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S08.E11: Captain Kidd

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7 in a row with no Liz!!!!!!

Poe Society? These young kids should be part of the "Red" society! The stories are much scarier! 

If little Jimmy was supposed to be in the dark, why was he given/using glow sticks?

Was the kid who was told the story is Jimmy who ODed on fentanyl? They looked different.

Poor Ted gets killed for this. Captain Kidd can't at least take some blame for the disaster? It's all Ted's fault the kids were at the abandon site. 

What's with Captain Kidd's supposed "guarantee" if Jarret is robbing him numerous times? Wouldn't word get back to Kidd that the customer didn't receive the product?

So Red knew for hours Safiya was going to be abducted and could have sent Dembe or his men to prevent it. Instead he chooses to go to Cooper, so it could lead to Kidd and then Red could find out more about Neville. What more does Red need to know about Neville? We all know he is a pill popping, sleeping douche. That should be enough intel to know!

Neville could have just put Safiya in a punching bag and keep her at his mansion. Could have saved some money not using Captain Kidd.

I am surprised Aram could tell the difference between the circus and what's going on in the Post Office!

Cooper spoke to the DEA and they have no clue about Captain Kidd. Why is this not shocking news!??

Shouldn't Cooper be a little concerned Aram knows where to buy drugs online and how easily it arrived at his apartment??!! Aram probably showed him half of his haul.

If Aram thinks he is going to be reimbursed by the FBI for buying the drugs, he is sadly mistaken. Good luck on that expense report with no receipts and Cooper didn't authorize it. Might as well keep it and throw a party. I am sure Park and Ressler will stop by!

Park doesn't know how to properly tail a suspect? She was noticed very easily. What a surprise! She lost him after a brief chase! She is giving Ressler strong competition for the top spot on the "Useless" list.

Look at Ressler using his brain to use the cab camera . He is lucky business was slow at that time and the cab was parked there for hours.

Red is slipping if he thinks "Harold Cooper is NO fool". 

Cooper: "Liz is an apparition.... a ghost who leaves clues in the night but is gone by the morning....Red taught her well!" Blah Blah! Ugh! I need to vomit!

Looked like Ressler got some joy after hearing Cooper threaten Kidd using the "murderers and rapists" line.

Cooper shouldn't quickly turn down Red's offer to use Brimley's badger. They have a high success rate. 

Cooper picks Liz over Red???!!! Still not regretting dropping the bomb on him a few episodes back Harold?

The FBI helicopter and Ressler/Aram going by car arrived at the same time??? Well coordinated these agents are!

The writers must really miss Liz and bestowed Safiya the "Skills of Keen" to take down the four men with badass ease!!!!!!!

What excuse is the one traitor agent going to use for him being alive and the two other agents are dead?

Can't properly end the episode without seeing Cooper with his brandy in hand!

Force feed "Blended Cheeseburgers"!???!!! Hmmm! There's only one man who wouldn't flinch at that threat and gladly accept the challenge! 


Edited by mxc90
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I saw this was new in the tv listings and still forgot it was on until it was half over (thank goodness for recaps and you folks here).

I was amused by Aram's circus story.

Ah, oil.  The reason why nothing will ever be done re: Saudi Arabia.  Can't antagonize the folks with the black gold no matter how much bad stuff they've done.  But hey, why should they be the only ones who get a free pass?  There's plenty of folks at that party.

Red needs to listen to Dembe and Cooper needs to get his head out of his butt.  Forget Liz!  Also, can we be done with Neville?  He's not amusing and he's not even an interesting bad guy.  As for the Russians, while I get we're all tired of Cooper and his mooning over Liz, I'd prefer if Cooper is going to get taken out it's not by them.  I mean, he's a twit for sure but I'd rather he and Red work together to do something productive...what ever that might be.

I know I'm tired of this storyline or whatever IT is.  Get back to the blacklister of the week and no, I don't mean Captain Kidd (smug jerk).  But episodes that have a beginning ,middle and end would be good.  Bokenkamp and TPTB need to stop spinning this yarn and treading water.

