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Ashley Madison: Sex, Lies & Scandal

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I watched the first ep. If the goal was to get me to throw up in my mouth a little - it worked. The one guy equating eating shrimp  as an equal bible edict as cheating, seriously? The “Frozen” guy stopped cheating because he found tic toc fame or whatever the hell that was, and I’m guessing the wife took him back as they both still had wedding rings on. Just Blech. 

Listening to these cheaters justify their hip cool cheating just really hit a nerve. If you don’t want to be monogamous don’t get married, if you’re married and unhappy tell your spouse, leave and then sleep around. And the height of irony is a bunch of people that run a website promoting cheating getting offended they got hacked. Unintentionally hilarious, not sure I can keep watching.

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On 5/15/2024 at 1:56 PM, sadie said:

I watched the first ep. If the goal was to get me to throw up in my mouth a little - it worked. The one guy equating eating shrimp  as an equal bible edict as cheating, seriously? The “Frozen” guy stopped cheating because he found tic toc fame or whatever the hell that was, and I’m guessing the wife took him back as they both still had wedding rings on. Just Blech. 

Not sure if this would be considered a spoiler or not so....


Yes, still together. He gets more despicable as it goes on. Claims that he had an account but never actually met up with anyone or had an affair. Then he let her know that for years he had already been betraying her beyond AM, even hit on her friends. Of course, wife forgives him. Don't worry though, sky daddy has also forgiven him and they have a book coming out. (Book not mentioned on the show - I googled them.) They both just come across so phony to me.  

Noel the CEO who always said he was faithful also had affairs and he and his wife are still married too. 

On 5/16/2024 at 3:16 AM, Soapy Goddess said:

To anyone who watched all 3 episodes: Who do you think did the hacking? Was it self-sabotage? All the "evidence" points to an inside operator.

I'm thinking disgruntled employee who maybe felt guilty. Likely someone in IT I'd think??

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That married couple is everything wrong with religion. He is a cheater but God forgives him (did God call him and tell him?), she forgives him because she's the best wife ever, they do counseling with a pastor and the pastor's friggin' wife -- who I highly doubt has any formal training in marital counseling; the pastor talks about how the husband had to see the "threat" of what he would lose -- because yeah, guilt and blackmail are always a GREAT way to make a person feel they can be open and honest; the wife can't pat herself on the back enough for forgiving him, and the husband is living his life in fear. All because "RELIGION."

The culmination of the hypocrisy is how they pretend to be shocked that the website is still up and running and how the husband says that the website is evil. But yeah, tell us again how you've changed and accept responsibility for what you did?

Sure. Its the website . . . that no one made you sign up for, or send messages on. And what about long before the website when he was going to strip clubs and hitting on the wife's friends and banging one (or more?) of their mutual acquaintances? Whose fault is that? Those buildings are evil! Those social engagements where he has to be around other women are wrong! 

But tell us again how he's changed, everything is great, the website is the problem, and she is the standard to which all wives should aspire.

The stopwatch on him reverting to form is running, if he hasn't already. And once again, she'll legitimately not understand how or why and be hurt, and wonder "how could he do this to me again?" Because, bitch! He did it to you before and he is not a monogamous person! You've actively chosen to live in willful ignorance. You get what you get! Fool me once . . . 

The world would be a lot better off if people would just accept who they truly are -- in this case, not monogamous -- rather than try to pretend otherwise because of arbitrary societal and religious "norms." 

So let's see. If you don't give kids condoms, they won't have sex. If you ban abortion, women won't have them. If you don't have a website, people won't cheat. Got it.

Now excuse me while I go live in reality with my head NOT buried in sand. 


Edited by Sailorgirl26
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On 5/15/2024 at 12:56 PM, sadie said:

I watched the first ep. If the goal was to get me to throw up in my mouth a little - it worked. The one guy equating eating shrimp  as an equal bible edict as cheating, seriously? The “Frozen” guy stopped cheating because he found tic toc fame or whatever the hell that was, and I’m guessing the wife took him back as they both still had wedding rings on. Just Blech. 

Listening to these cheaters justify their hip cool cheating just really hit a nerve. If you don’t want to be monogamous don’t get married, if you’re married and unhappy tell your spouse, leave and then sleep around. And the height of irony is a bunch of people that run a website promoting cheating getting offended they got hacked. Unintentionally hilarious, not sure I can keep watching.

While I don't agree with the shrimp part (there is no mention in the 10 Commandments about shrimp), the guy has an open marriage so if it works for him, have at it. IT won't last but at least you both know what is going on. 

AS for Mr. Christian. What a jerk. I would have kicked him to the curb. And how wife saying all she does for him. Makes him breakfast? I get the coffee maker ready, otherwise he is on his own, unless it is a special occasion. She is a fool and he is a hypocrite. He will cheat again. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him. 

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I have no problem with the couple with an open marriage.  They're honest with each other and the people they sleep with.  I don't think monogamy has to inherently be a part of marriage as long as both partners are on board. 

