stopped watching the show (any show) and yet come to the forums to post about the show they dont watch. Invariably they say something like "I dont watch this shitty shitfest any more but I come here because yall still do and yall always validate my superior decision to stop watching the shit show. Yay me and my superiority!" and YET if you actually read all the comments, you will find a blend of reactions, some love it some hate it most are somewhere in between, but they're obviously searching for posts that validate their choice to dump the show and feel better about themselves, feel superior to the chumps who still find enjoyment in the show. Look, you dont watch the show? FINE go do what you enjoy and leave the show alone. They're like one of those people who yell and scream about "politics" and yet never vote, never become informed on the issues, never run for office never ever do anything but bitch about whatever doesnt suit them. How do they not understand that their opinion (on the show or on the politics) mean less than a frogs fart of they are not actively involved (with politics by voting at least, with a show by WATCHING it) and why the ever loving fuck do they think their opinion, on something they have no first hand knowledge of, means anything? Why is this even a thing that people would do? It's like.....going on Facebook to let everyone know you didn't shower today. I DONT CARE and you probably stink. UGH. So many shows I quit watching and when I did so, I quit the forums too! If I quit the show, I dont give a shit about the show, I do not need to go looking for validation by cherry picking forum posts that talk about how shitty said show is.


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I've been one of those people. I don't mind when others do it. I did vote, by the way, and I did bitch about the outcome. Still do. 

I'm not into it that much, anymore, but I'm not into much of anything, anymore. I have trouble getting up every day, so what someone thinks of my opinion of a TV show, just isn't that important to me. 

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I'm usually a person pretty easily entertained and willing to suspend disbelief. It's when I feel that viewers are being insulted and treated like morons that I get snarky. Millions of us were horribly bitter and disgusted at what was done to Dexter, to the point we continued watching only to mock it. That was all justified, IMO - a fine way to treat really loyal fans of seven years' duration. The very worst part is seeing and listening to the jackasses who destroyed a fine show as they chortle and congratulate each other on their cleverness.

8 hours ago, diebartdie said:

Something else I am really tired of is, people who stopped watching the show (any show) and yet come to the forums to post about the show they dont watch.

I don't get that either, and it's really annoying. When I stopped watching, e.g. "The Good Wife" I never cared enough to return to the forum at all, let alone to say, "All you idiots are still watching this tripe?" Nope, I really don't get why anyone would do that.  I watch so little tv - in fact TWD is the only program I see - that I do get disappointed when it falls down. Hope springs eternal! Heh.


On ‎2‎/‎28‎/‎2017 at 10:13 AM, Irishmaple said:

Putting Bill Paxton in a movie or tv show will pretty much guarantee I'll be checking it out.

He was very likable as Morgan Earp in Tombstone. If you haven't seen "Frailty" you might want to. It's creepy/horror/disturbing, but I found it to be very gripping and Bill Paxton excellent in it.

Edited by AngelaHunter
missing word
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I'm tiptoeing around the forum because I missed Sunday's episode and will also miss the upcoming one while my roommate and I work on upgrading his basic cable package. He wants a lot of sports; I refuse to live without AMC, Showcase and Space. I bought a TV for my room so as to avoid foisting my undying love of sci-fi and fantasy on a man who thinks baseball stats are riveting, and the Rogers tech came yesterday so I have TV and Wifi.

Aside from the lack of premium cable channels, I am happy. The crazy is finally in my rear view and I'm back in the west end of Toronto. This neighbourhood is interesting. It's a mix of residential and light industrial, and just has a toehold on gentrification. The nearest Starbucks is a 20 minute walk which is a marathon by Toronto standards. My previous downtown neighbourhood had four Starbucks within a 5 minute walk. The neighbourhood is traditionally Portuguese working class so there are a lot of really good Portuguese bakeries around. The nearest mall seems firmly stuck in 1976 but there's a decent LCBO (wine and beer) so I'm good. I've started eating again which is a relief. 

My building is quiet and my neighbours are pleasant so the transition was only stressful on the exit end. I'm going to enjoy my time off before the new job starts on the 20th. I hope to catch up on the show via On Demand next week.

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On 3/6/2017 at 9:03 AM, diebartdie said:

So I feel the need to say something not about the show but about this forum. Reading reactions to last night's episode "Say yes", Im struck at how divided we all are and also Im noticing a creeping tide of bitterness. I seriously hope this forum can avoid become the pit of bitter anger that is the Arrow forum. That forum is downright toxic and not at all pleasant to read, never mind trying to participate in (unless you hate Oliver and wish he would die in a fire or something).

