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Lois & Clark - General Discussion

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I watched this show when I was a kid. Man, I can't believe my parents let me light of all the adult moments...

Nevertheless, I am fond of Dean Cain's Superman/Clark. He was so darn adorable and as everyone else said, he had great chemistry with Hatcher. I also give him props for going for very different roles in his post Superman career. Nowawadays (other than his guest spot on Supergirl) he has played a lot of assholes -- something I'm ashamed to admit breaks my ten year old heart.

Edited by Spartan Girl

I forgot just how much they crammed into the Pilot... things that didn't change through the series. 

They played out how Clark ended up at the planet, him becoming super man, the early relationship with Lois for both Clark and Superman.


But they also set up Lex as a bad guy but charming- With Lois not that wary of him while Superman was already threatening him that he was being watched.


I know that's the point of a pilot- to set up the series, but this one was really well done and set the perfect tone for an hour long dramedy. 

I will always love the scene of Clark trying out costumes with his mom... "they won't be looking at your face... that's for sure" 

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Made it to the I've got a Crush on You episode where Lois goes undercover at the mob bar... Surprised to find that the Mob head sister- who's voice I swear I recognized, but wasn't quite sure on the face... is Jessica Tuck... Nan Flannigan from True Blood... my adult obsession show the way L&C was my teenage self obsessed show :)  She looks so young!!

Rewatching is so much fun ;) Clark and Lois have such great banter and that really good build of sexual tension and jealousy... but not Clark being "nice guy" who thinks he's owed a date from lois... the most he's pushed for is wanting to be her partner at the Planet.  Teri Hatcher also does such a great job selling her infatuation with Superman.

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1 hour ago, BkWurm1 said:

 I've got a Crush on You is a lot of fun.  Them both going undercover and competing to get the story was cute.  I loved how they used Clark as so much more than just the front for Superman.

Both in that episode, and then the next one- where the Kent's Neighbor finds kryptonite and the feds come take over, have almost no actual superman in them- he's rarely in the costume and is otherwise just Clark doing his thing... it's actually really cool. It's a story about Clark, not Superman. It really makes the 'Superman is what I can do, Clark is who I am" thing fit through the whole series, and was a really great new way to approach this type of character.

  • Love 4

I just watched an episode that started off with Clark Randomly playing basketball with Bo Jackson.... it had nothing to do with the episode, but was hilarious.

I've forgotten a lot of these episodes since it's been so long since I watched them... but it is very entertaining to go back. I also just watched the one with the Superman Clone and totally never realized that they introduced the frogs/cloning in the first season!  Dean Cain did do a good job being naïve, raised by Lex Superman...

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Trini said:

I was about to say 'why hasn't anyone else tried to do another superhero rom-com?'; but maybe there was one that I missed?

So much nostalgia for this show!

Now that I've been re-watching and thinking about this more... I do think a lot of our current superhero shows have taken a few pages out of the Lois and Clark playbook.... They might not be as lighthearted/ rom com as Lois and Clark... but even Smallville had it's will they/ wont they romance moments, and it seems like Flash and Supergirl for sure have the romantic element tied in, along with building more well rounded characters to fill out the world surrounding the super hero.

13 hours ago, roctavia said:

Now that I've been re-watching and thinking about this more... I do think a lot of our current superhero shows have taken a few pages out of the Lois and Clark playbook.... They might not be as lighthearted/ rom com as Lois and Clark... but even Smallville had it's will they/ wont they romance moments, and it seems like Flash and Supergirl for sure have the romantic element tied in, along with building more well rounded characters to fill out the world surrounding the super hero.

What sets Lois & Clark apart is they remembered the relationships even when the plot was busy focusing on something else.  I feel like now if shows like Arrow aren't ready to write the reunion of Olicity, they aren't going to write ANYTHING positive for them as a couple.  The characterization just falls off a cliff, forgotten until the plot calls for it to return again.  

