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Dr. Jo Wilson: Princess

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I've been watching old school Grey's and man oh man is Jo a total duplicate of Izzie. I know everyone has said it but I only watched intermittently the first few seasons so never noticed it until the rewatch. It's crazy.. most of their mannerisms and reactions to Alex being Alex are the same as well.


This actually doesn't bother me as much as I thought that it would. Jo has grown on me. I would however like to see her get a storyline of her own next season. Now that she's been Alex's girlfriend for over a season her storylines should be seperate.

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I thought that Jo was very similar to Izzie when she first arrived as well, she even looks a little bit like her. However, I don't find her nearly as judgemental or self-righteous as Izzie eventually becomes. They both have the hard scrabble upbringing, but where Izzie's childhood made her cling to a fairytale of how the world should be, I find Jo to live a little more in reality. Its kind of hard to tell, and unfair to compare, because Izzie was practically a co-lead by the time she left and Jo has pretty much been relegated to Alex's girlfriend with not much more to go on besides hints here and there of her past and/or personality.

reactions to Alex being Alex are the same as well.

This is actually where I find the biggest difference. When Izzie and Alex were together, I constantly got the feeling that Alex had to prove himself and live up to Izzie's extremely high standards (not to mention the unrealistic and untested shadow of Denny and George.) He was never good enough as is, no matter how often he showed her that he was in her corner. There were times when he was a total dick to her and I don't blame her for dismissing him, but she also never acknowledged all the times he was there for her despite their complicated history.

Jo, on the other hand, values Alex for who he is and TELLS him. She does nice things for him and at least tries to understand who he is and where he is coming from on those occasions when he pushes her away. She wants the best for him, even if that doesn't end up being the best thing for her. Izzie rarely did that, or if she did it, it was with a grandiose speech and more than a touch of bitchiness. Now, to be fair, Alex has grown up a lot between Izzie and Jo and Jo is getting the less difficult version of Alex, and Izzie had a lot to do with that, and if KH hadn't left the way she did maybe Izzie would have grown up a bit too. As it stands, though, her abandonment of Alex is probably the worst and most hurtful thing that ever happened to him and that is saying something.

I love Jo and Alex together, mainly because he is my favorite and he has never had any love interest this supportive and this accepting of who he is. On her own, I find Jo to be fine, if a little generic and under-developed. The writers throw a line in here or there but never follow it up and I think it really does a disservice to her. I really like her with Callie and I liked the friendships that started with Stephanie and Richard. I hope that she gets stuff outside of Alex next season.

Edited by Deanie87
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However, I don't find her nearly as judgemental or self-righteous as Izzie eventually becomes. They both have the hard scrabble upbringing, but where Izzie's childhood made her cling to a fairytale of how the world should be, I find Jo to live a little more in reality. Its kind of hard to tell, and unfair to compare, because Izzie was practically a co-lead by the time she left and Jo has pretty much been relegated to Alex's girlfriend with not much more to go on besides hints here and there of her past and/or personality.

I'm not too sure. I've found her to be quite dickish in the past - she was horrible to Stephanie when she thought that it was she who had made the harassment complaint that jeopardised her relationship with Alex. She acted really nastily and childish over it. I suppose that's not judgemental or self righteous.


Another difference between her and Izzie was that Izzie was connected to her patients to the point that it became a problem. I don't think Jo has this problem. In fact I don't think Jo connects with her patients at all. She rarely has any empathy and usually gets excited if she thinks that it will benefit her. This is a trait which most of the original interns were guilty of however usually we would get an episode where we see them relate to a patient in one way or another. I haven't seen this with Jo yet but I put that down to the underdevelopment of the character. She's been tailor made for Alex and unfortunetly has had little storyline outside of his.



Jo, on the other hand, values Alex for who he is and TELLS him. She does nice things for him and at least tries to understand who he is and where he is coming from on those occasions when he pushes her away. She wants the best for him, even if that doesn't end up being the best thing for her. Izzie rarely did that, or if she did it, it was with a grandiose speech and more than a touch of bitchiness. Now, to be fair, Alex has grown up a lot between Izzie and Jo and Jo is getting the less difficult version of Alex, and Izzie had a lot to do with that, and if KH hadn't left the way she did maybe Izzie would have grown up a bit too. As it stands, though, her abandonment of Alex is probably the worst and most hurtful thing that ever happened to him and that is saying something.

This I 100% agree with. I love how much she believes in and supports him. Where Izzie created issues, Jo can see past them and try to help him. I'm doing a rewatch and am on season two so I agree that Izzie was dealing with a more immature and guarded Alex. I assume had she stayed in Seattle then they'd have worked it all out and grown together... maybe.



love Jo and Alex together, mainly because he is my favorite and he has never had any love interest this supportive and this accepting of who he is. On her own, I find Jo to be fine, if a little generic and under-developed. The writers throw a line in here or there but never follow it up and I think it really does a disservice to her. I really like her with Callie and I liked the friendships that started with Stephanie and Richard. I hope that she gets stuff outside of Alex next season.

Again I agree. I do love them together and have no interest in seeing them split. I think Jo needs some development though if viewers are too fully invest in her. Ortho has been a good direction for her and I like her scenes with Callie. Also, I'd like to see them develop her friendship with Stephanie as they have a nice bond and I really buy them as close friends.

