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S09.E14: Chrystal's Journey

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On 3/25/2021 at 8:00 PM, mamadrama said:

I wasn't planning on watching the episode until I saw this! 

Did...did you see the roaches on the wall?

On 3/27/2021 at 8:11 PM, LuvMyShows said:


I was confused about something, since I mostly 'watch' by just listening and not often looking at the screen.  When she was in Dr. Now's office for the first appt, the brother was with her, and he asked something that led her to mention her abuse, and I could have sworn her brother was in the office as well.  But then at Dr. Paradise's, it was as though he was going to hear it for the first time.  And if it actually was for the first time, he sure didn't seem surprised or have much of a reaction, judging from how it sounded.

LOL!  Also, as seems to be the case this whole season, I cannot tell that the people have lost weight, but I used to be able to.  

I think she mentioned the abuse but the reveal with paradise was the fact that it was his father that assaulted her.

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Ugh.  Poor girls.  I can't imagine how humiliating it must be to have dirty filthy family laundry aired for all your friends to see.  When I see children on this show, I immediately think child abuse.  If it wasn't for these kids waiting on them, these people would be in nursing facilities for the ultra obese, so they are free to eat themselves into oblivion using kids as slaves to their eating habit. 

Lazy & disgusting. Floppy boobies falling out of old tank top. Same clothing day after day.  Imagine the smell in the car, in the hotel room, even Dr Now's chair.  She didn't seem to be, but I was mortified for her when Dr Now told her she stinks in front of her daughter & brother.  Reminded me of no-hygiene Jean  & repulsive Steven Assante. 

Her brother had no patience for her, and I don't blame him.  But he was still willing to renovate for her, I sure wouldn't do that   Unfortunately looks like her daughters have suffered from the lack of proper parenting and so there's another generation who won't know how to maintain a clean sanitary home.  All they do is cook for mommy. And eat with mommy.  

I don't think there's been a poundicipant in years that's been tattoo free.  How about a tell-all show about tattoo artists & their stories.  Shudder.  

Looks like Chrystal's wardrobe was approved by Whitney Thore.  Hey Whitney, this could  be you in a few years LOL.  Oh I forgot, in a desperate attempt to eke another season out of TLC, she appears to now be thinking of doing something she was always vehemently against before, (because she was all about no body shame) ......weight loss surgery!!  I guess she's run out of fake phony  "romances" with bought & paid for love interests.  I'd love to see TLC cancel her phony lying bullshit show.  Yay the 1000 lb Sisters has already been renewed.  Way more honest & real.

I see a WATN show this week with Maja.  I thought she was suing TLC so was surprised to see that.  "Mommy, Crishun is ruining everything!!!".  😂😂😂

Edited by Snarkastikate
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1 hour ago, Snarkastikate said:

Her brother had no patience for her, and I don't blame him. 

That reminds me . . . 

When he went into the session with her and Dr. Paradise, the good doctor said something to him about knowing he loves his sister and how they are so close.

Brother's response:  "Hm."

Not, "That's right."  Or "Yes, sir."  The most noncommittal "Hm" in the history of television.

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I finally got a chance to see this episode. I don't have much to add that hasnt already been said (regarding the girls, Chrystal, etc etc), but why did Chrystal refuse to wear a shirt? The dangerous thing to me is that Chrystal seems to have some sort of self awareness (see how she got on the program when Dr Now threatened to put her in the hospital), but she seems so damaged I dont think she will succeed. She plays lip service to wanting to do things with her girls etc etc but I think she may enjoy having emotional and physical servants too much, and because they are her kids she has dominion over them. Damn shame.

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As an April Fools joke someone used their cutting machine to create vinyl bugs and stuck them on the walls.  It reminded me of StarfishChrystal as she sat splayed out in her wheelchair as they climbed the wall behind her.  Still feel so awful for those poor daughters and what they’ve been forced to live with.

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I hope everyone is watching the Supersized edition of Chrystal.    They just had the moving scene, and the elevator scene should be soon. 

What genius scheduled a Ninja Foodi commercial, right after a Taco Bell commercial?     Followed by a Walmart commercial with great looking food.   Marie O. on the diet commercial isn't going to stop anyone from calling for a big food delivery. 

Chrystal's McD order at the drive thru is epic.    That tank top and her pants should get an award, for best supporting role in a failing effort.   

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 hour ago, mmecorday said:

Why didn't she just say, "I'd like a double order of everything on the breakfast menu."

Wasn't this also after the Dr. Now visit? I feel sorry for any pigs in the vicinity because of the amount of pork she ate. Mounds of bacon, that baked ham...

Edited by nokat
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10 hours ago, mmecorday said:

Why didn't she just say, "I'd like a double order of everything on the breakfast menu."

Followed by, "See?  I'm already working on the diet.  I'd usually ask for a triple order . . . "

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On 4/3/2021 at 6:09 AM, Caoimhe said:

It reminded me of StarfishChrystal as she sat splayed out in her wheelchair as they climbed the wall behind her.  Still feel so awful for those poor daughters and what they’ve been forced to live with.

I feel sorry for the roaches!

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On 3/25/2021 at 9:39 PM, charmed1 said:

It was especially awful how they’d both timidly ask, “Mom, are you okay?” and she’d shout back at them “NO, I’m NOT okay!” I can only imagine the anxiety issues those little girls have racked up thanks to their mother.

Because I can only imagine how she speaks to them when the cameras aren’t rolling!

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I'm watching Chrystal's rerun on Discovery Life, and it's just as bizarre on rerun.   The elevator scene is epic, why wouldn't the elevator react to 600 lbs. plus getting on the elevator?  

And her drive thru order at the 90 minute mark was mind boggling.   This was right after her appointment at Dr. Now's office.     She has so much support from her family, and she just doesn't even try.    Getting on the office scale, but having her cane on the floor is cheating.   I bet she's pushing on the cane a lot to get her weight lower.  She went from 611 on the first month losing 38 lbs. after she was supposed to lose 90 lbs.  However, she was really pushing on her cane, while she was on the scale, and cane was on the floor.  

Since there was never a follow up on her, I'm guessing that she didn't do well. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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I swear I could smell her stench through the TV. Imagine being in a car with her. The poor brother, what patience.  Literally everything she sat on must have had to be fumigated thoroughly, the car seat, the hotel bed, Dr Paradise's sofa. I don't think a poundicipant ever nauseated me more than Chrystal. (Steven Assante excluded LOL). 

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