Chaser July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 I'm on board with more Lydia/Kira/Malia. One thing that Teen Wolf has done well is balance it's female characters. There isn't any awkwardness or hostility, nothing feels forced about the friendships. I think that's one of the benefits of not keeping the characters separate from each other (looking at you Flash and Arrow). Thinking about Lydia and Stiles, I don't get a strong shipper-vibe off of them. I don't think they have this explosive chemistry or anything. I just really enjoy their dynamic and I think that comes from the fact that Stiles has always recognized how brilliant Lydia and has always supported her. And I love that Lydia didn't treat him like a love-sick puppy when she so could have, but instead she respected him and saw how smart he was/is. They also share the loyalty to friends at all cost. I just think they make a great team. It did not occur to me that Malia is the muscle of the group, but that is so true. Lol I think my issue with Malia is she came on to strong and a little too fast. I don't mean this as a comparison of Maila and Kira, because it isn't, I'm just comparing their introductions. They both have something special about them - Kira with the mystical powers and Malia as the were-coyote, but well Kira was a slow burn into the group Malia felt full-thortle to me. I actually would have preferred they kept her at the asylum longer or spent more time on the transition into every day teen life before they paired her with Stiles. Instead of Stiles being the touchstone for teen life, I would have preferred it be one of the girls. 1 Link to comment
FurryFury July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 I dunno, I may binge a few episodes at some point but I'm certainly done with watching Teen Wolf on a weekly basis. These writers don't have a clue how to plot an episode. The story structure was a mess in s4 and often even before that, and after reading AVClub review for the season premiere it seems nothing has changed. On the other side, it seems like they're going the Lydia/Parrish way and I'm on board. And really, I want Lydia to be happy because I like her. I care a bit less about Kira and Malia (especially Malia who seems like a blander hotter Anya (BtVS) to me), but they are still OK and better than their boyfriends). Scott bores me to tears and I have zero desire to see boring Liam again. Link to comment
kismet July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 So I went to the TVline and read the blind item and some of the comments. Not surprised that people's first choices are Bones & Castle. I do not watch Bones, but I feel like they have already done the relationship angst apart thing this season. I do watch Castle and honestly I cannot see them breaking up the romantic relationship with Castle & Beckett. I can see them breaking up their professional relationship on the show and having Beckett pursue the political angle, while Castle stays in crime fighting line of work. Therefore having completely separate storylines for each. That would shake up the fundamentals of the show. But the rumors of them bringing a new female partner for Castle to work with does not concern me that its the end for Castle & Beckett, not after how long it took them to finally have that wedding. But honestly, the comments that I started finding interesting were about Supernatural. Because splitting up the brothers would be a fundamental shift. It also works for a play on the "DNA" line of the spoiler. Its fanbase is so strong, that I can imagine TPTB not having concerns that if they mess with the show the fans will immediately abandon the show. There may be hate, but TPTB may think they are able to calm that with whatever tricks they have up their sleeves. It might also be a way they could finally get that spin-off they have been trying to get for years. It might re-energize the show which after 10 seasons might be something people & TPTB are looking for. Scandal is just not old enough to be an aging show and they have been changing the dynamics of the relationships on that show since the beginning so they only thing that would be surprising would actually have Fitz & Olivia be in an actual relationship, which seems to be opposite from what the blind item is suggesting. Ditto on Arrow being too young to be considered "aging", and it is also a show not heavily defined by a single relationship, despite what people like to think. The show has always been about Oliver's journey, its not based on the 2 major protagonists solving crimes/mysteries together like Castle, Bones & Supernatural are. Link to comment
Chaser July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 Malia as Anya? Yeah. Something I can see for sure. I'm hopeful with less focus on the Hale family, I'm going to get a better feel for her in the group. They have been slow-burning Lydia and Parish (pause for cheap but fantastic pun) since last season. I'm a fan. Link to comment
olicityfan25 July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 I was one of the people who shipped Stiles and Lydia. Even though I still kind of so, I like Parrish and Lydia's dynamic. I'm not one of the people who like Malia. I just can't really get into her. I like Scott, and Kira. But I liked Alison and Scott more so I liked that Scott included AA at the end. Tears forever at that. 1 Link to comment
FurryFury July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 I preferred Alison without Scott TBH. She was my favorite character and I almost quit the show after her death. Hell, I probably should have. 1 Link to comment