I've survived some pretty toxic forums in my day, but I have to admit, I'm sometimes taken aback at the level of vitriol I've seen directed at various characters (and the actors who portray them) on this show. And it's unrelenting! Any time one of these characters appear, the venom starts to flow.

It becomes exhausting after a while...and, I'd argue, serves no purpose. Has anyone ever been swayed by these diatribes?

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I guess my excuse is that I use the forums to vent my frustration. It is my outlet, because my husband is still fully engaged with the show and I don't want to rain on his parade when I know that there are a lot of frustrated fans here. I am just SO disappointed that something that I loved so much has taken such a drop in quality. I think I once described it as no longer being in love with the show, but still liking it as a friend. I hope that I don't come across as too harsh in my commentary, but I can't pretend that this is...good.

I also can't just stop watching. I have invested entirely too much time to the show to not witness how it all plays out (and I have a husband who is still enthusiastically on the bandwagon, soooo...)

I just really hope that the show manages to find its way again. I'm willing to give it the chance to improve.

And enjoy your time off Irishmaple. You deserve some relaxing time to yourself!

Edited by shanndee
stupid auto correct!
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As far as I recall, this forum was an offshoot of Television without Pity, or at least the founder was from that forum.  Neither board was set up as a place for white knighting.  Quite the opposite.  What I loved about TWOP was that when people started to wring their hands and whine about haters, they got warned and bitched out.   The only thing I didn't like was the ban on the word cooter.  That's just unreasonable.  

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6 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

 What I loved about TWOP was that when people started to wring their hands and whine about haters, they got warned and bitched out.

Amen. It wasn't called "Without Pity" for nothing. Scathing maybe, but the critiques were not of the inane, trollish, "This show sux" variety.

I had no idea the word "cooter" was off-limits! Unreasonable indeed. "Cooter" is never NOT hilarious.

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TWoP was definitely about skewering the powers that be but I think it always aimed at funny, intelligent jabs, not a repetitive this sucks, that sucks, everything sucks. Sometimes I read forums and someone says "I haven't read the comments but I've got to say my thing right now" and I have to remind myself that this ISN'T TwoP cuz that was a big no, no, you were supposed to read at least 3-5 pages prior to posting, they didn't like "um" you couldn't start a post with that or fling it at someone else in a snarky way like "um, you are so stupid and um your parents should never have met". Never knew about cooter. What did they do in "Dukes of Hazzard" threads?

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9 hours ago, Raven1707 said:

Television Without Pity is reportedly returning sometime this year:  http://screenertv.com/twop/?_ga=1.77958045.848837082.1458668847

That said, I've seen no one wring their hands and whine about haters.

That's probably because that site had been down for a couple years now.  I suppose I could go kick around the archives if they still exist.   That shit is called boards on boards.

ill probably go back if they lift the moratorium on cooter.  And if they make the penalty for grannying stiff.  

So in small talk, I went to work today and my coworker was fired.  So now I get to do her stuff too.  That sucks worse than saying this show sucks. 

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On ‎3‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 10:51 PM, Mu Shu said:

That shit is called boards on boards.

And I still don't really know what it means. I inserted a pic once into a thread and that got snatched off so fast it made my head spin although nowhere did I see a rule that pics were verboten.

What I loved most were the recaps. Shit was so funny I'd be in tears reading it.

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4 hours ago, AngelaHunter said:

And I still don't really know what it means. I inserted a pic once into a thread and that got snatched off so fast it made my head spin although nowhere did I see a rule that pics were verboten.

What I loved most were the recaps. Shit was so funny I'd be in tears reading it.

As I understood it, "boards on boards" meant posting content on one message board that quoted or referenced content on a different message board.  This TWoP discussion on P.tv would be an excellent example.  :)  A similar conversation on TWoP would get you a virtual ruler rap across the knuckles - and some of the TWoP mods would put Sister Mary Elephant to shame.

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Oh, I do miss those recaps! I never posted there though. I'm not what you would call a prolific poster, and i found all of the rules around posting quite prohibitive. I much prefer the more free flow feel of this place...much friendlier and easier to navigate.

But I do miss the recaps...