11 hours ago, edhopper said:

The FBI is useless, again. Obviously Red is working as a triple agent for the U.S. until the writers change their minds.

It's not just Ressler who is completely useless anymore -- could Park have been a little more obvious while tailing eBates Rakitin ?

I'm starting to think that Reddington is a quadruple or quintuple agent, and may actually be part pretzel since he is twisted around in so many ways. And Reddington's medical issues are back since he is popping pills again -- where has that been for the last 7 episodes ?

It's weird that Cooper is doing Lizzie's job now -- Cooper gets all the details from Reddington, and then explains it to the team with righteous indignation like an technical expert on the topic.

Captain Kidd was yet another lame Blacklister o' the Week.

With regards to Captain Kidd being taken, how come nothing was said anything further about the 3rd marshal that apparently worked for Townsend ?  Nobody seemed to be concerned that he was missing since Aram only mentioned TWO dead marshals.

What was with that incredibly stupid techno music playing while they were searching for Safiya in the woods ?  Because it sucked.

Those latitude/longitude coordinates supplied to the Saudi buyers were at least accurate -- they do point to Taylor's Island in Maryland, but per Google Maps it's a 2 hour drive from D.C. (and magically that helicopter arrived at the same time).

Huzzah, another Lizzie free episode -- praise the trees and pass the hock (a little KillJoys reference there).

Still no sign or mention of Agnes, the dogs or Robert Vesco's cat.

What is the point of Kidd's methods?  Why go to the difficulty and expense of burying the contraband?  Just find an abandoned building and direct the clients to that place.

Cooper has Park 'use all necessary resources' to track Rakitin.  I guess that means Park and Ressler.  A professional team would have had people on the other side of the street, paralleling him, and observing where he went when he bolted.

I have never been so angry at this show as when Cooper is slurping down yet another glass of brandy, not the least concerned about the murders of two federal marshals.  Eat a bullet, Cooper.

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Finally, a Blacklist episode I enjoyed!

First and foremost, Ressler actually gets to show off a skill here! He does all of the interrogations and he's mostly successful in them. On the other hand, upon finding the "safe" house's busted front door he doesn't call for backup and upon finding the dead Marshals he makes a casual call back to the office via cell phone!

The scenario of this episode is pretty contrived. We know from recent events that Saudi hit squads have no problems taking care of business themselves. Townsend's tac team could have just as easily been those Saudi agents. There were only two people in the house and they were sleeping.

I thought Cooper had made the decision to bring the larger FBI into the Keen case. So why does the surveillance on Raketen need to be just Agent Park working by herself? There are actual teams of people at the FBI who do this for a living and I'm sure they'd be happy to tail a dude who is suspected of selling classified information. It would make sense if they were intentionally trying to spook him so that he would reveal himself but it doesn't seem like that's what they were going for.

Also, courtesy of a lifetime of reading Tom Clancy novels, I've learned a lot about the tradecraft spies use. Any of Reddington's people should be doing surveillance detection routines. Doubling back, getting onto a subway car and then getting off it right before it leaves, switching coats and hats, et cetera. Raketen's SDR was clumsy enough that it immediately outed him. I would think that Reddington would fire him on that basis alone.

Speaking of which, why is Reddington keeping this guy around? He didn't give up the promised intel about whatever is going on in China. He bitches up a storm so much that Red had to threaten physical violence to shut him up. He's leaving a mess behind that is attracting attention and it's not like he can just go back to work.

Red, you should listen to Dembe.

Props to the writers for dropping in the line about "getting played by criminals... that's what we do!"

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Another Liz/Megan Boone free epi. Sounds like she must hang out with the SWAT actor that was out a year but name/character was  forced into every show.

Now have a permant moustache twirling villan in Townsend.

Red keeps on say you don't know the story. Sooner or later inquiring minds will have to know.

Edited by misstwpherecool
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