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Small Talk: The Quiver

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I saw Ant-Man the other day, while it wasn't the best Marvel movie, it was enjoyable and entertaining. Marvel once again knows how to strike the balance between light and dark storylines to give an enjoyable movie going experience. I will actually probably see it again next week.

For those of you who saw Antman--are there any spiders in the movie? I'm planning to see it this weekend, but cannot deal with spiders. At all.

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For those of you who saw Antman--are there any spiders in the movie? I'm planning to see it this weekend, but cannot deal with spiders. At all.


No spiders. Just ants, and I never would have thought I would find ants adorable, but this movie made it so. 


I feel you, I missed large parts of Harry Potter and Return of the King due to my bit of phobia.

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People at IMDb seem to.enjoy making shit up. I think you have to pay for an IMDbPro account which seems really odd. I'm going to pay just so I can post BS casting and episode descriptions! Very weird to me.

At my day job, I deal with a lot of movies that are still in post-production. It's crazy how much info shows up on IMDb without anyone involved with the movies ever putting it there. Even teeny tiny movies with no marketing budget, that the writer-director-producer is the only person who can add info to IMDb, and some rando put it up there for sport instead.

They don't discriminate either, they do it with indie movies and big movies alike:


It's probably worse with television, even.

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No spiders in Ant-Man, just a bunch of CGI ants that they managed to make cute looking. 


I thought I'd be grossed out seeing all those ants, but I wasn't because of how they made them. 

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Totally off topic but that scene of Sam and Dean warming their hands over the burning body and that guy just sitting in the car watching shaking his head, is the most underrated scene. (Think that is the episode) That one and the montage set to Renegade. That's it, that's the show.

Yes, that was this episode and's a great scene. Actually both scenes you mentioned are quintessential Supernatural, love them both.

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I find The Winter Solider the least interesting thing about The Winter Solider. I see gif sets and I just don't get it.


I've always loved Bucky, but I wished they humanized the winter soldier even more to at least resemble him a little. That's where it lost me because the movie had really good potential to make The Winter Soldier an amazing/layered/complex villain but all he did was smash things up and frown. 

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I enjoyed Bucky. I hated when he died. But I think so much time had passed between movies, and because he was a brawny pawn, I didn't connect very much with the 'end of the line' scene. I was much more interested in what Black Widow and Falcon were doing. 

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Is it wrong that I really loved Natasha/Steve in that movie? I wanted them to get together. I definitely much prefer them over Steve/Agent 13 (Sharon Carter).


Anyways, yeah I wasn't that into the whole Winter Soldier thing. but I liked it well enough. I thought The Winter Soldier was one of the strongest marvel films. 

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I loved the Natasha and Steve relationship. They are friendship all the way for me, no romance.


I liked Agent 13 and am looking forward to seeing more from her in the next movie. I loved the scene where she kicks the chair of the IT Guy to save his life. I'm not sure I ship it yet because of her being related to Peggy (that's true right? or is that just comics now and not confirmed in the movie verse?), but I think I could if done right.


I love the movie itself. That whole sequence of Captain's Order/Steve's Speech/Agents Fighting Back is probably my favorite in the Marvel universe. And the combination of Steve/Natasha/Sam is one of my favorite trios ever.

Edited by 10Eleven12
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I thought Peggy and Agent 13 were related? That's why it's a whole lot of nope for me. just... NOPE. I think I enjoyed Steve/Natasha on a more romantic level (I know I'm in the minority here) because they pretty yin yang. Regardless, I'm not heartbroken that they're not together. Not the way I would be if Oliver/Felicity break up, but still... 


BTW, they better not break up. 

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I've not been able to ship Steve with anyone but Peggy. I know that's crazy because they can't ever be together, and we know that Peggy will eventually move on, so why shouldn't Steve? But it is what it is. I like him and Nat as friends, but not more, and I don't like the idea of him being with Peggy's niece.