I've been doing a re-watch . I don't really see the Izzie and Jo comparisons besides the fact they are both involved with Alex. I feel like in the later seasons Izzie would not call Alex on his crap she would just treat him the same way. While Jo sticks up for herself and call him on his crap. Also, at the end of the episode were Alex's dad died and Jo comes in to comfort Alex after they had their big fight. I could never see Izzie doing that, if the same fight  happened between Izzie and Alex it would of lasted for the next 5 episodes.

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Also, at the end of the episode were Alex's dad died and Jo comes in to comfort Alex after they had their big fight. I could never see Izzie doing that, if the same fight  happened between Izzie and Alex it would of lasted for the next 5 episodes.

That's true. I think Jo has a lot more compassion when it comes to Alex.


I don't see her apply much compassion to anyone else though. She always seems too caught up in whatever is happening with her and Alex. I think next season she needs a good career storyline in which touches on her own issues and gives her some development outside of Alex.

In fact I don't think Jo connects with her patients at all. She rarely has any empathy and usually gets excited if she thinks that it will benefit her. This is a trait which most of the original interns were guilty of however usually we would get an episode where we see them relate to a patient in one way or another. I haven't seen this with Jo yet but I put that down to the underdevelopment of the character. She's been tailor made for Alex and unfortunetly has had little storyline outside of his.


Yeah, she desperately needs something away from Alex.  But she was compassionate with some of the kid patients and with Jimmy (who is related to Alex).  It worries me a little bit that the stories this season have so far only been about Alex, although I can't tell you how much I LOVE seeing someone put him before anyone else and support him completely.  I liked the way she was written in season 9, very snarky and almost tom-boyish and I wish that they had done a little more of that this season.  I kind of like that she isn't all that compassionate, because it fits in with her history.  I would be okay with her remaining somewhat detached and "cold" like Cristina, as long as she was a good doctor. 


As for what storylines I want for her I don't know.  I wouldn't mind them delving a little bit into her past, but Grey's can't seem to do that without going overboard and getting so melodramatic about everything.  Maybe she could somehow connect with a sexual assault victim or something for an episode or two or they could consider fostering a child (not anytime soon) since they were both products of that.  I just want Alex to have a turn supporting her and for her to keep her snark and her edge, especially when it comes to Alex.  More ortho would be great!


I know that they will get some drama next season since they were so happy and I am ready for it, but I don't want cheating or anything to do with Amelia or Sister Grey Contrivance.

Edited by Deanie87

I don't like the storyline w Alex and Jo. It all feels a bit too contrived. I however liked them as friends. Sort of a throwback to Izzie and George. Jo is young and fresh I think she deserves a new love interest. Alex should be w Izzie. It's how it's been written from the start they grew together, with kinks in the path--Jo and him seem wrong to me? I don't know it just seems all too neat.


I know that they will get some drama next season since they were so happy and I am ready for it, but I don't want cheating or anything to do with Amelia or Sister Grey Contrivance.

Unfortunetly it looks like we couldn't escape Sister Grey.


I'm disappointed with how they've treated Jo/Alex this season. Camilla is a sweetheart and a total fangirl. I really wish they'd push her more to the forefront of the show as I think there's definite potential for Jo as a character if they'd just try and develop it and as well as that I think Camilla is a great spokesperson for the show and really appreciates/connects with the fans.


Sadly though I've a feeling she'll be sacrificed for the sake of Maggie/Alex.

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If they are going to break Jo and Alex up, or God forbid have Alex cheat, anytime soon then they need to start planting the seeds for it at the beginning of the next episode. Even then, I think it will come out of nowhere. On those rare occasions that we see them together they seem happy and in love to me.

Regardless of what happens, I don't want to see him with Maggie, even though I kind of like her. I just don't think that he works well romantically with the normal, nice, semi-dorky girl from a good family. It didn't work with Lexie and it didn't work with April. He needs someone with more of an edge, even though both he and Jo seem to have lost theirs, along with their previous personalities. Plus Maggie is always giving him shit about his manners and sense of humor etc. Just no.

I agree that Camilla is good for the show. She is enthusiastic and promotes every storyline. I feel bad for her in the way her character gets overlooked in favor of Shonda's new, shiny super women. (As much as I can feel bad for a young, pretty actress making bank on a hit TV show...which ain't much). If they could explore Jo's background without overdoing it (which is doubtful) then she could be yet another Shonda heroine overcoming great odds, blah blah blah.

My hope is that this season was a fluke and the writing was just so impacted by all the other crap, and that next year will get back to semi-normal. Of course, lots of contracts will be up after that so who knows? I just hope that those that decide to leave go the SO route so that the writers can prepare for it.

Based on some behind the scenes photos, there is speculation that

Jo cuts and dyes her hair blonde in the finale.

I don't know what this means but given previous history on the show, it worries me a little.

Edited by Deanie87
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If they are going to break Jo and Alex up, or God forbid have Alex cheat, anytime soon then they need to start planting the seeds for it at the beginning of the next episode. Even then, I think it will come out of nowhere. On those rare occasions that we see them together they seem happy and in love to me.

I think that when they break up (I'm predicting randomly by seasons end) they'll have Jo dump him for whatever reason. They'll put it all on Jo to avoid alienating any potential Maggie/Alex fans.



I agree that Camilla is good for the show. She is enthusiastic and promotes every storyline. I feel bad for her in the way her character gets overlooked in favor of Shonda's new, shiny super women. (As much as I can feel bad for a young, pretty actress making bank on a hit TV show...which ain't much). If they could explore Jo's background without overdoing it (which is doubtful) then she could be yet another Shonda heroine overcoming great odds, blah blah blah.