Sakura12 July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 (edited) Scott and Alison were the dullest couple I have ever seen portrayed on tv. The recapper on this site called them a NyQuil romance. I am in definite agreement with that definition, I could fall asleep watching them. Since I binged watched it I actually skipped most of their scenes. I liked Alison separately, but not with Scott. I liked that she got a mention. For me Kira's hasn't really done much for me to care about her. Her romance with Scott is only slightly better than Alison's. But still dull. Her mother is more interesting than her. It's always interesting to see the differences when you binge watch a show compared to those who watched from the beginning. My friend started watching this show before season 5 and she loves Malia as well. I also see that the recapper here also likes Malia. I wonder if that makes difference? I had the same thing happen when I binged Breaking Bad. I kept hearing about how awful Skylar was and when I watched it I felt so bad for her having that crazy psycho as a husband. It makes a difference to see Walt go from doing it for his family to becoming a crazy psychopath in the span of a few weeks. Skylar wasn't my favorite character or anything, I just didn't get all the hate she got. Edited July 1, 2015 by Sakura12 Link to comment
Chaser July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 Scott and Alison were fine to me. I honestly didn't care so much if they were together or not. Scott and Kira are fine to me. The friendships on the show are better IMO than any of the romances. Which is one of the reasons I was disappointed that Alison's death wasn't felt more last season, so the mention was great. Malia is just....I don't know. I don't fast forward any of her scenes and I'm amused by her sometimes. I'm pretty sure my biggest problem with her is that I was waiting for other storylines and then they introduced her and it felt like a lot of focus was on her. I made the mistake of reading some of the actresses interviews and that wasn't great. 1 Link to comment
Sakura12 July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 I've never minded the outsider characters coming into an established group. I'm open to welcoming new players into the mix, and most of the time they end up becoming my favorite character on the show. Anya on Buffy, Addison on Grey's Anatomy, Sara on Arrow and Malia on Teen Wolf. I think my issue with Kira is she's stuck with Scott, who I find to be devoid of a personality. Which is strange since Tyler Posey has way too much personality in real life. I pretty much watch Scott to see what dumb facial expressions he's going to make. Link to comment
FurryFury July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 I would have liked Malia way more if they didn't force her romance with Stiles. I remember cringing throughout that scene in the Eichen House in 3B. Very bad taste, imho. No idea why it couldn't have waited. Scott/Kira bores me (although I really like Kira herself and I guess I would have liked to see a show just about her and the Japanese mythology which I generally find fascinating and under-explored in the Western media) but it was still done way better than Malia/Stiles. 1 Link to comment
Chaser July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 I can't get into the Stiles/Malia romances. It was so fast. They randomly hook up at the asylum then the start of the next season she is regular bed buddies and hangs out with his dad. The actress gave an interview where she talked about Malia finding her mate in him and that just annoyed me. It was before the start of the last season, too quick. 1 Link to comment
Sakura12 July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 (edited) Oh, I thought their romance was quick too. But I don't really care about the romance it's not what I focus on. I liked both of their characters and I liked Stiles helping her become more human. Not being a shipper means I don't get attached to one couple and think that couple needs to be endgame. I don't care about the couples, I care about the individuals and if they are interesting when they are together. Scott/Alison was a no. Malia/Stiles is a yes. As I said, I know I'm one of the few on this board that likes Malia. Edited July 1, 2015 by Sakura12 Link to comment
SonofaBiscuit July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 Oh, I forgot about Parrish and Lydia (I tend to let this show pile up on my DVR--haven't even watched the 2 night premiere yet). I think that those two had good chemistry, and I'd be fine with the show exploring that this season (I wonder how much older he's supposed to be, though). American Odyssey was cancelled. I didn't watch, but I know that a few talked about it in here. Link to comment
NumberCruncher July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 American Odyssey was cancelled. I didn't watch, but I know that a few talked about it in here. I really tried with that show but I was bored out of my mind. Not really shocked it was cancelled. Link to comment
FurryFury July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 (edited) (I wonder how much older he's supposed to be, though). Didn't they say he was 24 last season? I'm not sure. I don't really care anyway. As long as he's not her teacher (hi Ezra Fitz) or something like that, I'm fine with it. Edited July 1, 2015 by FurryFury Link to comment
