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S03.E13: Fight Time

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12 hours ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

Amen to that 🙏

Why Mina came to live with Helen if she dislikes her that much? I may have missed some earlier episodes.

Why nowadays, in most shows, every young adult characters has to be spoiled, entitled, ungrateful or super woke? 🤔

No, you didn’t miss anything. I don’t know why Mina kept saying Helen “abandoned” them, unless her father resented Helen’s success and badmouthed her. Helen and her mother were the ones who were abandoned.

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I thought they teased a time jump? My guess is Helen goes back home with the niece or somewhere connected to her beads and Max follows.

Don't know how that will affect the Luna situation because the in laws will lose their minds.

If it ends with him just making contact with her and no dialogue next year it will all be just a dream, haha 

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Sorry, you can’t get the vaccine because you have money! Seriously? Do you know these people? Maybe they are isolating because someone at home is immuno compromised. Or they have medical problems and are at risk. To get through this everyone needs a vaccine. Even the rich people.


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Sharpe has apparently cured everyone in NY of cancer because she spends her work hours hanging out in the ER or trying to convince Max that he is doing something stupid.

The guy who plays Martin is a really good actor.  I didn't catch the 911 hint (I did think at one point that Iggy was hallucinating), but I could tell by the look on Martin's face that he knew Iggy was in danger.  

Why was Iggy so upset about lying to Chance when his own life was in danger, yet it didn't seem to bother him to lie to two other recent patients that weren't a threat to his life?  He lied to the pregnant woman, telling her it was constipation (?) and he lied to the mom who couldn't recognize her son by telling her the son was dead.  The only patient he hasn't lied to recently was psychopath girl.  

If they are going to go with something as dumb as "Max has to give people vaccines in 4 hours but he insists on only giving it to certain people," they should had it be a number of shots that would be possible for Max to find people and inject them in 4 hours - like maybe 200 doses, instead of 1,000.  Max would have had to give 250 shots an hour (over 4 shots a minute!) if he already had people lined up - but he didn't have people lined up (not the ones he wanted anyway), he still had to notify people that shots were available.  At best, he would have only had a couple of hours. The super vaccine site near me gave 500 hots an hour on their best days but they had way more stations set up them NA did.  

On 6/4/2021 at 9:41 AM, catrice2 said:

I realized I am officially hate watching at this point. I only watched for Freema as a fan of her, but it is rough going.

I now just watch the show to make fun of it.  Although, I have thought that if they got rid of Max and had Iggy just treat psychiatric patients instead of giving him a new disorder every week, this show might be okay.  This episode Max realizes his attempts to save the world often do more harm than good and Iggy realizes that he isn't a good psychiatrist, so maybe they will both be more realistic next season.  


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On 6/4/2021 at 1:41 AM, torqy said:

This show has now reached the Saturday Morning Cartoon level of ridiculousness.

The show has always had a core of social awareness.  But there has always been a sense of measured restraint about it.  When Max would make sweeping changes in the hospital policy it made sense because that was his fiefdom and it was what he could do and it was kind of exciting to see someone make revolutionary change in a place where they can.

This season it feels like the show decided to remove all restraint and subtlety.  And logic.  And scope.  Has there been a change in the writing room?  I can;t imagine seasoned writers or reasonable black writers would think Max's ridiculous Black Live Matter crusade made sense even on paper.  Even worse, remember his equity officer Isobel?  The black woman from that episode?  Have we even seen her again?  On the one hand the writers have Max declaring in his most White Saviory voice that he is going to "fix" racism.  And on the other the writers themselves have trotted out a disposable black character that they quickly disposed of again when she was no longer useful.  It is insulting.

It doesn't help that they have him careening from one thing to another quickly forgetting it once the episode is over.  It just has the effect of the writers checking off a list and wiping their hands as if to say "well, we addressed that issue, on to the next." 

Did we know Helen was Muslim and had tasbih beads that she would pray on?  Dr. Helen always felt a little too.... non-secular for that.

Did we know Lauren was bi?  Sure of all the characters it makes sense that Lauren would be bi.  But let's just spring it on us with a throwaway comment and have her have a relationship that is moving at warp speed.  Right now Leyla just feels like a plot point that checks off a lot of boxes, not a person. 

There were a couple of things I did like that I felt made a little more sense in the context of the show even if they were still executed pretty clumsily:

- The relevant issue of white doctors being dismissive of black patient's pov or misdiagnosing because some diagnostic machines and techniques are not normed on darker skin.   Really heavy handed but it was something that Max could and should address.

- Police in the ER.  Again a nice little bit of relevancy to a hospital and a nod at how marginalized people and non-marginalized can see something really different. The resolution was stupid but the issue was a good one. And something Max had the power and scope to fix.

- Max trying to get people to come back for other procedures and elective surgeries.  Again, a relevant something Max could go at and yet once again really clumsily written.

It just feels like the writing and vision in the series this season has deteriorated. 


