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S25.E11: HOH #4, Nominations #4

Message added by Dustbunny,


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No Felicia you did not get the biggest target out of the house.

Cirie doesn’t have multiple alliances with everyone in the house because she’s some brilliant strategist or social game player. She has that because she’s “the star” and everyone wants to be in an alliance with her. That’s what always happens with they thrown one pseudo-celeb into the mix where everyone else is a newbie.  Nobody ever targets them because they always want to be friends with the “celebrity.” So this is not evidence of Cirie’s mastery of the game. It’s evidence of the huge advantage she has as a reality star playing with a bunch of nobodies.

There's really nobody to root for here.  And I think I'd root for almost anyone who said they planned to use Cirie to coast to the end then take her out. I just haven’t heard anyone say that. They all want to be her friend and/or alliance partner.

The ironic thing is that I think I'd actually be rooting for Cirie if everyone else in the house was also some reality "star." But they're not. It's just not a level playing field.

The power of invincibility?  You’ve got to be shitting me with this. Gee I wonder who will win that. Let me think on it.

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

this is not evidence of Cirie’s mastery of the game. It’s evidence of the huge advantage she has as a reality star playing with a bunch of nobodies.

And her son.

Really, I am disappointed that none of the HGs have made the simple deduction.

Cirie is the big star and CBS is going to protect her.

A family member is the best form of protection.

Cirie said she only has sons (and if she had a daughter in the house, presumably someone is a big enough Survivor fan to spot that hypothetical lie) and there's only one player here who can be her son.

I grant you, I was done with Cirie from her intro segment on Survivor 16, and I did a happy dance when she got so beautifully screwed over in 34, but even allowing for my preferences I can live without Cirie-as-Paul from BB19 and everyone fighting to lick her feet.

She can't go fast enough.  She won't go before F5, at the earliest, I worry.  Ugh.

Still, it was lovely to see the Pressure Cooker again.  Don't make me wait another 18 years, please.

1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

The power of invincibility?  You’ve got to be shitting me with this. Gee I wonder who will win that. Let me think on it.

Oh, vomit.  I didn't even think of that. 

And she can save her meatshield, too.  Lovely.

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Shocked that Cirie and Jared were out so fast. Really, other than being a Survivor star is there any other reason either should stay?

Had to laugh when Izzy said she could have stayed much longer. Ummm, but you didnt!

For the first time ever I have live feeds on Pluto but have only watched a tiny bit. But I have to say how different the contestants are on live vs broadcast show. Nasty back voters and overall unlikable.

At this point I am pro-Matt. 

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I was glad to see Cameron win The Pressure Cooker and declare he was there TO PLAY THE GAME!  .....then, he nominated Jag and Blue.  Why!!!!????

Cirie and Izzy needed to be nominated.  Izzy can't stand Cam or Red, and Cirie is the biggest threat in the house due to her "fame".

Glad to see the Pressure Cooker back, though.  I wish they'd release the noxious fumes, the flies, and other "tortures" earlier, though.  Also, 13+ hours and no one went pee-pee on the floor?  Wow!

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It is the ability to cancel an eviction in one of the two weeks after it is awarded.  It has been advertised in the house ads for a while now.

Since either Jared or Cirie will win it (because it is fan-voted) and neither of them will be in danger of being evicted, it is relatively pointless.  However, since FOUR HGs are being fan-voted into the contest, there is a chance that Felecia or Izzy could win it, as well.  Not that this would make much difference.

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16 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Really, I am disappointed that none of the HGs have made the simple deduction.

Re: Cirie.  Izzy made that "simple deduction" in the first few minutes.  That's why Cirie has to be allied with her and keep her happy and joined at the hips so she won't spill the secret.

4 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

It is the ability to cancel an eviction in one of the two weeks after it is awarded.  It has been advertised in the house ads for a while now.

