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Season Three: Bobby Saddled with a Temporary Partner?

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22 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

So I can see why the CEO would be upset because there are really only downsides to dumping the drugs

You have a point, @HunterHunted. But I guess my mindset was less on the financial/business aspect (which, again, is a good point to bring up!) but on the emotional/human aspect. As I said, I freely admit I may be jaded towards corporate businesses, but I guess - as I said - I expected O'Quinn's character to be covering his part in all of the illegal dumping than being sincerely disgusted as he was, separated from the financial angle.

Not to say it wasn't a refreshing change, but it seemed kind of a stark contrast as to how so many seem to conduct themselves with big money and big business!

As for Eric/Brian, I do agree he probably didn't really consider all of the ramifications that living as the real Eric would bring.

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On 1/17/2017 at 3:41 PM, WendyCR72 said:

I bet Kevin Tighe had a blast playing the "Angel of Death" doctor in "D.A.W." seeing as he played such a good-guy role in Emergency! waaaay back when. (Sort of before my time, but I know of the show.)

Maybe it's why VDO plays so many dastardly roles, too. Must be fun!

I just watched this episode. OMG, he was beyond creepy in it. 

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On 1/16/2017 at 3:22 PM, WendyCR72 said:

But Brian/Eric was sufficiently creepy. I love how, at the end, he declares that he didn't do anything wrong and Bobby was all, "You cut a human being in half!"

Watching this now and I really am undisturbed by the guy getting cut in half. He was scum and dumped tainted meds on an unsuspecting, third world area. Screw him. 

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Another candidate for the "Horrible CI Parent Award" is on per the WE late-night listings tonight: "Happy Family". The mom in that one made the mom in "Crazy" (the one that accused her ex of molestation) look like Mary Poppins. The mom here tells her boys, already scarred as orphans in Romania (?), that their father gave them cell phones to give them brain cancer, as one lovely example, all because of a bitter divorce. This, naturally, prompts the older boy to murder their father.

And yet then Mommie Dearest weakly tries to claim she was joking? Uh uh. Her cancer revelation did nothing for me in terms of feeling sorry for that wench. Maybe the boys would have been better off with the housekeeper.

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17 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Another candidate for the "Horrible CI Parent Award" is on per the WE late-night listings tonight: "Happy Family". The mom in that one made the mom in "Crazy" (the one that accused her ex of molestation) look like Mary Poppins. The mom here tells her boys, already scarred as orphans in Romania (?), that their father gave them cell phones to give them brain cancer, as one lovely example, all because of a bitter divorce. This, naturally, prompts the older boy to murder their father.

And yet then Mommie Dearest weakly tries to claim she was joking? Uh uh. Her cancer revelation did nothing for me in terms of feeling sorry for that wench. Maybe the boys would have been better off with the housekeeper.

 Yeah she was awful, her actions were directly responsible for the older boy killing the dad, I think the kids would’ve been better off with the nanny/housekeeper, she was only using them as pawns in her battle with her ex. The killer in that episode is arguably the most sympathetic in CI history.

13 hours ago, Sigmagirl said:

I think the most sympathetic killer is one who was never prosecuted — Frank Lowell from “Malignant,” the grieving widower who helped his wife commit suicide because her diluted cancer drugs weren’t working. Goren & Eames wouldn’t give him up to Carver.

I agree, he was extremely sympathetic and I’m glad they chose not to prosecute (Carver knew BTW, he just chose not to charge him), I just didn’t think of him because he wasn’t the main killer in the episode, the pharmacist as well as the robbers were the main criminals. Of the main killers, I think the Romanian boy afraid of going back to the orphanage was the most sympathetic.

Edited by Xeliou66
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On 4/13/2018 at 2:41 AM, Xeliou66 said:

I agree, he was extremely sympathetic and I’m glad they chose not to prosecute (Carver knew BTW, he just chose not to charge him), I just didn’t think of him because he wasn’t the main killer in the episode

Cause and effect with this one, too, since Halliwell was the reason Mr. Lowell and his wife did what they did, because the drugs that Halliwell gave them to fight her cancer were worthless. So I blame Halliwell for Mr. and Mrs. Lowell's plights.

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USA is airing "Stray" as I type, the one with the con artist woman and her dyslexic boyfriend who drew maps of Times Square because he couldn't read. One thing just occurred to me about the end of this one: When Goren has the two of them together, when he exposes that the girlfriend was in contact with an ex and was going to take the money and run, Goren gives the guy a phone to call and confirm with the ex as he orders his cohort/girlfriend to read him the damned number!

The only thing is, and I ask this sincerely as I am not dyslexic, wouldn't he also have trouble reading the numbers on that phone even if the number was given to him?

