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Ok, it's in my hands finally! 120GB too!

I forgot to ask about PS2 games on PS3. I know you said I can't play PS1 games, but could I buy a used copy of FFX and play it on my PS3? The one on PSN might be better quality but an old would certain be cheaper.


It's available pretty cheap now (the remastered version). I have it for my Vita and it looks great!

It's $40 (X-2 included). But I could probably get a used PS2 copy for a pittance, so I just wanna know if it will work on PS3?


I found it for $19 at Wal-Mart. It's cheaper now. Here's a link to Wal-Mart's site. The price is around where I paid for X on the PS2.


Nope it won't. Only older PS3's play PS2 games. And it's only a couple of models.

Silly me, I didn't think of there being a physical copy of the remaster, just the download version. The download version is $40 (at least it is for me) but I see you can find cheaper physical copies. Thanks!

Too bad there's not a Wal-mart in Sweden, though.


 You're welcome. Dang. I wonder if they ship out of country?


I'll see if I can find other links. What stores are in your country?


May 19th is here, so I finally got to start on The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, which was one of my most anticipated games this years. Only two hours in so far, but I'm loving it. Graphics are great (not as great as some of the PC versions, but pretty great for PS4), enjoying the characters, and none of the huge glitches that other big games tend to have when they are first launched (looking at you, Assassin's Creed: Unity.)  Also like how even the smallest, simplest fetch quests, can take crazy turns, like a quest were an old lady asks me to find her pan and it 

leads to me finding a dead body and mysterious burned documents. Interesting...

Edited by thuganomics85
  • Love 1

May 19th is here, so I finally got to start on The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, which was one of my most anticipated games this years. Only two hours in so far, but I'm loving it. Graphics are great (not as great as some of the PC versions, but pretty great for PS4), enjoying the characters, and none of the huge glitches that other big games tend to have when they are first launched (looking at you, Assassin's Creed: Unity.)  Also like how even the smallest, simplest fetch quests, can take crazy turns, like a quest were an old lady asks me to find her pan and it 

leads to me finding a dead body and mysterious burned documents. Interesting...


I'm quite a few hours into this game now. Level 11, and exploring Velen. There is so much to do, this game is so huge. I just feel intimidated, every time I zoom out the map of this one area. I'm chipping away at quests and '?' marked areas, but it just seems never ending.


The depth is staggering, and the world feels so alive and dangerous. Velen is not a welcoming place anyway, with all the swamps and woods, but when you factor in the dynamic weather, which tends towards rain and storms, it's a hell of an atmosphere to journey through.


I always found Geralt a bit of a fantasy cliché, but there are lots of interesting characters for him to interact with. Just completed a truly grim quest where

the Bloody Baron was searching for his missing wife and daughter, and it was revealed that they ran from him because he beat his pregnant wife, and caused her to miscarry. Then the unborn foetus became a demon that had to be tamed. I eventually tracked the living daughter down and found she'd joined a religious cult, while the mother had made a pact with three disgusting witches, to keep her safe in exchange for doing their bidding.

Yeah, it's a grim, miserable world.


The customisation and depth of choice is absurd. After googling one quest I completed, and found out that if I'd chosen differently, it would have taken me on a path that led to an entire village being wiped out. Yikes.

Edited by Danny Franks
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I swore that I would never get a console more advanced than the Wii- which I got for free, btw. That changed the second I found out what FIFA 16 is introducing. Time to save the pennies for a PS4, just so I can play that.


And after skipping a generation of Pokemon, I bit the bullet and got Pokemon X. And OMG, it's so much better than before. The changes that were introduced, the upgrade in graphics, just everything about it is a huge improvement.

  • Love 2

So, I had planned to play Elder Scrolls Online tonight, but I foolishly forgot to take into account that there was probably going to be a day one patch for it, and it of course, took almost four hours to finish.  Lame.


Still, no biggie.  Just decided to play more Witcher instead.  Still loving it and still feel like I've only scratched the surface.  But I finally met up with Triss Merigold again, which is awesome.  Triss is my favorite!

  • Love 1

Still, no biggie.  Just decided to play more Witcher instead.  Still loving it and still feel like I've only scratched the surface.  But I finally met up with Triss Merigold again, which is awesome.  Triss is my favorite!


Triss is great. So much better than this Yennefer who I'm told I'm supposed to care about. Sorry, game, but there's been no reason beyond being told that Geralt loves her for me to be attached. Whereas Triss has been an excellent character, throughout the series. Full of life and personality and helpfulness. Ask me to choose? Well there is no choice.


I do not understand, however, why Geralt gives a toss about Dandelion, the selfish, preening minstrel. I resent having to save his idiot arse.


