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On 8/9/2023 at 10:59 AM, Ms.Lulu said:

Yes, I take a modest dose twice a day for hypertension. My doc prescribed them as I also have anxiety and she said it would help both. 

My resting heart rate dropped to about 50. For the first 2 weeks I was so tired. I use my exercise bike 30 minutes a day and I found I could only go for 15 minutes at a rate that was much slower. My doctor had let me know that exercise would be difficult and I should ease up.

I was ready to go off it but my doc recommended I give it 30 days, and now it is fine. Hypertension and anxiety are both lower.

That sounds frustrating but I’m glad it worked out for you in the end. It didn’t for me, passing out was my deal breaker and having a resting hr of 42 I’m like, no (plus my doc said stop taking it immediately).

On an other note, so many anxiety meds haven’t worked for me. They either made me sleepless or angry and one, buspirone, causes rage — I knew something was wrong when I dropped stuff out of the freezer and began punching it). Like, Kody-level rage. I didn’t know who I even was on that stuff.

i’m doing everything right that they say should help — I don’t drink, don’t smoke, eat healthy, workout every day, do deep breathing exercises, stay away from sugar and try to be mindful. Yet I still suffer panic attacks daily. In the attitude I get from my therapist is “well, maybe you’re deep breathing wrong”. I legit wanted to throat punch her for a split second.

I’m trying to do the right thing by going to a therapist, but it’s just a bunch of fucking psychobabble. I am very self-aware, talking about it to some stranger isn’t helping me. What’s worse is they aren’t law-enforcement and public safety specialists, so it feels like they don’t really understand what I’ve been through. I come home from therapy every time feeling worse and frustrated at having to drive across Long Island for this shit.

Does therapy actually work for people? It just feels like psychobabble to me.

  • Hugs 5
55 minutes ago, TurtlePower said:

That sounds frustrating but I’m glad it worked out for you in the end. It didn’t for me, passing out was my deal breaker and having a resting hr of 42 I’m like, no (plus my doc said stop taking it immediately).

On an other note, so many anxiety meds haven’t worked for me. They either made me sleepless or angry and one, buspirone, causes rage — I knew something was wrong when I dropped stuff out of the freezer and began punching it). Like, Kody-level rage. I didn’t know who I even was on that stuff.

i’m doing everything right that they say should help — I don’t drink, don’t smoke, eat healthy, workout every day, do deep breathing exercises, stay away from sugar and try to be mindful. Yet I still suffer panic attacks daily. In the attitude I get from my therapist is “well, maybe you’re deep breathing wrong”. I legit wanted to throat punch her for a split second.

I’m trying to do the right thing by going to a therapist, but it’s just a bunch of fucking psychobabble. I am very self-aware, talking about it to some stranger isn’t helping me. What’s worse is they aren’t law-enforcement and public safety specialists, so it feels like they don’t really understand what I’ve been through. I come home from therapy every time feeling worse and frustrated at having to drive across Long Island for this shit.

Does therapy actually work for people? It just feels like psychobabble to me.

I'm so sorry to hear about your troubles, Turtle.  As I'm sure you know by now, having been driven crazy by my own medical issues and not getting anywhere with doctors I have been through that myself.  Usually in those cases I take to "Dr. Google" to see if I can figure out what's causing my symptoms myself.  It doesn't always work but it has worked so many times I recommend it highly.  Sometimes it takes a few stabs at it to finally come to the answer.  And as usual I always suspect medication, although this time it took my gastro. to clue me in on medication being the cause of my dizziness. 

Finding a good therapist is almost impossible these days I hate to say.  They seem to be in greater demand and shorter supply now than before the pandemic, which doesn't help.  I have wanted to find one myself but have been waiting until I got on Medicare (which I am now) to start looking for one.  My friend found a good one but has to travel a distance to see them.  I don't want to have to travel that far.  Plus right now I want to see a female therapist.  Not that I don't think a man can help but I think my current issues require someone that can really relate to them. 

I might have mentioned this before, but I was seeing a male therapist for a few years until about a year and a half ago.  He kept wanting to steer me into seeing my issues from a point of view that I felt showed that he didn't really relate to what I was going through and I suspect it was partly because of his lack of experience with them being a man.  Anyway, he actually ghosted me out of nowhere after a while.  It was bizarre and in my opinion very unprofessional.  I know he didn't have some kind of personal issue because I later found videos of him with other local therapists talking online about mental health issues on a local Facebook page.  I never confronted him about it but it has really bothered me for all this time and I hate to say has made me hesitant to find another therapist.

