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Love in Paradise, a 90 Day Love Story

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Season 1 of 90 Day: Caribbean Love will feature four couples: Aryanna and Sherlon, Steven and Martine, Mark and Key and Amber and Daniel.

Aryanna is six months pregnant with Sherlon’s baby, so she returned to his native country of Jamaica to see if they have a future together. The Illinois native is also hoping to find out if Sherlon would be willing to move to the United States and get married.

Steven and Martine met when Martine went on a cruise to Steven’s native Barbados. But the couple is experiencing trust issues after Steven cheated on Martine once in the past — and she has vowed to leave him if he does it again.

Mark and Key met when he was visiting Key’s native country of Panama 10 years ago. Mark feels that Key is the love of his life so he returns to her country to ask her to relocate to his hometown of Huntington Beach, California. But it seems like Key is not quite ready to settle down yet.

Amber and Daniel met when she was visiting his native Costa Rica from Seminole, Florida. Amber feels like she’s ready to marry Daniel after three years together, but she’s worried that she’ll be more of a sugar mama to him than a wife after financially supporting him for one year.

I watched in on Sunday.  It does have nudity and A LOT of shots of female asses wearing g strings or teeny tiny bikinis, and one male rear from behind.

Aryanna's story is going to break my heart.  She is 25, is pregnant by a 35 year old Jamaican who has ZERO intention of leaving the island or getting married or to stop sleeping with tourists.  And he works at a swingers resort and sleeps with the guests.  She allowed him to raw dog her and now she is pregnant.  She was crying a bit in her talking heads and I think she has real regret.  Another soon to be gramma with an unfortunate haircut.   Guess we can be grateful she only came home with a pregnancy and not creepy crawly diseases.  I did not care for Jamaica so I am biased, lol.

Amber is.....odd.  She says she is 30 but seems 15.  Another one financially supporting her 23 year old who is not that excited to move here.

Mark and Key (pronounced Kay) are a little older but she is flat out refusing, in the promos. to move to California.  I will say I would sell a kidney for her body, lol.

Steve and Martine are another couple in the recycled "I need to check his phone as I am crazy jealous."  No you are just crazy.

Streaming on Discovery Plus and drops on Sundays.

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
  • Love 1

Martine says Steven cheated on her "after their first year together."  Oh, baby.  Steven cheated on you last weekend, last night and indulged in a morning quickie while you were en route from Miami.  He probably stopped on his way to the airport and visited a glory hole he's fond of.


But I'm not sure Steven is even such a terrible cad.  He says very clearly that Martine is like "an escape from reality" for him.  He's apparently charging that suite and that dinner to his own credit card, not hers.

So he has a long-distance "girlfriend" who pops in every now and then and they go at it like crazy rabbits and then she goes home.  I don't really see the problem.  

I guess we'll see what happens when Martine reveals that she wants an engagement ring--one of those magic ones that guarantees fidelity.

  • Love 6

This show would be called 90 Day: Dickmatized. Yet another idiotic bunch of 'we didn't use protection when we had sex and now we're pregnant' situation. With the information and array of birth control options available now, there's just no excuse for the stupidity and irresponsibility. Other than the wish to be a TLC reality cast member.

I will still watch though, because I love you guys.

Edited by Hotel Snarker
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  • Aryanna hooked up with Sherlon at the resort and now worries that other tourists are doing the same. 🧐
  • Lamest excuse for quitting a job ever, Daniel.
  • Hey Amber, there are plenty of wishy washy guys who don’t want to work right here in good ole Florida.
  • WHY is it that these idiot women go to a vacation resort and are not on birth control??? Such stupidity!!! Fudge, buy some condoms if you’ve come unprepared!!!!
  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Hotel Snarker said:


  • WHY is it that these idiot women go to a vacation resort and are not on birth control??? Such stupidity!!! Fudge, buy some condoms if you’ve come unprepared!!!!

These people make some of the 90 dayers look really smart. Unplanned pregnancy, possiblity of diseases. I dont know if it's the sun or alcohol or if they have no common sense anytime!

  • Love 2

I'm just getting caught up on the episodes I've recorded this far on my DVR.

I have something to say to Martine.

Girl, DJs and musicians have something in common. Their livelihoods depend upon their ability to draw an audience, and here's a clue: half or more of that audience is going to be female.

No DJ or musician can afford to give the brush-off to their fans/audience members; either on-the-job, or off. 