What irks me most is that when Camilla/Jo was first introduced she got a ton of focus albeit too much. There was so much potential there. Now it seems like Shonda has lost interest in her being Alex's endgame so she's been limited to basically no screentime at all while Maggie has gotten a ton as well as some great development. I think Shonda wants to hook up Maggie/Alex as it will officially make Alex a brother to Mer and tie him to her family forever.


After two years of watching Jo be there for Alex and support him as well as see them both grow into a mature and happy couple it would really be a shame to see it all thrown away. I think the character of Jo deserves a little more then that.

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I have pretty much stopped watching in the last weeks, even before DeadDerek-gate, but I feel that Alex and Jo could be in the limbos because of it (as many other characters since it's burning down the house all over again) and it's actually why I don't tune in. I've quitted watching and came back before


I love Jo, and yes, I think she's good for Alex. A few weeks ago (now years) he wanted to marry her and I was glad that my favorite character might find happiness.


And I found her interesting on her own, plus imo C.Luddington manages to bring something fresh and almost candid in her acting. I think that she plays off well with everyone, and I saw plenty of opportunity for her to develop friendships or mentor/pupil relationships with other characters; unfortunately she's stuck with Stephanie. 


I like Maggie (although imo she benefited from Medusa Meredith that (dis)graced the screen for a good part of the season - and I usually love Meredith) but not for Alex, she lacks fantasy and levity for him, imo. Although there could be worse, because unless they "snag" a name actor for Meredith, I'm afraid that her next romantic options will be Alex or Owen. 


I don't see myself watching again anytime soon if I'm not reassured on Jo, 


Edited for upload hiccup.

Edited by Happy Harpy
And I found her interesting on her own, plus imo C.Luddington manages to bring something fresh and almost candid in her acting. I think that she plays off well with everyone, and I saw plenty of opportunity for her to develop friendships or mentor/pupil relationships with other characters; unfortunately she's stuck with Stephanie.


I quite like the Jo/Stephanie friendship. I think they bounce off each other brilliantly but unfortunetly as they haven't bothered to integrate Stephanie either it seems like both characters aren't benefitting from the friendship. I think it would have made more sense for Stephanie to live in the house with Jo and Alex as well as Arizona. At least it would have evened the playing field and Jo wouldn't feel so on the outskirts. However, they seem to want to highlight that Jo isn't in Alex's group of friends. This was probably to create future problems for them initially but now it just seems silly since she's been around years at this point.



I don't see myself watching again anytime soon if I'm not reassured on Jo,

I feel the same. Camilla Luddington actually responded to a tweet from a scared "Jolex" fan. They asked her was she worried about the Maggie/Alex friendship and she told them to watch the last two episodes.



Lilly - CL Fans ‏@CamillaLOnline May 1

@camilluddington what do you think about Alex and Maggie friendship, Camilla? #scaredJolexshipper

Camilla Luddington ‏@camilluddington May 1

@CamillaLOnline you all need to tune in for the next two eps... #ThatsAllillSay

50 retweets 134 favourites


I'm hoping that's a positive rather then a negative but I'm sure people hoping for Maggie/Alex will see it the other way.

I hope Jo and Stephanie make up as I like that friendship and would like Jo to have a friend other then Alex. I'll guess we'll have to wait and see. I do think until last night though that Jo regarded Stephanie as a friend hence she believed she would have been told something as big as Stephanie having a major illness. I also think Jo begrudging Stephanie's success is playing a factor in this fight. Last episode was just another example of Jo not being respected as a doctor (or even a person by Meredith but that's another story). We saw Meredith, Maggie and Amelia all disregard her while both Meredith and Amelia have complimented Stephanie for being a good doctor. It's got to be a sore point at this point. I'd like it if I thought the above was going somewhere and would really like to see a storyline for Jo this season after two seasons of nothing.

Ok, my last thoughts on Jo (for now of course).  If and when the writers do decide to show her some mercy, I don't want there to be some big, dramatic scene where she tearfully confesses some horrible thing that happened to her in her childhood.  The writers can be better than that when they try.  We didn't need Meredith to speechify about her sad childhood because we saw first hand how venomous Ellis could be and how weak Thatcher is.  Alex rarely disclosed anything about his childhood, but we saw him relate to the boy whose father was abusive, we saw his father get violent, and his brother showed up to spill the beans without Alex doing it. Same for many of the other characters.  I think it comes off badly when a character goes on and on about how awful they had it, and I don't want Jo to do that.  In other words, show me why Jo is the way she is rather than her specifically laying it out in some speech.  I thought that they did a pretty good job in season 9 when she said "Not everyone is good."  Its what wasn't said that made the impact, at least for me.  


Now, given the way she has been written and the lack of attention she has received, I don't expect them to actually bring in anyone from her past.  But they could have her connect with a foster kid or a victim of sexual assault in a way that we understand her, but she isn't giving a monologue to her attending or Stephanie or even Alex.  We, the audience would be privy to it and no one else.  Here's hoping!

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In other words, show me why Jo is the way she is rather than her specifically laying it out in some speech.  I thought that they did a pretty good job in season 9 when she said "Not everyone is good."  Its what wasn't said that made the impact, at least for me.


Sadly, I don't believe we'll hear much more about Jo's past any time soon, if ever.  We know she was a foster kid, lived in her car and didn't have a good childhood by any stretch. I don't think they'd bother telling us more because it seems clear (to me) that they prefer to write for other characters. We'll find out about Maggie and Stephanie's life in detail before we'll hear another word about Jo's. 