I know, picking nits again.  :-)

The "you wanna scroll, scroll!" scene with Goren and Bishop was just on. I like that exchange.)

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Good observation. The young man was so good with spatial relationships that I think he would have had the phone keys memorized, the same as he had Times Square memorized after many years away. If presented with a dial telephone he probably would have been lost. 

I do think Bishop wanted to scroll, but she wanted to be deferential to Goren. 

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Yeah I think the guy was good enough with spatial relations to know the number. 

Who do you think was worse, the guy or his girlfriend? The guy committed the murders but the girlfriend was pulling the strings, I was unsure how I felt about Carver seeking the death penalty against the guy while the girlfriend got life, I think they were both equally responsible. 

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Hard to say. The guy actually did the deeds, but he wasn’t malicious; he was manipulated. If he had refused, she would have found someone else who would have done her bidding. Isn’t there something about robbery in the commission of a murder making it a death penalty case, like in Cuba Libre, when the killer stole an earring from Mrs. Winters? They both committed the robbery from the counting room and jumped from the window. 

If one was going to get the death penalty, they both should have.

Edited by Sigmagirl
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OK, this doesn’t belong, but what the hell.

My husband and I collect dinnerware by a particular company.  Plates, cups & saucers, casseroles, pitchers, mugs. We probably have going on 1500 pieces. Today we were doing a little antiquing and found some unmarked egg cups that looked as if they might belong to one of our patterns. It took quite a bit of online research to determine they were not.

But internally I was yelling 




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LOL, the guy screaming about the egg cup as he was arrested was funny. 

Back to season 3, I saw some of a marathon on WE today. An underrated episode is Mad Hops, that’s the best of the Bishop episodes IMO, good plot about the basketball coach, I liked him and Goren’s back and forth, he was one of the perps that Goren really irritated. There was a funny scene in the morgue where Goren got up close with the body and was going to take a swab from the victims nose and Rodgers stopped him and glared at him, Goren was always funny with how up close he would get with the bodies and Rodgers would give him funny looks. I love Rodgers, she’s the unsung hero of L&O.

Edited by Xeliou66
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On 7/4/2018 at 10:51 PM, Sigmagirl said:

OK, this doesn’t belong, but what the hell.

My husband and I collect dinnerware by a particular company.  Plates, cups & saucers, casseroles, pitchers, mugs. We probably have going on 1500 pieces. Today we were doing a little antiquing and found some unmarked egg cups that looked as if they might belong to one of our patterns. It took quite a bit of online research to determine they were not.

But internally I was yelling 




OMG! I am cracking the hell up here. John Shea really chewed the scenery there. EGG CUP!

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On 7/5/2018 at 6:55 PM, Xeliou66 said:

LOL, the guy screaming about the egg cup as he was arrested was funny. 

Back to season 3, I saw some of a marathon on WE today. An underrated episode is Mad Hops, that’s the best of the Bishop episodes IMO, good plot about the basketball coach, I liked him and Goren’s back and forth, he was one of the perps that Goren really irritated. There was a funny scene in the morgue where Goren got up close with the body and was going to take a swab from the victims nose and Rodgers stopped him and glared at him, Goren was always funny with how up close he would get with the bodies and Rodgers would give him funny looks. I love Rodgers, she’s the unsung hero of L&O.


I'm almost surprised Leslie Hendrix never got an actual opening credit on CI. I think she had more screen time on that part of the franchise than the other two combined. Just wish they had done better by Rodgers with stories. The little bit when she got pissed at the morgue attendant a few seasons later and fired him seemed to hint at something, then poof. Oh, well.

What I liked about "Mad Hops" was it told a bit more about Goren on a personal level vis a vis his distant dad, but didn't smash the viewers over the head with it.

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On 7/8/2018 at 7:59 PM, Sigmagirl said:

Plus when he told Bishop his dad used to stand over the stove and eat his dinner and Bishop asks if that’s something that Goren does and he says no, and in a later season we see Goren doing just that. :-(

Do you recall when he did that, Bobby, I mean? I recall the conversation with Bishop but don't recall Bobby doing it, too.

It’s Frame, Season 7, episode 22. It’s Frances’s first birthday after her death. Bobby is standing at the stove looking over some family photos and has a fork in his hand. It appears to have broccoli on it, so at least he’s not eating only junk. There’s a pan on the stove, but on the counter behind it is a Chinese food container so that looks like what he’s having. 

He decides to call Frank and puts down the fork; he’s put the food into a dish so he’s not eating straight out of the container. 

He also has a book open on the counter, so he’s reading while eating, unlike his father, who watched TV while eating over the stove.