What you think is flirting is public relations to your BF.

Now...am I saying if your BF is a DJ or musician and they cheat it's justified? 

Absolutely not!

Flirting and sex are two different things. Yes, flirting can lead to sex, but either one can occur in isolation from the other.

If you're going to be in a relationship with a DJ or musician you have to have a thick skin and accept that women are going to flirt and come on to your BF, and your BF has to be very careful with how they handle those interactions. 

And so do you. When a woman approaches your BF and talks to him, you smile and introduce yourself. You do not ignore her, give her the evil eye, or mutter something nasty under your breath. Hold your head high, and remind yourself "He may be talking to her, but he's coming home with me".

Clubs make money selling drinks. The bigger the crowd and the longer the guests stay, the more they drink and the more money the club makes.

DJs and musicians who work in clubs are the ones who keep the guests in the club and drinking, night after night.

If the club DJ, or one or more of the musicians playing in a band in a club ignores or brushes off women who flirt with them, those women will spread the word: "Yeah, Steven is gorgeous but when I went to talk to him he was a real asshole to me. David, the DJ at Skanks is cute and he's a lot more fun. Let's go there instead!"

Let that happen a few times, Martine, and you're gonna be footing the bill for the nice dinners and the suites...

How do I know all this?

I had a fling with a top CT DJ in my early 20's, and later was married to a musician for 15+ years. 

  • Useful 1
  • Love 4
On 11/27/2021 at 11:42 PM, TwirlyGirly said:

I'm just getting caught up on the episodes I've recorded this far on my DVR.

I have something to say to Martine.

Girl, DJs and musicians have something in common. Their livelihoods depend upon their ability to draw an audience, and here's a clue: half or more of that audience is going to be female.

No DJ or musician can afford to give the brush-off to their fans/audience members; either on-the-job, or off. 

What you think is flirting is public relations to your BF.

Now...am I saying if your BF is a DJ or musician and they cheat it's justified? 

Absolutely not!

Flirting and sex are two different things. Yes, flirting can lead to sex, but either one can occur in isolation from the other.

If you're going to be in a relationship with a DJ or musician you have to have a thick skin and accept that women are going to flirt and come on to your BF, and your BF has to be very careful with how they handle those interactions. 

And so do you. When a woman approaches your BF and talks to him, you smile and introduce yourself. You do not ignore her, give her the evil eye, or mutter something nasty under your breath. Hold your head high, and remind yourself "He may be talking to her, but he's coming home with me".

Clubs make money selling drinks. The bigger the crowd and the longer the guests stay, the more they drink and the more money the club makes.

DJs and musicians who work in clubs are the ones who keep the guests in the club and drinking, night after night.

If the club DJ, or one or more of the musicians playing in a band in a club ignores or brushes off women who flirt with them, those women will spread the word: "Yeah, Steven is gorgeous but when I went to talk to him he was a real asshole to me. David, the DJ at Skanks is cute and he's a lot more fun. Let's go there instead!"

Let that happen a few times, Martine, and you're gonna be footing the bill for the nice dinners and the suites...

How do I know all this?

I had a fling with a top CT DJ in my early 20's, and later was married to a musician for 15+ years. 

Same with bartenders. My friend, who is gorgeous, worked at a club until her mid thirties. She was very flirty but very happily married. Her husband also tended bar so he understood that it was all about the tips. It was odd to see because outside of work she is a completely different person, kinda quiet and a crafting homebody. They made enough money to buy a house.

  • Love 1

This is the first spin off type show I’ve watched from the 90 Days franchise..  At first I wasn’t too impressed but I didn’t expect to think it was a step above.  Or maybe my brain is just getting soft, shrunken and deteriorating from the original series of this crap show. It seems like the couples on here actually see 🚩 and even talk about the  issues with each other or with other family and friends.

  • Love 1

Oh, Aryanna...foolish child!

You're 25 years old, and so you presumably know how babies are made. You're sexually active, so it's your responsibility to know how to prevent babies from being made. Especially babies you're not prepared to care for  - emotionally, physically, and financially - for the next 18 years of your life.

You have a pie-in-the-sky idea that if you become pregnant outside of marriage, the father of the child will leave behind his family, his friends, his job, and his home to join you in Illinois, where he'll marry you, find a job that will support you, your child, and himself, and set the three of you up in a home where you'll all live happily ever after.

It may work that way in your fantasies, Aryanna, but this is real life.