  • Hugs 3

7,379 steps yesterday. 

In this heat, that is as "easy" as I can do. Multiple trips outside to keep kitties water dishes full of cool water. The whole routine inside uncovering/opening windows in evening and then first thing in the morning closing them and putting up covers for all the ones that don't have curtains (I don't have any AC). I cover any place that sun could come through. 

I'd consider getting curtains for all the windows, but this kind of heat over a long period is very unusual for here in my area.  What helps keep me cooler right here is I have flowing water on two sides of the house, a seasonal creek and an irrigation ditch. Then all the irrigation shooting water in the air around helps to cool too. The prediction for yesterday was 100°, that is what the TV reported on the late news as what we hit. However my temp here outside was 90°. Still high but cooler than other areas around me,

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9,282 steps yesterday!

Had no clue I was doing so much! Then realized I was in and out checking with the pump guy as he fixed my frost free pump outside. The heat got to me even though only 80° at the time.  Also unpacking 2 boxes from Chewy then in the evening had to go out and separate a cat fight...chase off the interloper. I guess it all added up. Was exhausted by later in the evening, but so far today feel OK.  I haven't done much yet today, but plan on a very easy day just to be safe. All I'll have to do is unpack the last Chewy box with 3 16# bags of kibble. It is cooler which helps.

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5,608 steps yesterday.

A lot of standing around talking with handyman and showing him other projects for the future. Oddly enough for the lower amount of steps, my knee is sorer this morning than the last few days, go figure!  But upside is I have a new faucet and running water in my kitchen again!!

We are supposed to get heavy rain from Hurricane Hilary late today and tomorrow so it will be easy to stay in and take it easy.  I think this is the first time I can remember a tropical storm having weather affects so far away (I'm in MT!). We do need the rain to help with the fires, but I am not mentally ready mentally for heavy rain in August!

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Well, Gram, I'm gonna leave you to it for the year.  This is our last week running out West, as we head back to the Southeast for a spell.  Usually, we're fighting one hurricane or another in South Carolina or Florida as we head home in September, but we stayed later than normal this year to look at properties.  I recall one year we were in Florida at a beer D.C., along with about 25 other trucks, waiting to get loads of product out of the warehouse before the hurricane winds came through.  Good times!  😛

It's been hotter than Satan's gonads out here this year!  Beautiful, but hot.  Time to get a little humidity mixed in with our heat...yeah buddy.  😃

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Somehow yesterday's (Monday's) post disappeared. Here it is again:

5,779 steps on Sunday.

Today (Monday) I have to take the garbage up, go to the bank, PO and grocery store so I don't think it will be a quiet day. Hoping to squeeze trip in between rain...


6,899 steps on Monday.

Running the few errands yesterday did up the count, but not as much as usual. When I got home I took it pretty easy.

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2 hours ago, Absolom said:

I hope no one minds my being nosy, but was there an end to the drunken raisins?  Did they only have a short-term effect?  

They were helpful for my knees without doubt. Sadly however, due to all sorts of issues with my liver function, my Gastro suggested I no longer consume any more alcohol.  So along with all other alcohol, the drunken raisins had to stop. Sigh...

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6,885 steps yesterday.

Knee has been feeling better, but not sure whether it is the Aspercreme/Advil/ace bandage regime that is doing it or actual healing. Going to stop the ace bandage and see how that goes then will lessen the Aspercreme next if still feeling better. I'm still going to get it looked at on next pcp appointment...

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5,735 steps yesterday.

Did better at taking it easy. Even so, knee is more sore this morning. Didn't take the Advil last night maybe that is why. I don't take Tylenol as that can damage the liver...don't need any more problems there! Since too much Advil  can damage the kidneys! and my kidneys are fine, I don't want any issues there! I only take 200mg once a day which is well under danger limit but I don't want to take any chances.

So, I guess I will drop the regular use of Advil now. Leaving me down to just the Aspercreme and occasionally the ace bandage until I see the dr.

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I'm sorry you're having to deal with all this, @Gramto6. Not being able to sleep due to knee pain just doubles the trouble. And I hate that you have to wait three more weeks to see a doctor!

