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Coconut Tobin totally sounds like the name of a sibling. I appreciate that no one fell for the kids disguises at all, yet rolled with their antics. Crispin truly was a better boyfriend for Ham, he was willing to dress up as him for Picture Day.

Man, this episode went off the rails quick. So Cheesecake partied with Ted the Bear from Ted's Folly so much it died, and everyone has to get a bear corpse back home before the other town or Roy & Toby notice. And thank god, the bear wasn't dead. Lone Moose has a lot of rivals, doesn't it? I remember them bringing up that Alaska gets boring and rivalries and bad blood keep things interesting. I still love Councilman Toby the Eagle and how much Roy takes him seriously. Toby looked so cute riding in the car.

Man, I was not expecting that voice for Maude at all. Turns out Maude was voiced by Grace Freud, who is trans. Also, loved that she serves something called the "Seaman's Sausage Platter."

Love that the mayor of Ted's Folly was named Mayor Ted Folly IV, and was hardcore on the bear puns. Even Honeybee thought he was a next level crazy Alaskan.

This was a delightfully silly episode.

Edited by Galileo908
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Honeybee is bored and then in 5 minutes everything goes bonkers. I thought the bear was a guy in a suit until the next commercial break. Cheesecake is ridiculous.

I mean, they thought dumping a dead bear would actually work?

Moon will marry someone. Not Quinn.

I liked Ham's story about figuring out he was gay. 



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3 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

Honeybee is bored and then in 5 minutes everything goes bonkers. I thought the bear was a guy in a suit until the next commercial break. Cheesecake is ridiculous.

She finally got to ride a motorcycle! She was all in on the crazyness, I love it.

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1 hour ago, Galileo908 said:

Man, this episode went off the rails quick. So Cheesecake partied with Ted the Bear from Ted's Folly so much it died, and everyone has to get a bear corpse back home before the other town or Roy & Toby notice. And thank god, the bear wasn't dead.

Hoo boy, I just watched Cocaine Bear this afternoon, so all the bear stuff was a little unsettling!

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I knew that bear wasn't dead the second it showed up. And I love what has to be a pretty massive coincidence of this coming out so close to Cocaine Bear (doesn't an episode of animation need at least like, a year's lead-time?)

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I knew that the bear would be alive, but I still gasped when he started growling. Lone Moose does certainly love its rivalries, and Lone Moose's bear themed rival town might be even wackier than they are. Even by quirky Alaskan standards, their mayor is quirky! I love that all of this happened basically because Honeybee thought that it would be fun, she even got to ride a motorcycle. 

Crispen really is a better boyfriend than a magazine picture, not only does he not get damp when you kiss him, but he's willing to dress up as his boyfriend to take a picture with his boyfriends sister for complicated yearbook hijinks. 

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"The only impressions you could do are old British ladies and Mario."
"It's-a me, Queenio!"

Wolf certainly had some smooth animation on him in this one.

I, too, hate celebrating my birthday. I also don't like birthday cakes with frills. (I instead have a great oreo cheesecake my mom makes). I loved all the coincidences Beef saw that made him think everyone in Lone Moose was organizing a surprise party for him.

"His birthday can't hurt him in there" is a hell of a mood. As someone who hates being the center of attention and being put on the spot and hating getting his hopes up, Beef really spoke to me here.

All the weird Alaska laws were real. https://linerlaw.com/strangest-laws-in-alaska/

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Sing on the toilet! I wasn't expecting cousin Danica! Nice callback.

I figured Beef would shoot himself in the foot to avoid his birthday. I mean, I don't not like my birthday, but I don't want to have a big to-do either. I'm not a gift guy. 

I love that Wolf and Honey love Prison Break. That show was bonkers.


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17 hours ago, DoctorAtomic said:

Sing on the toilet! I wasn't expecting cousin Danica! Nice callback.

I recently had a dream where I I was going to have to sing, and I was nervous about it.  So I had a good laugh about Beef's anxious daydream.

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"There is still a little Beef inside of me."

"Don't say it like that."

I was so not expecting the return of Cousin Danica, although I should have known when they mentioned a prisoner transfer. She continues to be hilariously the absolute worse. 

Prison Break is very much a Wolf and Honeybee sort of show. 

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And now we know how Lone Moose got its name: One kept pooping and the poop was used to power the town. And there (yet another) town festival celebrating it, and subsequently ruined by main character shenanigans. Loved the $160 video about it.

Mayor Peppers just wanted a day off to pop a weed gummy and eat bacon and sit in a bounce house. Was that so wrong? He even bought dip for the meeting! 

So what's Wolf special talent? Pooping. I mean, he wears a shirt with a fart joke in the intro every week, this was a natural progression. (in case you were wondering, this week's was MILF: Man I Love Farts)

Ham really does have a lot of old lady friends, doesn't he? I appreciate Crispin finally calling him out on it. I had a feelin Barbara Baconbottoms was gonna be a Mrs. Doubtfire drag performance. 