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On 7/11/2018 at 8:58 PM, Sigmagirl said:

It’s Frame, Season 7, episode 22. It’s Frances’s first birthday after her death. Bobby is standing at the stove looking over some family photos and has a fork in his hand. It appears to have broccoli on it, so at least he’s not eating only junk. There’s a pan on the stove, but on the counter behind it is a Chinese food container so that looks like what he’s having. 

He decides to call Frank and puts down the fork; he’s put the food into a dish so he’s not eating straight out of the container. 

He also has a book open on the counter, so he’s reading while eating, unlike his father, who watched TV while eating over the stove.

Wow, I never noticed half of that, even if I remember Bobby trying to call Frank. You're good!  :-)  (But yeah, that's kind of sad that he followed in his dad's lonely eating habits-footsteps.)

No one has talked about this one yet, but it's one that sticks out in my mind. Just watched Conscience. I'd remembered the stuff with the wife in vegetative state very clearly, but had totally forgotten about the researcher being killed in the pool in the beginning. It was kind of heartbreaking in the end when the son is like, "She wasn't really answering the questions, was she?" Great manipulation of her husband to get him to confess though.

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On 8/6/2018 at 10:30 PM, MarylandGirl said:

No one has talked about this one yet, but it's one that sticks out in my mind. Just watched Conscience. I'd remembered the stuff with the wife in vegetative state very clearly, but had totally forgotten about the researcher being killed in the pool in the beginning. It was kind of heartbreaking in the end when the son is like, "She wasn't really answering the questions, was she?" Great manipulation of her husband to get him to confess though.

The only thing I never got about the son was, at the beginning of the episode, someone tells him, "It's murder!" But the son says, "I'm not backing down!" I wonder if it was simple misdirection the show likes or if there was supposed to be some side plot where the kid tries to off the stepdad or something? Guess we'll never know.

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What didn’t you get about the son exactly? Conscience is a great episode, one of my favorites from season 3, very good plot, I liked the hospital interrogation scene where they played on Mark’s guilt and paranoia to get him to confess, I liked how we saw a bit more of Deakins and Carver in this one it seemed, and I liked how Goren and Eames went to New Orleans, one of the few times they went out of state.

Edited by Xeliou66
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On 8/11/2018 at 1:42 PM, Xeliou66 said:

What didn’t you get about the son exactly? Conscience is a great episode, one of my favorites from season 3

No, the episode was great! What I didn't get was the beginning, where someone was telling the son it was murder, and the son replied he wasn't backing down. Then that seemed to go nowhere. Was he going to kill the stepdad? What? The rest was good, though.

I would have to rewatch it, but I’m sure they were talking about the comatose mother, someone was telling him it was murder to take her off life support and he was saying he wouldn’t back down from his position that she should be taken off life support, I’m pretty sure that’s what that bit of dialogue was about, nothing about whacking the stepdad IMO.

Terrific episode IMO with a fascinating plot and I liked how Goren and Eames played on Mark’s guilt and paranoia to get him to confess.

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On 8/18/2018 at 6:23 PM, Xeliou66 said:


I would have to rewatch it, but I’m sure they were talking about the comatose mother, someone was telling him it was murder to take her off life support and he was saying he wouldn’t back down from his position that she should be taken off life support, I’m pretty sure that’s what that bit of dialogue was about, nothing about whacking the stepdad IMO.


But the confusing part was that the person who said it was murder was his grandfather who seemed to support the decision to take her off life support.

1 minute ago, WendyCR72 said:

Yes! Like I said, this is why that intro confuses the hell out of me. Oh, well.

Maybe the grandfather is pro murder! It almost made me wonder if there was a rewrite where it was the son alone who wanted to take her off life support and then they never went back and changed that line because it makes no sense.

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Just now, biakbiak said:

Maybe the grandfather is pro murder! It almost made me wonder if there was a rewrite where it was the son alone who wanted to take her off life support and then they never went back and changed that line because it makes no sense.

Considering how much these episodes are revised before airing, your theory is as good as any, @biakbiak.

Season Three:

We start to see Bobby issues, which me no likey.

But we have some really good episodes-like the premiere when we're told Alex will be surrogate for her sister, creatively tying in KE's real life pregnancy.

Sadly we're stuck with Samantha Buck's character, who isn't as bad as Logan's other partners, so there's that.

