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90 Day Diaries Live Chat

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14 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Russ is talking about steps he wants to take while she sits there pointing the finger….it takes two bitch. What are your goals? What will you work on?

Pao created this situation.  Russ had a very nice house and a good job in Oklahoma. Pao insisted that they move to Miami so that she could be a “model.” Apparently that didn’t work out because now she is attempting to be a wrestler.  She must be pushing 40 now so not sure if that’s the best time to start a physically punishing career.  She says she can wrestle from “anywhere” so I guess they could have stayed in Oklahoma?  

So after endless nagging Russ agrees to move away from his family and friends to a more expensive city (Miami) even though there are no jobs there in the field he is trained in (oil and gas).  So he has to take a much lower paying job in another field so that Pao can have access to all these imaginary modeling jobs she was going to get.  For several years on Pillow Talk they lived in that townhouse which seemed a little fancy given their financial situation but they used to be featured on TLC more and maybe they had some savings back then.

I’m sure many people have heard how rent has skyrocketed in Miami in the last few years so I think that is really why they couldn’t keep the townhouse even if Russ hadn’t been temporarily laid off.  So either they had to move to a cheaper city or do the RV thing like Larry and Jenny.  Pao claims that they were going to drive around the country (um gas prices for an RV?) because she could wrestle anywhere.  Is that true?  She is not exactly a household name in wrestling and I would assume that there aren’t daily wrestling events in any town you stop in.  Much less that you could be added to the card at the last minute.

if they want financial stability Russ should probably go back to the career he was educated for and was successful in.  That means areas that have oil and gas jobs.  If she hates Oklahoma so much, Dallas and Houston are major cities.  They don’t need to be modeling meccas because she isn’t a model.

I agree Russ’s hair looks horrible.  It is also a style 20 years too young for him.  Who would take whatever kind of inspector he is seriously when he looks like he just jumped off a skateboard?  And Pao in her talking heads OMG.  Not being from here she may not be familiar with Elvira but that isn’t really a look many women copy.

Edited by MrBuhBye
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This thread seems more active than the one for the actual episodes.....just watched the latest with Pao and Coltee, etc. Colt's beard is disgusting, he has really ballooned out during covid (hey I picked up some extra lbs so I can't be too snarky) and I just don't see the appeal. Vanessa isn't a prize either, but I liked that she admitted how they started out has lead to some trust issues. But, if Coltee in his current form & finances is able to find women to randomly fuck him, then damn, I have lost all faith in women. Ladies, have some self respect. Sad thing is, I bet there ARE women who bang him just so they can say they screwed a reality "star." Barf

Pao and Russ.....dude, she is done, gone, out the RV door. As soon as she finds a man who will let her move in with him and support her and the kid, it is bye bye Russ. As many have said, Russ had a good paying job and he gave up a LOT to support her pursuing the dream career. Fundamentally a marriage is a partnership and that means some give and take, you can't both always have every single thing you want. If that is how you want to live, then stay single. They had their son a few years into this trainwreck so either it was a complete OOPS pregnancy, or they thought it would save the marriage. 

Tom's blowup doll, I mean, soulmate, actually made some great points wrt her children. He is a selfish baffoon if he doesn't understand that her kids have a father too and yes it is unlikely he will sign off on his kids moving thousands of miles away to live with mom and her reality "star" boyfriend in a foreign country. I forget her name, but there is another couple that had the same issue, so he lives in England and she lives in the US and they go back and forth (which I think is nuts) because he keeps getting denied for a US visa and she won't abandon her child. I think this is another grasp to stay relevant on Tom's part and on her part, I am sure the attention was flattering especially when you are going through a divorce and custody battle.  

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1 hour ago, Stuckathome said:

This thread seems more active than the one for the actual episodes.....just watched the latest with Pao and Coltee, etc. Colt's beard is disgusting, he has really ballooned out during covid (hey I picked up some extra lbs so I can't be too snarky) and I just don't see the appeal. Vanessa isn't a prize either, but I liked that she admitted how they started out has lead to some trust issues. But, if Coltee in his current form & finances is able to find women to randomly fuck him, then damn, I have lost all faith in women. Ladies, have some self respect. Sad thing is, I bet there ARE women who bang him just so they can say they screwed a reality "star." Barf

Pao and Russ.....dude, she is done, gone, out the RV door. As soon as she finds a man who will let her move in with him and support her and the kid, it is bye bye Russ. As many have said, Russ had a good paying job and he gave up a LOT to support her pursuing the dream career. Fundamentally a marriage is a partnership and that means some give and take, you can't both always have every single thing you want. If that is how you want to live, then stay single. They had their son a few years into this trainwreck so either it was a complete OOPS pregnancy, or they thought it would save the marriage. 