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The whole family thing is why I can't say for certain I would ship Steve and Agent 13. But I like character and wouldn't mind seeing more from her.

I love Steve and Peggy. I think this relationship is one of the most interesting because so much of it is What If.

I can generally always find people to ship (seriously or casually) with the exception of Natasha. I never felt the Hawkeyes thing. I totally thought that was where they were going and felt bad for the shippers when they did a 180, but I was never interested in Budapest. Natasha and Banner is a big No for me. I'm not even sure why exactly but I remember shaking my head whenever they were on screen together. Like I said before, love Steve and Natasha but only as friends.

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^ Oh, lol! Same. I'm in a cabin in the mountains where WiFi doesn't exist but 4G works and I'm wasting my data plan because yay, Maria/Steve! I used to ship no one in the MCU (though I think Tony/Pepper are cute and Steve/Peggy was great) but there were little things in CAWS and AOU that made me curious so I went to AO3 and then the pairing sucked me in. Such a tiny fandom with some amazing writers who are able to produce fics that really write Steve Rogers and, especially, Maria Hill well.

Wow, dancingnancy, Olicity, Chlollie, Mulder/Scully and, now, Maria/Steve. A+ shipping game! ;)

Edited by SleepDeprived
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I think I need an intervention.  I keep going back to that site which shall not be named and I keep posting why I have issues with one character and defending her sister and 1) I'm wasting way too much time doing it, and 2) when I pretty much slaughter the other side with reason and logic, then the replies stop being rebuttals but instead veer into personal attacks or my new favorite, used as proof that since I'm the only one there pointing out the problems, it must mean that nobody else out there sees these things as character problems. 


How do I stop the cycle?  I do like the chance to get into a push and pull debate but I don't seem to know how to walk away when I've said everything that needs to be said.   I'm suffering from last word-itus.  Anyone know of any cures? 

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^ Oh, lol! Same. I'm in a cabin in the mountains where WiFi doesn't exist but 4G works and I'm wasting my data plan because yay, Maria/Steve! I used to ship no one in the MCU (though I think Tony/Pepper are cute and Steve/Peggy was great) but there were little things in CAWS and AOU that made me curious so I went to AO3 and then the pairing sucked me in. Such a tiny fandom with some amazing writers who are able to produce fics that really write Steve Rogers and, especially, Maria Hill well.

Wow, dancingnancy, Olicity, Chlollie, Mulder/Scully and, now, Maria/Steve. A+ shipping game! ;)

Hahaha, this is my greatest achievement in life. :DDD

And your experience = mine exactly. I got curious, and a friend of mine had actually written and recced a couple of fics, so I went looking, and OH MY GOD the quality of the fics, yes. Tielan's stories? I wanna marry all of them.


How do I stop the cycle?  I do like the chance to get into a push and pull debate but I don't seem to know how to walk away when I've said everything that needs to be said.   I'm suffering from last word-itus.  Anyone know of any cures?

Disegaging from a discussion is so hard. And so much more when you can spot the fallacies in the argument's logic. I understand you completely. But you're never gonna change their minds, so: disengage. It stops being fun when it starts affecting you like this.

And the personal attacks pretty much mean you won, you know. :)

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I love fighting with the other side.Most sites that they post on have jerk cycles of just mindlessly hating on characters and I just love breaking that up with some much needed logic.But it is pretty much pointless trying to have a reasonable disscusion with them.

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Here's a (perhaps stupid) suggestion - If you absolutely, positively have to have the last word, end with something ambiguous (word, phrase, emoji) that will leave readers puzzled like 'huh?'... then never bother to explain. ; )

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Here's a (perhaps stupid) suggestion - If you absolutely, positively have to have the last word, end with something ambiguous (word, phrase, emoji) that will leave readers puzzled like 'huh?'... then never bother to explain. ; )

Came close to doing that. I'd posted something saying if I wasn't there banging my head against the wall the whole section would be crickets and that it had been crickets before and would be crickets again. Apparently this produced confusion.