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4 hours ago, shanndee said:

Oh, I do miss those recaps! I never posted there though. I'm not what you would call a prolific poster, and i found all of the rules around posting quite prohibitive. I much prefer the more free flow feel of this place...much friendlier and easier to navigate

You can hear Miss Allie on NPR doing commentary on TV in her real name Linda Holmes.  She doesn't get as snarky as she used to (fire of a thousand burning nuns will always be my favorite), but is the same clever wordsmith we remember.   Can't wait for TWOP to come back! 

I like the boards because I enjoy knowing there are other TV obsessed people out there and they are clear and literate.  So thanks everybody.

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Just to clarify, I respect everyone's right to post whatever they want to post that falls within "The Social Contract":


My golden rule for forums is to pretend you are at someone else's party. Different opinions are welcomed and debate is encouraged but if you can't converse without name calling or flaming then you'll get The Size Nines out the door.

Which means that I have the right to post my opinion as well.

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2 hours ago, Raven1707 said:

Just to clarify, I respect everyone's right to post whatever they want to post that falls within "The Social Contract":

Which means that I have the right to post my opinion as well.

Wow.  Where did we ever turn the corner into "unable to post one's honest thoughts" or be disrespected for them?  Because this is my SAFE ZONE.

I've seen bitter negativity against a TeeVee character (hi Beth, I still like you), and absolutely crazed fandom (hello Spencer Reid, from the only person who doesn't worship the ground you pretend to walk on) ... PTV seems to embrace ( or at least, tolerate) us all, amirite?

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On ‎3‎/‎10‎/‎2017 at 4:47 AM, Nashville said:

As I understood it, "boards on boards" meant posting content on one message board that quoted or referenced content on a different message board. 

Hmm, that makes sense, I never did that since I didn't frequent any other forums. Got a knuckle rapping anyway. In any case, I won't be returning if it does reopen. I like it here.

15 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I've seen bitter negativity against a TeeVee character (hi Beth, I still like you), and absolutely crazed fandom (hello Spencer Reid, from the only person who doesn't worship the ground you pretend to walk on

They certainly don't hate her on the fanfic sites - oh, far from it! I never really "got" hating someone you've never even met. I can't conjure up emotions that strong for strangers.

Oh, wait - I lie. I take it all back. Harvey Levin. You giant-sippy-cupped TMZ troll, you "Peoples' Court" scuzzball shyster, I hate you with the "fire of a thousand burning nuns" (or suns even).

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20 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

Hmm, that makes sense, I never did that since I didn't frequent any other forums. Got a knuckle rapping anyway. In any case, I won't be returning if it does reopen. I like it here.

They certainly don't hate her on the fanfic sites - oh, far from it! I never really "got" hating someone you've never even met. I can't conjure up emotions that strong for strangers.

Oh, wait - I lie. I take it all back. Harvey Levin. You giant-sippy-cupped TMZ troll, you "Peoples' Court" scuzzball shyster, I hate you with the "fire of a thousand burning nuns" (or suns even).

Then it's a good thing I don't stray far from PTV.  The mere mention of the word "fanfic" is enough to make me hate, hate, hate.  :-)

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I guess my hating on a fictional character (which I don't think I do very often, or in an over the top way...maybe I'm wrong!) is a response to similar people I am forced to deal with at work. I can't unload there, so I unload on the fictional character (Hi Beth!). It is cathartic, and no real people get hurt.

I am fearing that I am about to let go on Eugene. I love him to death, but some of his recent responses are far too much like another person at work. Someone I may strangle if he doesn't soon Shut. The. F. Up. But again, perhaps if I hate on Eugene, I won't lose it on random annoying co-worker and I can keep my job :)

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50 minutes ago, shanndee said:

I guess my hating on a fictional character (which I don't think I do very often, or in an over the top way...maybe I'm wrong!) is a response to similar people I am forced to deal with at work

I'm remembering more. Yes, totally agree. I ended up detesting the sight and sound of Carrie on "Sex and the City", because more and more she reminded of an ex-friend of mine. Grrr- even thinking about them now (friend and Carrie) pisses me off.

3 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

Then it's a good thing I don't stray far from PTV.  The mere mention of the word "fanfic" is enough to make me hate, hate, hate.  :-)

Well, it's kinda like this for me with the "Mary Sue" TWD fics: You know when a carton of milk has been in your fridge for awhile and you go to throw it out? You know damned well it's sour, but you just have to smell it.

To be fair, I have found a few - very few - incredibly well-written stories by very talented writers but it's like trying find a diamond in a mountain of rocks.

