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S09.E14: Eva Mason

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So Panabaker (who can go to Cooper directly) needed to get in touch with Red, so he can order Cooper and the others to investigate??!! Was time really of the essence Cynthia?

Yes Cooper! You should help Panabaker. She could and should have fired you and the others numerous times. You owe her!

The scene with Red standing behind Herbie got a little creepy! For a moment, I don't think the actor was acting! That Spader charm/warmth was in full effect!

Herbie's wife leaves him alone to go on a detox retreat and he thinks the baby hates him???!!!! Herbie needs to reevaluate his situation now! Maybe his wife went on the same "camping" trip like the two women.

Did the agent guarding go to "Bed Bath and Beyond" to get the towels to be away that long for Mary and her daughter to leave the hospital? Dude looked pissed too she asked that favor! 

Ressler and Dembe traveled from DC to Delaware in minutes! Must have had all green lights!

Let's have Park admit confusion on who is the bad guy here and the writers decides to muddy it more by having little innocent Sarah the one who pulled the trigger! Of Course! These writers couldn't follow up with what happened to her as she looked to be turning in to the Dark Phoenix. Did she get in trouble? But Ressler's writing the report so he may lie and protect her. Now she's not sick, she has to be in therapy with the nightmare of shooting someone!

Weecha had more lines this episode than any other time this season. I apologize to 2 months clean Ressler for referring to "lines". 

All that vomit on the woman. Poor lady must have been told "Liz" will be mentioned a few more times this season.

When does Panabaker drop the bomb to her granddaughter about her mother's arrest? That big mug of hot chocolate surely won't taste good after hearing that news.

Aram backed out of going with Ressler in the field because he had to plan for Ressler's 2 month celebration, obsess to make a killer playlist for a week and buy a cake! And poor, upset Panabaker believed she had everyone's full attention on this case! 

With all the background agents they show in the Post Office, none were invited for cake from one these inconsiderate jerks! Telling about the morale there under Cooper's watch! They invited the sponsor (who politely said "Hell! No!"), considered Lebron James and no one else!

I wasn't sure if Ressler was going to throw hands or was going to cry after thinking they didn't believe him. 

Edited by mxc90
  • LOL 2
15 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

What did the two girls camping at the beginning have to do with any of this, though? Was Panabaker's daughter-in-law  cheating on her husband with another woman?

They were just two random girls. The woman that stumbled into their campsite was Panabaker daughter in law, during her escape. This kind of intro is usual for standard cop shows, so it felt strange in this one.

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1 hour ago, meira.hand said:

They were just two random girls. The woman that stumbled into their campsite was Panabaker daughter in law, during her escape. This kind of intro is usual for standard cop shows, so it felt strange in this one.

Ah, that's what that was! This was one of the few times I shouldn't have been multitasking while watching this show.

2 hours ago, mxc90 said:

Andrew Kennison. The man Cooper was instructed to kidnap a few episodes back is the man Red is after with this tracker. Oh you genius crafty writers tying these two stories together!!!!!

Thank you!  Not just for figuring that out but hopefully they will tie both these annoying threads once and for all and soon.

Decent epi.  I enjoyed Red with the baby.  The avenging sister thing, okay.  Seems there were better ways to bust the mothers but heck, why would a TV show/movie do that?  I do hope Panabaker's son and grand daughter will be fine (I'm guessing therapy will be involved, at least for the husband).

Ressler and his two month party, nice but what a clumsy way to get around to it.

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4 hours ago, meira.hand said:

They were just two random girls. The woman that stumbled into their campsite was Panabaker daughter in law, during her escape. This kind of intro is usual for standard cop shows, so it felt strange in this one.

Thanks for the explanation...I couldn't figure out what the hell that was about and what it had to do with anything. 

Question: why is Red living in a small Airstream trailer? And why is he walking around in it dressed in a three piece suit or just a shirt, pants and vest? Shlould n't he be in warms up and sweatshirt?

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The nurse was Big Boo (Lea DeLaria) from Orange Is The New Black.

Did Ressler really say:  "I'm really dumb" 

When they arrested the Panabaker mother at the hospital, there was a very, very strange camera shot and pause on the husband (Panabaker's son). Could this plot not yet be over?  Is he the Munchausen Proxy?


Edited by preeya

I hope Red finds out about little Sarah's good deed.  She's definitely a blacklister in training. 

Was that Rum Raisin cake they served to Ressler?

So Eva Mason injects whatever is wrong with suffering children into their parents to make them suffer as well.  Are the writers trying to tell us something about us, the audience, and Liz?

On 4/1/2022 at 7:08 PM, mxc90 said:

Ressler and Dembe traveled from DC to Delaware in minutes! Must have had all green lights!

They took the Pearson Parkway.

  • LOL 1

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ........ sorry, just woke up from this snoozefest.

Still don't care about Cooper's blackmailer.
Still don't care about Lizzie's killer -- at this point I'm starting to think that Agnes traveled back in time Terminator-style and did it.

I was kind of hoping for a Reservoir Dogs-style ending in that Delaware hotel room where everyone fires at the same time -- there were 4 drawn handguns in that room.

Those hot chocolate mugs were HUGE !! 

Guaranteed by Grandma -- maybe that was Panabaker's Senate election slogan.

Still no sign or mention of the dogs, Robert Vesco's cat or Sierra the cat.

  • LOL 3
On 4/2/2022 at 3:08 AM, mxc90 said:

Let's have Park admit confusion on who is the bad guy here and the writers decides to muddy it more by having little innocent Sarah the one who pulled the trigger! Of Course! These writers couldn't follow up with what happened to her as she looked to be turning in to the Dark Phoenix. Did she get in trouble? But Ressler's writing the report so he may lie and protect her. Now she's not sick, she has to be in therapy with the nightmare of shooting someone!


Ressler doesn't need to lie to protect Sarah.  For one thing, she could easily be below the age of criminal responsibility (did they say how old she was?)

Even if she's old enough to be held responsible for her actions, all she did was shoot at somebody who was holding a gun on her mother.  She didn't even kill her.  I suppose that arguably she should have put the gun down when a law enforcement officer ordered her to, but honestly, I can't see any reasonable authority trying to make a case against her. 


That said, she should probably get some therapy to deal with what her mother was doing to her. 

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