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Alyssa, wrapped up in a blanket and weeping because she “hates to be on the outside!” Brittany convincing her that she actually wants to work with the girls, and this was just an aberration.

Michael enters, Brittany leaves. His vote was made out of confusion!

Lets face it, the only person who will be able to calm Alyssa down is Kyle. (Protect yourself, Kyle. Stay away.)

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Hahaha! Turner and Jasmine are have nots. Alyssa/Indy had to pick, it was super awkward, they had to pick a pair, and now we have a week long Jasmine have not. No chips, no popcicles. Glorious.

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Haha Jasmine is a Have Not along with Turner.

Indy and Alyssa were trying hard to get Brittany and Michael to take it, but Michael's birthday is this next week and they weren't budging.

It just tickles me that Princess Jasmine has to do it. 

Edited by vb68
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Nicole tells Kyle he’s got a lot of work to do to get back on Alyssa’s good side. Is he supposed to care?

HaveNot nominations! There are no volunteers. Indy and Alyssa select Turner and Jasmine, despite Jasmine’s dagger eyes. Who will bring her customized slop?

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2 hours ago, vb68 said:

That was the deal to get Taylor officially onboard right?

At least that's what I read.

2 hours ago, Lucas Rowan said:

That was the only way that Taylor would agree to join, yes.  After finally knowing what the two of them really thought of her, she would only join the Leftovers if they were targeted next.

Not exactly. Taylor never made it a requirement to join The Leftovers - she simply asked (before saying yes) who the pre-jury targets would be. Both she and the rest of the Leftovers agreed that Daniel and Nicole would be the best choices for both game and personal reasons. But there wasn't any "this must happen to have my loyalty". At the same time, I think the Leftovers would have agreed to almost anything Taylor said because they needed her vote and her number on their side.

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50 minutes ago, vb68 said:

She's bagging on Brittany's acting ability

You fell for it, Nicole, so what does that say about you?

44 minutes ago, vb68 said:

Nicole: "They've done something that no other alliance in BB history ever has. They made a big pack of people to convince you (I guess she means "us") that you're safe. "

I have no idea what she's actually trying to say. Isn't that what every alliance tries to do?

Literally since time immemorial (aka Survivor: Borneo).

13 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Hahaha! Turner and Jasmine are have nots. Alyssa/Indy had to pick, it was super awkward, they had to pick a pair, and now we have a week long Jasmine have not. No chips, no popcicles. Glorious.

Well, we know at least this: her sleeping area will be free of crumbs and melted popsicle stains.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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Nicole: bitching that Taylor didn't volunteer to be a Have Not because it's her turn.
Nicole: also would have bitched if Taylor volunteered to be a Have Not because then she would have been one again.

Also can we talk about the fact that SpoilerGirl has been right this season? Either they got an actual real info hookup this season or their technique of throwing spaghetti at the wall and some of it sticking has been scarily accurate (in which case - lotto numbers, please?)

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Jasmine is making the transition from Popsicle Princess to Slop Martyr. She’s fine. Just don’t talk to her. But why now? She just needs another week to heal. They couldn’t put Michel up because it’s his birthday? What a stupid excuse. 

Nicole and Jasmine whispering: Terrance had no idea. He was vomiting! But why weren’t we informed? Nicole has made it clear to Monte: she will not throw a comp. So keep that in mind.

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I will say this: Kyle is doing horribly at this conversation with Alyssa, trying to explain things from his point of view. But he's also lucky because Alyssa is so enamoured with him that she's already giggling and leaning in to him and forgiving him.

Turner walks in on their conversation.
Alyssa: "Sorry, we were just making out!" *giggle*
Me: "Gag me."

In comparison, Joseph is running circles around Daniel.

Daniel: "You would never be the type to sleep in a girl's bed and vote her out."
Joseph: "Never!"
Daniel: "Vibes, homie."