I'm well into the game now, and some of the quests are really dragging, when they involve going to one place to talk to someone, then going somewhere else, then back to the first place again to talk to someone else. It's all very 'questy', and I guess that's inevitable. But it's such a chore that I end up getting bored of the spectacular environment and the world I'm traipsing around in. I do like that you can just be wandering unawares, killing a few wolves and Nekkers, and then stumble upon some giant beast that is way more powerful than you, and all you can do is either die or run away. Gives the world that feeling of danger and reality. The really badass creatures might not be bosses, trying to prevent you from continuing your quest, they might just be minding their own business, hanging around in some woods or a ruined old temple.


I'm well into the game now, and some of the quests are really dragging, when they involve going to one place to talk to someone, then going somewhere else, then back to the first place again to talk to someone else. It's all very 'questy', and I guess that's inevitable. But it's such a chore that I end up getting bored of the spectacular environment and the world I'm traipsing around in.

Yeah, I've hit a few of those quests.  I still think this game handles it better then a decent amount of other RPGs, but there were a few quests that could have been tightened up, I think.


And, yeah, unless Yennifer suddenly impresses me big time when the game progresses, I can't see how I'm not going to end up picking Triss.  Besides just generally liking her as a character, the whole "Yennifer is/was the love of Geralt's life" thing kind of makes me want to be a rebel, all "Screw you, game!  You can tell me/Geralt who to love!" about it.

  • Love 1

Yeah, I've hit a few of those quests.  I still think this game handles it better then a decent amount of other RPGs, but there were a few quests that could have been tightened up, I think.


And, yeah, unless Yennifer suddenly impresses me big time when the game progresses, I can't see how I'm not going to end up picking Triss.  Besides just generally liking her as a character, the whole "Yennifer is/was the love of Geralt's life" thing kind of makes me want to be a rebel, all "Screw you, game!  You can tell me/Geralt who to love!" about it.


So I thought I was building towards the climax of the game, and a quick look online told me that I've not even finished Act 1 yet! Holy crap, this game might just be too big. I still have a moment whenever I look at the world map, where I just freeze because I can't decide where to go and what to do next.


I've spent some more time with Yennefer, and honestly, I still don't see what's supposed to be great about her. She's superior and secretive, for no real reason that I can tell, and just seems so cold and aloof, when compared to Triss. Suffice to say, I made my choice.


Ah! They're remaking Final Fantasy VII if this silconera article is to be believed. Yaaaasssssssssss!!! *unintelligible fangirl gibberish*



PS4? Great. That's just great.


I'm not quite sure what a remake would consist of, really. Would it just be the same game, with updated graphics? A reworking of the story? The controls and combat system? I felt the game was pretty much perfect, the first time around. Even the blocky polygon graphics and overwrought dialogue were great.

  • Love 1

The announcement said that it was PS4 first, so there's hope for X-Boxers and PC gamers. XD I know this is unpopular, but I wouldn't mind seeing Dissidia or Crisis Core inspired action for the VII remake. 


Dissidia gameplay



Crisis Core gameplay



I would also like to see actual equipment equipped on characters, Square. I also wouldn't mind if combat took some cues from Dragon's Dogma. I know unpopular. 

Edited by PrincessEnnui
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The announcement said that it was PS4 first, so there's hope for X-Boxers and PC gamers. XD I know this is unpopular, but I wouldn't mind seeing Dissidia or Crisis Core inspired action for the VII remake



Actually I think the action will be more action oriented and not turn based. Maybe even similar to XIII Lightning Returns, not necessarily the whole schema thing, just the instant response when pressing a button. I've gotta think they'll have the actual equipment shown on the characters as well. I mean, they already did it with the weapons for the original VII. We've still got a long wait for this though. I don't think this will come out until 2017, which is not coincidentally the 20th anniversary of FFVII. It probably won't be until E3 2016 at the earliest that we may see any actual gameplay.

  • Love 1

So after the less-than-stellar reviews for Halo 5: Guardians, particularly regarding the single player mode, I finally bit the bullet on something I'd been mulling over for a while. I traded in my X-Box One for a PS4.


The PS4 just seems to have a better catalogue of games. The Uncharted Collection with Uncharted 4 to come, The Last of Us Remastered, No Man's Sky, The Last Guardian, Horizon Zero Dawn, Bloodborne. Some already out, some to arrive. Compared to that, Microsoft's exclusives of Halo and Forza really don't amount to much.


So far, so happy with the change. I'm finally able to play all the Uncharted games and The Last of Us, and all the other upcoming games I'm interested in are either PS4 exclusives or on both consoles.

  • Love 1

So, the next incarnation of Supersmash Bros will have Cloud (Final Fantasy VII) in it. I am surprised, but I kinda wish if someone from VII had to be in, it had been Tifa... Or Yuffie... Or anyone else, really. Basically, someone who's fun or knows how to have it. Outfit indicated it was SOLDIER Cloud, so maybe he'll be more like his original self, but I think I saw his Advent Children outfit.