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Sometimes I wonder if the writers consider all social reforms ridiculous, and show this by having Max try to make reforms in a ham-handed way.  I doubt the writers are that subtle though.

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On 6/4/2021 at 1:18 AM, SnazzyDaisy said:

Why Mina came to live with Helen if she dislikes her that much?

Mina wanted to move to New York because her alternative was an aunt in the UAE (or maybe Saudi Arabia), a country with very restrictive laws for women. She guilted Helen into letting her come to New York with the 'you abandoned us' stuff.

On 6/4/2021 at 5:40 AM, circumvent said:

Yeah, that is bad casting. As good as her english might be, if she never lived in an english speaking country, she would have an accent - or the accent of the english speaking country she might have lived in.

Or she could have the accent of the person who taught her to speak English. I had an English accent as a child, that peeped out even through my high school years in Canada, because the person who taught me how to speak English came from England.

On 6/4/2021 at 10:00 PM, Pepper the Cat said:

Sorry, you can’t get the vaccine because you have money! Seriously? Do you know these people? Maybe they are isolating because someone at home is immuno compromised. Or they have medical problems and are at risk. To get through this everyone needs a vaccine. Even the rich people.

The really stupid thing is that all the vaccines were wasted because Max couldn't find the perfect people (in his mind) to give them to. This is not a good look for Max or the show itself when so many people are desperate to be vaccinated. There are eight countries in Africa that have not received any vaccines yet, and at the rate we are going now, it's going to take 57 years for everyone to be vaccinated.

I don't get the point of making Max keep looking like an idiot. It's not make me want to watch the show more.

Edited by statsgirl
tidied up
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On 6/2/2021 at 10:59 AM, DearEvette said:

My own experience as a teenager and teenagers I grew up with and around that no matter how terrible your experience was or what you were going through, you were never disrespectful of an auntie.  Just never. Even the most sullen, churlish guys I knew were respectful, stood up straight, took that hat off and said "ma'am" when they talked to an auntie, especially those that were 100% in their corner and would throw hands for them.


Oh if only I could sneak this under the nose of my beloved NephewdeVoiceover!  We were so very, very close until October, where apropos of nothing, he ghosted me.  I've heard they grow out of it...

Meanwhile I'm 100% Helen's side 🤣

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On 6/4/2021 at 1:18 AM, SnazzyDaisy said:

Amen to that 🙏

Why Mina came to live with Helen if she dislikes her that much? I may have missed some earlier episodes.

Why nowadays, in most shows, every young adult characters has to be spoiled, entitled, ungrateful or super woke? 🤔

Ye gad. It's the ER Syndrome. In the endless seasons of ER there wasn't a single nice, pleasant child of any doctor (ok one but they killed him right away) Mark's teen klingon...the list goes on.

On 6/4/2021 at 12:41 PM, catrice2 said:

I realized I am officially hate watching at this point. I only watched for Freema as a fan of her, but it is rough going.

She's just playing Dr Martha Jones. Although it looks like she might at long last get a tumble

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Mercifully my area is post-scarcity where vaccines are concerned, so that storyline wasn't as breathlessly infuriating as it could have been, but it still sucked sideways. The country club people may have been privileged, but they were still human beings afraid of covid and eager enough for the vaccine that they were willing to jump through hoops to get it. That was my mom in early spring; she qualified due to a health condition, but I still had to play appointment roulette on various websites to get her that shot, and I lived in fear that she'd contract covid in the interim and it would be my fault because somehow I wasn't trying hard enough.

At bare minimum, ask them if they wouldn't mind waiting around to get jabbed at the last minute if Max can't find anyone else. They'll be annoyed, but if they're that desperate at least some of them will probably agree.

(And what about that apartment building full of people who were getting scammed by snake oil preventatives because they couldn't get vaccinated a couple of episodes ago?)

If, in New Amsterdam's world, the vaccine has been widely available enough for long enough that the majority of disenfranchised and suspicious people you find on the street have already gotten it, Max of all people should KNOW THAT and be less picky about who he's injecting. Or at least make the first question he asks be 'Have you been vaccinated' rather than 'Please share with me all your thoughts and feelings about the vaccine'. And it's a newsflash to him that doctors and military members are turning down the vaccine? Or that there are (gasp) a handful of conservatives employed by a gigantic institution like New Amsterdam? Or that convincing holdouts is a task probably better undertaken when there isn't a ticking clock on a crate of needed vaccines?

In a way I'm glad that reality ensued here and Max got a very painful lesson in what happens when perfect becomes the enemy of good, but the virus and the vaccine are still much too sore subjects to allow for much sympathy for a doctor whose idiocy and ignorance could make such a situation worse.

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On 6/3/2021 at 5:52 AM, 3 is enough said:

If Mina lived in Iran all her life how does she speak English with an American accent?  

Maybe she has a good ear for languages? I have a friend who has never lived outside Greece and who speaks English with an American (southern) accent. 

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