Edited by Callaphera
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Joseph telling Daniel he’s heartbroken because she was in an alliance without him? He so wanted to work with Ameerah. Also Nicole. He only threw Terrance a pity vote because he was sure Ameerah was staying. It all circles back to Taylor. Joseph wants her out badly, and of course Daniel does not disagree. Shine that laser pointer, Joseph! Keep Daniel and Nicole mesmerized!

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Jasmine: "Ah'm tryin' real haaard to be tha' fun Jasmine."

SINCE WHEN, BITCH. SINCE WHEN HAVE YOU BEEN FUN. When you were ordering around people to cook your food and then bitching about it? Demanding more ice for your foot? Spreading your Cool Ranch crumbs throughout all the beds in the golf room?

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Daniel telling Alyssa and Jasmine it was just a pity vote. He’s so sorry! 

Jasmine is just sorry people didn’t trust her. She would have voted out Ameerah, too, if people just would have told her! She’s still trying hard to be Fun Jasmine, but those days may be over.

Alyssa and Nicole are also upset. Not because Ameerah is gone, but because they were left out of the vote. 

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Joseph tells Taylor she’s going to be nominated. But she will be safe, trust them. She’s not sure about this. “Am I being backdoored?” He assures her, he’s a man of his word, it’s just the only way they can get Nicole. She is reluctant, but eventually agrees.

All this while they are both chewing on wedges of watermelon. 

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Kyle, Monte, Brittany, and Michael, basically:

Monte: "So Taylor/Nicole noms, Nicole out, right?"
Kyle: "But what about Alyssa?"
Michael: "Okay, how does Daniel/Kyle sound, Daniel out?"
Kyle: "But what about Alyssa?"
Brittany: "I think Taylor/Nicole wou-"


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35 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Jasmine: "Ah'm tryin' real haaard to be tha' fun Jasmine."

That's especially funny because I know she means it.

Kyle is pushing HARD for Alyssa and Indy to go up. He says it's the easy route route with nobody from the Leftovers being at risk.

To their credit. Monte, Michael, Kyle, and Brittany all seem to want to give Taylor a break about going on the block again no matter what Joseph is telling Taylor.

Edited by vb68
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Them chilling in the Have Not room right now is giving me hella anxiety. Please god get out before Jasmine scoots her way up the stairs.

ETA And I oop.

Edited by NightOwl89
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2 minutes ago, NightOwl89 said:

Them chilling in the Have Not room right now is giving me hella anxiety. Please god get out before Jasmine scoots her way up the stairs.

Turns out Alyssa was the real threat. Her "Kyle is near another woman" alarm must have been going off.

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She is so pissed. I don't know if it's because Kyle was out of her sight, because she walked in and saw the group of them talking, or if she can sense her impending doom, but I'm dying. This isn't a lucky screenshot, either - Alyssa kept defaulting to this face when she wasn't engaging in the conversation.

Aaand Indy is pissed that Joseph was caught talking to Taylor upstairs. He keeps trying to play the innocent "but I couldn't find anyone else and she was all alone" card but she (and now Jasmine) aren't falling for it.

This is so messy but so fun.

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According to Alyssa, Ameerah whispered "Look out for Alyssia" to Jasmine as she was leaving. I saw the whisper, but I have no idea what was actually said. And of course it wasn't scripted for Julie to ask. 


So Nicole's the target this week?  I figured that they would've been going for Daniel first.

I don't think it's decided yet. Monte seems to want to weigh his options a little bit.  And again, Kyle really, really, really wants Alyssia up and hopefully out.

Edited by vb68
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Nicole and Daniel aren't falling for all the double talk - they know that the other side is working with Taylor.

Nicole: "If I don't get picked for Veto, I'm going up as the replacement nom. And Taylor isn't the target - maybe she never was."

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Taylor is willing (reluctantly) to go on the block, but Kyle is pushing HARD for Alyssa/ Indy. Can’t really blame him, even though I’d prefer to see Nicole go first.

