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Small Talk: 90 Words Per Minute

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Jason's dad ask me bad words in Portuguese sometimes, it's just funny to listen to him repeating them

That's the best part of teaching any american dude portuguese. The hardest part is explaining to them that our worst swear is not the same as the american worst swear. Like the b**** (female dog) in portuguese is much more offensive and a completely different meaning than in english. Then explaining "caralho" to someone is so difficult they don't get it.

ok saucy can we swear on this forum or are you just doing it anyway? lol I don't want to annoy cooksdelight.

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My sentiments exactly,Saucy. I am more confused as to the benefit of Dani staying. Is it that she has that low of a self esteem or is she just simply delusional and in a complete state of denial. According to messages I've read in the past, she was married before but left that man, so she is in fact capable of leaving a man. I feel like we are missing something here...

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In the preview for the WATN, you see Mo sitting stiffly with his legs spread out a mile wide, and his hands are clasped at knee level, his torso forward, looking hard and away from Dani.


Dani is her usual puffalump self leaning into him as much as she can.


We only see bits of this body language here and there on the show, so it's especially interesting to hear Cassia confirming this behavior to be a pattern.  He like a stone, she like an octopus in estrus.

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That's the best part of teaching any american dude portuguese. The hardest part is explaining to them that our worst swear is not the same as the american worst swear. Like the b**** (female dog) in portuguese is much more offensive and a completely different meaning than in english. Then explaining "caralho" to someone is so difficult they don't get it.

ok saucy can we swear on this forum or are you just doing it anyway? lol I don't want to annoy cooksdelight.

True! B**** is very offensive in Brazil.  You are right, idk how I would explain "caralho" to someone! Hahaha


I was actually thinking about that like "someone asked me about Dani and Mo, I need to respond"

So, my opinion on Dani and Mo is really sad. I really want her to be happy, but she needs to open her eyes.

He looked very cold. He doesn't show love. She was always touching him and he was like a stone.

We had pizza with them one night before we did the "couples tell all" with people from NBC.

I don't think he loves Danielle.

Jason is talking to someone on FB, I hope is a friend. Sometimes he talks to strangers and I just say "take care, watch out", he doesn't like, lol


He never listened to me or Ron, either. lol  Now I'm glad he didn't listen when I told him not to go to Brazil the first time.  Kudos to you, though.  He's changed a lot for the better.


Edited to remove double post.

Edited by MsMagoo

Maybe she stays because she wants stability?


What stability?  Maybe she likes the predictability of being looked upon with contempt day after day after day?  That kind of stability? 


Even to her, he must be an arrogant love rat that comes and goes as he pleases and makes love to a whole herd of sad eyed dairy cattle on Facebook for money.


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I don't know. I'm trying to find an ounce of empathy for her. It may be totally impossible


I know I never will feel empathy, because she chose to take the easy road to flatter her ego, and went to a website  for the bezness.


She could have gone to Eharmony or OKCupid and found someone local, or at very least a citizen.


But no.  She circumvented those solutions because they were harder for her.  She would have to put in some effort to improve her material conditions, her mind, her morals, to make herself attractive.


I could go right now on some bezness website, put a picture of a naked mole rat on my profile, and within minutes I'd have troves of men professing to love mole rats of all ages and that they thought we were soul mates the moment they laid eyes on my whiskers.


She knew what she was walking into, and she went in willingly.


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LOL actually I was just thinking. Mo's green card (doubt he gets it but if he does..) will be shipped to Danielle's house. You can just hide the card. Especially if he is barely home. Just say "Nope you don't have it yet"Maybe her kids will hide it.

Just so you know that is illegal because it's abusive and controlling behavior. Keeping his green card from him would give him very justified reason to leave and prove he was abused. He could then proceed to get his citizenship without her.

What are you guys thinking? Do you know how many people abuse their spouse who needs a green card? Not even spouse, but children who sponsor parents too. The green card applicant is at the mercy of the sponsor.

Picture an older man doing this to keep his hot young eastern European wife at home. Maybe then you will see why the U.S. Congress passed legislation protecting the foreign born spouse from abuse.

I know you are joking but that kind of abuse happens all the time.

