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S06.E02: And Dream with Them Deeply

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

 I have an awful feeling something is going to happen with either Darla or the baby. Please, don't go there, show. 

Where is Calvin? Did he turn himself in? If so, doesn't Nova visit him? That was a quick exit.

Calvin turned himself in last season finale. 

Nova is getting some karma of people wanting to cancel her. 🤔

I will be in the minority but I wasn't upset with Proper's daughter. I thought Vi would be more understanding and see Billie is lashing out of frustration over her father's condition and she wasn't wrong questioning why her father was there. Vi arguing back escalated Billie to banning the Bordelons. 

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1 hour ago, Arcadiasw said:

Calvin turned himself in last season finale. 

Nova is getting some karma of people wanting to cancel her. 🤔

I will be in the minority but I wasn't upset with Proper's daughter. I thought Vi would be more understanding and see Billie is lashing out of frustration over her father's condition and she wasn't wrong questioning why her father was there. Vi arguing back escalated Billie to banning the Bordelons. 

And Nova said this episode that she lost the man she loved, so I guess that’s the end of Calvin.

We all know Vi oversteps so I could definitely see Billie’s point - and if Billie has power of attorney, she, and only she, has the right to make decisions. I was my father’s healthcare proxy (and I did have to make those decisions). And my feathers were ruffled when Vi thanked Billie for coming so I was glad that Billie called it out. That’s a time where you say “here’s what we know,” give an update, tell the doctor the next of kin has arrived, and then step back and be supportive.

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3 hours ago, Empress1 said:

And Nova said this episode that she lost the man she loved, so I guess that’s the end of Calvin.

We all know Vi oversteps so I could definitely see Billie’s point - and if Billie has power of attorney, she, and only she, has the right to make decisions. I was my father’s healthcare proxy (and I did have to make those decisions). And my feathers were ruffled when Vi thanked Billie for coming so I was glad that Billie called it out. That’s a time where you say “here’s what we know,” give an update, tell the doctor the next of kin has arrived, and then step back and be supportive.

Exactly!!! Vi really overstepped saying her years of friendship justify her being include in making decisions for Mr. Prosper. Reminds me of her acting like she had a voice in Blue going to school in D.C.


Speaking of Vi, why is she being secretive helping that mother and her son?

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10 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

 I have an awful feeling something is going to happen with either Darla or the baby. Please, don't go there, show. 

Me too. I wondered if the show was going to talk about the high maternal mortality rate among Black women, and Darla would somehow figure into it.  I sure hope I'm wrong.

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3 hours ago, Empress1 said:

Did Charley really say she had no skeletons? Girl.

I know. However, besides getting back together with Davis, Nova's book aired out all of her business, so what else is there?

I laughed when Nova said that "family means everything to me." Billie should've responded that family couldn't mean that much since she put them all on blast in her book.

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I wonder what Billie owes Nova for? 

5 hours ago, MBayGal said:

Mr. Prosper was in a medically induced coma one day, possibly being  put in some super cold state to maybe save his brain, and the next day he is up and walking alone and bright as can be?? Ridiculous!!

I was confused, too. I didn't understand the time frame. Was it days? A week? I think they went extreme with his medical condition for drama and not thinking it through how unrealistic that is.

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Thank God Mr. Prosper is alright, that was all I really wanted for this episode. This show has got to stop messing with me like this. 

Family is "everything" to Nova, is it? I thought that lucrative book deals where she trashes her whole family was everything to her. She can get right off that high horse when she was lecturing Billie on the importance of family, as if she is any kind of expert on looking after family, the woman who let her nephew find out that his dad isn't his biological dad at school to add more drama to her book. If anyone should have gotten Nova cancelled, it should have been that book. 

Billie really wasn't wrong when she said that Aunt Vi oversteps and thinks she knows better than everyone, which she very much does, or that her "thanks for coming" was a disrespectful thing to say to her at the hospital, because it was. If Billie is his medial proxy especially she should be in charge of his treatment, not Vi. It was also obvious that she was upset and stressed and guilty, they should have just let her cool off a bit and then talked to her, instead of forcing a bunch of lectures on her about how wring she is for trying to look after her comatose father.

Edited by tennisgurl
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Prosper's daughter was unexpected, to me anyway. (For a second I thought the actress was Rashida Jones.) Now I'm extra curious about who Billie's mother is.

Why was a discussion about Charley's political future in Louisiana being discussed in California? The political landscapes couldn't be more different, though it's probably accurate that the DNC is trying to figure out how to flip state legislatures in red states.

RA with a little baby girl? OMG he will spoil that sweet child rotten. (And ditto comments upthread, there may have been some foreshadowing of trouble during the delivery which Darla and/or the baby won't survive. Especially if the hospital has to stop admitting non-COVID patients because of low staffing.)

Hollywood was kind of salty about Vi missing his big opening. He might be letting all the hoopla go to his head.

Guess we're seeing Nova's next relationship developing. Poor guy. But he seems to be on the same woo-woo wavelength she is.

Oh thank goodness! What a powerful moment when RA thought Prosper had died. Kofi Siriboe expressed so much with just his face.


And Nova said this episode that she lost the man she loved, so I guess that’s the end of Calvin.

Not sure I'd count Calvin completely out yet. Greg Vaughan has been bouncing back and forth between this show and Days of Our Lives all along. He's currently on DAYS for another story arc but I think Calvin could be written back into Queen Sugar for a redemption turn in the future.

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1 hour ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Hollywood was kind of salty about Vi missing his big opening. He might be letting all the hoopla go to his head.

I think it was deserved.  It was a big deal to him, and she assured him she'd be there.  Who are these people she's helping and why is she keeping it a secret?  She lied to Hollywood about a plumbing problem, and he will probably find out there was no such problem, so we can have the old cliche where he thinks she is hiding an affair.  She should have told the kid she'd come for dinner another time.  Boundaries, bitch! But then, no drama.

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Nova had the audacity to get on moral high ground that her personal life wasn't anyone's business? The woman who outed Blue's paternity and birth, all Darla and RA's business in a book for profit can't have anyone talking about her and Calivin?



Hollywood was kind of salty about Vi missing his big opening. He might be letting all the hoopla go to his head.

Considering she lied to his face about where she was and obviously didn't care to put him first when he's always supportive of her I don't blame him.

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Two episodes in and I'm already exhausted by Nova. I feel like this show has greatly underestimated how much resentment Nova continues to generate from a not-insignificant portion of the audience. I feel like she has never pays for the way she bulldozes through other people's lives. When she was talking to Obvious New Love Interest about how she sacrificed the man she loved so she could live her Truth, I wanted to hurl. Yeah, you sacrificed him Nova but he's the one who lost everything. Funny how that works huh? 

For a minute I thought the mother and child Vi is sheltering were tied to Jimmy Dale in some way. I'm still not sure they aren't. That plus Vi's comments about defunding the police and domestic abuse makes me think we'll be learning more about her life pre-Hollywood. I'd welcome that. Speaking of Hollywood, I'm really happy to see The Real Spot come into fruition complete with love from local media. Hollywood is one of my favorite men in all of television.

It takes a lot for me to find Micah tolerable but the resurgence of his cop-based PTSD is a good story that makes sense. That kind of trauma doesn't just go away.

I love Darla and RA as expectant parents which is why their story is the one that fills me with dread. When Darla talked about wanted to have their baby at home on the Bordelon land, I just knew that they are going to get foreclosed upon. This could get SO ugly.

As an aside, I'm not missing Blue.


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