Guest April 12, 2023 Share April 12, 2023 Quote In a thrilling finale, Maddie finally pieces together the puzzle of her disappearance which has severe consequences in both the spirit and living worlds. Dropping April 12, 2023 Link to comment
Aliconehead April 12, 2023 Share April 12, 2023 So Janet took over Maddie’s body with the help of the guilt ridden teacher. It seems they have been trying to leap into people before. This better get renewed 6 1 Link to comment
HolmesUltimateQu April 13, 2023 Share April 13, 2023 I watch this with my teens and we're really enjoying it. They noticed an "orb" on the truck (which could've been a reflection but idk) and theorized it was Mr. Martin- and then I shouted that it was somehow Janet before the reveal. We, too, hope it gets renewed. Link to comment
Guest April 13, 2023 Share April 13, 2023 They upped the creepy factor for this one. The abandoned house and bunker scenes were both genuinely suspenseful. I am going to be so pissed if this doesn’t get renewed. Now that the mystery of who killed Maddie is “solved” I really hope the second season (🤞) focuses more on the spirits than Xavier, Nicole and Claire. That has been the much more compelling side of the story for me. Poor Simon. Thinking his best friend abandoned him and that he is going crazy. Despite all the red herrings they did a nice job of laying the groundwork for the reveal. Link to comment
tired and hungry April 13, 2023 Share April 13, 2023 (edited) Welp I had no idea it was the last episode! (I assumed it would be 10 eps) I just hope this gets renewed!! I cannot handle another cliffhanger for a cancelled show! Final episode was suspenseful and intriguing to watch. Feel bad for Simon, he's right to question his own sanity, but too bad he does not know the whole truth. I wonder if Mr. Martin & Janet have tried to use other kids bodies in the past to get what they want. Maybe that's why he kept all the other spirits from moving on to try his experiments on. Don't know what they are hoping to acheive by stealing bodies at the cost of another person's life when they can just figure out how to move on... Again please let this get renewed!! That's all I ask!! Just a second & final season to clear all the cliffhangers is fine too!! Edited April 13, 2023 by tired and hungry 4 Link to comment
Aliconehead April 13, 2023 Share April 13, 2023 3 hours ago, tired and hungry said: Welp I had no idea it was the last episode! (I assumed it would be 10 eps) I just hope this gets renewed!! I cannot handle another cliffhanger for a cancelled show! Final episode was suspenseful and intriguing to watch. Feel bad for Simon, he's right to question his own sanity, but too bad he does not know the whole truth. I wonder if Mr. Martin & Janet have tried to use other kids bodies in the past to get what they want. Maybe that's why he kept all the other spirits from moving on to try his experiments on. Don't know what they are hoping to acheive by stealing bodies at the cost of another person's life when they can just figure out how to move on... Again please let this get renewed!! That's all I ask!! Just a second & final season to clear all the cliffhangers is fine too!! I would prefer a season but will accept a movie to tie it up. I just want the story to finish which ever way that is. 2 Link to comment
EdnasEdibles April 13, 2023 Share April 13, 2023 I knew something wasn't right with that teacher. Who the hell wants to work for their entire afterlife, grading ghost assignments? The Madison reveal was interesting. Early on in the season I assumed she was somewhere barely alive and that's why she was a ghost but also a ghost that could talk to her friend. She wasn't full ghost. I did not predict anything close to the reveal though. Very interesting. Not at all sure how they'll be able to get them to switch back? If possible? 6 Link to comment
RedInk April 18, 2023 Share April 18, 2023 I posted a speculation I read that had the ending exactly right. I really wish I hadn’t come across it because it was a good twist I wouldn’t have uncovered. Still don’t understand the teacher or his motives though. What’s the point of him holding onto their possessions? He’s just obsessive? seems like he didn’t want Janet to possess Maddie, so I just have more questions with him. And how was Maddie able to see/hear the ghosts in the first place? I’d love a second season, but I suppose it would be about getting her body back and possibly being wanted for murder(?), which would kill the mystery element. This darker ending could stand on its own. Link to comment
EdnasEdibles April 19, 2023 Share April 19, 2023 Here's my assumption on what happened. Maddie had that fight with her mom and she said something about how it broke her spirit when she was retelling it. So I think her spirit was "weak" at that point anyway. When Janet's spirit ran through her body, it knocked Maddie's spirit out of her physical body and replaced it with Janet's. Otherwise, the ghosts could literally possess people all day long if they could just run through someone and take over their body. I think the soul-crushing fight with her mom somehow weakened her spirit/body connection making the possession much easier. So Maddie's spirit is still walking around and that's how she could see the other spirits. Since her body isn't dead, there's some weird stuff going on and that's how her friend would be able to see her. 5 3 Link to comment
Riplet68 April 20, 2023 Share April 20, 2023 I was totally surprised by the ending, I was convinced Simon had killed her. It's not often a show can surprise me anymore. Loved Maddie and the football player together. What's really sad is I don't ever remember hearing Janet's name until the second to last episode when hippie chick crossed over. Why haven't the gay kid and football player crossed over (I am sooooo bad with names). They've both reconciled they're death issues. 3 1 Link to comment