"Life's too short to not die once in a while" and "Cesar salad the day" are words to live by.

This was definitely one of the poopiest episode I've ever seen. 

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I like when the town gets incredulously competitive. This time it was a good twist that everyone was against the three families. 

Honeybee is usually up for a good adventure, but even she wanted no part of this one at the start until she got sucked in. I can't believe the plan actually worked. 

The punk band was back for a minute too!

They got in a Mandalorian line too. 

I thought this was a little much; I liked Ham's plot better because it came from a more genuine place. 


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I genuinely though I was above scatological humor, but I just had one continuous laugh throughout the episode, especially with Wolf eating moose food.

I am deeply unhappy that they replaced Crispin's VA with someone who is not trying at all to match the original performer. He used to be soft-spoken, very supportive and kind of dumb in an endearing way. This episode he was weirdly forceful and kind of harsh. I guess that was a fault of the writing too.

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To be fair, we never really see Ham and Crispin alone together talking as a couple. I think the last time I remember, it was when Ham was talking about not having a big to-do when he came out, and Crispin was fairly direct with him there too. 

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Honeybee has really gone native, she was just so moved by that piles of turds! I love the constant petty competitiveness that Lone Moose engages in, both among themselves and with their rival town. There isn't much to do up there, you have to make your own fun!

I'm not normally into poop humor, but damn it if this episode didn't crack me up. Especially that opener with the guy who did, in fact eat the poop. And he died. 

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I was wondering if Wolf popped out the poop with the writing already on it, or if he put it on after?

Nothing to do with this episode, but I don't know if I'm sticking around for season three.

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Beef has sexy dreams about Rosie The Robot. She was vacuuming the rug…and he was the rug. Seems on point for him. I loved everything about his hatred of the Fish in a Barrell machine. (Based on a real Salmon ATM!) Man, I really wanted to high-five those CEOs upside the head. Of course they were passing off low quality fish for the good stuff. And importing counterfeit cereal (lost it at Raisin Brian).

Of course Wolf still does the Gangnam Style dance.

The Smoke Jumper plot was...not what I was expecting. At least they got some digs in at Yellowstone (although I WOULD watch a show set in Yosemite staring Ron Pearlman and Steve Buscemi).

Overall, this episode was okay.

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The smoke jumper camp sounds really interesting. Until it wasn't. I thought Kima's mom was overly harsh given the way the kids were treated. Kima's mom just basically dumped on them there. 

There's no way I'm buying fish from a vending machine. Especially when you can get it literally fresh off the boat. 

Callback to the new bed!

I liked at the end when Beef was talking about how they support their businesses. 

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I assumed that Lone Moose is one of many fishing towns that serve the whole USA, not just the one town. Interesting. Although fish from a vending machine is so icky!

Yeah I don't like that Kima and Judy got a "lesson". If they had at least been taught something about the job (such as, I dunno, why they keep the equipment where they do, what it's for specifically, maybe something about HOW FIRES SPREAD MAYBE?) then I would understand this as an educational program. Instead they conned two teenagers into being unpaid maids.

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Lone Moose may only serve the greater Alaska region or the country at large, but Beef's point was more about the community itself. Lone Moose is a tight knit town, and all of a sudden they're buying fraudulent fish from a faceless corporation and not the local fisher people they've known all their lives. Even Santiago!

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Getting fish out of a vending machine sounds nasty, even beyond what its doing to the Lone Moose fish economy. You would think that just about everyone in town would be wary of the fish market struggling considering it seems like its one of its main income sources. Beef's hatred of the the machine was great, and of course those guys were actually using robotic fish to cover up for running both guns AND breakfast food. 

Even if the fire ladies do like to rest in-between jobs, which is certainly fair, they were really crappy to Kima and Judy. They thought that they were going to a fun camp and then they ended up just doing chores, I don't blame them for being annoyed. That Reese Witherspoon movie looks amazing, its like Wild, but on fire!

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You'd think that the responsible thing to do is some level of safety training (don't touch this, leave this here) would have been the first order of business with minors present instead of fishing out bras in the sink. 

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Yes, Pizzlies are totally a thing, and it's all thanks to climate change making them a thing. I'm thinking the warming temperatures, thawing out the permafrost, which releases gas and causes the earthquakes. Hell I called it! Well, didn't see buried meat waste coming, but I'll take it.

I liked that Kima was into boys with big Adam's Apples. Also loved Judy's tall date. (If the Next Time is suggesting, they ultimately switch dates)

"He's a harmless oddball who speaks in riddles. Every town has one."

"There's nothing wrong with talking in a corner with your friends." Preach it, Beef.

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Oooh, a cold opening. Sinister. This was a great plot. There was climate change, an evil corporation, and bears!

Alanis is cold about the prom theme not being You Oughta Know. 

Crispin did have a point. Do they do prom king and queen still? I liked that the principal was so into it. 