I think Jo's (and Jolex's) story was damaged by being shoved aside due to the PD drama last season. We haven't seen Jo doing anything for over a year.  She's been just hanging around the background brought out to prop Stephanie's story or to give Meredith someone to be a bitch to. The few lines she gets here and there are just her complaining that Alex ignores her. He does and so do the writers.


I don't think Jo will get much of anything this season unless she and Alex break up, maybe in the second half. If they don't break up she seems destined to being like Derek - having to suck it up continually while Alex runs off to his friend and having no real story of her own. Perfect Penny being screeched at by Meredith until Meredith forgives her (of course!) will be the focus for probably the rest of the fall so its possible that at least Jo will get a break of being the one treated like shit by Meredith.

Edited by windsprints
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I wish I could believe that we'll be seeing more story for Jo but I don't.  She started out getting a decent amount of development and then it just stalled. Cristina leaving was the worst thing to happen to Jo and Jolex. Alex's limited minutes of screen time became  primarily to prop (aka be her person) Meredith. We'll see some scenes here and there of Jolex but I think they'll be sporadic without much story attached --- 3 second scenes like them having dinner as part of a montage and so on. I had hoped Jo would at least get a tiny bit of individual development as a doctor but after the last episode I won't hold my breath. Jo's few minutes of screen time that isn't spent on being shoved aside for Meredith is now "look how good Stephanie is compared to Jo" to prop Stephanie being the greatest resident.


I'll be interested to see if she ends up pregnant after Alex's "let's make a baby" conversation. I imagine the script will turn her into a basket case if that happens.

She won't. I get the impression the show is done with babies for now.



In other words, show me why Jo is the way she is rather than her specifically laying it out in some speech.  I thought that they did a pretty good job in season 9 when she said "Not everyone is good."  Its what wasn't said that made the impact, at least for me.

I liked that scene. I think everyone hated Jo in season 9. I did as well because she was just too tailor made for Alex. However, if you rewatch the season after she's grown on you I think she's actually really likeable with some great character development.


I'd love a scene between her and Meredith. They don't have to become best friends but I'd love a scene where Jo acknowledges Meredith treating her like dirt is wrong and Meredith tells her what her sudden dislike of her stems from. I think having the main character who's journey we follow be so disrespectful to Jo sends a message that the audience should feel the same way. I don't the impression this season that we're supposed to like Jo but I don't get where the sudden change came from.



now "look how good Stephanie is compared to Jo" to prop Stephanie being the greatest resident.

I've no doubt her already limited screentime will be further reduced to make room for and prop Perfect Penny.

She won't. I get the impression the show is done with babies for now.


I liked that scene. I think everyone hated Jo in season 9. I did as well because she was just too tailor made for Alex. However, if you rewatch the season after she's grown on you I think she's actually really likeable with some great character development.


I'd love a scene between her and Meredith. They don't have to become best friends but I'd love a scene where Jo acknowledges Meredith treating her like dirt is wrong and Meredith tells her what her sudden dislike of her stems from. I think having the main character who's journey we follow be so disrespectful to Jo sends a message that the audience should feel the same way. I don't the impression this season that we're supposed to like Jo but I don't get where the sudden change came from.


I've no doubt her already limited screentime will be further reduced to make room for and prop Perfect Penny.


This. Remember how outwardly awful Izzie was to Callie when she started dating George? It was what initially made me start to really dislike Izzie. It got so intense in the early part of season 3.. but it ended. It's so strange how they've still neglected to integrate Jo into the Meredith / Alex dynamic. Why has she still not bonded with Meredith? First it seemed like Alex was going to hook up with Maggie at the end of last season, and now we have him basically ignoring Jo. She has gotten 0 character development, made no progress as a surgeon... I expected some major Alex / Jo stories when the season started, but again we've gotten basically nothing. And with so much going on in the next few episodes, (Penny, Henderson's new character, Owen's story, Callie / Meredith, etc.) I doubt we'll see more than a scene or two per episode of Jo and Alex. 

I think Jo's development came to a halt right around the time the audience began accepting her and liking her with Alex (I am speaking about the online communities I read only. Obviously I have no way of knowing how all fans feel). When Sandra Oh left that cemented it. My speculation is that the lack of development is intentional. If Meredith hates Jo and also the audience doesn't care/dislikes Jo then there's no complaints when Alex is set aside to do nothing but be Meredith's person and a vagina pal to the sisters. For me, the Alex/Meredith one sided person stuff has ruined Jo, Alex and Jolex. Of course now they'll be cast aside for the sisters until they need someone to whine to then Alex will be right back there.


Camilla has been excited to be part of the show from day 1. She always speaks highly of everyone associated with the show and has interacted with fans from the beginning. Add that she's been there a few years now and she's earned some story but gets zero. I honestly couldn't blame her if she chooses to leave whenever her contract ends

Edited by maasa

I remember hating the idea of Jo in the beginning, when it was so obvious she was brought on specifically to be Alex's love interest. What turned the tide for me was Bailey's wedding; I really started seeing chemistry between Justin and Camilla.

Then they sporadically give her important scenes, then ignore her for long stretches, then contrive a fight between Jo and the only non-Alex friend she has.

Since Alex has become my favorite character by far, I would really like to see some growth and character development for Jo. It would be great if they got married or had some kind of storyline that actually makes sense. I know, I know, don't expect logic from a show that can't even decide whether Meredith grew up in Seattle or Boston, but a girl can dream.

After all the trouble they went to to establish Jo as a viable partner for Alex, seems like they would want to build on that rather than ginning up stories for new characters that we don't know and don't care about.

