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S09.E18: Laszlo Jankowics


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Red never confirmed Mr. Kaplan's death!!? I guess he never expected her frail ass to survive the fall and went home for tea. But as the "Concierge of Crime" he should know the rule: to always follow up. And Liz was supposed to follow his teachings to be a great Master Criminal??? Set a good example Sir!!

That is some sister Mr. Kaplan has to never look into her death or question Red or never seemed to be really upset. "Thanks Red, for telling me she was dead ....', "Oh! Kate may be alive. Cool!. I need to get back to my Gazebo plans now..."

Maybe Maureen was playing the long game with Red in order to sucker him to pay for her new Gazebo. Well done lady!

Could it be Maureen (having an alter ego) impersonating Mr. Kaplan?

Nice witness protection program when Red can find her easily in West Virginia. Again I ask: why does Red need the people in the Post Office?

Of course! After Cooper gets demoted, he quickly disrespects Aram's authority (The man Cooper chose for that position).

I get the feeling Ressler was late not for getting the search warrant but for buying drugs. 

I'm sure Aram can find more violations on Ressler than just him being late. Start with how many criminals he lost in a foot chase.

So Laszlo took the efforts to have his henchman kill the nine people and just leaves the main target Wallace in the room. They made no attempt to try to open the door. I guess acid makes one a slacker in addition to seeing a bad CGI lion.

After shooting nine people, I'm impressed the henchman Sebatian gets a call from his parole officer, immediately goes in for the meeting (like as good parolee) and is nabbed by the waiting FBI. He never sensed the call to be suspicious and thought to skip town?!! 

Red still doesn't trust Aram. He should have have taken my advice last week and had the cartel kill him.

Did I miss something? When did Park show signs of head issues in previous episodes? Maybe they quickly came up with this angle to begin to write her off the show. 

It was nice for Rogelio to want to take the test the honest way. He could have easily asked Red to send someone to take his place. Show couldn't bother tell us if he became a citizen, that should have been the real cliffhanger instead of what happened to Weecha!

Stanford March must be on a "acid" too if he thought Cooper and Ressler look like they knew their business. This fool fell for the assault scam and gave $1.5 million for charges not filed! 

My Goodness. I thought Ressler was going to wet his pants being so impressed with LaCroix's scam.

It's nice for Cooper to finally show some anger to Ressler. Couldn't bother show that fire when he was his boss! 

Did Aram let the FBI guards (that allowed the Post Office to be infiltrated with Red's fake agents or allowed LaCroix to stroll in) write their own evaluations too or just only Park? They probably gave themselves glowing remarks and demanded promotions!

Why was Laszlo worried about Wallace's body? Just say "Fuck this!" and leave. He wanted Wallace dead earlier, but now he's pissed Red killed him before knowing what he said to the Feds (how about don't shoot up the place and draw attention to yourself), and then gives Red the number to his cleaner. Writers? Is he on drugs or not? He was willing to call the cleaner for the motel job but didn't call for the office hit. Was he too cheap to pay the Cleaner for nine bodies and only one he can afford!?

Funny! Red had Clara clean the food coloring and corn syrup off the floor and not have the motel staff do it. Red could have had Clara save her energy for Teddy's Scuba torture!!!

Good to know: Red travels with fake bullets and fake blood for when the time comes to trick a clown on acid.

My goodness! As Kate got older and her lovers got younger! Mr. Kaplan was no joke in the sheets!!!!!!!!

At least Ressler can rest easy tonight knowing he didn't lose Laszlo and can confidently laugh at Park and Dembe.

So Wallace Avery help set up Papa Jankowic's empire, tries to go legit (cuts out the son), is attacked/somehow his life is spared in the attack and in the end gets a free trip to Acapulco. Lucky bastard!

Who trained Weecha on conducting a raid? Mr. Kaplan (or whoever that person by the window) is standing there in clear view of them outside and Weecha and the goons leave their vehicles with guns drawn and goes through the front door. They deserved what happened to them. What a dumb plan. So arrogant was their stealthy execution! Buy a drone.

Who trained Weecha on opening a motel door without your gun drawn to a man on acid with his henchmen? Did she not read the report they stormed an office earlier killing nine people?

Edited by mxc90
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4 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Did Aram let the FBI guards (that allowed the Post Office to be infiltrated with Red's fake agents or allowed LaCroix to stroll in) write their own evaluations too or just only Park? They probably gave themselves glowing remarks and demanded promotions!

