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S02.E02: Chocolate Milk

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I finally watched the episode last night and just have to ditto everyone here -- I love everyone and everything on this show.


Jake/Terry was hilarious.  I appreciated that Terry actually expressed a desire for more children (which Jake played on with the very adorable baby) rather than this just being about his "manhood" or other bullshit.  (As a previous poster mentioned, Tim got snipped on Home Improvement but his resistance to it was on the "manhood/virility/big dick" basis, rather than an actual desire to expand the family).  And, as always, Terry Crews is amazing in all things.


Amy/Holt was amazing and they both deserve every award for the "cajole" scene.  It's hard to call anyone on the cast a "stand-out" since they are all pretty awesome but Melissa has really imbued what could be the killjoy stereotype with amazing layers and I adore her.


I know there are mixed emotions about Gina but personally I find her strangely delightful in small doses. Her line delivery on "secret shameful sex" was perfection and I can't fault her for the "bone bros" slap.


I'm trying to put my finger on exactly why I enjoy both Gina and Rosa, while I despise their closest alternate, April Ludgate.  I think it's because Gina & Rosa have both been shown to take one for the team, care about their coworkers, and generally find joy in life while April is a miserable bitch who inexplicably has the world handed to her.


The Holt/Wunch flashbacks were great but I have to point out that there is no way Kyra Sedgewick's hair would have looked that good in the "night before" scene -- that must have been late-80s/early 90s and she should have had some inappropriate volume and layers in there.

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Yeah, Amy is definitely Hermione and Jake is Ron but is actually shown to be good as stuff(in comparison to the movies).



I'm trying to put my finger on exactly why I enjoy both Gina and Rosa, while I despise their closest alternate, April Ludgate.  I think it's because Gina & Rosa have both been shown to take one for the team, care about their coworkers, and generally find joy in life while April is a miserable bitch who inexplicably has the world handed to her.


I like all three but the major difference is that Gina and Rosa are adults in their 30s and April is supposed to younger (her character was 19 in the first season of Parks and Rec) so her sullenness came from being a teenager. April has "the world handed to her" because various people(Leslie, Ron, and Chris) thought they could mentor her. Ron likes her because they're both anti-social and Leslie and Chris are too positive and determined to give up on her. Also when April rolls her eyes or show at contempt at other people they haven't really done anything wrong except be what she thinks is "lame". When Rosa rolls her eyes at someone the character usually deserves it,  whether it's Jake being goofy on the job, Amy being too much of a suckup or Charles being needy or weird or pathetic. 


Gina is what Lorelei Gilmore would turn out if she were poor, didn't have oppressive parents, and didn't have the responsibility of raising a child.

Edited by VCRTracking
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I don't know if anyone's made this comparison before, and apologies if they have, but I can't help thinking that Amy Santiago is what would have happened if Hermione Granger grew up to be a cop.


I love her to pieces.


I thought Amy was channelling Annie Edison, big time, in this episode. Obsessed with grades, terrified of any sort of failure, to the point where she becomes completely irrational? And yet still remaining adorable and funny?


I can't disagree with your Hermione comparison though, because I don't know the character.

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Yes, hearing the Hermione and Annie Edison comparisons, I totally see it.  But when Holt handed her the "grade" all I could see was Lisa Simpson in The PTA Disbands..


Lisa: [panting] Grade me...look at me...evaluate and rank me!  Oh, I'm good, good, good, and oh so smart!  Grade me!

       [Marge scribbles an A on a piece of paper]
       [Lisa walks off, muttering crazily and sighing]

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I can't disagree with your Hermione comparison though, because I don't know the character.

Heh. Very few people can actually say that these days, I bet. Harry Potter kind of entered James Bond level territory at some point in terms of public identification.  I believe the total readership is half a billion legally, and possibly a few times that illegally and/or including library loans.  The movies might even top even that (around $7.7 billion in ticket sales--just for the theatrical runs, I mean).

Heh. Very few people can actually say that these days, I bet. Harry Potter kind of entered James Bond level territory at some point in terms of public identification.  I believe the total readership is half a billion legally, and possibly a few times that illegally and/or including library loans.  The movies might even top even that (around $7.7 billion in ticket sales--just for the theatrical runs, I mean).


Oh, I know she's the girl from Harry Potter, but that's the limit of my knowledge. I've just never read the books or watched the movies. But if that picture sums her up, then I can see the Amy comparison.


It's interesting that most of the characters on this show are very strong, very obvious archetypes, but the writing and the performances manage to instill so much depth. Amy the prudish go-getter, Jake the goofy man-child, Boyle the desperate people-pleaser. It shows just how much has been invested, to move them from those archetypes to the well rounded characters they are now (well, most of them are).

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Derek Jeter, who recently retired, was much beloved.  Kind of a NY icon.  From Wikipedia:


Teammates and opponents alike regard Jeter as a consummate professional and one of the best players of his generation.


One would not would to embarrass oneself in front of Derek Jeter!

Edited by Inquisitionist
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Everything about the cold open was gold. The rapid fire puns were fucking hilarious. And Amy joining in with a brilliant zinger at the end and then apologizing for it was the cherry on top!


I did feel that occasionally, Terry's drugged up state was a LITTLE overplayed, but by and large, it was funny to me.


Holt remains awesome. Him giving Amy a post-it note with an "A" on it was cute. His stare of doom when she asked if his scale had plus/minus was priceless.


Normally hate Gina but I have to support her slapping Boyle for "bone bros". Ugh. *shudder*.


I can't remember how Jake described him and Terry as chocolate milk...I just remember that it was the reverse of the obvious and it was awesome. I love how this show plays up Terry's intimidating size and strength. Is there anyone in the cast who hasn't been bodily manhandled by him at some point? Hell, Jake JUMPED ON HIS BACK from a running start and Terry's body didn't even seem to register the impact. Heh.

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