I liked Kima's mom this time. She wasn't going to waste $200 on a dress. 
And the postman was back! Louie's dog has his own little pillow.

I like when they have to go around town, and we see all the recurring characters. 

There's no cow on the ice!

Just now, Galileo908 said:

If the Next Time is suggesting, they ultimately switch dates

They set it up here fairly hard. 

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39 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

I like when they have to go around town, and we see all the recurring characters. 

Lone Moose is really coming into its own.


42 minutes ago, DoctorAtomic said:

Alanis is cold about the prom theme not being You Oughta Know. 

Does the rest of the family know that Judy talks to Alanis? (I know they'd probably be fine with it, but still) I feel like the show's outgrown her. Although that was a great use of her.

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That was one hell of a cliffhanger, shit is getting real in Lone Moose. I suspected at first that it was their rival town and their mayor at it again, but the underground meat bunkers is way wilder. 

I think the show uses Alanis just right, enough that she's a reoccurring element but not so much that the joke is overused.  

I always love when we see so many of the reoccurring quirky townsfolk, this season has really done a lot for Lone Moose as a location. 

Kima's mom redeemed herself after the last episode coming through to save prom, even if I think the girls are going to end up switching dates. 

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9 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

Kima's mom redeemed herself after the last episode coming through to save prom, even if I think the girls are going to end up switching dates. 

She tripled checked to make sure Kima and her date weren't related! 

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After graduation night this week, I decided to take a page out of Mr Frond's book and confer an honorary doctorate on my dog. However, unlike Mr. Frond, I have an actual doctorate, so I was able to place the tam (that's the floppy hat) upon her tiny head to make it official. 

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Damn, imagine what the school smelled like. Piles and piles of old, fermented meat bursting out of the ground could not have smelled good.

What was left of the prom was really cute. And the makeup prom. I hope Judy and Kima's dates show up again.

So the person behind all the meat getting buried...another Tobin.

I was so excited that the credits song was about spotting the Yeti all season.

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I've been waiting for this all week!

The skylight was a good idea. I also liked that Bethany wore a tie. And the pizza girl had a bow tie. Wow, the bears in the school was intense. Good job on the kids keeping their wits. And Bethany had an emergency phone! With a cooler of Killer Lime. 

I liked Beef being really riled and ticked off. I also liked that the teachers just let the kids drinks. Kyle had all the great movie lines. 

Judy Tub-in. Dead. 

I saw the Yeti near the outhouse when that episode aired! I think I posted here. I'll have to be more observant. 

This was a great two parter. Just a great plot for any tv show. 


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That was a wild two part finale, what a fun ride. The little prom the kids tried to have even as they were waiting to explode was cute and I like how many elements came together to save the day. They really kept it together impressively, the skylight and using the DJ horns to scare the bears away were really good ideas. 

Kyle coming out with all of the movie lines, she's been waiting for years for the chance to use her Mad Max search and rescue van.

Yeti's everywhere! That was an awesome season, very excited for the next one. 

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23 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

So the person behind all the meat getting buried...another Tobin.

Indirectly though. The Tobin sold the land to the meat company. The meat company was behind it getting buried. I thought this detail was interesting in that it implies said Tobin used to own a TON of land.

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From what I've read, it's been renewed for a fourth season, but no premiere date has been set. I do think the mid-season replacement theory is probably right. I also doubt that Krapopolis got a full 20+ episode season order for the first season, so maybe we have to wait out a 10-13 episode run of that first.

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3 hours ago, PinkRibbons said:

From what I've read, it's been renewed for a fourth season, but no premiere date has been set. I do think the mid-season replacement theory is probably right. I also doubt that Krapopolis got a full 20+ episode season order for the first season, so maybe we have to wait out a 10-13 episode run of that first.

I read that it will be coming back in January 2024.

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Boat: I Like What I'm Herring

Shirt: Gass, Kween!

There's Bob's Burgers anthology episodes, and then there's Great North anthology episodes. Moon was extra savage this week.

Judy's story starts as a Bob Ross story that turns into Top Gun in Alaska. I got a big laugh out of Bob-Judy Maverick Ross letting Ham crash into the mountain, and not being punished because she killed everyone else and owns a killer leather jacket. I laughed at Goose being a literal goose. And then died when he got sucked into a jet engine after he remembered he could fly. And then Goose's Wife (whose hair looked like Goose's wife's) was killed, too, and I got a big laugh out of THAT.

"Your groans of excitement are warranted." Beef's Story was Good Will Hunting starring Quinn about flags that included bits from one of the Bourne movies (Beef didn't know they were different Matt Damon movies got a laugh out of me) and once again greased up hunk volleyball added by Wolf.

Honeybee telling the story of the invention of ranch dressing by way of The Matrix (with Guy Fieri as Morpheus) was damn clever. And, again, shirtless hunk volleyball provided by Wolf.

Man, I missed this show.

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