You can "should" Sherlon all day long, but you can't guilt him into doing what to you are the "right" things to do. 

(Have you considered whether Sherlon has any skills and experience for the jobs likely to have openings in Illinois? Do those jobs pay enough to support you, your child, and himself? I doubt there are many job listings for tourist boat operators in Illinois).

The United States has reciprocal agreements with several foreign countries for the enforcement of child support orders through the Secretary of State. 

Jamaica is not one of those countries.

Which means, if Sherlon doesn't marry you, and returns to Jamaica after spending some time in Illinois with you on a tourist visa, or never leaves Jamaica to begin with, any child support he pays (if he pays any at all) will be voluntary. 

If you include child support money you think Sherlon should pay as part of what you'll need to adequately care for your child, you're putting your child's health, safety, and well-being at risk.

When you first discovered you were pregnant, your making a list of all the things Sherlon should do was a complete waste of time. 

Instead, your time would have been better spent considering abortion, adoption, or having and raising the child yourself - without the expectation of receiving outside help from Sherlon or anyone else.

You cannot control other people, so making the decision to have this child and raise them yourself (instead of putting them up for adoption, as abortion is no longer available to you) based on the assumption you'll get financial help from Sherlon (or perhaps your parents if he doesn't come through), and help caring for the baby from your mother and siblings, proves to me you're neither mature enough nor responsible enough to raise this child.

Thankfully, adoption is still an option available to you. 

I recommend you take advantage of it.

For the sake of your child.

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On 12/19/2021 at 1:34 AM, TwirlyGirly said:

Oh, Aryanna...foolish child!

You're 25 years old, and so you presumably know how babies are made. You're sexually active, so it's your responsibility to know how to prevent babies from being made. Especially babies you're not prepared to care for  - emotionally, physically, and financially - for the next 18 years of your life.

You have a pie-in-the-sky idea that if you become pregnant outside of marriage, the father of the child will leave behind his family, his friends, his job, and his home to join you in Illinois, where he'll marry you, find a job that will support you, your child, and himself, and set the three of you up in a home where you'll all live happily ever after.

It may work that way in your fantasies, Aryanna, but this is real life.

You can "should" Sherlon all day long, but you can't guilt him into doing what to you are the "right" things to do. 

(Have you considered whether Sherlon has any skills and experience for the jobs likely to have openings in Illinois? Do those jobs pay enough to support you, your child, and himself? I doubt there are many job listings for tourist boat operators in Illinois).

The United States has reciprocal agreements with several foreign countries for the enforcement of child support orders through the Secretary of State. 

Jamaica is not one of those countries.

Which means, if Sherlon doesn't marry you, and returns to Jamaica after spending some time in Illinois with you on a tourist visa, or never leaves Jamaica to begin with, any child support he pays (if he pays any at all) will be voluntary. 

If you include child support money you think Sherlon should pay as part of what you'll need to adequately care for your child, you're putting your child's health, safety, and well-being at risk.

When you first discovered you were pregnant, your making a list of all the things Sherlon should do was a complete waste of time. 

Instead, your time would have been better spent considering abortion, adoption, or having and raising the child yourself - without the expectation of receiving outside help from Sherlon or anyone else.

You cannot control other people, so making the decision to have this child and raise them yourself (instead of putting them up for adoption, as abortion is no longer available to you) based on the assumption you'll get financial help from Sherlon (or perhaps your parents if he doesn't come through), and help caring for the baby from your mother and siblings, proves to me you're neither mature enough nor responsible enough to raise this child.

Thankfully, adoption is still an option available to you. 

I recommend you take advantage of it.

For the sake of your child.

Nah. She'll do what many a woman has done who made an unfortunate choice of sperm donor: raise her child with the help of her family.

Sherlon is not about to abandon paradise,  Covid-19  effects on work or no, for this chick. Not for "forever," anyway.


15 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Seems to be two threads on this show (not counting Live Chat): one called "Caribbean  Love" and this one. 

Which is the "Official" thread?

Looks like this series was originally broadcast over the summer on the Discovery+ streaming service as "Caribbean Love", and now is being rebroadcasted on TLC (which is a Discovery cable channel) as "Love in Paradise".

To add to the confusion, some Primetimers are commenting on the "Love in Paradise" current cable broadcast in the old "Caribbean Love" streaming topic.

I wonder if a mod can merge the posts for the current "Love in Paradise" cable broadcast from the "Caribbean Love" topic into this one?