EmeraldArcher July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 Any fans of Kristina Ortutova or Steroline shippers might like her newest video. She used a very unique style. I'm impatiently waiting for her to post a new Olicity video. She hasn't done one since 3x23. Link to comment
Carrie Ann July 1, 2015 Share July 1, 2015 As I said, I know I'm one of the few on this board that likes Malia. There are two of us! Three if you count Joe Reid who did the Marathon Diary and writes the recaps for the site. But I'm not actually watching this season because I don't get MTV anymore and I don't care enough about Teen Wolf to pay for it separately or even to acquire it via, ahem, alternate methods. I've never seen Shelley Hennig in anything else, but after last season, she became my favorite actor/character on TW, with DO'B/Stiles in second. So the two of them together is all I could want from the show, and I'm kind of pre-sad because I know Stalia won't last. I used to like Stydia too, but never enough to really consider it shipping. 1 Link to comment
tv echo July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 Regarding SGA, Torri Higginson wasn't even the original Dr. Elizabeth Weir. If you remember, Elizabeth was first played by Jessica Steen. I always wondered why they changed actresses. Link to comment
FurryFury July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 Happens all the time with pilots or planted pilots. Scheduling conflicts, focus group response, etc. Link to comment
Morrigan2575 July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 Regarding SGA, Torri Higginson wasn't even the original Dr. Elizabeth Weir. If you remember, Elizabeth was first played by Jessica Steen. I always wondered why they changed actresses. the original actress had signed on to another project by the time SyFy gave the spin-off the go ahead, 3 Link to comment
Starfish35 July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 (edited) I didn't know that - I never knew why they changed. I like Jessica Steen, but Torri was Elizabeth for me - she was the one who made that character who Elizabeth was. I always think of it as similar to the Jack and Daniel situation. Even though those characters were originally played by Kurt Russell and James Spader in the movie, RDA and Michael Shanks are Jack and Daniel to me. Regarding Teen Wolf, I noped out of that show after the season two finale. I like Scott for the most part, but I had a really hard time with his actions in the finale, and the feeling that I was supposed to see them as heroic. *shrug* Overall I just got the feeling that the show wasn't interested in going anywhere I wanted it to go, and I wasn't invested enough to hang around in the hopes that it might. I really did like Stiles and his dad though. And JR Bourne has aged very well - Martouf, you are looking fine! :) Edited July 2, 2015 by Starfish35 1 Link to comment
dtissagirl July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 Martouf is my favorite character on Teen Wolf. Also my level of engagement with TW is I call him Martouf because I can't be bothered to learn the characters' names. Heh. 1 Link to comment
FurryFury July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 Who's Martouf? Link to comment
Sakura12 July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 (edited) Who's Martouf? He's the character JR Bourne (Chris Argent on Teen Wolf) played on Stargate SG-1. He was one of the many killed off love interests of Sam Carter. Edited July 2, 2015 by Sakura12 1 Link to comment
Morrigan2575 July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 Poor Martouf. I liked him 1 Link to comment
Starfish35 July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 I liked Martouf too - I was pretty upset when he was killed off. Link to comment
BkWurm1 July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 (edited) I did a Stargate SG-1 rewatch last summer, I got up to the dreaded Season 6. It wasn't the best season, but it wasn't as bad as I remembered it. Jonas was ok and knowing Daniel was coming back I could enjoy his character a little more. When word of season six rolled around I discovered I was only watching the show for Daniel, lol. I think I've still only watched two or three episodes from that season beyond the special guest ones with Shanks. I did not like the feel of the show without Daniel. The most popular guesses for that blind seem to be Bones, Castle, and surprisingly, Arrow. I think Castle is the most likely choice of those three. You know who it probably is? Penny and Lenard on Big Bang. Oops, nope, I missed the part where it's a one hour drama. Sigh. I really don't want it to be Bone or Castle. In either case it means I'm quitting the show. Edited July 2, 2015 by BkWurm1 Link to comment
Starfish35 July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 Yeah I think I might wait to start watching Season 8 of Castle until we know whether it is or not. If it is, well, the season 7 finale will be the series finale as far as I'm concerned. :( It doesn't make sense to me that it would be Castle - why would they do that? But I can't think of another show that fits. Sadly. 1 Link to comment