Plus, Smallville went to wrong way and ended up trying to sell will they/won't they with EVERY girl in Clark's life.  (And then pulled a Nope, they won't with the one I WANTED to see the most)  It's not about the tease if it's just for the tease's sake.  What I loved in Lois & Clark is how fun the flirting and getting to know each other was as the plot was going on.  The rom com stuff created a certain tone that brought an awful lot of delight to the scripts.  You wanted them to get together but the process getting there was so much fun to watch as well.  

I don't think a lot of show runners understand that you can take two characters and make them all sorts of romantic and enjoyable together even if they want to put the actual relationship off down the road.  

Like on The Flash, they said that Barry and Iris were best friends but then instead of showing them hang out and have fun together, they kept them apart and introduced angst and pining.  Arrow accidentally it seemed wrote a great friendship/partnership building between Oliver and Felicity but then in season three when they full on decided to go there with the characters, instead of letting them flirt and test the waters, in the first episode they sent them on their first date and broke them up with an "I love you" so they could angst miserable in their own corners by themselves for most of the season.

You have to let your characters, no matter what the state of their relationship, interact with each other in a real and human way.  Lois & Clark wasn't always perfect, but they were IMO better at letting their leads be together even when they weren't together just because they remembered to let them keep working together.  Superman might have been more flashy, but Clark was always more entertaining.   

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2 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

What sets Lois & Clark apart is they remembered the relationships even when the plot was busy focusing on something else.  I feel like now if shows like Arrow aren't ready to write the reunion of Olicity, they aren't going to write ANYTHING positive for them as a couple.  The characterization just falls off a cliff, forgotten until the plot calls for it to return again.

Plus, Smallville went to wrong way and ended up trying to sell will they/won't they with EVERY girl in Clark's life.  (And then pulled a Nope, they won't with the one I WANTED to see the most)  It's not about the tease if it's just for the tease's sake.  What I loved in Lois & Clark is how fun the flirting and getting to know each other was as the plot was going on.  The rom com stuff created a certain tone that brought an awful lot of delight to the scripts.  You wanted them to get together but the process getting there was so much fun to watch as well.

I don't think a lot of show runners understand that you can take two characters and make them all sorts of romantic and enjoyable together even if they want to put the actual relationship off down the road.

Like on The Flash, they said that Barry and Iris were best friends but then instead of showing them hang out and have fun together, they kept them apart and introduced angst and pining.  Arrow accidentally it seemed wrote a great friendship/partnership building between Oliver and Felicity but then in season three when they full on decided to go there with the characters, instead of letting them flirt and test the waters, in the first episode they sent them on their first date and broke them up with an "I love you" so they could angst miserable in their own corners by themselves for most of the season.

You have to let your characters, no matter what the state of their relationship, interact with each other in a real and human way.  Lois & Clark wasn't always perfect, but they were IMO better at letting their leads be together even when they weren't together just because they remembered to let them keep working together.  Superman might have been more flashy, but Clark was always more entertaining.  

Oh, definitely the newer shows don't do it anywhere near as well as Lois and Clark did. I'm not as familiar with Arrow and Flash, but I know there was major relationship drama last season (thanks Supergirl Crossover)... but its certainly not as lighthearted as Lois and Clark was. There is this attitude that happy couples are boring, or that fear of the Moonlighting Curse or whatever, but if you get a good writing team, you can make things work.

I do think L&C got a little ridiculous with some of the delays in getting to the actual, real wedding... but they still wrote almost 2 full seasons where they were together and struggling with making a relationship work while still being in love with each other. It was well written. and like you said, they showed Lois and Clark being friends and actually liking to spend time with each other when they weren't in a relationship. They show them teasing each other in addition to working together.

I've just started S2 and now we're getting into the rival jealousies- Mason Drake interested in Clark... and I know the detective guy will be showing up sooner or later. It's a good way to maintain the sexual tension that they did so well... but still also showing us that they both are fighting their feelings for each other.

  • Love 1
43 minutes ago, roctavia said:

I've just started S2 and now we're getting into the rival jealousies- Mason Drake interested in Clark... and I know the detective guy will be showing up sooner or later. It's a good way to maintain the sexual tension that they did so well... but still also showing us that they both are fighting their feelings for each other.

I liked Mason Drake but oh, I HATED Tony.   He was too much like the Tony that showed up in season five of Remington Steele to cause problems.  