I'm making progress towards bariatric surgery. Had my first of 2 visits with the dietician (the second is next week), got a psych evaluation, and had an "exercise consult" which consisted of listening to someone do an AV presentation on the value of exercise. I'm almost 70 years old; this is not new stuff to me. But I've broken the diet soda, cookies, and bread addictions, and am back to tracking my food and water - and have lost 21 lbs. Go me!

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@altopower, congrats on your weight loss and progress towards surgery.  Best news I've heard in a while!

And sorry to hear the knee is acting up again @Gramto6.  Hoping that improves soon...

As for me I can hardly believe how long it's been since I posted here.  I've been having a whirlwind of a "birthday season" what with lunches with friends and trip to NYC and all.  It has been a diet nightmare, but I've stepped up my walking and stationary bike so I'm still up those same stubborn 3 pounds I gained over this Summer and can't seem to lose.  But given the challenging food situations I've been in in the past couple of weeks I consider it a success that I didn't gain any more.   We got in about 15,000 steps a day when we were in NYC which definitely helped.  And not eating much else on days we ate out really helped too.  I got to enjoy foods I haven't eaten in over a year, like a pistachio filled croissant and full fat WONDERFUL ice cream in NYC.  With all we did it actually amazes me I didn't lose weight but that's my own personal struggle.  As I get older it certainly doesn't get easier.

@Gramto6, I hear you about liver issues.  I was told I had non-alcoholic fatty liver after my gallbladder surgery several years ago so I have avoided alcohol completely.  Plus it's just too fattening for me anymore sorry to say.  Even if I had a very small glass of wine for a few years I would feel lousy afterward.  So I have generally refrained.  Well, recently being at some occasions I've had a little alcohol and found it didn't bother me if I had one drink here and there.  So in NYC I had a couple of mixed drinks, which was fantastic.  I was never much of a drinker and usually only had a drink here and there anyway.   I think all the dieting I've done has helped to heal my liver, although I haven't had any recent tests done on that to test that theory.  Anyway one or two mixed drinks a month is probably not enough to do much damage.

And I'm finally 65 now, which has been a long time coming.  

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8,045 steps yesterday.

Between unloading 8 traps from TNR lady's car and then placing them around the yard and the normal things I had to do...lots of steps yesterday! She is bringing another 8-10 traps on Monday and will help me get them set up and put food in them.

Monday no food for kitties, Monday is trapping night. I don't think I will get much sleep, every time I hear a trap close will wake me up...

Internet went out yesterday morning, I've been using my phone for a hotspot but burned through my free 1160MB data fast. They (AT&T) 300MD for $20 which I started using this morning and just got a message that I have used 75% of that. WTF!! I don't know how this works so will stay offline as much as possible today. Supposedly internet will be back by 10PM. Now just got message I used all 300MB already???? This sux!

  • Mind Blown 5
7 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

Between unloading 8 traps from TNR lady's car and then placing them around the yard and the normal things I had to do...lots of steps yesterday! She is bringing another 8-10 traps on Monday and will help me get them set up and put food in them.

I'm very happy to hear that.  I'm sorry it's so much work, but it's such a good thing to do.

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6,726. steps yesterday.

Some frustrated pacing involved. Also it takes longer to feed kitties as I need to put food near each of the traps to get them used to them being around.

Internet still out now they say 11PM tonight. For some reason I'm eating data like candy just browsing forums. I'm going into 3rd 300MB @$20 soon.  This outage is getting expensive! Very. frustrating!

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On 8/14/2023 at 8:00 AM, TurtlePower said:

That sounds frustrating but I’m glad it worked out for you in the end. It didn’t for me, passing out was my deal breaker and having a resting hr of 42 I’m like, no (plus my doc said stop taking it immediately).

On an other note, so many anxiety meds haven’t worked for me. They either made me sleepless or angry and one, buspirone, causes rage — I knew something was wrong when I dropped stuff out of the freezer and began punching it). Like, Kody-level rage. I didn’t know who I even was on that stuff.

i’m doing everything right that they say should help — I don’t drink, don’t smoke, eat healthy, workout every day, do deep breathing exercises, stay away from sugar and try to be mindful. Yet I still suffer panic attacks daily. In the attitude I get from my therapist is “well, maybe you’re deep breathing wrong”. I legit wanted to throat punch her for a split second.