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9 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

I'm remembering more. Yes, totally agree. I ended up detesting the sight and sound of Carrie on "Sex and the City", because more and more she reminded of an ex-friend of mine. Grrr- even thinking about them now (friend and Carrie) pisses me off.

Well, it's kinda like this for me with the "Mary Sue" TWD fics: You know when a carton of milk has been in your fridge for awhile and you go to throw it out? You know damned well it's sour, but you just have to smell it.

To be fair, I have found a few - very few - incredibly well-written stories by very talented writers but it's like trying find a diamond in a mountain of rocks.

I wouldn't smell a milk carton if you paid me.  I don't drink the stuff myself, but many of my outdoor kitties do, and go through a gallon jug faster than it could ever go sour.

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I don't want to read any fanfic because I don't find anyone on the show sexy in a way I want to hear about their sex.  Just hearing about Daryl sex makes me want to curl up in a ball, and watch something innocent, like German porn.  

I don't really understand B on B, but my warn level was always over 50 percent.  Once I got banned for a week and didn't even know it.  Something to do with bitching about survivor.  

I have a real person life I behave in.  The interwebs allow me to be bitchy and talk about TV people .  I love bitching so much. 

Edited by Mu Shu
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50 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

I don't want to read any fanfic because I don't find anyone on the show sexy in a way I want to hear about their sex.  Just hearing about Daryl sex makes me want to curl up in a ball, and watch something innocent, like German porn.  

I don't really understand B on B, but my warn level was always over 50 percent.  Once I got banned for a week and didn't even know it.  Something to do with bitching about survivor.  

I have a real person life I behave in.  The interwebs allow me to be bitchy and talk about TV people .  I love bitching so much. 

I must not get out much ... you mean to tell me there's such a thing as GERMAN PORN?!?!

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8 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

I must not get out much ... you mean to tell me there's such a thing as GERMAN PORN?!?!

Yes.  Please don't use the Google.  You really don't want to know. 

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5 minutes ago, shanndee said:


I wonder away for a few hours and now we're discussing German porn. Wow!

What will the topic be in another couple of hours?? 


Well, I'm watching The Zoo at this moment and learning about sea lion sex and a flamingo named "Dinky".  If I hear "dolphin smooth" I WILL swoon.

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35 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Please don't use the Google.  You really don't want to know.

Jesus... there are some words/terms I've read and I will never, ever Google them. I considered myself to be pretty sophisticated that way, but I've learned things I never wanted to know and it's taught me a good lesson - curiosity really could kill the kitty.  Damn.


1 hour ago, walnutqueen said:

I wouldn't smell a milk carton if you paid me.  I don't drink the stuff myself, but many of my outdoor kitties do

I'm sure you know cats are lactose intolerant and although they love to drink milk, it gives them diarrhea = dehydration.

Edited by AngelaHunter
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Just now, AngelaHunter said:

Jesus... there are some words/terms I've read and I will never, ever Google them. I considered myself to be pretty sophistocated that way, but I've learned things I never wanted to know and it's taught me a good lesson - curiosity really could kill the kitty.  Damn.


I'm sure you know cats are lactose intolerant and although they love to drink milk, it gives them diarrhea = dehydration.

Yeah, except not always.  My semi-ferals seem to split along milk/no milk groups pretty much on their own, and not a hint of diarrhea or dehydration, ever.  Decades ago, my wild barn cats would visit the dairy farm next door twice a day, and get squirted in the face by my Danish dairy farmer neighbour.  They all lived to ripe old ages, too.  My cossetted indoor cats were never allowed anywhere near milk, though - and they all cost me my retirement funds in vet bills.  :-)

20 minutes ago, shanndee said:

Wait...the flamingo and the sea lion are having sex? 

Not with each other (that we know of).  Although I'm sure Clyde the sea lion in rut would give it a try, if he could, the sleek shiny sex monster that he is.

Dinky the flamingo has a busted "ankle", poor baby, and has to learn to walk on a splint (which looks remarkably like her other leg!).

With all my animal shows on Saturdays and TWD or HBO shows on Sunday evenings, my weekends are my happy times.  :-)

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36 minutes ago, AngelaHunter said:

Jesus... there are some words/terms I've read and I will never, ever Google them. I considered myself to be pretty sophisticated that way, but I've learned things I never wanted to know and it's taught me a good lesson - curiosity really could kill the kitty.  Damn.


Right, just last week I overheard someone say something about cream pie, I thought they meant a delicious sweet treat so decided to google a recipe and.....

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