Alas, my love of clarity intervened so I explained it, but I also commented that when the discussion stopped being about the topic of the thread and instead turned to the posters (me) maybe it was a sign I'd said all that could be said.

Now I just have to stick to my guns.

Thanks all for the encouragement. :D

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I'm reading that Rachel McAdams is in talks to play the female lead in Doctor Strange, but they're not saying who it is. I'm wondering if any of the comics fans here might know (or have an idea) what character she's playing?

Edited by Starfish35
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So I stuck to my guns -kind of -in regards to undoing my habit of pointlessly posting on the site that shall not be mentioned. I've stayed out of the places I normally post but I did in a section I usually don't visit make a comment about the differences between NCIS and Castle ( Someone said they were the same show). I pointed out that on Castle there is growth and change and things happen and change the show in an ongoing fashion unlike on NCIS where it nearly takes actors quitting for the show to undergo any real growth. I called it life in stasis.

Someone disagreed, I did a post supporting my reasoning and the reply was well they weren't a voyeur so they didn't need to gossip about who was sleeping with who in order to live a fulfilled life hence them only able to tolerate shows that avoid sharing too much private life content.

(Which incidentally was their reason for hating Olicity this season they said)

So I'm a fetish packed loser if I like character focused entertainment. Good to know.

That should keep me away for a long time. I came here to rant about that percentage of people that rather than agree to disagree or support their viewpoint instead fallback on personal attacks. I have a feeling this is the point where someone welcomes me to the Internet. I swear I must have been hanging out in the nicer neighborhoods before. #naive

Edited by BkWurm1
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One thing I noticed about the site that shall not be mentioned, Craig usually defends people who don't like Felicity/Olicity but when people attack Olicity shippers/Felicity fans, he's always no where to be found. 


Oh yeah, he's definitely not biased. 


I commend you for sticking there for as long as you could. Sad to see that Craig, a guy who you actually stuck up for didn't really do the same. 


Funny how when people try to tear down Olicity they tend to resort to attacking the shippers as well. Shows that they have zero basis to their arguments and are just overly bitter for no reason. 

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One thing I noticed about the site that shall not be mentioned, Craig usually defends people who don't like Felicity/Olicity but when people attack Olicity shippers/Felicity fans, he's always no where to be found.


Oh yeah, he's definitely not biased.


Honestly that has more to do with the mods never doing anything as far as I can tell.  I get the impression they only pay attention if someone forces them. 

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I'm reading that Rachel McAdams is in talks to play the female lead in Doctor Strange, but they're not saying who it is. I'm wondering if any of the comics fans here might know (or have an idea) what character she's playing?

She's probably playing Clea, an otherdimensional princess who was Strange's disciple/love interest for a while.
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I really, really hope she gets that role.

She's killing it on True Detective. 


I am really loving this new trend where "movie" stars now feel free to crossover into TV projects.  :)

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Did you mean to put movie in quotes, as opposed to stars?

Yeah, I meant to put movie in quotes but I didn't intend it to be read as ironic.  More like highlighting a different category.  Like "movie" stars vs "TV" stars when really they should just be Stars period.    For so very long actors seemed really caught up in the distinction.  Makes sense in the past when just the film quality to record something for television was appalling compared to on screen but I'm enjoying that the stigma of being a "TV" star is going away.  Now a project is just a project and they can find both good and bad in either the movies or on TV.  

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I think though, you won't see the top top movie stars do it though. George Clooney, Amy Adams caliber.

Well, they've come from TV already.  Clooney, I'd say you are right.  He's been there done that and won't have any shortage of offers even as he ages.


Amy Adams eventually might be lured back since roles of depth for women on TV seem to be better and more plentiful, though frankly, how she could ever top her appearance on Smallville, I'll never know. 

Edited by BkWurm1
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