Tom's blowup doll, I mean, soulmate, actually made some great points wrt her children. He is a selfish baffoon if he doesn't understand that her kids have a father too and yes it is unlikely he will sign off on his kids moving thousands of miles away to live with mom and her reality "star" boyfriend in a foreign country. I forget her name, but there is another couple that had the same issue, so he lives in England and she lives in the US and they go back and forth (which I think is nuts) because he keeps getting denied for a US visa and she won't abandon her child. I think this is another grasp to stay relevant on Tom's part and on her part, I am sure the attention was flattering especially when you are going through a divorce and custody battle.  

Rachel and Jon are the others.  What I think is so weird is that Maria(h?) got him to live for three months in Vegas and still wouldn’t let him meet her teen sons.  These aren’t little kids who would be confused that their mom is dating someone.  I get why he couldn’t come over to the house because the soon-to-be ex was still living there, but they couldn’t have met at a restaurant or mini golf or bowling or something?  So she wouldn’t even let the kids meet him but now she is going to move them to England to live with a guy they never met for a whole summer?  I bet she later will claim the kids didn’t want to go and she can’t do anything about it.  It doesn’t seem like a real relationship anyway.  He claims she is the kindest woman that he has ever met but if so she wouldn’t be jerking him around.  But he is a dolt and a fame whore so he gets what he deserves.

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1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

What I think is so weird is that Maria(h?) got him to live for three months in Vegas and still wouldn’t let him meet her teen sons.

I didn't pick up on that....but yes, that is odd. Maybe Tom is even more of a weirdo in person and she knows this is just lasting as long as her 15 mins of fame and didn't want to drag them into it. Or depending on the truth about her divorce and where she was in teh process she maybe didn't want her kids to tell her soon to be ex that she already has a new man. 

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1 hour ago, deirdra said:

Why would a women who would never separate her boys from their father even consider dating foreign men unless they were only in it for the 15 minutes of fame and some free travel?  I have a feeling her divorce will not be final in 2 weeks.  I wonder why Tom is attracted to FreakFace women? 

Teenagers are already embarrassed by their parents.  Imagine if your mother looked like Dr. Frankenstein’s latest creation.

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On 7/4/2022 at 10:34 PM, magemaud said:

Somehow I found myself on the 90 Days Cameo page and saw you can get a Cameo from Tom for $19, Mariah for $75 and the two of them together for $114! 

Why would anybody want a Cameo from Mariah who has never really been on the show? 

And costing way more than Tom! I think she resemble Wayland Flower's Madame.

I SO would knock Colt out with a couple of sleeping pills and completely shave his face. Can't do anything about his personality and weight right away, if ever, but just losing all that godawful facial hair would be a big improvement! I guess that might be considered assault, especially on an unconscious person who can't consent, but I'd be willing to risk it. 😈 (I was always wishing someone would hack off Gold Rush miner Todd Hoffman's beard in his sleep, too.)

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2 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Stepanka made $200,000 selling her fart jars? Now selling her sheets?

So Frenchie doesn't want to be on tv?

I bet she is exaggerating but I hope the IRS holds her to the number.  What a ditz.  I don’t want kids right now and I would be a high risk pregnancy but I was screwing a guy I just met without any birth control yolo.

2 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Benjamin and Bikini! He looks different - maybe thinner?

I think he looks heavier.  And his hair is a different color.

1 hour ago, Frozendiva said:

A Cynthia story!

We see her husband Drew! 17 years younger. Downsizing to a trailer for now.

When she’s 70 and he’s 53 maybe not so cute.

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I always FF through Corey and Evilyn. Why is his skin always so red. I don’t know if that’s alcohol…but take it from someone who has fair skin and light eyes and has had skin cancer surgery twice—he should use SPF 50+ religiously and stay OUT of direct tropical sun except early morning and late in the day.

I like Cynthia when she’s on Pillow Talk (although she was not and is not a major cast member) but this new storyline is strange. Like that hairstyle of two puffs. Screams “second childhood.” Looks like Mickey Mouse. 

Just when I think I've done stupid s**t in my life, this quick move to an RV really takes the cake.  They must be out of cash or something. Sold their house, bought the land, and now trying to get a TV career for her off the ground, as if she doesn’t have enough to do as Molly’s business partner (although I bet business is way down since the pandemic). I wish her luck, off in the woods with a guy who talks very little and keeps to himself. 

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