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Yeah, I don't know what the hell is going on with Jo.  I was pretty optimistic at the beginning of the season, but with each new episode that dwindles down to not much.  I won't be surprised if Jo gets written off and they pair Alex up with Meredith, which I will completely hate because Alex deserves better than to be second choice for someone else and to give up having his own kids to raise Derek's (not a slam against step-parents or anything like that but it really isn't what I wanted for him.)


As far as Meredith goes, I would like exactly one scene where Meredith apologizes for treating Jo like shit and then they never need to speak again.  I find all of Mer's new found friendships to be completely forced and Jo doesn't need to add to that.  Meredith didn't like Owen, she didn't like Burke, she didn't like any of Derek's sisters, she didn't want Alex to date Lexie, etc.  She clearly isn't one to go along to get along or to even be polite to those people who are important in the lives of her loved ones.  So I don't see her starting that now.  In fact, Meredith barely gave the time of day to anyone other than Derek and her inner Fab 5 circle, so her behavior toward Jo doesn't really surprise me.  

  • Love 1

Why the show scrapped Jo working with Callie in Ortho, I'll never know. That was a great dynamic that would serve both characters some nice story time away from the uninspired storylines of whatever the Jo-Alex-Meredith issue is and Plot Device Penny. Callie would finally have someone to mentor, and Jo would get to learn and excel as a doctor in a specialty that has very few women.


The only teacher-student in specialty going on right now is Amelia and Stephanie. This show used to have almost everyone paired off, and when you have a pairing that they set up for a few episodes, why not capitalize on what they know works? SMH at these writers.

  • Love 2

Why the show scrapped Jo working with Callie in Ortho, I'll never know. That was a great dynamic that would serve both characters some nice story time away from the uninspired storylines of whatever the Jo-Alex-Meredith issue is and Plot Device Penny. Callie would finally have someone to mentor, and Jo would get to learn and excel as a doctor in a specialty that has very few women.


The only teacher-student in specialty going on right now is Amelia and Stephanie. This show used to have almost everyone paired off, and when you have a pairing that they set up for a few episodes, why not capitalize on what they know works? SMH at these writers.

I don't get it either, but maybe they will revisit it, because nothing else really makes sense.  Not only is Ortho the only specialty with only one main character in it, it is a great fit for who Jo is supposed to be, or at least who she was introduced as.  Jo is physically strong and not warm and fuzzy (again, at least initially) and she and Callie had a pretty good rapport and similar snarky sensibilities.  Additionally, Stephanie and Ben seem to have found both specialties and mentors, while Jo rarely works on any medical cases.  So unless Penny is going to go into ortho or SR and/or CL are leaving at the end of the season, it just doesn't make sense for Jo not to have some clue as to where she wants to specialize or why it wouldn't be ortho.

  • Love 1
I find all of Mer's new found friendships to be completely forced and Jo doesn't need to add to that.  Meredith didn't like Owen, she didn't like Burke, she didn't like any of Derek's sisters, she didn't want Alex to date Lexie, etc.  She clearly isn't one to go along to get along or to even be polite to those people who are important in the lives of her loved ones.  So I don't see her starting that now.


I don't see her befriending Jo either and would never expect her to. She doesn't need to like Jo or be friends.  It doesn't take a whole lot of effort to nod and say hello or to not say something nasty.  All she needs to do is be civil and not be a bitch. 

Why the show scrapped Jo working with Callie in Ortho, I'll never know. That was a great dynamic that would serve both characters some nice story time away from the uninspired storylines of whatever the Jo-Alex-Meredith issue is and Plot Device Penny. Callie would finally have someone to mentor, and Jo would get to learn and excel as a doctor in a specialty that has very few women.


I agree, I really liked them working together too. There's hardly any medical cases so far this year and that doesn't help Jo. We know we're going to have Penny/Meredith working together and April has a patient coming up.  I'm also guessing there will be scenes where its oh-so-awkward because Maggie/intern have to work together. To have Jo specialize or appear to be a decent doctor they'd have to show her with patients. She's not going to get character growth if her primary function is to stand there as Meredith ignores her or makes a snotty comment.

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Well the bad news is that the one scene that Jo had was her acting bratty (and of COURSE Alex's only scene was comforting Meredith), but the good news, hopefully, is that someone tweeted from the set that Jo and Callie have a scene together, so I am praying (or talking to Derek) that Jo is working her way back into Ortho.


ETA - Alex and Maggie were also in the scene, so she may be with one of them, but I am really hoping she is working with Callie.

Edited by Deanie87
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Why is she getting the George treatment, really? At least in his case we knew there was some drama behind the scene, so far we haven't heard of anything similar here, quite the contrary. The actress seems very supportive of the show.

Simply lazy writing? It's a shame. 


Jo is simply one of many characters being totally sidelined because of the size of the cast. Jo, Alex, Owen, Bailey and Arizona all only had one scene last night, Steph was in the background for two scenes. Ben has no storyline at all - there are simply too many people to write for. 

I still think it's messed up that a plot device is getting more screen time and is already on the path of growing as a doctor than Jo (and even Stephanie) have ever been afforded, and this is only the plot device's second episode.


And I'm not even the biggest Jo fangirl! But she's right there, the character is already ON the show and we only know bits and pieces of her and clearly this season they've started on showing her at least feel like she's lower on the doctoring totem pole, so how about we start building Jo up professionally instead of focusing on some other random character they decided to bring in?


