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S46 Ep. 13 Finale/Aftershow LIVE CHAT

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Just now, LadyChatts said:

I think Maria's going, this seems like a good-bye spiel.  

Honestly, not to be cold but it'd convince me even more to vote for her. The jury is seeing this and she's being vulnerable. In any case, with Charlie voting for her, it's done. 

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Just now, Lady Calypso said:

I do like Maria, I think she could do well on a Second Chances if she goes here. She's been a kickass player. Her biggest issue has been her indecisiveness/unwillingness to own her game. But I am happy that we've gotten Maria all season. I love that a woman like her, someone who's older, has been a top contender to win.

Since S50 is returning players I hope she does get to return.  I still think she was too concentrated on making big moves and not looking at the bigger picture of what was happening in the moment.  Trying to keep Q around like she did likely didn't do her any favors.  

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Thank God. Now I can watch the rest of the show.

This whole segment felt like a huge Maria tribute. Clearly the show thought the audience would love her. To be fair I know a lot of people were rooting for her. But she rubbed me the wrong way on Day 1 and I never got past it.

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Just now, LadyChatts said:

Since S50 is returning players I hope she does get to return.  I still think she was too concentrated on making big moves and not looking at the bigger picture of what was happening in the moment.  Trying to keep Q around like she did likely didn't do her any favors.  

I agree, holding onto Q as long as she did was her downfall, instead of spreading her time elsewhere.

I think she could learn and grow from her mistakes here because they were correctable.

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I'm writing in the threads that people are just happy to be voted out and that I'd be pissed, but getting voted out bc 2 people tag teamed me bc they couldn't win a challenge on there own I'd be going scorched earth to the point they would have to ban me from tribal counsel to vote for the winner.

Edited by Brown44
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Good grief Maria is 47 she's not 80. I wish they would stop acting like it's a miracle anyone that age could be in good shape.

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I'm kind of sorry to see Maria leave because she was the best player. Her big mistake, I think, was cozying up to Q.

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1 minute ago, LadyChatts said:

Since S50 is returning players I hope she does get to return.  I still think she was too concentrated on making big moves and not looking at the bigger picture of what was happening in the moment.  Trying to keep Q around like she did likely didn't do her any favors.  

I feel like that's been the downfall of this entire season--that and being overconfident when people had idols. 

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Just now, Brown44 said:

I'm writing in the threads that people are just happy to be voted out and that I'd be pissed, but getting voted out bc 2 people tag teamed me bc they couldn't win a challenge on there own I'd be going scorched earth to the point they would have to ban me from tribal counsel to vote for winner.

I am disappointed she didn't go off, mostly because everyone has just been too dang nice this season about stuff.  I didn't even want her to win and I was mad.  Now, that's not to say Maria still would have won, and as someone else pointed out she might have figured out she needed her plank thanks to Liz figuring it out first.  But we'll never know.  I do think if Liz makes the final 3 that might come back to bite her, and her comment at TC that she didn't care or think about Maria's feelings until after the fact also might not be a good look.

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Waaaahooooo!  Maria is gone!

The only bad thing is Venus will not have the chance to tear into Maria.  But I'm good with this!

Now, it's Charlie's turn to join the jury.



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I just fucked up royally. I take it Maria didn’t find immunity?

I was lagging behind and I accidentally shut the cable off. I’ll have to watch what I missed tomorrow. I’m so dumb, I belong on this season. 😡

Edited by Lantern7
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4 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

Since S50 is returning players I hope she does get to return. 

But . . . by then she'll be 51. That's practically dead from what the show has been telling me! I mean, it was a miracle to be 47 and do that well, dontcha know.

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Now I'm going to worry about Charlie, because I think he's the next biggest threat left.  And since I want him to win, that means he's probably toast.

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Some may love the outcome, others may not.  Either or does not change the fact that at some point before 11 Eastern, they'll be showing several people, who'll have that invisible quote of, "That's enough of y'all.  It's now our time."