Gameplay clip I saw looked like it borrowed his Dissidia moveset. He knocked someone (Wario) off their bike and walked off with it. XD


So, how 'bout that Fallout 4? I am hoping that this will bode well when Bethesda decides to do another Elder Scrolls game.


And ouch. Poor X-Box One. It seems like the X-Box is doomed to be the unfavorite. Microsoft owns some game studios, but they can quite seem to give them a reputation for any title not Halo. Like Sony has some good in-house original titles on all their systems (like Shadow of Colossus, Patapon, and Journey) and Nintendo has a good stable like Mario, Metroid, Legend of Zelda. I never hear (literal word of mouth recommendation) of games like that beyond Halo on X-Box. They need to diversify quickly because multi-player is all well and good, but I don't think a console can survive on that limiting premise alone.


On a different not, my family has become enchanted with my PS3 because it can plug into tvs (ours are all old and have issues with newer tech, though not consoles) and connect the internet and give them access to Netflix while playing DVDs and Blu-Rays and are actually considering buying another one. I told them they can just get a Blu-Ray player with the same features (save games) for around $80.00. I can remember thinking about some of the media center features the X-Box 360 had when it came out and maligning it because no one would buy a game console just to play DVDs or store their music and pictures.


I feel like such a fool. I never intended to use my PS3 as replacement for a cable and a quasi computer, but I have. I would never even consider buying a console that can't do DVDs at the minimum now. *cough Wii cough* Be mindful of what your console can do and its possible uses during the holiday season folks. You never know how useful some of those features are.

  • Love 1

It may just be that Nintendo fanboys annoy me (seriously, it's really cool that you really like Nintendo, but that doesn't mean that every decision they make is objectively correct), but I'm really underwhelmed by this.  It's nice that after so long, we're finally getting proper Mario and Zelda titles again, but I don't know if I can buy a system specifically for those two games.  And those JoyCon (stupid name) controllers look like they'd get swallowed up by my hands.

2.5-6 hours of battery life if unhooked from the base station.  How much do you want to bet most current gen games actually skew toward the lower end of that?

I could see myself getting this, as having a hybrid console/handheld is appealing to me, as I own no consoles (except an old Wii), or even a handheld device. I game on my PC, so a gaming system that can travel is something I'd consider.

That said, I'm far from all hyped up. Ultimately, a system is just a vehicle for games, and while I'd like a new Zelda, I never finished Twilight Princess. Skyrim, I already own, and haven't finished (I have a bunch of RPGs that I play obsessively until I'm about 75% through and then stop. DA:I, Skyrim, South Park, etc.)

So I'm going to wait and see. If the system holds up, and there's a decent selection of games, spending one price to get a console that can travel feels like a good idea.

There seems to be a decidedly mixed reaction to the system.  The hardware is having some problems, and they've made some boneheaded software decisions to boot.  I know there are a lot of people loving it, but all I can see is it being a weird mixture of a portable gaming console with crappy battery life, or a really underpowered home console. 

Breathe of the Wild looks incredible, but since the console appears to be nothing more than a delivery system for it, it's going to be a hard pass for now.  It's really a shame.


Got one on launch day.  I really don't get Zelda, I've tried but it's not my cup of tea.  I'll just wait patiently for Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2 and that Mario in the real world 3D game.

I haven't experienced any problems, but I've maybe played about two hours worth of BOtW so maybe that's why.

Edited by junemeatcleaver

Been playing Salt and Sanctuary a lot lately on my Vita. I love it so far! It's a lot like the Castlevania series and thankfully not as punishing as Dark Souls is. I suck that that game. :P

Finally tried again against the Sodden Knight in Salt and Sanctuary... and took him down! :) Working on more fighting and leveling up and grinding for more potions and items.

Edited by AntiBeeSpray

Need to open this up PCs as well. (Can you do that @starri?)

Did anyone else participate in Google's Project Stream? It was a beta test of a game streaming service that involved playing Assassins Creed Odyssey in the Chrome browser. All you need was a cable connection above 50 mbps and Chrome. No video card, no fast RAM etc. 

For a beta I though it was a success. I typically saw 1080p action (don't know the fps, but definitely playable). It appears that the service prioritized fps over picture quality so were times when picture quality dropped (down to 480p) but I'm not sure if that was on Google or because Spectrum internet is so crappy. 

Based on my mostly positive experience, I think gpu manufactures might have reason to worry. 

