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S25.E29: Power of Veto #10

Message added by Dustbunny,


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I can only assume that CHATGPT4 wrote Zingbot this year while writers were striking because they were actually funny for the first time in years. The 'Cory Song' will probably be the only legendary thing to come out of this misbegotten season.

Did anyone in the multiverse think that a young alpha male would not win Otev over seniors Cirie and Felicia? You would think a more level playing field would be in order but I'm sure they were wedded to this being the Zingbot week.

If Bowie Jane refused to be gaslit by  Cirie and Felicia in the Red boot why is she swallowing Jag's malarky hook line and sinker?

Speaking of Bowie I just couldn't work up the enthusiasm to post last night but that episode....99% was watching other people strategize what they wanted to do with SOMEONE ELSE Head of Household. They clearly see her as the ultimate puppet. To make matters worse tonight she says she never wanted to be HOH. Well, Crikey Bowie Jane why didn't you write 1 Million minutes on the chalkboard?

So if Cameron leaves then bringing him and Jared back was all just moot....filler to have episodes going for the now-defunct strike.

Edited by North of Eden
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2 hours ago, North of Eden said:

If Bowie Jane refused to be gaslit by  Cirie and Felicia in the Red boot why is she swallowing Jag's malarky hook line and sinker?

Thing was, though, Jag’s spin wasn’t totally malarkey:

  • Bowie’s steadfast refusal to entertain Cam’s pushing Cory was 100% based on her stance that she was going to make her HoH nom picks based on what was good for her game, and nobody else’s - and IMHO Bowie was completely transparent about that with everybody who came pitching their own agenda-driven picks.
  • Cam, however, was apparently unwilling or unable to conceive of Bowie having an opinion of her own which might differ from his - I can only assume Cam had rewatched Season 15 a few too many times and had absorbed an unhealthy dose of the Zuckerman Zeitgeist - leading Cam to believe it was only right and proper for every other HG to make moves in a fashion designed to benefit his game, and no other*.
  • Cam’s lack of perception of Bowie as an independent entity fed his paranoia, leading it to conclude a relationship between Bowie and Cory (greatly enhanced over what actually existed in reality) was the “only rational” alternate explanation for Bowie’s recalcitrance - which was what Cam expressed to Jag.
  • Jag recognized Cam had unwittingly handed Jag the Golden Ticket Jag needed to sway Bowie towards a BD of Cam - so Jag immediately took steps to cash it in.

Bottom line: Cam was perfectly safe with Bowie, until his own paranoia and sense of entitlement led him to take the steps which dismantled that relationship.


*In Survivor we refer to this kind of player as a destiny.

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Zingbot/OTEV was as aggressively annoying as always.

Cameron's not nearly as smart or popular as he thinks he is. Loved the DR quick cuts to everyone else agreeing with Zingbot's assessment of him as a "tool."

Good on Felicia for getting out of a horrid DV situation by choosing to serve her country.

And Cirie continues to be indignant that her master plan blew up in her face before she could claim the $750K she assumed was rightfully hers (and/or Jared's). Whatevs.

Edited by Sir RaiderDuck OMS
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Zingbot was even funnier than usual last night.  The "America" song about Corey was brutal! LOL  I didn't quite hear Matt's zing; something about the cardboard cutout of Josh Duhumal, but I missed it. 

I was wondering if there was a sign language interpreter off-camera who was conveying the jokes to Matt since he obviously couldn't read OTEV's lips.  Is there usually someone off-camera during challenges to help him with some of the rules?  When Julie reads clues for challenges, how does he know what she's saying?

It's not looking good for Cameron tonight.  I'm afraid his trust in Jag and Matt and his insistence that Bowie knock out Corey is going to doom him.  He's a good strategist but his social game is terrible.

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Welcome to OTEV, the one episode of the season where I have to don a hat and dark glasses so my family won't recognize me sitting on the couch listening to a robot with a voice so piercing, it sets the neighborhood dogs to howling.

I do agree that Cory's song was pretty epic, though.  And Cirie's burn was good as well.