Morrigan2575 July 2, 2015 Share July 2, 2015 (edited) I did a Stargate SG-1 rewatch last summer, I got up to the dreaded Season 6. It wasn't the best season, but it wasn't as bad as I remembered it. Jonas was ok and knowing Daniel was coming back I could enjoy his character a little more.I loved Daniel (my favorite character) and I wasn't sure I would still watch after he died but I used to love Parker Lewis Can't Lose so I wanted to give Jonah a shot. Sadly I ended up hating S6 and Jonah and quitting (except for Shanks' episodes).The thing I hated about S6 was how quickly Sam/Tealc embraced Jonah as Daniel's replacement and how they made Jonah this super special snowflake. What I loved was Jack's utter hatred of Jonah and continued contempt for the role Jonah played in Daniel's death. I later found out that Jack's reactions were all RDA. The EPs wanted Jack to embrace Jonah just like Sam/Tealc. RDA argued against it and won. Even knowing Daniel comes back in S7 I can't be bothered to watch a S6 episode. Edited July 2, 2015 by Morrigan2575 1 Link to comment
Sakura12 July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 That's why I said I watched last year and it made the difference. When I watched it when it was on I hated Jonas and wanted Daniel back. Having Jack not accept him made it easier too. I know I skipped some episodes because during my rewatch I didn't remember ever seeing some of the episodes. I watched SG-1 until the end because at that time there wasn't as many options as there are today. Now It's so much easier to quit shows and find new ones to love with almost every single channel having tv shows, like the History channel. Also during my rewatch I realized that early seasons Daniel annoyed the crap out of me. And Sam still remains one of my favorite female characters. Mitchell grew on me during the rewatch as well. Link to comment
Starfish35 July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 (edited) I need to do an SG-1 rewatch. Last time I tried to do a rewatch (which has been a few years ago) I only got to the Unas episode in season four. I keep planning to but then get distracted by other shows. Edited July 3, 2015 by Starfish35 Link to comment
BkWurm1 July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 That's why I said I watched last year and it made the difference. When I watched it when it was on I hated Jonas and wanted Daniel back. Having Jack not accept him made it easier too. I know I skipped some episodes because during my rewatch I didn't remember ever seeing some of the episodes. I watched SG-1 until the end because at that time there wasn't as many options as there are today. Now It's so much easier to quit shows and find new ones to love with almost every single channel having tv shows, like the History channel. Also during my rewatch I realized that early seasons Daniel annoyed the crap out of me. And Sam still remains one of my favorite female characters. Mitchell grew on me during the rewatch as well. I really grew to enjoy Mitchel as well. And Landry, but then I always had issues with General Hammond's delivery, never disliked him but never managed to adore him like so many else in the fandom. Loved Teal'c and Sam and lked Jack very much but I confess I always held a little grudge that his character (which took me years to like in the movie version) was the star of the show when I'd thought Dr. Jackson would/should be, but you are so right, early seasons Daniel now bugs me. Vala I loved, loved, loved right from the start and I know them's fighting words for some. I could have watched the Daniel and Vala show for another 10 years. American Odyssey was cancelled. I didn't watch, but I know that a few talked about it in here Got a peak at their ratings a couple weeks back and it was lower than what The 100 brought in, so yeah, I knew it was going, going but I have to say I'm sorry. It was a dense, complicated story but really well acted and written...except for the part where it was too dense and hard to follow and the early episodes so brutal. I can see why it drove away viewers. It would have done better I think on one of the cable stations. Allison Mack's part was clearly cut short (suddenly she just didn't show up for an important scheduled conversation and the show shrugged it off and she wasn't mentioned again.) Again, pity, because it seemed they were laying some groundwork for a meatier part to come. The series was able to provide kind of an ending at least. It quickly wrapped up the major plot point while setting up something more if they got the chance. Obviously they will not get the chance. Link to comment
Starfish35 July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 Vala I loved, loved, loved right from the start and I know them's fighting words for some. Ha, not for me. I adored Vala from the start, although I'm unable to say how much of that was because of Vala and how much was because of Claudia Black. Same for Mitchell actually. Landry I never warmed up to. I'm not sure I could say why exactly. 2 Link to comment