Edited by rose711
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The U.S. would never have allowed Mohamed a visa into the country if not for his claim to be engaged and then married to Danielle, an American citizen. He is perpetuating serious fraud and doesn't "deserve" anything except a one-way ticket out of this country. Maybe he will use his money for that.

But he was engaged and is legally married. He is hardly the only person who married someone they don't love just to get something. He is hardly the only person to pretend to love someone to get a green card. I bet that a large percentage of foreign born nationals marry a U.S. citizen because of a green card and not for love or forever.

How many guys are tricked by beautiful women of the type that would never give them a second glance if they (the women) were American. Look at the huge difference in looks between most of the women and their husbands on the last two seasons of this show.

But this marriage is legal. He didn't lie to the government about getting married. Now that he is here and is the spouse of a U.S. citizen, he is entitled to protection under U.S. law.

He actually has more proof of a relationship with Danielle than you might think. I bet he knows a lot about her.

He might have lied to Danielle but he has done what he told the embassy he would do.

I hate to be defending him because he is taking advantage of Danielle and her craziness. But part of that is on her, yes, she is a victim and was tricked, but she was warned, at least twice that we saw on camera. It is weird that Danielle can be a victim but Mohammed may still be complying with the U.S. law. She has to be the one to end the process and I think she is way too desperate to do that. I'm really not sure what the government will do with their case

Edited by rose711
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Reality TV is my not so guilty pleasure. I watch all of it except shows like Real Housewives and The Batchelor. The more of a train wreck the better! I've been watching them for so long I remember back when they were actually based in reality!

Welcome Cassia! I know I can't be the only one who, when reading your posts, hears it being read in your voice in my head.

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Cassia, I have a friend here in the U.S. who is from your hometown. She lives in Los Angeles and she was on reality TV with a really bad edit. She's a very sweet girl and I think you'd enjoy chatting with her. You can reach her via @theabimaria on Twitter.

Eggo, you don't know why the burgers are square? With a name like yours? LOL!! The sqaure burger was first used by White Castle, with the five holes in them, because it cooks faster. I don't think Wendy's uses the holes, however. I watch a lot of Unwrapped and the History of Food programs.

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I totally get that there are laws to protect brides that come from far away and live with older men. I get that he's married now.  He knew all of this and took advantage of all of it. I'm not going to feel sorry for him at all.  I am actually going to dislike him more for knowing that he had the law on his side.  However, I also know that in order for this scam to work they have to prove they live together, share a bed, and have a real legit marriage.  All signs are pointing to no on that right now.  He's on Facebook daily and has a fan club of women - likely lonely and desperate like Dani - begging for him to come live with them and many are sending him money.  Hardly a reason to feel bad for him.  I think he's a lot more sophisticated than we give him credit.  I go back on forth if Dani is really a victim.  I think she makes and continues to make really bad choices.  She absolutely seems like a genuine person and I believe Cassia that she would never want to hurt anyone.  I think she hurts people because she consistently makes bad choices.  Some people lack common sense, but at 46 and 4 kids she should know a little bit better.  I don't buy she took the easy way out by cruising a known bezness site.  I think she's middle aged, over weight, under paid and probably has really low self esteem.  The attention probably felt nice.  I think where she went horribly wrong was by going to Doha and actually agreeing to this scam.  Maybe she thought it would work.  Maybe lightning will strike and he will actually like her.  I don't know.  The body language is clear that Mo is repulsed by her.  The only victims are her kids.  They have no say in her choices and they live with the consequences of those actions. I'm a mom.  I'm married and you best believe if Mr SaucyMommy left me I would not be shopping for a husband in a 3rd world country when my electric bills haven't been paid.

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She doesn't *have* to file joint taxes But she should for immigration interview purposes. It will be shitty if they get the income tax and Mo takes that too.

He probably threatened to leave if she didn't.


Or maybe he decided he was going to take the money and pay for the bills, and manage the finances.


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Yeah rose I def wasn't serious geez. I know the laws thanks I've had my own experiences.

And I don't feel bad for mo. I don't feel bad for Dani either. I feel bad for her kids.

Let's not forget that falsifying a marriage for a green card is also against the law and reason for deportation.

Will you be my previously TV wife?! lol. He's not being abused. He's actually emotionally abusing her by being on facebook and letting the heffas pamper him.
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