I just sent a PM to @Mrs. Hanson about the issue. She started this topic so if she's unable to merge the "Love in Paradise" posts into this topic she'll know who can! 


Edited by TwirlyGirly
Additional info
15 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

Nah. She'll do what many a woman has done who made an unfortunate choice of sperm donor: raise her child with the help of her family.

Sherlon is not about to abandon paradise,  Covid-19  effects on work or no, for this chick. Not for "forever," anyway.


Oh, I'm certain that's what she'll do. It just may not be the best for either her baby or herself.

Will she be able to resist bad-mouthing Sherlon in front of her child when things get tough? When money for diapers and formula and all the other expenses involved in raising a child gets tight? When she's exhausted from weeks on end of feeding and diaper changes every two hours around the clock, or with an older child who goes through a period of nightmares, ear infections, tonsillitis, etc?

Parenting with two parents who are both equally involved with caring for their child is hard; trying to do that as one person often seems impossible. 

I've known several women who ended up raising their child alone, after making the decision to have and raise the child based on receiving both monetary and physical support from the child's father that never panned out. (Even when the father is an American citizen, living in the U.S., there are plenty of ways for men to get out of paying child support).

Hearing their mother (and frequently members of their mother's family, who are put in the position of having to provide financial and/or physical support to their mother and them) refer to their father as a "bum", a "deadbeat", or worse - over and over again while they're growing up has a profoundly damaging effect on a child. 

The way Aryanna speaks to Sherlon now, constantly demanding him to do this or that to fulfill her plan for the two of them and their child, makes me believe she won't hesitate to drag his name through the mud when she finally realizes she's never going to get the support she believes she and her child are entitled to.

Then, when it all goes south she'll blame their problems on Sherlon, instead of admitting (to herself) she had other options - and she chose an option which required someone else (over whom she had no control) to do exactly what she wanted and expected them to do for it to succeed.

It's not Sherlon who will pay the price when things don't work out according to Aryanna's plan.

It's Aryanna, and her child.

Edited by TwirlyGirly
Words. Poor choices needed to be changed.
  • Love 1
On 12/22/2021 at 10:08 PM, TwirlyGirly said:

Looks like this series was originally broadcast over the summer on the Discovery+ streaming service as "Caribbean Love", and now is being rebroadcasted on TLC (which is a Discovery cable channel) as "Love in Paradise".

To add to the confusion, some Primetimers are commenting on the "Love in Paradise" current cable broadcast in the old "Caribbean Love" streaming topic.

I wonder if a mod can merge the posts for the current "Love in Paradise" cable broadcast from the "Caribbean Love" topic into this one?

I just sent a PM to @Mrs. Hanson about the issue. She started this topic so if she's unable to merge the "Love in Paradise" posts into this topic she'll know who can! 


I just PM'd you back:  I don't know how to do this!  Can @LennieBriscoe assist?


On 12/22/2021 at 10:38 PM, TwirlyGirly said:

It's not Sherlon who will pay the price when things don't work out according to Aryanna's plan.

It's Aryanna, and her child.

And her mother who can kiss retirement and an empty nest goodbye.


On 12/19/2021 at 12:34 AM, TwirlyGirly said:

You're 25 years old, and so you presumably know how babies are made. You're sexually active, so it's your responsibility to know how to prevent babies from being made. Especially babies you're not prepared to care for  - emotionally, physically, and financially - for the next 18 years of your life.

Trust me, it doesn't end at 18 a lot of the time.  I was more than happy to help pay for my kid's college (help, not pay all of it, lol) but yeah.....no.  Hey paying for colleg eis better than paying for bail, right?


On 11/17/2021 at 8:20 PM, TzuShih said:

This new Love in Paradise gang makes Angie and her like, (the  Fla Poddhursts) seem like rocket scientists. 

This made me laugh as my younger son interned at NASA  for nine months and was......a rocket scientist!  He was on a team that built satellites that were launched into space to fix broken satellites.  And I have trouble getting the gas thing off my car and pumping gas.  I am not kidding.

On 7/19/2021 at 6:42 PM, Mrs. Hanson said:

Steve and Martine are another couple in the recycled "I need to check his phone as I am crazy jealous."  No you are just crazy.

It is painful watching these two.  Martine obviously has trust issues and is, well, a bitch.  Steve is so happy a beautiful woman is paying attention to him will put up with it.  I just don't get it.

And I do not see a shred of connection for any of these couples.  

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