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, Trini said:

Quoting myself because I forgot about Chuck! Duurrrr....  Not strictly a superhero show, but very, very close.

Chuck was great, especially the first few seasons... and for awhile after he and ??? Arrgh why can't I think of her name? got together... though the ending bummed me out big time.  It definitely had the more lighthearted with some drama rolled in. That's what made it so enjoyable to watch.




Clark's parents are amazing... I love this take on the Kent's... but they also have their share of disagreements and stuff... there was the episode where Jonathan showed up, worried that Martha was having an affair with a young artist....

Right now I'm watching the episode with the robbery at Perry's men's club... and Lois being upset that she couldn't go in complained about it in front of the Kent's visiting Clark.... and Jonathan put his foot in it big time, and is now spending the episode doing all of Martha's chores- turning Clark's clothes pink, burning a hole in his cape.... It's a nice premise for a storyline in a show with strong female lead, Lois.  Though why was Clark's mom planning to do all of his laundry? He's a big boy, he can do it himself :P

Edited by roctavia
  • Love 5
15 hours ago, roctavia said:

Clark's parents are amazing... I love this take on the Kent's... but they also have their share of disagreements and stuff... there was the episode where Jonathan showed up, worried that Martha was having an affair with a young artist....

Right now I'm watching the episode with the robbery at Perry's men's club... and Lois being upset that she couldn't go in complained about it in front of the Kent's visiting Clark.... and Jonathan put his foot in it big time, and is now spending the episode doing all of Martha's chores- turning Clark's clothes pink, burning a hole in his cape.... It's a nice premise for a storyline in a show with strong female lead, Lois.  Though why was Clark's mom planning to do all of his laundry? He's a big boy, he can do it himself :P

I loved his parents.  They were the embodiment of "good" people bringing him up right without them being too perfect or sanctimonious.  I loved their humor and just the fun and enjoyment they seemed to have around each other.  And Jonathan got to live!  (and Eddie Jones is still alive, lol)  

As for mom doing his laundry, well, sometimes moms get stuff in their head and it's easier just to let them do what they want.  Logic has nothing to do with it, lol.  

Edited by BkWurm1
  • Love 3
4 hours ago, marihunc said:

You're definitely not alone with that! :DDD

I'll be getting to those episodes soon... blechh! At least Lex was charming.  Though I'm really looking forward to the episode with Tempest, I think that one comes before detective dude bro.

"The thing we all want to know in the future... How dumb was she??" and then he does the glasses on and off thing... so funny. But I've got a few other episodes to get through first.

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Okay.. made it through S2 (and of course the next episode of S3, cause I remember how awful that summer break was waiting for Lois's answer). I will say, this show would have been a good binge watcher if it came out nowadays.

Scardino showed up in the episode before Tempus... boo.. had to suffer through him before the fun episode :)  I remember disliking him, but he was even worse this time around... though it was frustrating how they wrote Lois and Clark to not actually talk about anything. I get will they/won't they, but after their real first date Clark had to keep running off and Lois was freaking out. I did think it was realistic the way they both were nervous and unsure about how the other one felt, but there were about fifty times when I was like- Just tell her that you love her you big dummy!

Watching Lois figure out that Clark was Superman was a good moment, too... even if we don't know for sure that she knows until the next season. I'm glad the Kent's were involved in all of the resolution with his relationship with Lois, that he finally told her the truth about why he was acting so weird- his parents were kidnapped, that's why he was being even more evasive. I definitely like it much better when they are solving the cases together, which just goes to show that you can have your leads in a relationship and still make it interesting. They wrote a really great partnership for Lois and Clark, both reporting and personally.

Edited by roctavia
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22 hours ago, roctavia said:

Watching Lois figure out that Clark was Superman was a good moment, too... even if we don't know for sure that she knows until the next season.