Joseph tries to placate Indy, but she’s extra salty and doesn’t want to hear it. She didn’t even get to say goodbye to her friend; why didn’t anyone give her notice?

Daniel and Nicole are sure Terrance knew about the plan, and their stank faces are in permanent lock.

Jasmine sucks on a pickle, and has pickle juice dripped all over her sweater. But that’s ok. She’s getting in a slop mindset.

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Jasmine to Monte: "Did I want to be a Have Not? No. But did I want to be HoH again? Nah. Honestly, it's a lot."

Bullshit. It's a lot of attention and we all know how broken-tooth, sprained ankle, passing out during a comp, "I just have high blood pressure. And eye problems. And migraines.", ants in her bed Jasmine loves her some attention.

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Jasmine to Monte: Her feelings are hurt because she was left out. Monte says he couldn’t tell her because he only found out last minute! Jasmine is also sad because Alyssa and Ameerah were in an alliance without her— the P’s Pals, or whatever. And Daniel knew about it, what

Jasmine feels like she’s starting from scratch. Monte asks what Ameerah whispered in her ear. She says it was names of two people not to trust. One of them was Daniel, but she doesn’t want to say the other until she confirms they are truly evil.

2 minutes later, she gives up the 2nd name: Nicole. Jasmine is still behind the curve, and it’s almost sad how she has no idea. 

Edited by 30 Helens
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Jasmine to Monte:

  • She was not close to Ameerah recently. Ameerah even started to go to Alyssa for help with her hair and makeup!
  • She had no idea about Po’s Pack.
  • She has never trusted Nicole or Daniel.
  • She never wanted to be in a women’s alliance; she knows that never works.
  • She’s black, Monte’s black… that hasn’t been the basis for an alliance yet, but maybe in the future? 

Monte to Jasmine:

  • ……

He elicits information from her, but is telling her nothing except what she wants to hear (Taylor is bad!). He never considered putting her in the block because how could she compete in veto with her ankle, poor thing. Jasmine is the fiddle and Monte is playing her to perfection.

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Nicole to Daniel: I feel so alone!

They are angry: at Monte, at Terrance, at everyone. They are certain Terrance knew all along and lied to them. Nicole: “And I told him I was a cop!” They feel certain he will return to them, though, when there’s no where else to go.

In the meantime, Daniel is not going to play their game. He will tell them he wants Taylor out, but when he gets the chance, it won’t be her. It will be… I’m not sure. Whoever he thinks has wronged him (or Nicole) the most at the time, I guess. Look out, house! Daniel’s out for revenge!

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Jasmine doesn’t trust easily. That’s why this is so hard for her. She’s going to try and trust again, and she’s going to continue being fun country Jasmine, because  Jas gotta be Jas.

And while she’s doing that, she’ll try her best to circumnavigate the rules of Slop. She can’t sleep in a bed, but she can lay down in one! And she can eat pickles! And chocolate protein powder! And olives! (Except ewww..she does NOT want olives.) 

As Jasmine, Indy and Daniel wallow in their misery, it does not take long for them to realize the real source of their unhappiness: Taylor. She knew. Did you see her gloating afterwards? She is so awful.

Daniel feels bad about his goodbye message to Ameerah. If he had known she would actually see it, he’d have tried harder.

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On 7/28/2022 at 1:02 AM, 30 Helens said:

Heh- Nicole is going to keep Turner around because he has nobody right now. She will rope him in and he will be so loyal. She would love to play with Kyle, too, but he’s too girl crazy. He can’t get his head in the game.

What was the name of the other HG in the past few seasons who was perfectly astounding in her ability to get the exact wrong take on virtually every situation in the House?   I vaguely remember posting something like if she took her first instinct, rotated it 180 degrees, and acted on THAT, then she’d be the most successful HG in the history of BB.

9 hours ago, HighQueenEB said:

Super-creepy.  [Kyle] laughs it off, but no guy would laugh that off unless they weren't okay with it.

