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S14:E15: Reunited

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I'm team anybody but Daya and Bosco. (Only because they were eliminated, not really for any other reason). I do feel badly that Daya has been Doxxed and receiving threats. There's no call for that. Apparently I didn't pay close attention because I didn't notice a little showmance between Angeria and Lady Camden, but they were cute and I'm hoping for a Drag Race wedding. 🙂  I also like Willow Pill and Kornbread's friendship. It is sweet. Bonus, we got Willow Pill called Willow Pill and not Wiwwwoww Piww.  

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11 hours ago, CraftyHazel said:

Looks like no one cares, lol.  Ru stated that this season has been so long because the cast is so incredibly wonderful, but I think the repeated non-eliminations plus the glut of available Drag Race versions out there available for viewing have really hurt the show.

#TeamLadyCamden, but I think Willow’s winning it.

I'd agree with you, but Ru's shifted the focus of the show away from being a one-and-done competitive reality show to an interview for a lifelong commitment to the WoW military/industrial complex. And that's actually a good thing for many of the younger queens, so I can't say that it's completely exploitative.

I'd love to see Willow win, but I still think that this is Bosco's to lose. I've grown quite fond of our complicated Daya Betty, but there's no way that she's taking this.

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1 hour ago, LuvizBlind said:

I'll be happy with an Angeria, Willow or Lady Camden win. But I think I'm pulling for Lady Camden slightly more. 

ETA: Loved seeing Kornbread again, and yes! I do hope she comes back.


I'm in complete agreement with your faves.  I just love everything about Lady Camden, but I also think Angeria and Willow are right up there at the top.  

It was fun to see Kornbread salute Willow's entrance look.  I was really hoping she would be our first plus sized queen to take the crown.  

Kerri Colby was so inspirational and endearing when she was speaking about her trans angels.  I hope to see her on a future All Stars.  

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I fell asleep for part of this episode and didn’t bother backing it up to see what I missed, so… that’s my level of commitment at this point. I’m ready for the season to be over. Which is too bad, because I really like some of these queens. It’s just been so looong.

Daya’s justification for being a jerk sounded like every other person I’ve known who acts that way. “I’m just being honest!” There’s no law that forbids combining honesty with tact and empathy. But death threats? FFS, people. Get a grip.

14 hours ago, joanne3482 said:

Bonus, we got Willow Pill called Willow Pill and not Wiwwwoww Piww.  

Finally. Ru’s constant infantilization of Willow was not only annoying, it was insensitive. And so I fully expect it to make a return in the finale.

4 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

I was really hoping she would be our first plus sized queen to take the crown.  

She still might! I’ll be very surprised if she’s not back next year.

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31 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I fell asleep for part of this episode and didn’t bother backing it up to see what I missed, so… that’s my level of commitment at this point. I’m ready for the season to be over. Which is too bad, because I really like some of these queens. It’s just been so looong.

Daya’s justification for being a jerk sounded like every other person I’ve known who acts that way. “I’m just being honest!” There’s no law that forbids combining honesty with tact and empathy. But death threats? FFS, people. Get a grip.

Finally. Ru’s constant infantilization of Willow was not only annoying, it was insensitive. And so I fully expect it to make a return in the finale.

She still might! I’ll be very surprised if she’s not back next year.

This is a spoiler about Kornbread




I really can't believe it.  I'm hoping it's not true, but it is based on her own tweet.



Every time Kerri Kolby opened her mouth it was just a pastiche of inspirational buzz-words that, if you listen closely, don't really make any sense. I didn't miss her after her elimination. 

Straight guy's look was AWFUL. I get that it's a send-up but he looked bad. 

Did they tell Lala-Ree they were ready for her when she was only about 35% done with her makeup? That may have been the worst makeup I've seen on the show. 

4 hours ago, Mahfouz said:

Every time Kerri Kolby opened her mouth it was just a pastiche of inspirational buzz-words that, if you listen closely, don't really make any sense. I didn't miss her after her elimination. 

Straight guy's look was AWFUL. I get that it's a send-up but he looked bad. 

Did they tell Lala-Ree they were ready for her when she was only about 35% done with her makeup? That may have been the worst makeup I've seen on the show. 

Ooh -- I thought Kerri did a masterful job of moderating the reunion, and was probably the reason that Daya was able to semi-articulate her position at all. She really does seem like a lovely person. And Maddy presented one of her best looks of the show! And she finally used her flat, affectless persona to set up that clever read of Drag Race itself! You could tell from her thinned lips and tense body language that Ru was about to push the button to release the trap door under Maddy's seat until she realized it was just...a joke.

LaLa can appear as busted as she wants as long as she appears on my screen. And, frankly, Pearl's S7 Frank-n-Furter realness, Trixie's insectile/Barbie "The Fly transporter accident" looks, and Sherry Pie's Joan Crawford Kabuki Pennywise horrors were far more offensive to see than anything I saw at the reunion. And, lest we forget, I'm going to throw in Vivienne Pinay's "I Hate Nicki Minaj" Clown Disaster on Skin Wars and Ru's unforgettable Crazy Cat Woman moment on Project Runway as disasters for the ages, and just to set the bar for awfulness.

Edited by davidcalgary29
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I am sorry that daya is getting death threats, that is ridiculous and uncalled for. But I still find her loathsome. Same as with Candy Muse, you can throw shit out and behave terribly but cannot take an iota of shade thrown back at you. I really dislike both of them. 

So I am #teamanyonebutdaya to win. Love Angeria but she doesn't bring anything new to the table. The other 3 are fresh and just more interesting. 

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