Say what you will about this show, this version of Lois Lane is still the only version to figure out Superman's secret identity on her own. :)

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I'm so happy to see this thread active. I loved the show. Their Lois and Clark were basically my first OTP (well, tied with Tommy and Kimberly) and they've kind of ruined other versions of the character for me. Like it's hard to find a Lois that's not too brash or too damsel in distress. A Clark that isn't a facade and is a legitimate journalist. I love the way Lois figures out his identity. She recognizes his touch. It's romantic and more subtle than just finally recognizing the guy in the glasses. 

  • Love 5
7 hours ago, The Crazed Spruce said:

Say what you will about this show, this version of Lois Lane is still the only version to figure out Superman's secret identity on her own. :)

Didn't Lois in Man of Steele figured it out too?  I remember her not being fooled for a minute something I liked.  Though technically there was no Clark separate from Superman.  And I REALLY hate to say it since I LOATHED Lois in Smallville, but they had her realize The Blur was Clark after he kissed her.  Of course in that case, I'm pretty sure she only decided she wanted him back was because she discovered he was the Blur,  but that's a question for a different forum.  


I definitely like it much better when they are solving the cases together, which just goes to show that you can have your leads in a relationship and still make it interesting. They wrote a really great partnership for Lois and Clark, both reporting and personally.

This so much.  I liked how they worked off each other before they were in a relationship and I kept liking how they worked with each other after their relationship.  That's something shows often mess up.  They put a couple together romantically and then stop letting them interact like they used to.  

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Getting farther into S3, the engagement is officially on, and we're almost to the wedding. All the build up, it's a shame that the wedding ends up ruined by the dumb clones!


But, the episodes leading up to it are pretty great. Lois seeing another side of Clark's life when she has to be Ultrawoman, the controversy of 'superman's love child' though it always bugged me during that episode that Clark couldn't just tell her at that point that he'd never had sex... but I know they wanted to make that a big deal in the next virtual reality episode. It's kind of fun to watch them be a schmoopy with each other and all the kissing. Each episode has been ending with them having a nice moment together- gee, episodes that are pleasant to watch while the main couple are happily together! Shocking!


Just finished the next Tempus episode with the alternate dimension. I felt so bad for alternate Clark- no parents and no Lois... though I always figured he could go to the congo and rescue the real Lois from that time- she wasn't officially dead, after all. Dean Cain did a good job showing us that he was a different Clark and a different Superman... and man did they make Lana a bitch :P


Not as excited to watch the wedding episode :( It broke my little heart all those years ago when it turned out he hadn't married the real Lois.

Edited by roctavia
  • Love 2

Just finished the next Tempus episode with the alternate dimension. I felt so bad for alternate Clark- no parents and no Lois... though I always figured he could go to the congo and rescue the real Lois from that time- she wasn't officially dead, after all. Dean Cain did a good job showing us that he was a different Clark and a different Superman... and man did they make Lana a bitch :P

I want to say that later in the show we find out that she shows up alive after all, but I can't remember in what context we found that out.  If/when you run across it, let me know?  Thanks!

14 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I want to say that later in the show we find out that she shows up alive after all, but I can't remember in what context we found that out.  If/when you run across it, let me know?  Thanks!

The only thing I remember about AltLois is AltClark saying he tried to find her, but it was impossible, to which Wells says "My boy, I never say impossible".

4 hours ago, marihunc said:

The only thing I remember about AltLois is AltClark saying he tried to find her, but it was impossible, to which Wells says "My boy, I never say impossible".

I haven't come across any reference to AltLois yet... but I've got most of season 4 to go :) Will keep everyone posted!  (Unless I missed it in the original episode, but I know I was paying attention during that one, because I couldn't remember if AltClark was going to try and find her or something and wanted it to be the case.)

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On Monday, June 26, 2017 at 3:37 PM, marihunc said:

The only thing I remember about AltLois is AltClark saying he tried to find her, but it was impossible, to which Wells says "My boy, I never say impossible".