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1 minute ago, Brown44 said:

They only that deserves that final 4 is Charlie.

THe word "deserve" does not belong anywhere near this show.

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Ooh, The Ben Show. At least it made  Kenzie and Charlie look really good.

Liz, my joints pop and crack all the time, too. It's never occurred to me to use it as an excuse. Thanks!

Edited by WatcherUp2
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Good grief. It's like the show searched the world over to find the least practical person to be on this show when they cast Liz. Is there anything that isn't wrong with her?

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I'm really wondering what exactly possessed Liz to think she'd be a good candidate for this show.  I love the show and I don't have the issues she does, but even I know I'd be terrible at it.  Hence why I'm watching from my couch and not taking Jeff's advice when he's pitching to people to apply.

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Just because four of your former tribemates are on the jury doesn't automatically mean they'll vote for you, Liz.  They have to like you, and...something tells me that might not be the case.

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Liz thinks the players all see her as the biggest threat left? Really? Sure there are Nami members on the jury but um, there is also Venus, Q, Tiffany and Maria who I don't see her getting their vote.

Who knows where Hunter's head is at and I think Tevin likely got the intel in Ponderosa that she was a big part of his blindside. 

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They saved Liz’s audible cringy wrist cracking for the finale. I swear this woman belongs in a lab. Good finale so far. 

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1 minute ago, ponygirl said:

Kenzie deserves the Sia award because of being calm and her ability to soothe Ben. 

Kenzie's too cheerful and normal to be considered.

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1 minute ago, wallflower75 said:

Just because four of your former tribemates are on the jury doesn't automatically mean they'll vote for you, Liz.  They have to like you, and...something tells me that might not be the case.

Didn't Hunter tell Q in the beginning of the merge that Liz and Soda hated each other?  And I don't see Venus voting for her, and I think Q would have to lose his mind to write her name down.  But I've thought pretty much all season Liz has been one of the least self-aware people out there, thinking she was running things and making moves.  I guess I'll find out if I'm wrong on that.

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I like Liz. Yes i know i am in a very small group. However i don't want her to win. If she were to win, i would get a lot of pleasure out of how pissed Q would be.  For me a Kenzie or Charlie win!!

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I honestly don't care who wins at this point I'm fine with any of them. Frankly I think it would be hysterical if Liz won, but there's no way in hell that's going to happen.

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1 minute ago, Maggie Mae said:

I like Liz. Yes i know i am in a very small group. However i don't want her to win. If she were to win, i would get a lot of pleasure out of how pissed Q would be.  For me a Kenzie or Charlie win!!

I think Liz has a goofy sense of humor that a lot of people don't get, or the editors made her look more clueless than she really is. Her old lady impression was pretty funny, after Kenzie called her the cranky grandma a few weeks ago.

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1 minute ago, gorgy said:

Jeff loves Liz too much for her not to be back for season 50 😠

Oh God please no.  There are far too many people who are much more interesting and worthy who should come back.

And this challenge is actually kind of cool!

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Maybe Liz can split the challenge with Kenzie coz there’s no way she’s winning. She can be the ball monitor for K

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1 minute ago, gorgy said:

Jeff loves Liz too much for her not to be back for season 50 😠

Unlikely the goofy nerdy male types that have been abundant since S41, there haven't been many nerdy girl types (the new Aubry).  So yeah, Liz might have a good shot unless the next 3 seasons deliver.  On the plus side, maybe she'll be put out of her misery earlier in another season.

I feel like this is Survivor's version of Plinko.  Except instead of big money waiting for you at the end it's a penalty.  I'm glad that they are making this challenge hard though, considering the stakes.

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Just now, dizzyd said:

Maybe Liz can split the challenge with Kenzie coz there’s no way she’s winning. She can be the ball monitor for K

At some point you might have to wonder if that's a great idea for Kenzie.  It'd say no it is not

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