Christian husband will revert to form once he stops getting validation from videos.  I do have to say that it was rather bold of him to cheat and then develop a popular web presence.  Did he not consider the fact that some of the people he met up with might eventually divorce and expose him once their own fidelity didn't matter? 

On 5/16/2024 at 2:16 AM, Soapy Goddess said:

To anyone who watched all 3 episodes: Who do you think did the hacking? Was it self-sabotage? All the "evidence" points to an inside operator.

That's the one part of the doc that disappointed me.  They spent so much time on this mystery to not have it pay off.  Did they even mention what happened to the lawsuit? 

So while it was a fun doc in a salacious way, it felt incomplete.

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On 5/18/2024 at 1:56 PM, Sailorgirl26 said:

The world would be a lot better off if people would just accept who they truly are -- in this case, not monogamous -- rather than try to pretend otherwise because of arbitrary societal and religious "norms." 

Yes.    Stephanie was deliberating choosing long term relationships with people who were not available so she could say "well I'm bored, they aren't around, I can cheat."   Instead of going "Oh hey, I'm not cut out for monogamy, so maybe I shouldn't do committed relationships."   But she darn for sure didn't want to be called a serial cheater, because she was just ... bored.   

The Frozen Guy just needed excitement in his life.   But yeah, life is boring most of the time (although I am trying to figure out how an overnight ER nurse doesn't have plenty of excitement and looks forward to peace and quiet at home).   But the solution is not to go on a website to find other women, its talk to your wife about what you can BOTH do to make life less boring.   Get a hobby, ride motorcycles, go rock climbing, anything.   Its not like the only choices are "Bored in Marriage" or "Cheat."

Oh and 100% Lowell was cheating on his wife.  

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12 minutes ago, MicheleinPhilly said:

My biggest takeaway from this was why doesn't the Christian lady flush the toilet after she pees? 😖

Because it’s all fake. No way that woman doesn’t flush, everything those two do is a calculated “show” concocted for the camera. Her shocked expressions, his earnest good guy act, it’s all phony. He is surely still cheating on her and once she no longer wants to trade  her dignity for You Tube subscribers that marriage will fall apart.

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1 minute ago, sadie said:

Because it’s all fake. No way that woman doesn’t flush, everything those two do is a calculated “show” concocted for the camera. Her shocked expressions, his earnest good guy act, it’s all phony. He is surely still cheating on her and once she no longer wants to trade  her dignity for You Tube subscribers that marriage will fall apart.

I totally buy that. It was all part of their act. She probably knew she was pregnant already. 

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On 5/18/2024 at 2:38 PM, libgirl2 said:

While I don't agree with the shrimp part (there is no mention in the 10 Commandments about shrimp)

I haven't watched this yet, so I'm replying in almost total ignorance, but . . .

It's true that shrimp aren't mentioned in the Ten Commandments, but they are prohibited by the Kashruth laws that dictate what Jews can and cannot eat. One of the categories prohibited is seafood without fins or scales--i.e., shellfish. So if the guy speaking was Jewish, he's not supposed to eat shrimp. He's also not supposed to cheat on his wife, but potato potahto, I guess.

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I am not going to assume that extramarital activity harms every couple — and maybe it does even help some, I don’t know. Seriously, do what works for you. But I will say that I am pretty sure that lying and sneaking and secrets do. If you need sex outside the marriage, you have to tell your spouse that! It’s called “cheating” — as opposed to “helping” or “aiding” or “supporting” — for a reason. 

That said, Ashley Madison was stupid about some things. For instance, the ads that were deemed “too racy” for TV. If your whole (pretend) point is that this is all what normal everyday people want/need, make an additional ad that conveys that sentiment. And the charges on the credit cards that a spouse might question and call about — why not come up with some inexpensive tangible subscription-type thing that could explain it?

Edited by TattleTeeny
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Because it’s all fake. No way that woman doesn’t flush, everything those two do is a calculated “show” concocted for the camera. Her shocked expressions, his earnest good guy act, it’s all phony. He is surely still cheating on her and once she no longer wants to trade  her dignity for You Tube subscribers that marriage will fall apart.

Just watched this this weekend. Well said, Sadie. Of the annoying folks featured in this documentary these 2 were the most annoying. Not sure if we still need spoiler tags but…


His fakeness, though, was a whole other level … his struggle to squeeze out some “tortured soul” remorse tears was laughable. i also noticed how even in telling her the truth, he inflicted more pain on her - calling his pastor first? While she, what? Sat on the side of the road Her “I’m the best wife right now” was pathetic to me - that’s why I SMDH at all this trad wife BS. The wife gets rewarded (?) for putting her integrity, self-worth & needs dead last and turns herself inside out for a guy who’s a liar and a cheat. Yay! wife! She should’ve dumped his ass but she’s as thirsty for the attention as he is

On a shallow note, was it just me? Or was their house always a mess? The unflushed toilet was gross enough, but why did every shot look like they were hoarders? And why would anyone want to broadcast that on the internet? Look maybe I’m an old fuddy duddy, but FFS, tidy up before shooting. I would’ve been mortified.


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