Yes, this is how it happened- Alt Clark came back in the final Tempus episode while regular Clark was trapped in a time window thingy... and at the end Lois tells him that his feelings are meant for his lois, in his dimension... and he talks about how he never even met her. Eventually saying he tried, but it's impossible and Wells jumps in with a wink and the Nothing is impossible, which tells me that they went off together and found lois and now Lois and Clark are happy together in all dimensions :)

  • Love 1
On 2017. 06. 28. at 10:50 PM, roctavia said:

Yes, this is how it happened- Alt Clark came back in the final Tempus episode while regular Clark was trapped in a time window thingy... and at the end Lois tells him that his feelings are meant for his lois, in his dimension... and he talks about how he never even met her. Eventually saying he tried, but it's impossible and Wells jumps in with a wink and the Nothing is impossible, which tells me that they went off together and found lois and now Lois and Clark are happy together in all dimensions :)

Yep, that's my headcanon too :D

  • Love 1

So I made it through the full series... and I definitely wish we had gotten another season! Though I am glad that they didn't leave us with some crazy cliffhanger. I mean, sure mystery baby is a cliffhanger of sorts, but at least something that we can envision leading to Lois and Clark having some grand adventures together while they raise a family.


At least this time the drama from the clone wedding forward seem to go by faster, binge watching definitely helps with that! It was really only a handful of episodes to get Clark and Lois back on track. I did hate the psychiatrist guy though... Granted I haven't done a lot of research into amnesia treatments, but keeping her away from familiar things and not telling her the truth about her life and relationships doesn't seem like the right way to do it and made me hate the doctor guy from the start. I mean, I get she needed no pressure, no stress... but Clark saying that he loved her and they were engaged to be married before didn't mean she had to jump into his arms, but it was a piece of herself that might have brought her memory back sooner. But I know, I know... they needed the drama and one more guy to compete for Lois. At least she punched him out at the end of things once she remembered everything.

Once they made it through the amnesia, I love that she still teased Clark from time to time that she forgot who he was. I did also like the call back to her secret novel from the first season and how they expanded it into a plot point... "she must have been really mad at me when she wrote that"

The Kryptonian drama was probably my least favorite storyline for the series (Tempus and Wells have to be my favorite arcs/recurring characters) the arranged marriage, the corrupt council guy blech.. I'm glad Clark was able to tell them to take a hike.

The ups and downs getting to the actual final real wedding gave us one of my favorite episodes- when they had to go undercover at the relationship camp. I think that episode and the island one where Lois dares Clark to not use his powers are my two favorites when it comes to relationship moments.

I still don't understand who Mike was supposed to be when they finally do get married, some sort of guardian angel, I suppose? Though I imagine if I looked into there maybe someone in the crew who was getting some special props by being the guy who finally married them. (It wouldn't be the first time Robert Singer has put some 'real life' characters in his shows) It was nice to see them finally married, but of course they had to delay their wedding night yet again!  Though I'm not going to think through the physics on it, but it was cute how they ended up on the ceiling when they finally did get to consummate :P

Married Lois and Clark definitely changed things a little bit, but it didn't make the show any less interesting. They still had their issues to work through and their first 'real' fight when Lois took over as Editor for awhile, but they still worked through it, and I think how they ended most episodes with character moment of them together being happy is one of the reasons I look back on this show so fondly. Sure, bad stuff happened and there was trouble going on and fights, but in the end they let Lois and Clark be happy together. That's something I don't really see with most TV shows I watch nowadays.

I'm sure I could go on and on and touch on every episode, but it was really nice to re-watch, though it makes me again wish for more!

Edited by roctavia
  • Love 4

I still don't understand who Mike was supposed to be when they finally do get married, some sort of guardian angel, I suppose? Though I imagine if I looked into there maybe someone in the crew who was getting some special props by being the guy who finally married them. (It wouldn't be the first time Robert Singer has put some 'real life' characters in his shows)

Yeah, I think they were going for Guardian angel but all I could do was wonder if married by guardian angel was legally binding, lol.  That and I knew the actor from a bunch of Glad garbage bag commercials.  Though now that I think about it, I think he was also Bosley from Charlie's Angels.  


I think I'm going to have to dig my DVD's out now.  You've made me miss it.  

On Monday, July 03, 2017 at 0:08 AM, BkWurm1 said:

Yeah, I think they were going for Guardian angel but all I could do was wonder if married by guardian angel was legally binding, lol.  That and I knew the actor from a bunch of Glad garbage bag commercials.  Though now that I think about it, I think he was also Bosley from Charlie's Angels.