Since either Jared or Cirie will win it (because it is fan-voted) and neither of them will be in danger of being evicted, it is relatively pointless

1. I don't think anybody likes Jared.  Anti-Cirie viewers won't vote for him and pro-Cirie voters won't either because he is an albatross around her neck in this game.  He is playing really REALLY stupid.

2. It is the top FOUR vote getters.  They then COMPETE to see ho wins it.  Since Cirie is not good at competitions I doubt she will in it.

Now I personally wish she would because she is the only reason I'm enjoying this season.  She goes, I probably will go too.  I'm so happy that somebody is playing these stupid young wannabe mactors so well.  These types always think they are in charge -- and usually are -- and it is wonderful to see them crash and burn.  ("This is not the droid you are looking for").

  • LOL 1
6 hours ago, Skooma said:

2. It is the top FOUR vote getters.  They then COMPETE to see ho wins it.  Since Cirie is not good at competitions I doubt she will in it.

It really doesn't matter. At this point there is nobody in the house who is targeting Cirie. Whoever wins it will do whatever Cirie tells them to do with it.

I honestly don't see the point of this season. It's just one giant Cirie circle jerk. It's not like anyone else has a chance. Is anyone pretending otherwise?

Edited by iMonrey
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23 hours ago, Skooma said:

1. I don't think anybody likes Jared.  Anti-Cirie viewers won't vote for him and pro-Cirie voters won't either because he is an albatross around her neck in this game.  He is playing really REALLY stupid.

Jared's possible strategic errors aside, I believe that pro-Cirie voters know that if Cirie's ass needs saving, Jared will save it, and that's what is most important in their eyes.  Especially as the four top vote-getters will compete for the power, and Cirie is not a challenge threat. So people who can a) win comps and b) do anything to protect Cirie are likely to get a lot of votes thrown their way.

So that's Jared and Izzy and…probably some votes for Felicia, on the theory that at least she'll keep Cameron or Jag or whomever out of the comp.  JMO.


While I'm not as yet full-on pulling for Cameron (although there's a certain admiration for anyone who wins the Pressure Cooker and I'll be ecstatic if he listens to Red and backdoors Izzy out of here), I have always had a certain amount of good feeling towards him, simply because he choose "The Space Cowboy" as his nickname.

And then I realized that some posters might not have the slightest idea what I'm talking about.  Let me remedy that, then:

I mean, the song is 54 years old, after all.

You want live?  We have live.

Hey, I'm easy.  And let's face it, this beats "Chillbilly" all get-out.

(Which amuses me, as I think they were going for the same idea.  Cam is just better musically-educated [or at least knows people who are] than his buddy, IMO.)

And Stevie Guitar is still picking away, at age 79.  Here he is in the Houston area (enemy territory, for a Dallas boy), last month.

I need to go catch him, as obviously he can't keep this up forever. (Steve hits The Big Ocho in October.)  Unfortunately, he's not coming any closer to me than Greenville (SC), but that's in December, so I have time to figure out the bus routes, I guess.

(Pardon the digression.)

Edited by Halting Hex
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Still pissed I went to the 2015 World Series and all I got (besides the official program, that is) was a printout of my pass.  I want cardboard, dang it!

(Also still annoyed that Alex Gordon's ball reached the CF seats when all night long, balls that sounded crushed weren't even reaching the track, due to the humidity from the rain.  But that's a different issue.)

Edited by Halting Hex
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Back to the show: as we don't have formal recaps here, I suppose I should post the times, for posterity's sake.

Jared drops at 1 hour, 17 minutes

Cirie lasted 1:22

Izzy, 3:55

Bowie Jane, 8:35 (4:40 between eliminations?  Impressive.)

Matt, 9:40

Red, 10:08

Cory, 11:10 (a lot of effort considering he was always throwing it!)

Blue, 12:44 

Jag, 12:50

Mecole, 13:30

And America surrenders at 13:49

Now you know.

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Message added by Dustbunny,


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