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S18.E11: Legacy


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24 minutes ago, DrBriCa said:

Didn't he run off with Jackson to help the Catherine Fox Foundation become more active in diversity & equal rights or whatever?  Tom is no longer in any chain of command at Grey-Sloan, although he was the "chief of chiefs" (sigh, that dumb title) before Richard. 

He also bought Jo's shares that Alex left her. He's on the hospital board.

On 3/11/2022 at 11:26 AM, marceline said:

That drove me crazy. When they put that brace on his head over his hair, I went fully "WTF?"

Can’t blame Gallagher ( if he had it in his contact? ) not to mess with his hair.  He’s always had great hair.  

Speaking of hair, jo  least they platinum is gone. But good gravy get her a style… add some extensions or something. 

I did have a weird feeling when Nick cut the corner on his bike.  Ty for whoever bought up Gary from Thirtysomething and the bike.  Hadn’t thought about that for years.


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On 3/12/2022 at 11:56 PM, LPM said:
On 3/12/2022 at 11:32 PM, DrBriCa said:

Didn't he run off with Jackson to help the Catherine Fox Foundation become more active in diversity & equal rights or whatever?  Tom is no longer in any chain of command at Grey-Sloan, although he was the "chief of chiefs" (sigh, that dumb title) before Richard. 

He also bought Jo's shares that Alex left her. He's on the hospital board.

Ah yes, the ever-changing musical chairs of the hospital board. Lol. Have we even seen a board meeting since they decided on Bailey as chief? (I still roll my eyes whenever Bailey suspends/fires Meredith and someone has to give one quick "Wait, don't you own this place?" that Meredith hand-waves off.) But anyway, Tom being on the hospital board wouldn't in and of itself be a reason for Teddy to keep his number in her phone. Most physicians in a hospital don't have the board members' contact info saved since they rarely interact.

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I just watched this last night. I don't think I have anything new to add, but I feel the need to get all of this off my chest. This show!

Nick: I'll say it, I like him. (I've been a Scott Speedman fan since "Felicity" and somewhat more recently "Animal Kingdom.") I liked that he's shown as a compassionate doctor by speaking to the donor's family, thanking the donor, and playing that special song during the surgery. Unlike the other GA docs, I don't imagine him doing surgery and gossiping about eveyone's love lives and having tons of idol chit chat. Although his story is still very separate, at least when he was at Grey's a week or so ago, other people saw him, because I was afraid he was just a figment of Mer. Since the hospital is so shorthanded on surgeons, let's just hire him at Grey's? 

Jo's hair: the color is such an improvement but please, brush or style it a little.

Schmidt: Please just have him go away. However they choose, just get him off my screen. Since he showed up Day 1 he's not been a favorite of mine and I can't believe the show has kept him around so long. I groan outloud when he's on the screen. I still think he sould be on a psych hold or something. And Webber spendng all day in the basement? Maybe Webber will have some sort of medical crisis in Schmidt's basement (too much stress from video games), Schmidt will save him, and all will be better? I hope not because I don't want Schmidt to stick around. I would have rather seen Webber go attend a meeting to sort out his own feelings about the patient dying....

Owen: I guess it's true - doctors are the worst patients. Owen was being a baby saying how he should be saving people. Linc had it right when he said "Put in the work in PT." Owen isn't going to move from Point A to Point B without working at it. 

Teddy: Just go away please. As far as I can remember, they did not show us the scene where Teddy and Owen's patient's wife talked? ( personallyI am fine with what Owen did and plans to continue to do by ending people's suffering, so it is hard for me to understand why Teddy is so outraged. Although not life/death situations, Teddy's kept secrets and has done a ton of shitty things. I am sick of looking at her pinched sour face.

Kai: So boring. Monotone voice (and I'm not just talking about when they were lecturing in the OR to the gallery). Kai has no personality. 

Bailey and younger new guy: Everyone could see this coming from a mile away. And in this episode, Bailey was talking to him like she was a 14 year old girl with some sort of crush. Bailey wouldn't be allowed in space for the reasons everyone else has mentioned.

Maggie in the previews: OK, did anyone else see the previews when Maggie finds an envelope addressed to "Margaret"? Probably some never before seen letter from her real mother, containing some secret or scandal. I laughed loud because Maggie always has a look on her face that she is smelling something terrible. That face increased ten-fold in the preview when she saw the envelope.

That is all. I think I've spent more time writing this post than actually doing any work today. Until next time...

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On 3/11/2022 at 6:54 AM, DEL901 said:

Forgot to mention…what kind of doctor performs ground breaking surgery and then flies 1500 miles?   Don’t the usually stick around a few days in case of, you know, complications!   Or other patients who might need you with the hospital being so short staffed   

Because nothing about Grey’s makes sense. Absolutely nothing. It’s become a medical comedy. Heck, Chicago Med is genius compared to this crap.

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