It's frustrating. And I feel bad for Jo. (but not for Camilla, because she is getting paid for like a day's work. nice gig!)

  • Love 2

Camilla tweeted earlier today replying to a fan that some Jolex story was coming - https://twitter.com/camilluddington/status/662681768533716992


There was also a picture of Jo, Callie, Alex, Maggie floating around twitter so hopefully Jo will be on a case as well.


Not all that much but a tiny bit of an indication that perhaps Jo and Jolex will be getting a little bit of story within the next few episodes.


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I still think it's messed up that a plot device is getting more screen time and is already on the path of growing as a doctor than Jo (and even Stephanie) have ever been afforded, and this is only the plot device's second episode.


And I'm not even the biggest Jo fangirl! But she's right there, the character is already ON the show and we only know bits and pieces of her and clearly this season they've started on showing her at least feel like she's lower on the doctoring totem pole, so how about we start building Jo up professionally instead of focusing on some other random character they decided to bring in?


It's frustrating. And I feel bad for Jo. (but not for Camilla, because she is getting paid for like a day's work. nice gig!)


I don't feel bad for Camilla in that she is a young, beautiful actress who gets paid a lot of money to make out with Justin Chambers.  But, her career is just starting out and she is probably ambitious and it must be extremely frustrating to be on a show for 3 years getting very little material and then watching newcomer after newcomer get more and better writing. Its not just that they don't give her much, but they have no handle on her character and that must be hard when you are,  you know, trying to find motivation or whatever it is that actors do.  And while she isn't Meryl Streep, she is pretty good when they give her quieter material that isn't just Jo having a pissy fit like the stuff that they have given her in the last two seasons.  I thought she was very good with the Jason arc and Alex's dad story.  Of course, my unpopular opinion is that I liked how the Jason stuff went, for the most part, and appreciated that the show doesn't shy away from how screwed up and ugly Alex and Jo can be when pushed.  


Some of the actors are good enough that they can (god help me with this phrase) "rise above" the material, and I don't know that Camilla is one of them, but if she never even gets any practice with good material, she certainly isn't going to get any better with the bad.


Camilla tweeted earlier today replying to a fan that some Jolex story was coming




I"m always glad for more Alex, but for the love of god, can Jo please get something on her own??

Edited by Deanie87
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I"m always glad for more Alex, but for the love of god, can Jo please get something on her own??

This I mean seriously?? Can she just get her own storyline for once. She hasn't a storyline of her very own since season 9 and even that was mostly about Alex. There's so much potential with the characters. She could easily interact with the others and establish friendships. I don't get why EVERY character on the show has to reject her.


At this point I'd be more then happy for a breakup with Alex if it meant she actually got a storyline and some screentime with other characters.

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From an interview posted in the media thread:

Looking ahead at 2016, Camilla is excited to continue Jo's storyline on Grey's and shares that Jo will become more assertive in the second half of the season - both in her professional and personal life. "I think she's just kind of learning more about what she wants, and how to get what she wants, and what she needs from people," she says. "I feel like that's been a long time coming."


Jo becoming more assertive and standing up for herself is great news IMO. I don't like how others have treated Jo the past season and a half but I'm just as tired of Jo not doing anything about it.  


I'm also hoping Jo turns down Alex's proposal in a "not right now but someday" way. I still would like to see them together at some point but time apart can benefit their story, especially for Jo. She can get some growth while Alex is off tending to Meredith and hopefully at some point Alex will gain some separation from the sisters and move ahead into a real story with Jo. 

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From an interview posted in the media thread:

Jo becoming more assertive and standing up for herself is great news IMO. I don't like how others have treated Jo the past season and a half but I'm just as tired of Jo not doing anything about it.  


I'm also hoping Jo turns down Alex's proposal in a "not right now but someday" way. I still would like to see them together at some point but time apart can benefit their story, especially for Jo. She can get some growth while Alex is off tending to Meredith and hopefully at some point Alex will gain some separation from the sisters and move ahead into a real story with Jo. 


Yes, I have been very frustrated with Jo lately.  That isn't to say that Alex and/or Mer, for example, have behaved well either, but I am ready for her get her confidence back and be assertive about everything.


I agree about the proposal.  Right now, the relationship isn't really showing either of them in a great light.  Jo looks as if she is consumed with her relationship to the exclusion of all else, and Alex looks like he completely takes Jo for granted.   And to be fair to Jo, Meredith and Izzie also got so caught up in their personal life that their careers fell by the wayside, and I didn't like it then either.  One more thing that Jo and Mer have in common, not that the writers will ever acknowledge it.


My worst case scenario is that Jo says yes, and then Alex immediately runs off to cry at Meredith's bedside.  Not that he shouldn't be there for Meredith, but I think we have all seen enough of that situation, while Jo looks on from the outside.  So I hope she says no, kindly though, and Alex can then go off and nurse Mer while (hopefully) pining for Jo as she kicks ass as a surgeon.  I also hope that Jo moves in with Steph rather than Alex moving back in to the sorority house.  Episode 10 will be interesting as far as the patient that everyone is fighting over.  It will put Jo in an awkward place so that may cause more tension, especially because you know that Alex will be completely in the wrong and the Superwomen will be in the right.


ETA - double post

Edited by Deanie87
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Bringing over from the episode thread:


To be honest Merediths apology and reasons for disliking Jo don't seem like a retcon to me. I can actually buy that's she's that self centred that she never actually noticed how out of line and rude she was being to Jo.