rbwyatt2 April 21, 2023 Share April 21, 2023 Interesting reveal but so many questions. The big one is the blood they found was proven to be Maddy's through DNA. If her body is still "alive" with Janet possessing it, where did the blood come from? And how did Maddy hear the teacher and Janet in the first place? It had never been established during the season that alive beings could hear the sounds of the ghosts. 6 Link to comment
Guest April 21, 2023 Share April 21, 2023 1 hour ago, rbwyatt2 said: Interesting reveal but so many questions. The big one is the blood they found was proven to be Maddy's through DNA. If her body is still "alive" with Janet possessing it, where did the blood come from? The flashback cut out with her body being thrown backwards. Presumably she hit her head resulting in the blood that was found. Link to comment
RedInk April 23, 2023 Share April 23, 2023 On 4/21/2023 at 2:09 PM, rbwyatt2 said: Interesting reveal but so many questions. The big one is the blood they found was proven to be Maddy's through DNA. If her body is still "alive" with Janet possessing it, where did the blood come from? And how did Maddy hear the teacher and Janet in the first place? It had never been established during the season that alive beings could hear the sounds of the ghosts. I agree that being thrown when the ghost possessed her is likely what caused the blood spatter, but hearing/seeing the ghosts before the accident is baffling because there are ghosts all over the school she’s never seen. It would have made more sense (to me) if she’d been knocked out accidentally and that was what allowed the ghost in. But maybe we’ll get another season & it’ll come together. 1 Link to comment
Guest April 23, 2023 Share April 23, 2023 43 minutes ago, RedInk said: I agree that being thrown when the ghost possessed her is likely what caused the blood spatter, but hearing/seeing the ghosts before the accident is baffling because there are ghosts all over the school she’s never seen. It would have made more sense (to me) if she’d been knocked out accidentally and that was what allowed the ghost in. But maybe we’ll get another season & it’ll come together. I think the explanation is in what Charlie and Wally read from Mr. Martin’s notes. Quote Final moments are a source of great despair in the subject. Hypothesis: reliving final trauma to greatest extent possible may increase thinning and provide access point. Link to comment
Anela September 7, 2023 Share September 7, 2023 If she's going to live, then I hope Simon gets a re-do on his interview for Northwestern. I missed if they were the ones to hurt her, somehow, or if they just took advantage of her being hurt, and in that in-between state. I'll have to google. On 4/13/2023 at 5:08 AM, tired and hungry said: Welp I had no idea it was the last episode! (I assumed it would be 10 eps) I just hope this gets renewed!! I cannot handle another cliffhanger for a cancelled show! Final episode was suspenseful and intriguing to watch. Feel bad for Simon, he's right to question his own sanity, but too bad he does not know the whole truth. I wonder if Mr. Martin & Janet have tried to use other kids bodies in the past to get what they want. Maybe that's why he kept all the other spirits from moving on to try his experiments on. Don't know what they are hoping to acheive by stealing bodies at the cost of another person's life when they can just figure out how to move on... Again please let this get renewed!! That's all I ask!! Just a second & final season to clear all the cliffhangers is fine too!! I wonder if Janet wasn't ready to move on, and so they figured out how to do this (because he felt guilty). 1 Link to comment
Straycat80 December 8, 2023 Share December 8, 2023 I binged this series on Netflix. It wasn’t perfect but I liked it. I hope there is a season two. I felt there were too many cliffhangers. Like who wacked Madi in the head, why Mr. Martin and Janet did what they did and hopefully the janitor gets exonerated, other stuff too like explaining how Dawn crossed over. I’ll bet it had something to do with Mr. Martins experiments. 4 Link to comment
greycoupon December 18, 2023 Share December 18, 2023 I also just binged the whole season on Netflix. I knew nothing about the show but did notice in the opening credits it was a Paramount+ production. The ending surprised the hell out of me. I would read each ep rhread here after I watched it, and read the body snatching theory and thought it was ridiculous. I'm so smart. So Charley and Wally have resolved their issues and they would have crossed over if not for Mr. Martin keeping them in the "support" group and holding on to things related to their deaths. I think. But back to being confused how he collected all that stuff as a ghost. In that vain, Wally, Charley and Rhonda are locked in the fall out shelter. But they are ghosts. Why do locks work on them? Even if Maddie somehow gets her spirit back into her body, her life is ruined and she likely is going to prison for attempted murder. Ouch. Poor Simon. I really did think he killed her for a minute there. 4 Link to comment
Emcber December 26, 2023 Share December 26, 2023 On 4/19/2023 at 5:35 PM, Riplet68 said: I was totally surprised by the ending, I was convinced Simon had killed her. Simon was my prime suspect throughout the show as well. 1 Link to comment
StewieGriffin December 29, 2023 Share December 29, 2023 Just finished binging this all day with a bottle of Vodka. Interesting show. So now Maddie is back to life and she's a serial killer or something? Saw it got renewed for Season 2 so that'd be interesting. 1 Link to comment