I’m trying to do the right thing by going to a therapist, but it’s just a bunch of fucking psychobabble. I am very self-aware, talking about it to some stranger isn’t helping me. What’s worse is they aren’t law-enforcement and public safety specialists, so it feels like they don’t really understand what I’ve been through. I come home from therapy every time feeling worse and frustrated at having to drive across Long Island for this shit.

Does therapy actually work for people? It just feels like psychobabble to me.

I had panic attacks for years and didn’t know what they were. For me it was about not being in control.  I went to therapy and had to learn that no one really is in control of anything. Shit happens. At that time a best friend and parent were both dying from brain tumors, and I realized that the stupid stuff I was panicking over were not really problems. At the end of the day, I was going to handle it and be ok. I do still have the beginnings of a panic attack every once in a while and I have to breath and talk myself down, as now I know when it’s coming and can identify it.

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5,735 steps yesterday.

An easy day even with the few errands. Found a different Aspercreme w/Lidocaine (4%) at the other drug store in town. It is a roll on with Lavender essential oil, smells really nice and works as well as the plain hand applied cream I have been using. It is so easy to apply and my hands don't get all messy. Yay for something new!

Internet came back around 1PM YAY!! Now I don't have to worry anymore about the stupid/expensive data charges. It is amazing/kind of sad how dependent we are on having the net available. 

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1 hour ago, Gramto6 said:

Internet came back around 1PM YAY!! Now I don't have to worry anymore about the stupid/expensive data charges. It is amazing/kind of sad how dependent we are on having the net available. 

My household has learned this recently.  We are now on Starlink and had the cord go bad that attached the dish on the roof to the router. It also damaged the plug of the router so both had to be replaced...it took 10 days for the cord to arrive and a full 3 weeks for the new router.  We suspect an electrical surge damaged them.

I went super conservative with data on my phone and I made it to the roll over date in our plan (about 18 days from when we lost the router. But both my son and husband blew through their data in days. I pulled out my old DVD player for my evening tv time and dinners became more leisurely since no one was running off to glue themselves back to the internet. It is amazing just how much of our lives are attached to those world wide webs.

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5,542 steps yesterday.

Taking it easy again today, it is going to be hectic on Monday. Will be putting out the rest of the traps and then putting the food in. Will be showers on and off all day and evening. Feel bad if it rains while kitties are caught in the traps. I do have blankets and sheets to cover the traps but if it is raining I don't know if that will help or be worse. Sure hope. we get most of them the first try... I had no idea how stressful this was going to be for me.

One very good thing about the rain is that it has gotten most of the fires here under control or very close. Maybe at least the smoke in the air will be less minus our fires. Hope Canada got a bunch of this rain too!

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3 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

Feel bad if it rains while kitties are caught in the traps. I do have blankets and sheets to cover the traps but if it is raining I don't know if that will help or be worse. Sure hope. we get most of them the first try... I had no idea how stressful this was going to

If you use plastic garbage bags maybe spread them over the top of the cages before you drape the sheets/blankets down. There should be enough air circulating from the sides for kitty comfort.

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5 hours ago, Sandy W said:

If you use plastic garbage bags maybe spread them over the top of the cages before you drape the sheets/blankets down. There should be enough air circulating from the sides for kitty comfort.

Thanks!! That is a great idea! If rain is still in the forecast, that is what I will do.

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5,849 steps yesterday.

Talked to TRN lady and have everything organized for today. I felt less stressed after. Feed kitties breakfast and then they get nothing until the wet food in the trap this evening. I sure hope we get most of them tonight!!

Still will be a lot of work getting last 10 traps set out and then putting food in all of them.... I have to focus on the future and that this is the best thing for the kitties.

Ack! Internet just went out again. Back to data for just a bit...

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Internet came back on in about an hour when they said on the phone not until tomorrow at 9:30Am. Nothing like a Holiday to make those technicians work fast!!

As of 9:15 PM my time (Mtn time) we had trapped 15 cats. Most are already off for surgery the latest 4 will be picked up around 10:30 or 11PM (hopefully more by then...). It went smoother than I thought it would, and now the ones left are very skittish. Hopefully tomorrow the rest, which may be around 10 more...

I put out just about 1/2 cup of kibble around 10PM to see just how many are left to catch. There were 7 on the front porch and I saw only one from the backyard colony (there are probably a couple more hiding).  Getting close to getting them all!