BkWurm1 July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 (edited) Ha, not for me. I adored Vala from the start, although I'm unable to say how much of that was because of Vala and how much was because of Claudia Black. Same for Mitchell actually. Claudia Black gave that character great depth and layers. I don't think anyone else could have pulled Vala off and as it was, there still was a lot of blowback, though so much of that had to do with how her arrival coincided with the seeming sidelining of long term regulars. I didn't know either actors really before Stargate. (I'm still working through Farscape) I did though see a hilarious appearance of Claudia Black and Ben Browder at some kind of convention after Claudia had done her episode in season 8. Browder had to leave the stage for a call or something and while he was away, they put in his chair either a large photograph of Daniel Jackson or I want to say a life sized cut out (which someone just happened to have in the audience) after Claudia had played up replacing him with Michael Shanks earlier in the conversation. Funniest thing. I was a fan of both actors after that. Still, I think it took the episode where Mitchell just kept getting beat up over and over again (training so he could be killed honorably in a fight, I think it must have been one of the LoA off world franchises) before I warmed up to him . It helped though that they didn't make the same mistake they'd made with Jonas. Aka, no one had to die for him to get the job, lol. I also for once appreciated the retcon they did to tie him into their past. Edited July 3, 2015 by BkWurm1 2 Link to comment
TrueMyth July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 (edited) I didn't know either actors really before Stargate. (I'm still working through Farscape) I did though see a hilarious appearance of Claudia Black and Ben Browder at some kind of convention after Claudia had done her episode in season 8. Browder had to leave the stage for a call or something and while he was away, they put in his chair either a large photograph of Daniel Jackson or I want to say a life sized cut out (which someone just happened to have in the audience) after Claudia had played up replacing him with Michael Shanks earlier in the conversation. Funniest thing. I was a fan of both actors after that. I was at that Con! It was awesome! After Claudia's first appearance as Vala the "Who's a better kisser?" question became a regular and both she and Ben were so great about it. The whole cast if Farscape had an awesome sense of humor. Ben once got the whole audience in on a prank (I think it may have been the same Con as the Shanks cut-out) when Claudia had to leave the stage... He had everyone wait still she was back and settled... Then en masse we all got up and started filing out of the auditorium. :) Where are you currently with Farscape? Edited July 3, 2015 by TrueMyth 2 Link to comment
tv echo July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 Some of you may find this interesting... Why Is Reddit On Strike?Paul Tassi 7/03/2015 @ 8:44AM Massive Reddit protest locks down major subs, including Reddit GamingBy Brian Crecente on Jul 03, 2015 at 7:39a @crecenteb Link to comment
Sakura12 July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 I loved Vala, she's the reason I gave Farscape another go. I'd been trying to watch it and would get through the first season then I'd forget about it for some reason. After seeing Claudia Black on SG-1, I finally watched it all the way through and loved it. I haven't seen CB in anything in awhile until she popped up in an episode of Haven. And now she's on a show on the CW that is sadly run by Julie Plec which makes me not want to watch it. 2 Link to comment
TrueMyth July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 I think she took some time off / was working less when her babies were young. She did a lot of voiceover work for video games. At a Con, she joked that she asked the game designers to work in a special code for her (then) boyfriend so that, after a set time playing or time of night, it would say, in her gorgeous voice, "It is late. Turn off the game and come to bed." And now she's on a show on the CW that is sadly run by Julie Plec which makes me not want to watch it. I got so excited when you said she was back on TV. Hah! Figures she'd pop up on the show I actually followed for the whole first season. I'll have to catch her episodes. I mean, I watched Queen of the Damned for her, so I'm in for a penny, in for a pound. Have you guys seen Farscape: Undressed? Ben and Claudia co-hosted it as a primer to hook new viewers for season three. There are some mild spoilers for season two, but a whole lot of the thing is just Ben and Claudia making heart-eyes and teasing each other. This YouTube video also cut in one of Claudia's most awesome bloopers: Link to comment
Sakura12 July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 She is back on tv, her show premieres sometime Midseason. She's blonde and using an American accent. Link to comment
FurryFury July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 She did a lot of voiceover work for video games. And she did it great! I love her Morrigan in Dragon Age (also one of my fav characters) and her Chloe in Uncharted 2/3. I think her son voiced Morrigan's son in the latest Dragon Age which is just all sorts of cute. I don't think I'll watch this Containment show though. First, it's Plec (ugh) and second, it doesn't really sound all that awesome. I'm not a huge fan of the "killer virus" trope. I watch 12 Monkeys and it's enough for me (although it's more about time travel than the virus, thankfully). Link to comment
Starfish35 July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 Yeah, I don't see myself watching Containment, even for Claudia. And I'm sad about that - she's one of my favorite actresses. But I know what I like and don't, and Containment just isn't my kind of show. Link to comment
dtissagirl July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 Yeah, I'm gonna let Julie Plec infect my brain and my life again because of Claudia Black. CURSE MY GIRLCRUSH. 5 Link to comment