Edited by laurakaye
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The OTEV The Zinging Robot zings, in order:

  • Danger, danger! There is a thief among us! America, you’re under arrest for - robbing the cradle! 
  • What do you think brought the bigger wrinkles to this game - the Multiverse twist, or Felicia?
  • Jag, your gameplay reminds me of a sports car.  Not a JAGuar - more like a BOREvette, Aston MORON, and a LAMEborghini.
  • “Kitty kitty purr”, “boots down”, “slay”; Blue, the only thing worse than your catchphrases is your - fashion sense!
  • What’s the difference between a great white shark and Bowie Jane? One’s an Australian creature whose scary teeth terrify people - and the other one’s a shark!
  • Mecole!  Watching you play Big Brother has had a major impact on my life. I’ve gone from Me-bored to a six week Me-coma!  Oh, wait; Mecole was SO under the radar, I didn’t realize she got evicted!
  • Matt!  I can see why you hit it off with a cardboard cutout - similar intelligence!
  • Cirie! The past few weeks have been hard on you; a lot of your good friends left the game, leaving you alone.  But that’s okay, now you can finally do what you do best: lose while on an island!
  • Cameron! You received a military promotion while in the Big Brother House.  You’ve gone from Lieutenant Loser to - Major Fucktool!
  • America! Your name is so patriotic, it makes me want to sing a song the whole country can get behind!

(To the tune of “America the Beautiful”)

Cory’s not beautiful, 
Under any skies. 
Short like a piece of grain. 
A thin mustache, 
If you call it that, 
It causes my eyes pain. 
America! America! 
Did you have a lobotomy? 
He’s a tiny man, 
Can’t kiss worth a damn. 
Let’s throw him in the sea!

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Yes, zingbot was very funny, and I often think the zingbot episode is lame.  I really wish they could get a robot voice that was easier to listen to, though.

The song about Cory was great, the Cirie zing was spot on. It seemed that everyone took the zings well, with the exception of Felicia. 

Edited by tinkerbell
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When Cam was talking to Bowie, there was a moment when he looked a bit creepy. Some combination of flirtatious, condescending and manipulative. Something about the body language and eye contact, like he thinks he knows how to talk to women to get what he wants.

Luckily Bowie wasn't buying what he's selling. It seems everyone in the house sees the arrogant fake for who he is, but they play along like he's as smart as he thinks he is.

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1 hour ago, tinkerbell said:

When Cam was talking to Bowie, there was a moment when he looked a bit creepy. Some combination of flirtatious, condescending and manipulative. Something about the body language and eye contact, like he thinks he knows how to talk to women to get what he wants.

Luckily Bowie wasn't buying what he's selling. It seems everyone in the house sees the arrogant fake for who he is, but they play along like he's as smart as he thinks he is.

BB Politics 101: no matter how full of shit you think someone is, never let them know you think they’re full of shit.  😉

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3 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

I really wish they could get a robot voice that was easier to listen to, though.

And one that has better delivery. As I read the zings, they’re actually pretty funny. But when I listened to them, all I could hear was the usual Zingbot cringe.

Robot technology has come a long way since Zingbot first appeared; I think it’s time for an upgrade. Maybe Siri is looking for a side gig?

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So Bowie doesn't have the Big Girl Pants to tell Jag she won't let him use the Veto, and if he uses it, Matt goes out and up.  She feels bound by an "alliance" that won't respect her wishes.  That's your clue that it's not an actual alliance, Sheila!

She rightly sees that the Cory v. Cameron anti-podal set-up protects her and tampering with it harms her game.  And that the "Sisters" gain power the longer they stay, that they not only dumped her in the Red eviction but worked to set her up as a target.  She needs Felicia gone, but she's too chicken to stand up to Jag and Matt.

I understand, there's little point about expecting someone who runs around muttering about the dreaded "Blood on My Hands" to play hardball, but still.  This removes an active player and just lets the Turds, er, Sisters (Sisturds?) keep on floating to the end.  (Rachel Reilly must be deeply annoyed.)

And Cam is probably very, very dead.  I can't help but think that delaying showing the Veto Ceremony indicates that Cam has been nominated, there's not even a sliver of chance that the vote will flip and so production is working to be sure they don't have to schedule any more than a token "campaign" segment for Thursday.  Bummer.

One last Steve Miller Band song for the Space Cowboy?  Yeah, why not?  Here's a little something for Cam in his dark hour:

Co-written by Paul McCartney (who plays drums and does the backing vocals).  Steve's first producer was Glyn Johns, the Beatles' recording engineer.  In March of 1969, he was at Apple Studios looking to grab some time with Glyn when the Beatles had a large fight and pretty much broke up (temporarily), with John/George/Ringo walking out and leaving Paul alone.  So this is what was on his mind, at the moment.

Edited by Halting Hex
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Message added by Dustbunny,


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