Hope they don't hate me now...

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9 hours ago, MaddyMaeboxerbabe said:

How did you end up with so many cats on your property?  

My next door neighbor's daughter moved out and her cat took up residence with me. I didn't know she was unfixed until the first litter of 4 showed up. That was all the first season. The next year the mama had 6 kittens. I live on SS and could not afford the $400+ to pay to neuter all the cats. Then Covid hit and the TNR shelters were all closed down. Just recently one near me finally reopened on a full time basis and I got on the list. By then my colony had grown (thanks to stray males too) to 20-25 cats. 

We are in the process of trapping them now, over 1/2 way through, it is a lot of work but so happy they are doing all the neutering for free!

I'll keep all the kitties happily especially since they won't reproduce any more!

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Ok glad you didn’t think I was passing judgment!  My son set up cameras around my house 18 mos ago.   I started checking when I woke up and it seems I have about 5 regular cat visitors.   I never see them during the day!  I have a very playful 9 year old boxer puppy and I make lots of noise before I let her out.  I don’t want the kitties to be scared.   The cats that visit my yard are always alone.   I have also seen a possum mama with her babies on her back and a raccoon. Without the cameras I would have had no idea!

keep up the good work.  👍🏼

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9,956 steps yesterday. 

Totally exhausted by end of day and even woke exhausted! So much work into trapping and it is going to continue today too. Hopefully we will get the rest of them today. She is holding the ones they have already done until they have all the kitties.

5 more cats overnight but 2 are not among my colony...males that are going to wish they never came around here. Think there may be 10 or 12 more of mine to catch.... Another long day ahead.

An additional 2 in the traps after this morning's pick up. At least 3-4 I see hovering around but not close to traps. One is sitting by the 2 new captures... maybe mama?

So a total of 22 caught, but 2 not mine. 

She is bringing 8 more traps and I will spread them around hopefully they will catch more...

All these kitties consider this "home" and they recognize and come to me and purr at me, so they are my babies. I just hope we can get them all fixed. 

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1 hour ago, Gramto6 said:

Totally exhausted by end of day and even woke exhausted! So much work into trapping and it is going to continue today too. Hopefully we will get the rest of them today. She is holding the ones they have already done until they have all the kitties.

That is a lot of work! Good for you for helping them!

About 6 weeks ago we were having dinner on the patio when we heard meowing.  My daughter was visiting and she disappeared and came back with a lovely little grey kitten. He leap from her arms and starting licking all of our empty plates. He was such a darling little thing. My daughter has wanted a cat for such a long time and she is now set up that she can afford all the expenses that pets bring. She couldn't take him home with her so we fostered him until this past weekend (yes...we also fell in love with him). When she visits she now flies in...so we both drove half way-ish and he is now settling into her home.

Sadly living in the country means we have dealt with what I call "country dumps". Horrid people who drive their pets to the country and just dump them there. Several of our pets over the years have been dumped rescues and we have homed some and sometimes had to take them to the shelter to find homes.

  • Mind Blown 2

My late cat Baby Boo (avatar) was a dump kitty that made its way down my dirt road to a former neighbor that took him in for a week to make sure he was OK, then gave him to me. She already had 5-6 cats. Hmmm, maybe my little dirt road is a cat magnet??? LOL. 

The TNR lady said they were seeing a lot more animal dumps lately. I guess with food prices skyrocketing animal food is the first cut for some people so they just discard their pets. Sheesh so sad to think of that.

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52 minutes ago, Roslyn said:

That is a lot of work! Good for you for helping them!

About 6 weeks ago we were having dinner on the patio when we heard meowing.  My daughter was visiting and she disappeared and came back with a lovely little grey kitten. He leap from her arms and starting licking all of our empty plates. He was such a darling little thing. My daughter has wanted a cat for such a long time and she is now set up that she can afford all the expenses that pets bring. She couldn't take him home with her so we fostered him until this past weekend (yes...we also fell in love with him). When she visits she now flies in...so we both drove half way-ish and he is now settling into her home.

Sadly living in the country means we have dealt with what I call "country dumps". Horrid people who drive their pets to the country and just dump them there. Several of our pets over the years have been dumped rescues and we have homed some and sometimes had to take them to the shelter to find homes.