Morrigan2575 July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 (edited) Hated Vala, she was a joke of a character, IMO. I generally don't ship so there was nothing appealing to me about Daniel/Vala. BTW I also hated John/Aeryn on Farscape, the angst and will they won't they bullshit was so over the top it almost ruined the show for me. Seriously, don't even get me started on the stupidity of Peacekeepers War. I do like Claudia Black though, she's a good actress and her turn as Daliah on The Originals was wonderful, she made for a fantastic villain. Edited July 3, 2015 by Morrigan2575 Link to comment
FurryFury July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 (edited) I liked John/Aeryn in seasons 1 and 2 but season 3 made me drop the show, it all became way too melodramatic and forced. I've always liked Aeryn herself though. Edited July 3, 2015 by FurryFury Link to comment
Morrigan2575 July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 I liked John/Aeryn in seasons 1 and 2 but season 3 made me drop the show, it all became way too melodramatic and forced. I've always liked Aeryn herself though.Yes, I liked Aeryn and I liked John just not together. Way too melodramatic and forced. Link to comment
TrueMyth July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 Different strokes, I guess. I loved John/Aeryn for the whole run and often hold it up as the standard for ships. On reflection, they are one of the few OTPs I like that were intended from the start. I loved their take on the love triangle and wish that Arrow had followed suit, keeping it Arrow/Felicity/Oliver. 5 Link to comment
BkWurm1 July 3, 2015 Share July 3, 2015 Where are you currently with Farscape? Saw the Peacekeeper Wars when it first aired. Was confused but liked it well enough. Watched the first season and almost the first half of season 2 a while back on Netflicks but then I think they dropped it. A year or so back I DVR'd the whole series but I haven't dived back in. It's been so long I probably need to start all over and that kind of overwhelms me. Hated Vala, she was a joke of a character, IMO. I generally don't ship so there was nothing appealing to me about Daniel/Vala. I loved her with everyone on the show. She changed the dynamic of the team and the base, treating her friends as family. Yes the original team had always been LIKE family, but Vala never observed the carefully maintained distance the other did and I liked how it seemed to change and relax the other characters in turn. On paper I understand why some hated her character but for me taking in dialogue, backstory and CB's acting and the wonderful reactions her character brought out even when she didn't have lines made Vala rise above what could have been an amalgam of stereotypes. 2 Link to comment
Morrigan2575 July 4, 2015 Share July 4, 2015 From the award thread Ugh have you actually read the discussions there? I tend to read (but not participate) in the Avclub comments for some shows but that's it. Most other places don't offer any intelligent discussion, people are simply shouting their opinions. I wouldn't be here if this place didn't have any interesting arguments/observations, i just feel like there's a bit too much vitriol overall and shipping tends to overtake the discussion way more often than I'd like (not just Arrow board).I get good discussion on The Originals, Vampire Diaries and Once Upon A Time episode threads over at SpoilerTV. Much better than here which is fairly limited to I Hate Klaus/Klaus ruins everything and Regina sucks. I happen to enjoy both characters so I avoid PreTV discussion on those boards.The Flash board on spoiler tv was decent, good discussion most of the time. I stopped going to the Arrow board because it usually ends up in a fight between Maclives and Wonderwall. I stay on pretv for Walking Dead, Supernatural and Game of Thrones discussion. The Supernatural board at Spoiler tv used to be good but as of last year it was invaded by IMDb users who turn everything into a dean vs sam argument. Link to comment
EmeraldArcher July 4, 2015 Share July 4, 2015 From the award threadI get good discussion on The Originals, Vampire Diaries and Once Upon A Time episode threads over at SpoilerTV. Much better than here which is fairly limited to I Hate Klaus/Klaus ruins everything and Regina sucks. I happen to enjoy both characters so I avoid PreTV discussion on those boards. I think Klaus is one of the most interesting and compelling characters I've seen on TV, mostly thanks to Joseph Morgan's fantastic portrayal. There's something so Shakespearian about Klaus and his family drama that appeals to me--the paranoia and betrayal, the violence, the inescapable bonds of family, the faltering struggle for redemption, the hope. I've always thought The Originals was a much more adult show for The CW and that the supernatural elements were only decoration for what is really an interesting psychological interrogation of family. 1 Link to comment
Delphi July 4, 2015 Share July 4, 2015 (edited) I like the posters on the Once forum here but I don't post as much there anymore. It's very shipper heavy for Captain Swan, which I don't actually mind. But much like the subject of Laurel here I find that the hate for Regina and Rumble is very intense and kind of changes how much I enjoy the show. I don't really go anywhere else for discussion though or even to read the comments because people areally so vicious and I find it appalling. And honestly I'm a pretty mean/horribly/snarky guy so if the comments people make are leaving me uncomfortable theres a problem. Edited July 4, 2015 by Delphi Link to comment
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