"Only two people have been killed at the workplace since I have been employed here.  On a per capita basis, that is in the lower 10% of secret FBI locations nationwide."

What was Park's mindset while chasing Jancowicz?  Let's see, he just ran into this steel shippling container with a door that locks from the outside.  I could just close it up and wait for backup, or....I'll go inside the dark container and try and arrest a mass murderer who has nothing to lose.  Yeah, that sounds better.

Teddy Brimley is the one bright light in this series now.  His antics crack me up.

To be honest, my first thought on the radio traffic just before the explosion was that Weecha set that up, just like the casino vault robbery in Oceans 11.  Which makes little sense, I know, but that's in line with the show's direction.

I loved Red's '20 Questions on Citizenship'.  Especially "Why should everyone pay federal taxes?"  Followed by, "Never mind, don't answer that one."

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7 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

"Only two people have been killed at the workplace since I have been employed here.  On a per capita basis, that is in the lower 10% of secret FBI locations nationwide."

And for that achievement they got reassigned to security details for high level people. Congratulations!

7 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

What was Park's mindset while chasing Jancowicz?  Let's see, he just ran into this steel shippling container with a door that locks from the outside.  I could just close it up and wait for backup, or....I'll go inside the dark container and try and arrest a mass murderer who has nothing to lose.  Yeah, that sounds better.

Earlier this season, we saw Park training new agents at Quantico and she scolded a trainee. So she going in to the container and not wait for backup was obviously "proper" procedure. Park is the greatest!

7 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Teddy Brimley is the one bright light in this series now.  His antics crack me up.

NBC needs to have a special episode just showing Teddy's greatest hits.

Him wearing scuba gear, I'm stumped to what he was doing to her. And how did he take notes under water? The man is a gift!!!!!!!!!!!

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Why did the FBI put Aram in charge of the evaluations? He needs to evaluate himself first. Check down between your right and left thighs, Aram. You should find a set of balls hanging there but in your case you will find nothing. He let Park write her own evaluation and she still failed! I think that tells you all you need to know about how the rest of these will go. I'm assuming for Ressler's evaluation he just wiped his ass with it.

Did Red join the Hawaii 5-0 task force while I wasn't looking? He keeps torturing the wrong person! Mr. Kaplan's sister knows goddamn well she is alive, knows where she is and knows exactly how to play sweet and innocent so Red will do dumb shit for her like building her a gazebo.



Edited by dwmarch
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I have no idea where they are going with this, lol.

Aram and his employee evaluations.  Yes, some employers have their employees contribute to their evaluations.  They don't turn the whole process over to them though.

Park and her issues come up now?  This isn't a new thing for her for the season but for this case, it comes back to bite her in the behind.  And yes, who goes into a container with a door left open with no back-up because of course that couldn't go wrong in so many ways...  Also, someone explain to me how this Laszlo guy is tied to Cooper's issues?

The Mr. Kaplan thing.  So Red contacts Kate's sister, again and yes, she does seem awfully casual about Red and her sister's relationship and her death but hey, gazebo!

So now we have Mr. Kaplan in front of some large window with enough light so one can see her from outside.  Did she really expect Clara to show up?  Were the guards supposed to know that?  Or was this just some big plan to get Red?  Did Mr. Kaplan (if that was really her) also blow herself up in this explosion?

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19 hours ago, paigow said:

Are you hate-watching? (Like most of us here)

I've stuck with it thus far and I'm going to see it through till the end...unless it gets SO bad I have to quit before the show gets canceled. The lack of authenticity in terms of FBI protocol and so many other ridiculous plot lines that have no basis in reality are just laughable at this point. They need to wrap up the who killed Elizabeth Keene before the season ends. It's getting on my nerves....so is James Spader.

Edited by Hedgehog2022

Lol...I've gone through a number of who is responsible for Liz's death, from Panabaker to Marvin and to Kate's sister Maureen.  Now I do think it's Maureen that told VanDyke where to find Liz.  Mr. Kaplan obviously told her sister everything about Red and his business and had a plan layed out in case of her death.  

I've always wondered how and when Dembe was going to reunite with Red again.  I'm guessing Weecha is toast and Demba just might decide to work for his friend again.  It might be better for the team if Dembe is working from the "inside". 

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