Had Meredith not been fine with Jo until S11 I would agree but she didn't have a problem with Jo until Cristina left (that I can remember). IIRC, she was even kind of nice to her back in S9/10. Weren't Jo & Alex together longer than even Alex & Izzie (not how long they knew each other but time together as a couple) by the time Meredith became awful to her?  Jo was already "sticking" and Alex told Meredith he wanted to marry her. That should have been enough for Meredith to not treat Jo like dirt but she got worse after that.  The apology was framed to not have Meredith look bad (no shock there) and ignored most of how she treated her.


I am very glad its done and over.  Please, please, please let them give Jo some kind of story now. She's been stuck as Meredith's doormat for over a season. I'm really hoping for some strong medical scenes for her. Time for her to shine as a doctor.

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Meredith told Jo it was her fault for her treating her like crap because she didn't stand up for herself. I'm sure they didn't mean it to come off that way but it felt creepy and almost an abuser tactic to put it on Jo that way. Especially considering Meredith is her superior at work. I just wish the apology had been more sincere. But mainly I hope this storyline is done.

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This whole "triangle" storyline has made all three "participants" look bad.  The problem is that Alex and Meredith can take it because they have years of history with the fans and goodwill to fall back on.  Jo doesn't and the way that they have written her has been horrible.  I really have a hard time believing that the Jo of season 9 would have any problem sticking up for herself and she was an intern back then.  She has always been a little bit whiny, so I really hope that stops now.  Realistically, they should be taking their boards soon, but I'm sure that is just going to get glossed over.


I liked that we are supposed to believe that she is Callie's go to and that she is a competent surgeon.  I wish she would get more integrated with some of the cast because it looks like both Stephanie and Callie may be leaving at some point (that is just SaRA speculation on my part).  I guess there's always Penny.  *sigh*

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I don't think Meredith meant it vindictively. She genuinely is just that self centred that she'd never notice how terribly she came across. She was fine with Jo until she lost Cristona and needed Alex at her beck and call. I think it's a total cop out that the show won't admit to such a glaring truth.

Realistically though I blame Jo an extent for how long this has been going on for but mainly I blame Alex. Jo should have grown a backbone a long time ago but in her position talking back to an attending is scary. I think had Alex backed her up from the start then Meredith would have let up on her long ago. He didn't though and his passive attitude as well as being Merediths lap dog means that she has no respect for him or his partner.

Mostly I blame the writers though for not ever giving Jos character a chance at development past her relationship with Alex.

Had Meredith not been fine with Jo until S11 I would agree but she didn't have a problem with Jo until Cristina left (that I can remember). IIRC, she was even kind of nice to her back in S9/10. 


Exactly. I caught a rerun of those episodes on TV recently and Meredith treated Jo just fine. She stood by her after that Peckwell fiasco and encouraged Alex to keep things with Jo going. Hell, she openly said she liked her. 

And after that, Jo did absolutely nothing wrong to Alex and was nothing but loyal and supportive of him, so the whole "Meredith didn't trust Jo because she didn't want Alex to get hurt" excuse is pure nonsense. But yeah, whatever the reason for starting this ridiculous storyline was, I'm glad it's over, in whatever way. If it indeed is over. 

Did anyone really expect a better resolution? Meredith's inability to recognize the way she's treated Jo is paralleled by the show's prior inability to recognize how the character was treating Jo. Their interaction this episode was sparked entirely by issues addressed by the fans; if the viewers hadn't voiced concern, the show'd never have gone there. Therefore, Meredith's explanation of her treatment of Jo being incongruous with the depiction of their relationship in seasons past is purely a function of the writers having had no prior awareness of this change either. It's flawed storytelling on the show's behalf, but it's not a surprise, is it? 


So I think the fact that the writers addressed these concerns at all should merit them some credit, especially because, even if they'd committed to giving us a better explanation and making Meredith/Jo a bigger plot point, it likely wouldn't have worked very well, and thus wouldn't satisfy the fans who initially brought this to their attention (and catering to them, I believe, was the initial purpose anyway). I mean, what could they have had Meredith say? "I liked you at first, but then you said something annoying to me one day in the cafeteria and I've been holding a subconscious grudge ever since? My bad!" The damage was already done. 


In this case, I think addressing the problem and moving on quickly is the most viable solution towards writing all three characters with more attention to detail. Why elongate what obviously wasn't working? (But, incidentally, I don't think it's completely over -- I think Alex/Meredith will logically have to discuss some of this Jo drama sooner or later, although whether the writers deliver on this vital element remains to be seen.)


However, I, for one, think -- this story notwithstanding -- that the show's been doing a better job this year of delivering what's been promised and keeping the characters true to prior depictions. I don't watch an episode now and feel like my IQ has been lessened, which was an occasional side effect of the storytelling during Seasons 8-10, in particular, where stories regularly trumped character in guiding the long-running arcs. Actually, most of the criticisms I've seen this year have had to do more with character usage -- and believe me, GREY'S has never been a show where I've felt that every single regular was well-rendered, so I'm right there with you in having my favorites (Meredith, Alex, Callie) and least favorites (Amelia, Penny, Jo, plenty more) -- and the amount of material they've received.


Now I personally think the show works better when Meredith gets the most material, but when that takes time away from other characters who previously had more to do when Meredith had been pushed back into the ensemble (Seasons 6-9) , fans who are drawn explicitly to those other characters aren't satisfied. It's easy to understand. In fact, I think Callie and Arizona have been grossly misused this season and Alex has NEVER been written substantially. But that doesn't detract from my conviction that the show has been better in fulfilling its original purpose of centralizing Meredith and allowing her to drive large portions of each installment. That's what the show promised in the pilot, and this year (along with the prior) has been doing a better job of delivering. 