I'm happy your daughter now has a cat to love.  I can't believe the cold-hearted people that just dump cats and other animals, to become feral (if they live!)  

@Gramto6, you're one of the people on this forum that I'd love to meet in real life, and Roslyn is, too.  I so enjoy the comments from many here.  Thank you both for caring about animals.  I'm a cat (and other) animal lover, too.  They bring me happiness!  I was a Bob Barker fan because he always ended his show by asking people to neuter their pets.  Our present cat is a shelter kitty that was adopted, and already spayed from a low-cost veterinary clinic.  We love her so much!

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8,999 steps yesterday.

This TNR process has been really exhausting but also rewarding.  A lot more exhausting  than I expected. My body is aching all over.  Nearing the end, so maybe one more high step count day...

This morning the TNR lady woke me and I went out to help move the 4 newly trapped kitties to her truck and check all the remaining traps. I was appalled that we have trapped 33 cats! I have a feeling some were not my original "family" but some strays that joined in for the food. I still count about 4 of my "family" still not trapped, but looks like the end is near!

Except there is a new batch of 6 kittens under my deck that just poked out last evening. TNR people have someone that will take them and socialize them and get them homes.  All I have to do is somehow catch them...  Also 3 more of the ones already fixed were lactating so there are potentially 3 more litters hidden somewhere...sigh

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How big is your property?  I was walking around my backyard today because after reading your posts I was concerned maybe there were kittens!  I have most of my backyard planted as a veggie/fruit garden.   I don’t ever see the cats in there.  Mostly walking across my patio and to my side yard and out front.   I see no kittens!  I think the cats belong to neighbors and not strays or dumped.   

Your work this week sounds exhausting!  Glad cats are getting fixed!

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8,914 steps yesterday.

They brought all but the 4 from yesterday morning home yesterday afternoon. They are skittish and wary of even me at this point. They are better this morning but haven't yet seen them all. I think a bunch of the ones they caught weren't of my colonies and have taken off, only time will tell. It was a really exhausting experience and I am still feeling tired from it all, but most of the kitties have been fixed and only a few remain.

Today I am going to take it easy. Still have kittens to catch and few of original ones to trap, but that can wait a day or two.


@MaddyMaeboxerbabe I have 1.2 acres, mostly overgrown. A seasonal creek runs through part of it cutting off what I call my "field". This morning I saw 2 of the mamas going over the bridge to the field so maybe kittens are over there.

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Gram, I'm really glad to hear you're getting that situation under control.  I have a soft spot for animals.  My lot is 1.2 acres too and I also have a creek running through it.  Most of the lot is forest, except for my front and back lawns.  And the forest is up against another wooded property that won't be built on because it's an extended area behind a condo. development.  On both sides it's very private even though we're not far from a main road.  On some days I hear ducks down by the creek going "bap bap" and of course I always hear the neighbor's sickly rooster crowing.  They had another one with a much stronger crow but the people in the condo. development complained (and they're pretty far away, too!) so they had to get rid of him.

As for me,  well, it finally happened - I have Covid.  I can't believe it - I avoid people all the time and sanitize like a maniac.  I think it's those public rest rooms....When I go out shopping I often have to go.  I don't want to get dehydrated in this intense heat so I drink a lot, but then I have to go while I'm out.  I keep telling myself I should start wearing masks in rest rooms but I always forget to do it - not anymore after this!  A lot of them don't have good ventilation and I think they can still have germs hanging around in them even if no one is in there.

Anyway, so far if I didn't know it was Covid I would never know the difference between this and a moderately bad cold.  I feel like crap and have been napping a lot but this is nothing out of the ordinary for me when I get a virus.  Too bad the booster for the new variant isn't out yet or maybe it would have been even milder.  They prescribed me Paxlovid but it made me puke my guts up so I don't think I'm going to take it again.  I don't think I need it anyway.  The first night I had a fever of 101 but after taking Tylenol my temperature went down to 98 where it's been ever since. 

So anyway it looks like I'm going to live, LOL.  So far hubby hasn't gotten it and we're staying away from each other or I mask when he's in the room with me.  He's sleeping in the other bedroom and staying in his mancave/office the rest of the time.  I hope he doesn't get it - he was in the car with me all day the day I tested positive in the evening.  I felt just fine during the day and started feeling like crap in the evening, which was when I tested.  So I hope he doesn't get it!

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