I like the idea of Stadia. I enjoyed my time beta testing Google Stream. But I wonder if Google is going to have difficulty building a library worthy of a subscription. Setting aside the streaming function (which I assume every gaming company is working on), why would Sony or Microsoft licence content to a streaming competitor? We also are seeing  the increasing use of exclusives to force people to use specific storefronts (looking at you Epic Games!)  Will Stadia pony up enough money to host  new release AAA games? I just think it is going to be hard for Google to get content. And, as you mentioned @starri, Google is not well know for long term support on their non-core business.

But I like the tech. AMD and NVIDIA should be worried.

Another important question I have is where are my saves and do I lose them if I drop my subscription? 'Cause if they are only in the cloud that might be a deal breaker.  (I'm probably never going to buy a  vintage PS1 to play FFVII. But if I do, I still have my have my  old saves!)

If Stadia can offer a significantly lower entrance point (no requirement to shell out £400 on a brand new console) then it has every chance of becoming a huge success. But it will come down to how reliable and user-friendly the streaming service is, and whether they can secure AAA quality titles, to help sell it to new customers.

I agree that Microsoft and Sony are unlikely to license games to Stadia, because console-less videogaming is surely not something they're going to welcome. But Google can buy up development studios if they want, and try to make their own gaming IPs. While established franchises definitely dominate gaming these days, there is still room for new ones, if the games are good enough.

I understand that companies like Pi Retrogames offer a similar interface, for old games, that Stadia is promising, but you still need the actual console to access it.

Nintendo to release two new Switch models this year according to reports

I figured a lower end Switch was coming because the new gen of Pokemon (and hopefully the next Animal Crossing) is coming out soon.  There are people who only play Pokemon (and Animal Crossing) and $300 is kind of pricey to buy a system for just one game.  Plus Pokemon has a young fanbase,  <$200 is the perfect for price point for a system for kids to play Pokemon or Yoshi.

I'm going to wait and see what the so-called Pro Switch has to offer.  Unless they Nintendo does something unexpected like make, say, Mario Galaxy 3  a Pro exclusive, I can't see myself upgrading when it or if the system is released.

5 minutes ago, xaxat said:

Kotaku goes through a brutal takedown of Stadia. (Starts at about 1:01)

I hadn't even thought about latency problems because I'm too old to play games where latency matters.

I might listen to it later. But when they talked to Phil Harrison, he gave some uncomfortably large numbers. People just don't have the bandwidth for this, and don't believe they'll get it anytime soon. I can see why Google wants gaming dollars in their pockets, but this looks like a failure from the outset.

On ‎3‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 10:59 PM, xaxat said:

Kotaku goes through a brutal takedown of Stadia. (Starts at about 1:01)

I hadn't even thought about latency problems because I'm too old to play games where latency matters.

Me too. I never play online games, have no interest in competing against other people for no discernible reason other than rankings and self-satisfaction. I don't have the time to get good enough at a game to make competing against twelve-year-olds who live online a fun experience.

Sadly, the entire gaming industry can see where the big money is - PVP, micro-transactions, mobile gaming - and at some point, I think most big game developers will start cutting back on things that offer great a great single player experience. We're not there yet, because there are some really great single player games available, and more are due to be released, but in a few years, I wouldn't be too optimistic.

2 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

Me too. I never play online games, have no interest in competing against other people for no discernible reason other than rankings and self-satisfaction. I don't have the time to get good enough at a game to make competing against twelve-year-olds who live online a fun experience.

But it's not just for online gaming.  It's also for being able to play games that a person's hardware can't run.  In their demo, they had Assassin's Creed running on a Chromebook.

19 minutes ago, starri said:

But it's not just for online gaming.  It's also for being able to play games that a person's hardware can't run.  In their demo, they had Assassin's Creed running on a Chromebook.

I know. But I thought one of the issues raised was that the Stadia wouldn't be good for online gaming. I'm saying, I don't care about that.

6 minutes ago, Danny Franks said:

I know. But I thought one of the issues raised was that the Stadia wouldn't be good for online gaming. I'm saying, I don't care about that.

Nor do I, but I am interested in being able to play graphically intensive games on my less-than-top-of-the-line computer.  Or, indeed, on my MacBook.

My first impression of the Borderlands remaster, I don't like it. The sniping feels less accurate. The quest arrows are more like BL2/TPS, but with a distance marker, and just look... off. The vending machine interface is terrible. A couple of buildings in New Haven now have awnings, making jumping to the chests feel awkward.

I'm going to give it a couple more hours, but if it doesn't click I'm going back to the original.

12 hours ago, starri said:

I'm...turning it over in my head.

It really is a confusing mess.

It's a streaming service so you don't need dedicated hardware. . . unless you want to be one of the early adopters. It's a subscription service, but some games you will have to buy separately. The opening library looks kind of sparse. Nothing there that makes me think I have to have that. 

Pricing looks like they sat around a table figuring out as many ways possible to separate players from their money.

The beta was so much more straight forward. Log into account. Play game.

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