Back to Meredith/Alex/Jo, I actually think their issues were collateral damage that had been building during the last few seasons and shouldn't be blamed entirely on this year. I just hope moving forward that the show feels more free to explore Jo and write her in a way that proves she's worthy of the emotional investment that I, and other fans who've found her disastrously written so far, have heretofore withheld. I like Alex, so I would like to like Jo. Clearing Meredith out of the way, and the baggage of seasons past, could be a first step in securing that. 

Edited by upperco

Well, back in 2014 at the beginning of season 11, Shonda tweeted something out specifically about Mer's bad treatment of Jo and that Jo wasn't going to take it forever.  So she, at least, was very aware of how Meredith was behaving and how it was coming across.  So I don't think that the resolution was fan service at all, it just came so late that no one cared anymore and it didn't make sense.  I think that this was supposed to be a storyline that got wrapped up last season but due to the ever present backstage issues, it got tabled.  They should have just dropped it altogether at the beginning of this season since Meredith wasn't hopping into bed with them every other day, but for whatever reason they didn't.  And it certainly wasn't to give Alex and/or Jo something better that's for sure.  To answer your first question, no I didn't expect anything better, in fact, I was very surprised that Meredith apologized.  But, the reasoning that they gave didn't make sense to me considering that Jo and Alex have been together for about 3 years now in Greys time, Jo bought them a house together, has treated him better than any other woman in his entire life has and now an engagement is on the table.  So Jo is definitely sticking.  (Maybe if she had brought Jo's wishy-washiness over the ring up it would have been more understandable.)  I won't even get into Meredith's sudden concern for Alex and his problems after she has blown him off for the last two seasons, up until about 3 episodes ago.


Way back when this storyline started, I thought that maybe Meredith's behavior was based on her getting a little territorial over Alex because she has lost so many people already and Cristina and Derek had both moved far away.  That would have made a lot of sense to me and I would have liked to see that play out. And that could have been the case had they followed through with it last season, but now that scenario would put Meredith in a less than positive light and I just don't see them willing to do that anymore.


However, I, for one, think -- this story notwithstanding -- that the show's been doing a better job this year of delivering what's been promised and keeping the characters true to prior depictions. I don't watch an episode now and feel like my IQ has been lessened, which was an occasional side effect of the storytelling during Seasons 8-10, in particular, where stories regularly trumped character in guiding the long-running arcs. Actually, most of the criticisms I've seen this year have had to do more with character usage -- and believe me, GREY'S has never been a show where I've felt that every single regular was well-rendered, so I'm right there with you in having my favorites (Meredith, Alex, Callie) and least favorites (Amelia, Penny, Jo, plenty more) -- and the amount of material they've received.



My issue with this season doesn't have as much to do with character depiction as it does with just scattershot storytelling.  Something that happens in one episode may relate back to something that happened in season 3, but completely contradicts something that happened 4 episodes prior. There hasn't been much continuity for the majority of characters' storylines and so many questions have been left unanswered.  But as far as characterizations, I disagree.  I think that Meredith hasn't been anywhere near who she was even 3 seasons ago, Jo certainly isn't anything like she was portrayed when she came on in season 9, and I think that they have watered down Alex to annoying degree.  Maybe these are things that can be attributed to what the characters have been through over the last 3 years or so, but since the majority of those things happened offscreen, its hard to tell.  I do think that the attack episode is supposed to have been a turning point for Meredith, and hope it continues to play out in helping her recapture some of her compassion and humanity and doesn't just end up being about moving on from Derek.


Now I personally think the show works better when Meredith gets the most material, but when that takes time away from other characters who previously had more to do when Meredith had been pushed back into the ensemble (Seasons 6-9) , fans who are drawn explicitly to those other characters aren't satisfied.



I think that was true in the first half of the series, but necessarily anymore.  The problem is that for the last 4-5 seasons, Meredith didn't do much except interact with Derek and Cristina, so once they were gone, its like she was in a sea of strangers, many of who she simply couldn't be bothered with before.  She had Alex, of course, but they dropped any interaction she had with Jackson or April seasons ago.  She never interacted with Arizona and they kind of slapped a Callie/Meredith friendship together in that one season, but that always rang false to me.  So once Cristina left, they had to keep adding all of these characters who would be there to primarily interact with Meredith: Amelia, Maggie, and now Penny.  And now those three and Meredith seem to get more screentime than anyone else, and that certainly doesn't endear any of them to me.  


Coming back to Jo, I think that she has been given a raw deal from the get go.  First she came on with 4 other people and that never works out well.  Then they took any spark that she had away and she became just a generic girlfriend, then she got ignored for a season and now they put her in a "triangle" with two of the most popular and long standing characters and in some kind of feud with the lead.  The girl that initially came on as independent and tough, and had no problem sticking up for herself spent the first half of this season whiny and insecure.  Personally, I find Jo's backstory and potential more compelling than Maggie, Amelia, Penny or Stephanie's, and as similar as she is to Alex, she does have a story to tell that hasn't been told already on this show (unlike Maggie for example).  So I wish that they would explore it, but I don't count on it unless they let go of half the cast in the finale, which just isn't going to happen.  Maybe things will improve for her later this season, but again, I'm not counting on it.  I am glad that she and Meredith worked out their issue and that whatever storyline Jo has coming up will not be about her relationship with Alex or anyone but her.

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