I think I'm going to have to dig my DVD's out now.  You've made me miss it.

Do it!! It was so fun to rewatch! And clearly there are people around here happy to still talk about L&C!!


I will say, I'm surprised with the rewatch how good of a job they did most of the time with the 'strong' woman Lois, sure she was vulnerable and needed a lot of rescuing, and did a lot of chocolate/ice cream poor me moments, but looking back at some shows from the 90s there was so much sexism/rape culture/ i'm a nice guy so I deserve the girl entitlement (which I suppose Lex had a bit of that attitude) They did do a really good job with the Lois/Clark relationship most of the time and didn't treat Lois like some prize.

It was interesting as well when they got to the fertility stuff and the sappy goopy I love you no matter what and we're creating life just by being together blah blah... But it was kind of perfect for the tone of the show. I was surprised though that they never mentioned that Clark's parents had already gone through the same issues, like even a passing mention of it would have made sense.

I wish it hadn't ended!!

  • Love 4
On 6/26/2017 at 2:04 AM, BkWurm1 said:

I want to say that later in the show we find out that she shows up alive after all, but I can't remember in what context we found that out.  If/when you run across it, let me know?  Thanks!

There is a forum or something. Google Lois and Clark the unaired 5th season. Alt Lois shows up with alt Clark

  • Love 1

Amen, @BkWurm1!  I’ve probably deeply loved 4 shows in my life, and this was the first.  I kind of miss not having a show right now that I am minorly (majorly?) obsessive over like I was with this.  Lois and Clark are truly my OTP.  It’s because of this show that I’ll seek out “Clois” in any other version of Superman TV or film just to see and appreciate a new take on the relationship (even if nothing comes close to this “original” version for me, lol).  I don’t watch Supergirl regularly, but I have seen Tyler Hoechlin’s clips as Clark/ Superman, and I think he comes the closest to capturing what I found charming about Dean Cain in this role—a basic kindness/ decency, with Clark Kent truly being a farm boy from Kansas at heart (as opposed to a disguise for Kal-El), and who lights up when around (and/or is just talking about) the love of his life.

I remember the first time that I saw this show (an early S1 episode that I can’t remember off the top of my head) and Superman went crashing through a vault wall to save Lois from suffocating.  I thought how terrible and cheap and styrofoam-y that looked, but I kept watching and soon “got it”—you were kind of just supposed to use imagination on SFX, which were entirely beside the point of the show. The hook was the amazing chemistry between the leads.

I love what Teri Hatcher and the writers did with the role in the first 2 seasons, especially.  Lois was unquestionably brilliant; she had a very strong sense of justice and wouldn’t tolerate unfairness, but she was also difficult and very prickly sometimes, too.  I liked that she had a lot of flaws, and yet still was a basically good, loveable person.

  • Love 1
9 hours ago, Peace 47 said:

It’s because of this show that I’ll seek out “Clois” in any other version of Superman TV or film just to see and appreciate a new take on the relationship (even if nothing comes close to this “original” version for me, lol).  I don’t watch Supergirl regularly, but I have seen Tyler Hoechlin’s clips as Clark/ Superman, and I think he comes the closest to capturing what I found charming about Dean Cain in this role—a basic kindness/ decency, with Clark Kent truly being a farm boy from Kansas at heart (as opposed to a disguise for Kal-El), and who lights up when around (and/or is just talking about) the love of his life.

Did you see the Arrowverse crossover that had Clark and Lois?  They were only in it in the first and last of the three nights but they had a nice little arc.  The episodes would all be on the CW App  

Yeah, Hatcher/Cain are "my" Lois & Clark! There are versions who are good too, but they either don't measure up, or I'm not invested in them like these two.


20 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

I miss this show.  I miss this format.  I miss the romance and the silliness and the action and drama.  I don't have a current equivalent.  

Not a current show, and there many differences, but the only show I can think of that comes close to the superhero rom-com L&C was is Chuck.

There just doesn't seem to be much interest mixing rom-com and action tropes.

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