tennisgurl March 4, 2024 Share March 4, 2024 I'm so glad that this show has already been reviewed, that was one hell of a cliffhanger! I suspected that Maddie wasn't actually dead and that's why she could talk to people while the other ghosts couldn't, but I thought that she was just comatose or something, not that another ghosts stole her body! So Janet somehow found a way to hijack her body and is now running off with it? How? Why? How do they get her out? So many questions! Why is Mr. Martin apparently trying to keep the ghosts at the school? What happened the day Mr. Martin and Janet died? Would Wally and Charlie have moved on by now if Mr. Martin didn't have their stuff? Why was Janet able to possess Maddie? I liked this show a lot, I really enjoy all of the characters and the mystery has kept me guessing. Very excited for the next season! 1 1 Link to comment
Peanut6711 November 24, 2024 Share November 24, 2024 Just found this on Netflix. Good series. Kept me interested. Didn't know it wasn't a single season so anxious now for the next. Anyone hear any release dates? On 4/21/2023 at 3:09 PM, rbwyatt2 said: Interesting reveal but so many questions. The big one is the blood they found was proven to be Maddy's through DNA. If her body is still "alive" with Janet possessing it, where did the blood come from? And how did Maddy hear the teacher and Janet in the first place? It had never been established during the season that alive beings could hear the sounds of the ghosts. The blood came from Maddy being thrown back against the pipes/ductwork/whatever. She hit her head, so her body was injured, but she didn't die. Janet just took over the body likely susceptible to it because Maddy said after the fight/conversation with her mom that her soul was killed. That's likely what allowed her to hear the ghosts down there. Her body was alive but her soul was dead. On 4/19/2023 at 8:35 PM, Riplet68 said: I was totally surprised by the ending, I was convinced Simon had killed her. It's not often a show can surprise me anymore. Loved Maddie and the football player together. What's really sad is I don't ever remember hearing Janet's name until the second to last episode when hippie chick crossed over. Why haven't the gay kid and football player crossed over (I am sooooo bad with names). They've both reconciled they're death issues. Janet is mentioned in the earlier episodes when Maddy first joins the ghost group in the gym, and they are talking about another ghost (Janet) who has just recently passed over. The teacher implies it's from writing her obituary when he pushes that assignment. On 12/17/2023 at 11:41 PM, greycoupon said: I also just binged the whole season on Netflix. I knew nothing about the show but did notice in the opening credits it was a Paramount+ production. The ending surprised the hell out of me. I would read each ep rhread here after I watched it, and read the body snatching theory and thought it was ridiculous. I'm so smart. So Charley and Wally have resolved their issues and they would have crossed over if not for Mr. Martin keeping them in the "support" group and holding on to things related to their deaths. I think. But back to being confused how he collected all that stuff as a ghost. In that vain, Wally, Charley and Rhonda are locked in the fall out shelter. But they are ghosts. Why do locks work on them? Even if Maddie somehow gets her spirit back into her body, her life is ruined and she likely is going to prison for attempted murder. Ouch. Poor Simon. I really did think he killed her for a minute there. I too thought it was weird that Mr. Martin could trap the other ghosts in a room. Seems like it defies the metaphysics of their ghost world. 1 Link to comment
CooperTV January 25 Share January 25 So this plot twist rendered the entirety of the season 1 pretty much useless. The finale wasn't set-up at all in any meaningful way, and the plot basically was spinning wheels for 7 episodes straight. I first thought they would set up Maddy body snatching with that scene where Anderson saying Claire Maddie had asked for the money. But guess what, turned out it was Nicole pretending to be Maddie, so no set-up for you, viewer. After that it was emotionally unstable Simon yelling 'Xavier killed Maddie, no, no, Anderson did it, no, Claire did it, no, Claire did it again, no, Nicole did it", red herring after red herring after red herring, all the way to the unsatisfying end. If the writers were more capable they would make Simon to be an attacker/killer, as he was the only one who actually fits that jealous spiteful personality he attempted to paint everyone around him as. All the ghosts and Xavier are more interesting characters than the main three. Wally is a precious puppy, so I've no doubt thet will make him a jerk in season 2 to prop Simon. I even liked Claire and Xavier's horrible dad more than Maddie in the end. Purely subjective, but Maddie is brought down a lot by her connection and BFFsness with Simon. 1 Link to comment
Poochie January 31 Share January 31 On 4/19/2023 at 5:35 PM, Riplet68 said: I was totally surprised by the ending, I was convinced Simon had killed her. It's not often a show can surprise me anymore. Loved Maddie and the football player together. What's really sad is I don't ever remember hearing Janet's name until the second to last episode when hippie chick crossed over. Why haven't the gay kid and football player crossed over (I am sooooo bad with names). They've both reconciled they're death issues. Janet was mentioned early in the first episode. When Maddie arrives at the group therapy session and is choosing a chair, she is told that Janet had been sitting in one of them. Link to comment
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