Season 3 was on BBC America today 

A Murderer Among Us is an interesting episode, Brody is such a chilling perp, so filled with rage and hate, his explosion at the end was quite memorable. I really felt for his daughter and I don’t know if she would ever be okay, knowing her dad was a monstrous serial killer/hate murderer and her mom killed herself because she couldn’t live with the knowledge. I did think the pieces came together rather quickly in finding out about Brody’s crimes, but I guess finding out about the murder of the relative of the guy from the home who’s info Lena was accessing led them to the crime and then finding out about the injury to the knee that matched Lena’s knee injury caused them to realize Brody was a murderer - it was an interesting investigation with a very memorable perp.

Sound Bodies is a good one as well with Connie and his 3 female followers poisoning and drowning people. It’s a strong plot, although it seems like the boat being tampered with would’ve been discovered sooner, other than that the story flowed very nicely and Connie was a memorable sociopathic criminal mastermind.  I love when Goren subdues Connie after Connie slaps him and then says “ouch!”. It does make me laugh that they called City Island “Channel Island”, I wonder if someone from City Island didn’t want the place associated with a string of murders.

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5 hours ago, Xeliou66 said:

Season 3 was on BBC America today 

A Murderer Among Us is an interesting episode, Brody is such a chilling perp, so filled with rage and hate, his explosion at the end was quite memorable. I really felt for his daughter and I don’t know if she would ever be okay, knowing her dad was a monstrous serial killer/hate murderer and her mom killed herself because she couldn’t live with the knowledge. I did think the pieces came together rather quickly in finding out about Brody’s crimes, but I guess finding out about the murder of the relative of the guy from the home who’s info Lena was accessing led them to the crime and then finding out about the injury to the knee that matched Lena’s knee injury caused them to realize Brody was a murderer - it was an interesting investigation with a very memorable perp.

Sound Bodies is a good one as well with Connie and his 3 female followers poisoning and drowning people. It’s a strong plot, although it seems like the boat being tampered with would’ve been discovered sooner, other than that the story flowed very nicely and Connie was a memorable sociopathic criminal mastermind.  I love when Goren subdues Connie after Connie slaps him and then says “ouch!”. It does make me laugh that they called City Island “Channel Island”, I wonder if someone from City Island didn’t want the place associated with a string of murders.

Connie came in handy in The Wee Small Hours. 

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Five season 3 episodes on BBC America today, starting with Mad Hops - that’s a great episode, Coach Powell was a good antagonist for Goren, and it had a strong plot involving the murders of the player and the PI who was searching for him, and I liked how Goren got to the bottom of the case, and figured out it wasn’t about the scheme to get star players into the one school but about the coach and his obsession with Karen Watkins and how he would do anything to boost her son’s career to get with her. I didn’t find Karen sympathetic, she was just stringing Powell along to help her son’s career. It was an interesting case of Powell’s obsession and desire to not be alone leading him to commit 2 murders. Good detective work in this one figuring out where the murder occurred - it was always funny when Goren got up close and personal with the bodies like he did here when he wanted to take a sample of the materials in the victim’s nose and an irritated Rodgers said “let me do that” and pushed him away. Great episode.

The marathon finishes up with Shrink Wrapped, with the 2 nutbag shrinks, good god those people were fruitcakes. 

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I don't know if I've mentioned it here before, but I was just rewatching "Undaunted Mettle" and love the symbolism of the display on Laurette's desk--the three red apples set in a row on a tray. But voila, once the confrontation scene comes with Meredith, there are now three green--presumably sour!--apples lined up on the tray instead.

Talk about unmitigated gall, THREE wives and still fooling around with the blondes in the office!

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Season 3 was on BBC America yesterday -

Conscience is an interesting episode, about the guy who put his wife in a vegetative state and killed the doctor who he thought was communicating with her - it was fascinating how they staged the situation to make it look like the comatose wife was communicating with them, the perp’s lawyer should’ve told the perp to shut up but I guess he was paranoid because of his guilty conscience and he already killed the doctor because he believed his wife was communicating with her so it wasn’t that far fetched that he would fall for the interview trick. It’s a good episode with an interesting investigation.

I saw Fico Di Capo later, and that episode has a big plot hole - namely who was the leak that revealed where the witness was? If it wasn’t the detective who was suspected, who the hell was it?! And how did the wife of the prosecutor’s undercover cop status get leaked? I really have no idea how that happened or how they knew where to find the witness, it seemed like they just forgot about that part of the plot, really weird. 

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8 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

I watched D. A. W. last night. It was so weird to see Kevin Tighe playing a doctor who is a junkie/murderer. I watch Emergency! on weekday mornings. He plays Roy DeSoto, an earnest and sweet paramedic. What an inside out  change of character for him.

DAW is a great episode, the doctor was such a creepy villain, especially when he told the guy about one of his patients “you should’ve seen her when she was 25“ or something like that. And Goren eating his steak and the end was hilarious. 

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