Geez, his MOM coulda been watching that camera feed….  😳

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I don't think Nicole is doing herself any favors in her conversation with Monte. She doesn't hide her emotions well at all and comes off super aggressive, maybe without that intention. but to quote her, "It is what it is."   But she basically yells at him. "I'm going to tell you who I FUCK with right now! And I said goodbye to Terrance LAST Night!"

Girl needs a game face. 

Edited by vb68
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5 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I don't think Nicole is doing herself any favors in her conversation with Monte. She doesn't hide her emotions well at all and comes off super aggressive, maybe without that intention. but to quote her, "It is what it is."   But she basically yells at him. "I'm going to tell you who I FUCK with right now! And I said goodbye to Terrance LAST Night!"

Girl needs a game face. 

This conversation is kinda entertaining because (a) Monte is easily the most facile liar in the House, and (b) Nicole is just SO frikkin’ oblivious.  😆

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The Leftovers plan for deflection seems to be:

  1. Make everyone doubt Ameerah. (She was in some other alliance behind your back! She was lying to you the whole time!)
  2. Keep fanning the Taylor Hate flames. Maybe they won’t see the forest if they’re fixated on one tree. (PS- this is not hard to do)
  3. Start shifting a little of the villainy to Nicole/ Daniel. Nothing too much, just a suggestion that maybe they can’t be trusted.
  4. Deny, deny, deny. I didn’t vote out Ameerah! (or) I voted to keep Terrance, but it was just a pity vote! Either way, I had no idea what was going on!

Everyone who is not a Leftover is scrambling to change their game plan. Jasmine has already distanced herself from everything Ameerah. Shucks, she’s just a li’l ol’ country gal who is just here to have fun. Daniel and Nicole are dazed and confused. Alyssa just wants Kyle to tell her it’s ok. Indy spent a good part of the evening crying into her pillow. If there’s going to be this much lying and backstabbing, she’d rather be at home!

Taylor just sat back and chilled. 

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Jasmine about Taylor: "I'm not a bully but I don't like that girl. She is on thin ice."

"I'm not a bully" is the new "Hot take, hot take..."

P.S. Poochie has been arguing with feedsters online for the past while and he should really just shut down Twitter and go to bed before he continues to embarrass himself with his whole "but you don't see everything on the feeds", like we haven't been over this every fucking year.

Jasmine: "I'm hungry and no one wants to cook slop for me."

Edited by Callaphera
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Production knows what people want to see and called Indy to the DR to get her out of the HoH room as the last non-Leftover standing in the weekly endurance comp. Immediately the Leftovers (minus Turner, who is being held captive by a hungry Jasmine whining in the Have Not room) celebrated together before getting down to business. Monte let Taylor start - she said that she didn't want to hit the block if possible and it was actually heard. It sounds like they're leaning towards Indy/Alyssa noms, with either Kyle/Daniel was the renom or (because shit does happen and plans do get fucked up) Nicole/Taylor.

It turns out that Joseph also did Taylor a solid, switching beds with Daniel this week because he chose the one next to Taylor (I guess it used to Paloma's bed the first week and Daniel is hoping that he can communicate with the dearly departed's spirit... oh right, she didn't actually die, nm). He did it specifically to make her more comfortable.

Then Alyssa's "Kyle is in a room with Taylor!" emergency alarm went off and she busted in on the Leftovers meeting, which cleverly swerved to... talking about Fruity Pebbles. She's dumb enough to fall for it, too.

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So while I was watching Alyssa try to get closer to Kyle and Kyle getting up and moving to sit beside Taylor (snerk), Nicole was telling Terrance that "when I say I have your back, I have your back" even though she voted to evict him, and that Ameerah had told her that Paloma's target was... Daniel?! Oh, this better make it back to Daniel somehow. It would break his heart and I need to see that. Also Terrance says that he changed his clothes just before the live show to fuck with Ameerah because he knew he was staying.

Unfortunately then Kyle got up and sat back down on the HoH bed on the other side of the feeds and Alyssa just brightened up. Boo.

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